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this is a copy pasted post that i have made in another thread. here is the link.

this post is in response to the question on this thread " do treasures have real spirits?"

I agree with wwII relic hunter. its a dangerous thing to partner with Filipinos, specially those who are strangers to you. Although majority of us are kind hearted, hospitable, and good persons, there are always Filipinos who are bad, just as there are also Good natured Americans and Evil Americans.

And you also factor the fact that evil spirit(human spirit- treasure guardians) , principalities (prince/s of darkness like Satan,etc) , dominions (lesser angels) and powers (diwatas, kapres, and others) are very much interested to get hold of the gold items.

for evil spirits( human spirits that are dead who turned evil because it was their last thought to guard the gold items at all cost before they died), they will do everything within their spirit capacity to distract and prevent you from recovering the item. they can only do so much as they are in spirit form. they can be surmounted but the danger there is if the gold items are recovered. Failing to get the light after they are released from the vortex, they will get back at you, or the weakest link of your family to either get him sick until they are dead. this is their kind of justice. having no purpose already as they were released from the vortex (to guard the treasure), they will wander and will try to seek the light and leave this earth. but if they cannot find the light, they will wreck havoc to you after almost one year. I have heard from a metallurgical engineer that his cousin was able to get the item. it was just buried below 20 feet. that cousin lost his mind and is now in the mental hospital. that cousin claims that an evil spirit is always talking to him , talking behind his back and was always bugging him. wherever he goes, that spirit goes. The same is also true of two persons who was able to go under a cave and found something. I have heard from his lawyer that the other person got crazy and experienced the same thing. The other person was possessed and is now always carrying that spirit in his body. All rumors but maybe true. otherwise, their cousins who told me in the internet would not have swore to me that their stories were true. Hearing their stories, I did not dare meet with them in person. Otherwise, I would have been crazy too like them if I did meet the cousins that they have. Its better to be alive than crazy. hehehe

The real reason why the Japanese made the spirits of the human beings guard their treasures is two -fold. First is the obvious. they want the spirits to guard the items and create distractions and sickness to those who seek to recover them. that is why, gold treasures like the dutchmine and the others all over the world are cursed by spirits. the same is true with Japanese treasures buried in the Philippines. I encountered it so many times in my diggings before. Once, I was able to hear the voice of a giant whistling and calling my name without my workers hearing it. after I ran and went to another place, one of the workers also ran after hearing the same voice calling his name. all the other workers did not hear the said voice. once, someone poked me hard on my side of the belly without anybody near me from even 1 kilometer radius. My worker also got his eggs cursed as it went so big after just a few hours. in another occasion, when we tried to burn a tree near the hole where we dig, my body was suddenly experiencing a very hot fire burning my entire body, another buddy of mine experienced the same thing and the other third member of our group (3 of us) got burned also without a fire. that night and the morning thereafter, their bodies went so big like somebody mauled him in their sleep. The 2nd member of our group cannot speak for 3 weeks as his tongue was like it was twisted. it took them 2-3 weeks to recover from that seeming pain from being mauled. as for me, I experienced that burning feeling for the entire night but I prayed so mightily to God and Jesus and took 4 capsules of vitamin c every four hours. that did the trick as I woke up without the same fate that they have experienced. But I felt somebody tried to do harm to me that day and night . The second purpose why there are human spirits that guard the treasure has something to do with guarding the treasure also from elementals like dominions, and powers. as long as the human spirit is there , that gold items cannot be robbed or claimed by dominions and powers. As we all know, God has control over all gold and treasures. And devils, like principalities, dominions and powers (fallen angels) also wanted to be like God. They want gold and treasures too. that is why they want to take over or claim dominion over it. But as long as the dead human spirit is there, it cannot be claimed by anyone except the human spirit. Japanese recoverers know how to release the human spirits from their vortex and lead them to light. That is one thing we Filipinos and non-Japanese nationals lack.

speaking of evil spirits, principalities dominions and powers, they can control the emotions and behaviors of those co-diggers or co-workers who don't have a pure heart and are not protected by Jesus and guardian angels. that is why you hear stories of those who were so mabait (kind hearted) before the items were recovered but surprisingly, when items are found, they become so ruthless and evil that you cannot expect them to be like that even in your wildest dreams. those possessed persons can kill their co workers. that is where the danger and hazard lies. spirits and other unseen entities play a role in your digging too.

