I didn't mean to sound like I was demanding anything from you, or anyone.
I was just responding to the topic title, with my original statement and question, that half the task of finding the LDM is going to be "knowing that you found it." Which would require a trove permit.
And then it lead into what it lead into.
...Just commenting on the topic, and asking questions to the room in general. Sort of speaking my thoughts. Or as some people say, "thinking out loud." On the topic.
I've got some other things brewing currently, but they don't consist of going out and hunting any big treasure. And not in Arizona. The only time I've seen the Supers, was from the hamburger stand on the main road in Apache Junction. That was in '91, and we were just passing through. Darn good chocolate shakes there, though. there was a souvenir shop next door West, with the usual gold nuggets and Indian jewelry, and a real nice guy owned it and showed us around.
I did live in Phoenix in '75-'76, but no treasure hunting or even prospecting. I also lived in the Sierras for a few years before that, but only did a little prospecting about a dozen years after that.
Anyway, right now I have no plans to drop everything and go to the Superstitions. So there is no need to get very intense about the whole thing, ya know?
My point is only that it's a Catch-22. And I certainly don't think that means that it's impossible.
But I'm speaking only of legal means of overcoming the problem, anything else wouldn't really be fun for me. It would be like giving up. Plus it's against forum rules to do illegal stuff on here; could even be considered conspiracy, who knows?
I'm starting to get an idea of how to solve it, but maybe it's to hot of a subject to discuss on here.
Anyway, have fun, whatever you do. 8)