I once had a worker before where he became so pale and weak that we could not understand what happened to him. we brought him to the hospital. all blood test, and other medical lab test were normal. but he was still so weak and pale. we brought him to someone who can pray and ask for divine intervention. immediately, he regained his strength and composure and it was like nothing serious happened to him after that prayer.

there are some things we cannot explain.

the same is also true with the lost dutchman treasure. and other treasure sites which are cursed. they are cursed in the sense that somebody is watching over it just like the case of japanese yamashita treasures buried in the Philippines. Some are guarded by human spirits (dead spirits of course), and some are constantly watched over by other evil entities. these evil entities that are in lower forms are also being watched over by an overlord.

this story of mine might be a tale for some but you may want to read books that detailed their actual encounter with the devil and spirits. one of them is the reluctant exorcist by ken gardiner.

here is the that you may find useful.

in one of our diggings , my friend was able to dowse that an item was inserted in a tree. so we used a metal detector and it was confirmed that indeed there is a precious metal inside. my friend decided that they will buy the tree and try to cut the tree to get the precious metal something inside. my friend made arrangements to talk to the owner on some other date.

as we went home that day, we did not notice that something was amiss. however, during the night, the youngest child of the person of my co-digger, the de facto leader of our group, seemed to be so silent and no amount of prodding can make her eat. that was surprising because that child has a voracious appetite and would eat anything that was offered to her. it went on for another day. she did not also eat again for the whole day. she was having a high fever also. realizing that something was wrong, my friend called for help from my friends who are religious. those friends prayed that child while they are several miles away from her. and my friend, the father of the child, also prayed something silently. as he was about to close his prayer, he made a little sign of the cross at the back of the child. suddenly, that child went berserck and shouted " ayoko kay Jesus" (i dont want Jesus). she repeated that several times. that strengthened the resolve of my friend to even pray more. so my friend (the father), and the friends who are very far from their ) prayed so hard that very moment. i dont know what prayers were they able to recite or make but the father of the child told me that after that prayer, her child suddenly talked and it was like she was breathing heavily. she asked for a friend chicken (her favorite) and she went on an eating splurge that very moment. I dont know if the entity that possessed he child was expelled. but something is for sure, somebody uninvited came to possess that child because of treasure hunting.

My question is was that treasure (maybe one bar or more) inside the very big tree guarded by a spirit? that i really dont know.

Please also watch the movie "deliver us from evil" starred by Eric Bana , the actor of Incredible Hulk. the gist of the story in the movie was that some soldier stationed during the Gulf war went into a bunker where something was guarded there. But after reading the writings on the wall, he was possessed by a devil. that movie depicted the process of how to deliver the possessed from evil. it was an educational movie. but mind you, that was a true story as experienced by an NYPD cop.

so here is the trick, if you feel that you are being attacked by an evil spirit, do not engage with that spirit. seek the help of an expert. but if you are unable to do so, call on Jesus and his angels (angels who are his followers and who are from the HOly spirit of God ) repeatedly.. and you may find that somebody will be helping you. during that plea for help, you also shout, in the name and authority of Jesus Christ, I command you to leave this instant .

Same is also true when you suddenly lose your consciousness after cutting a true or when you experience bangungot ( sleep paralysis) or when some evil spirit , a black one , or an old woman, is attacking you in your sleep. call for help from Jesus and his angels, and shout something to that entity in the name and authority of Jesus.

I have several encounters of that kind during my sleep (the black entity that grope my neck and the old woman that resembles someone from the movie tangled) and after I have shouted them to leave in the name and authority of Jesus Christ, they left. the plea for help and the command to leave must be repeated as it will test your resolve and faith before it leaves. you must believe in Jesus when you say it.


Hey Man, that's some serious stuff.
Yeah it is a battle, and does take powerful
authority. I have used similar ways that you
speak of. I think people close to Yeshua Jesus,
can call on his name, speak his words, and get
help from His Holy Spirit, Holy Angels, and force
the evil spirits to back down, and leave as you say.

That is a lot of perspectives you share, and why
one must test the spirits of them that would be in
a position to be trusted, that's good stuff you shared...
Don't know about helping them find the light. Don't
find scriptural reference to "human spirits", or "dead spirits".
Jesus referred to them as "unclean spirits" at least one occasion.

Nevertheless, a lot of our beliefs are very parallel,
and my congratulations to you, in your success.
I wonder if you and your fellow crew may have
experienced some cyanide poisoning having to
do with the tree you mentioned trying to burn
or remove.

There are always spirits attached to hidden treasures
in one way or another, like you say if nothing else through
others. Your recounts of events I haven't experienced, and
don't want to. Some mean spirits sounds like, spooky stuff
that not many people, would ever necessarily recognize, or
relate to, in the same understanding. Mysterious stuff, the
spirit world (dimension), you never know what is lurking.

Thanks for sharing some of your experiences here, and
wish good continuing success, and fortune to you in the
future, in the Lord's All Powerful Name. Crosse... :cross:

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Grand ma's favorite was a switch from her weeping willow tree. The ultimate humiliation was that you had to cut it yourself, but since I am a saint =====d

Pop only poped me once, he mase me learn to read and write before I entered Kinder Some how I stalled at "S" until one day, in exasperation, he aid that "S" stood for spanking, tis remrkable how
quickly I learned.

Some day I''l have ro tell you how he taught me about Judy's.

Don Jose,

Very good stories, what innocence. Too bad
yours and other's ears and eyes, have been
hurt by the love of darkness. By those who hate,
and act contemptuously, toward the light of our
Awesome Eternal Father, and King in Heaven.

Good thing you're a Saint, and have a great
history, of good works, and no pie stealing???

Tell us more of this perfection process. 8-)... :cross:

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Allo peeps, where's the coffee??

A friend just sent me a simple test with an 'average' of 19 right, I received 17, Didn't know when elvis died or his most pop song, didn't know the various versions of street crack etc. etc. This despite====. :laughing7: sniff

Found this while cleaning out old files, old correspondence = pre computers - I received these as part of Mansas monthly news letter, revived my low morale somewhat. For those of a newer generation there was a period when we actually used stamps and physically sending hard correspondence and waiting a few weeks for it to arrive. This modern generation is spoiled.

Old Mensa document.webp

Coffees and maybe a Story?

Allo peeps, where's the coffee??

A friend just sent me a simple test with an 'average' of 19 right, I received 17, Didn't know when elvis died or his most pop song, didn't know the various versions of street crack etc. etc. This despite====. :laughing7: sniff

Found this while cleaning out old files, old correspondence = pre computers - I received these as part of Mansas monthly news letter, revived my low morale somewhat. For those of a newer generation there was a period when we actually used stamps and physically sending hard correspondence and waiting a few weeks for it to arrive. This modern generation is spoiled.

View attachment 1073990

Hello St. Don Jose

That's reale cool, thanks alot for sharing Amigo.
Yes keep up that moral, Coffees, yeah fresh Coffees.


Well, you know, if we had half of what has been spent at Oak Island,
to go digging with a team of specialists in a couple of small longshot
places, we could have some fun I imagine. Probably dig up as much,
but that is a neat mysterious place. Spirits obviously contending hot
for control, of anything to potentially be gotten back above ground.

Since you have encountered spirits a lot, are a reinvented Jesuit
and a Saint, you should give us one or two pointers along this line.
How to deal when an encounter with a spirit that doesn't want you
to get the treasures they are long watching. Or, on the other hand,
maybe a good spirit leads you down the path toward a treasure, but
then bad spirits knowing about it, mess with you constantly, when
they can get a chance to get to you.

More coffees senor, cake or pie?... 8-)


I have heard you talk some, of these things and believe fully.
Just hope to hear more of the meaty ones, of spirits,
I mean. You of all people know about spirits,
cause for you to be here still strong they
had to let you pass, even hands full.

But Nahhhhh, surely not, you don't think this
modern generation is spoiled :laughing9::laughing7:...
Well, you got a good point there, people rather text,
than talk a lot of times. But there's still lots of us,
that do like a good story, or book I think...

Thanks, Crosse...:cross:

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My Much Loved Indian Grandma

My Cherokee Choctaw Grandmother lived on a hill, in the scenic
foothills of the Windin' Stair Mountains, Old Indian Territory.
Where she spent many long days alone, taking care of her
young sons, while Grandpa was out loggin' or sawmillin.

She thought something was trying to get her to look,
under a big rock there beside the house. When she told
Grandpa about it one day, he just laughed right at her.
The rock was way too big, for her to move by herself.

A short time later, one day she was very
surprised to discover, that the rock had been
moved. There was a deep imprint of a large kettle, sigh...
That's another good one that got away :thumbsup:... :cross:

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My Cherokee Choctaw Grandmother lived on a hill, in the scenic
foothills of the Windin' Stair Mountains, Old Indian Territory.
Where she spent many long days alone, taking care of her
young sons, while Grandpa was out loggin' or sawmillin.

She thought something was trying to get her to look,
under a big rock there beside the house. When she told
Grandpa about it one day, he just laughed right at her.
The rock was way too big, for her to move by herself.

A short time later, one day she was very
surprised to discover, that the rock had been
moved. There was a deep imprint of a large kettle, sigh...
That's another good one that got away :thumbsup:... :cross:

YEP! Could have been "deceased' family member who told her; who "stole" it... dunno.

More songs for the campfire?!?


Thanks for the songs, hot coffees anyone?
That sounds pretty good, :thumbsup:
Yes, lots of super good talents.
The day of the Eagle is yet alive.
As in the true words of life...

Yeah, that's some tricky 8-)
lining reflections and objects up! JK :laughing7: :hello:
Thanks, Crosse... :cross:

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Hey, Y'all are kinda' quiet, so think I'll drink another BL,
and lurk back later. Not quite time for dinner yet... :laughing7:... :cross:

Hey Red - have you tried with a different no of posts per page - thus it would no longer be 98 ;-)
I believe the default is 15, me, I'm using 50.
If you tried something like 33, your pagebreaks would no longer be on the same posts - might be worth a try ...:icon_thumleft:


Hey Man, that's some serious stuff.
Yeah it is a battle, and does take powerful
authority. I have used similar ways that you
speak of. I think people close to Yeshua Jesus,
can call on his name, speak his words, and get
help from His Holy Spirit, Holy Angels, and force
the evil spirits to back down, and leave as you say.

Its nice that you appreciate what I have shared few days ago. my apology for not replying promptly.

You also have been attacked by the unseen entities?

That is a lot of perspectives you share, and why
one must test the spirits of them that would be in
a position to be trusted, that's good stuff you shared...

Don't know about helping them find the light. My friend knows how to help them find the light. it is basically a prayer asking help from God, Jesus and the HOly spirit to let the spirit find the light . but it is basically a tedious one because the spirit might refuse help or might not accept that he is dead already. if he refuses help, it will be forced upon him everyday. the prayer will be continuously recited everyday until the spirit realizes the folly of not accepting the guide to the light. the spirit has the freedom of choice in here. once he accepted it, the point when he was killed will go back again. and that moment where he was killed , he is now fully aware of. the light will be there and the final decision if he will ascend or just wander in this earth further is his decision to make again.


find scriptural reference to "human spirits", or "dead spirits".
Jesus referred to them as "unclean spirits" at least one occasion. I cant find it also. but my friend told me that there are so many old souls and spirits here who have not accepted their death, or who have not accepted the guide to the light. some where unable to find the light because nobody did help them. that is why, some of them are asking for prayers, thus the prayer recited on november 1 and 2 is very important for the departed ones even if you dont go actually to the cemetry.

as regards the devil, or other fallen angels, it is not ours to take. no amount of our prayers can save them. it is between God and them to settle, and not for us to intervene.

I have encountered one of the said entity personally. that giant guy , i and my friend were, in three instances, able to encounter it. he was the first one to encounter that giant guy in the same treasure site several years before i was able to set foot on that land. they were the original owners of the said land. He told me stories of how he was too horrified to go in that place because he was able to experience unexplained events there that involves p inhysical intrusions. once, he went there in that area as he was about to fetch the goats back to their goathouse. suddenly, that guy literally jumped in front of him that he can feel the vibration created by someone jumping from above to the ground . a sudden burst of wind was also felt by him since that guy litterally jumped in front at him as if he was standing just inches away from him. he ran immediately after that. his sister in law suffered the same fate when she caused laborers to dug a water well in that area and the unseen entities disapproved of such idea. during the night, and several night thereafter, she was repeatedly warned by black entities not to dig in that area and she was attacked during her sleep. thus, she discontinued the digging.
when i bought that land from them, i was warned by them. but not believer in such stuff myself, i disregarded their warnings. I was so adamant that no amount of warning could make me believe about their presence. until such time that I was the one who personally sensed their presence. I remember a time when i had the area scanned by gem2 by my friend who was from another place. before we could start the scanning, the battery of the scanner suddenly lost power even if it was fully charged. so we had it charged in a nearby house and decided to have it scanned again. during the 2nd attempt, my friend suddenlay shouted that he saw a very big guy near the area where we were standing and upon shouting, the big guy suddenly ran. i was able to turn my back and saw for myself all the sugar cane standing as high as 6-7 feet falling one by one as if somebody just rammed over the said sugarcane stalks. i was not able to see the giant guy but i saw the falling sugar cane as if someone is running through it.

in one instance, somebody whistled as if there was a big soundspeaker near the area or a megaphone. i did not mind it but after i was away from the place where i first heard the whistle, i thought something was amiss. the whistle of a human could not really be that loud and could not be heard from that distance.
when i returned and went back to the mango tree again, the place where i first heard the whistle, somebody called my first name for three times. the sound was so loud but surprisingly, all my laborers where not able to hear any of it, the whistle and the call of my name. when we left
that place, my worker was also being played upon and somebody called his name when he was alone in going there fetching something.

i knew that something was wrong in that place. but after my friend went there, he prayed to God to claim the land in HIs kingdom and glory. he called for the land to be claimed as one of HIS . he also told God to cover the said place with the body and blood of Jesus Christ. He also said that from that moment and henceforth, no evil spirit, principalities, dominions and powers were allowed to set foot on that place.

after that prayer, i could see no spiritual disturbance again. I am amazed by the Power of God to protect His flock.

that is the major reason why in all our treasure diggings, that is the only area where no spiritual disturbance was ever experienced. and luckily for us, we were able to find a cement room at 22 feet . we were able to destroy its two feet thick wall after 3 months. that wall is so indestructible if you use a jackhammer alone. but God might have some plan for us since after breaking it, the content of the said room was a backfilled earth and stones. the backfilled content was so hard that it took us another 3 months to clear a very small portion of the said wall. we were not able to continue our project. all other offers for help extended to us to finance the project, i refused because God might have different plans. He might want me to disengage in treasure hunting, i believe. besides, i cannot experiment the lives of my family if ever that curse of the guardians of treasure is true.

Nevertheless, a lot of our beliefs are very parallel, anch
and my congratulations to you, in your success.e I wonder if you and your fellow crew may have
experienced some cyanide poisoning having to
do with the tree you mentioned trying to burn
or remove. i was not the one who personally experienced that one. it was my friend who suddenly lost consciousness upon cutting the tree. somebody prayed over him and he regained his consciousness. it was as if somebody was trying to enter his consciousness.

but i was one of those three people who burned a tree because there was some beehive there. it was dangerous for us to dig if there was a beehive nearby. so my friend set that beehive on fire. the rest was history. somebody just burned our body during that night, without seeing any fire . but the heat in our body was not a product of imagination. and the morning after, nobody could explain why my two friends body went so big suddenly that it looked like somebody mauled them in their sleep. the 2nd guy who decided to burn the beehive and the tree , his tongue was twisted that he was not able to speak for 3 weeks. or 2 weeks. i forgot about the exact detail. that mysterious event could not be a product of cyanide because as far as we can remember, what we did something wrong was our friend deciding to burn the tree and the beehive. we did not cut open that tree or anything.

There are always spirits attached to hidden treasure
in one way or another, like you say if nothing else through
others. Your recounts of events I haven't experienced, and
don't want to. Some mean spirits sounds like, spooky stuff
that not many people, would ever necessarily recognize, or
relate to, in the same understanding. Mysterious stuff, the
spirit world (dimension), you never know what is lurking,
but spirits will always contend for control, in this current
world age (dispensation of time). Yes. devils and black unseen entities are wresting for the control of the gold and others. they have ulterior motives over the gold , and I dont know what it is. The end is near and the devils are busy doing their dirty deeds already. the war between the good and evil is inevitable and they are already starting to move .

Thanks for sharing some of your experiences here, and
wish good continuing success, and fortune to you in the
future, in the Lord's All Powerful Name. Crosse...


Hey Man, that's some serious stuff.
Yeah it is a battle, and does take powerful
authority. I have used similar ways that you
speak of. I think people close to Yeshua Jesus,
can call on his name, speak his words, and get
help from His Holy Spirit, Holy Angels, and force
the evil spirits to back down, and leave as you say.

Its nice that you appreciate what I have shared few days ago. my apology for not replying promptly.

You also have been attacked by the unseen entities?

The unseen entities have naturally warred against me,
as they do all mankind, especially all those who believe.
I won't talk very much about the personal stuff, except
that they remarkably seem to know me. Don't know if
I may have stood for the LORD in the first earth age,
before the destruction of it, and the great overthrow
of Lucifer, that old dragon. If I did, my life could be
potentially even more guarded and directed, and
more scrutinized as well. But, I have not lived any
kind of sheltered life, other than all of our Father's
leading and guiding, as he does to all of us that He
has chosen, (no matter the level of gifts and benefits
we are all dealt differently), by His Holy Spirit.

And there's the good decisions mixed with mistakes,
and all the setbacks that come with them. All my
studying, but also the interesting experiences
with Him, those are even more convincing to
me, and speaking His word and His name,
and seeing spirits stop, at least right then...
Crosse... :cross:

That is a lot of perspectives you share, and why
one must test the spirits of them that would be in
a position to be trusted, that's good stuff you shared...

Don't know about helping them find the light. My friend knows how to help them find the light. it is basically a prayer asking help from God, Jesus and the HOly spirit to let the spirit find the light . but it is basically a tedious one because the spirit might refuse help or might not accept that he is dead already. if he refuses help, it will be forced upon him everyday. the prayer will be continuously recited everyday until the spirit realizes the folly of not accepting the guide to the light. the spirit has the freedom of choice in here. once he accepted it, the point when he was killed will go back again. and that moment where he was killed , he is now fully aware of. the light will be there and the final decision if he will ascend or just wander in this earth further is his decision to make again.

Of this, I only know that Jesus said "I Give You Power And Authority
Over All Of The Enemy", and that we should always order spirits to go
back to where they came from, in Jesus' name. That includes all evil spirits,
but doesn't always mean easily, because The Master taught His disciples
that there has to be Prayer and Fasting, for some of them to Obey. That
would be multiple prayers, and should be speaking to them, whatever that
takes. Depending on the level of power that The LORD grants the person,
or persons, or the power they gain, whether individual, or more than one.

There is power in numbers of pure souls, and there is All power in His
word, whether sung or spoken. He grants power for sincerity in praise,
by His servants to Him. These things are all easily scripturally referenced.
In the time that Jesus asked the spirits their name, possessing the young
man, they answered "legion, for we are many". They asked him to let
them go into the herd of swine, and He did. The herd rushed over the
cliff and killed themselves, doesn't say where the spirits went, but we
know Jesus said that they will go back and try to repossess the same
person, if Christ's Holy Spirit, and his Holy Word. is not living there,
and will even try to take seven more spirits with them, more vile
than them. Christ must dwell there in the form of His Omnipotent,
and Omnipresent Holy Spirit. They can never, prevail against
GOD'S HOLY SPIRIT. But they can beat people up, that are
not right with GOD, are disobedient, or need to pray more,
and they do this all of the time, even if it is mental, which
is a way they love to torment people. Again, I say, there
is awesome power to be attained in offering up Praise,
to the Father YAHVEH, YESHUA The Son, and The
LORD's HOLY SPIRIT. This is also scriptural truth.

This illustrates the fact that the spirits are demonic, of fallen angels,
and of the devil himself. They are immortal spirits, as are our spirits,
that only GOD himself can destroy. The difference, is that they are all
Supernatural, and we are just Natural, so God's Supernatural Spirit is
always necessary for us, to effectively deal with them. But though some
are multiple, and more powerful, we believers are Promised Power Over
All Of Them, in the name of the LORD and His Yeshua, Jesus,
The Christ (The Anointed One).

Traditions of men, do little or even nothing, to change things, in
the real spirit world, dimension, or realm. It is All in the Faith,
the Spiritual Standing of the ones speaking GOD's word(s),
and always, the Will of the LORD Himself...
Crosse... :cross:


find scriptural reference to "human spirits", or "dead spirits".
Jesus referred to them as "unclean spirits" at least one occasion. I cant find it also. but my friend told me that there are so many old souls and spirits here who have not accepted their death, or who have not accepted the guide to the light. some where unable to find the light because nobody did help them. that is why, some of them are asking for prayers, thus the prayer recited on november 1 and 2 is very important for the departed ones even if you dont go actually to the cemetry.

as regards the devil, or other fallen angels, it is not ours to take. no amount of our prayers can save them. it is between God and them to settle, and not for us to intervene.

The Idea that souls of the dead are roaming the earth after the human
body dies, is just NOT scriptural at all. The scripture clearly teaches us
that All souls go back to GOD the Father in heaven, to await "The Day Of The Lord",
also known as "The first Millennium of the reign of Christ". Those souls that
their flesh body had died, have passed into their place with GOD for the time,
and are on one side or the other, of the "Great Gulf". One side is paradise,
the other side not so pleasant, but not yet a fiery Hell either. That occurs
only after the judgment, at the end of The Millennium. So can unclean
spirits portray a human spirit? Yes, they can. This is often confusing to
people. The Lord calls divination, or the calling of spirits back from the
dead, Witchcraft, and it is clearly displeasing to the LORD, as did Saul,
in having a witch or so called medium, call the spirit of the dead prophet
Samuel back, to inquire of him. Saul was in a very bad spiritual state,
and really displeased Samuel and the LORD again, in doing that. Saul
died soon after that, being defeated in battle, and fell on his own sword,
as did his son Jonathan. This is Holy Scripture, verified and confirmed,
by the ancient manuscripts of the word of GOD Himself, not the ideas,
experiences interpreted, or supposed knowledge of mortal men,
created, with a vulnerable soul...

I know there is no harm in praying for souls of the dead, but it's best
to obey GOD's will in the matter of tampering with the spirit world,
other than what he is OK with. Obedience is pleasing to Him, and
He rewards well, those that He finds pleasing to him. I don't even
pretend to know all there is, to the spirit things that people sense.
Still the references will work, as you said, your friend spoke the
LORD's name, with confidence and commanded with authority,
and then you saw a definite spiritual change, there's the proof...

No, we don't pray for, or have any decision regarding the fate
of the Devil, or his unholy fallen angels. Lucifer is already
condemned by GOD, to total physical and spiritual death,
in the Lake Of Fire. Seven Thousand fallen angels will
perish instantly at the return of Yeshua Jesus, "He will
slay them with the brightness of his coming". We will
witness this judgment, with no fear, since our name
through faith, is written in "The Book Of Life"...
Crosse... :cross:

I have encountered one of the said entity personally. that giant guy , i and my friend were, in three instances, able to encounter it. he was the first one to encounter that giant guy in the same treasure site several years before i was able to set foot on that land. they were the original owners of the said land. He told me stories of how he was too horrified to go in that place because he was able to experience unexplained events there that involves p inhysical intrusions. once, he went there in that area as he was about to fetch the goats back to their goathouse. suddenly, that guy literally jumped in front of him that he can feel the vibration created by someone jumping from above to the ground . a sudden burst of wind was also felt by him since that guy litterally jumped in front at him as if he was standing just inches away from him. he ran immediately after that. his sister in law suffered the same fate when she caused laborers to dug a water well in that area and the unseen entities disapproved of such idea. during the night, and several night thereafter, she was repeatedly warned by black entities not to dig in that area and she was attacked during her sleep. thus, she discontinued the digging.

when i bought that land from them, i was warned by them. but not believer in such stuff myself, i disregarded their warnings. I was so adamant that no amount of warning could make me believe about their presence. until such time that I was the one who personally sensed their presence. I remember a time when i had the area scanned by gem2 by my friend who was from another place. before we could start the scanning, the battery of the scanner suddenly lost power even if it was fully charged. so we had it charged in a nearby house and decided to have it scanned again. during the 2nd attempt, my friend suddenlay shouted that he saw a very big guy near the area where we were standing and upon shouting, the big guy suddenly ran. i was able to turn my back and saw for myself all the sugar cane standing as high as 6-7 feet falling one by one as if somebody just rammed over the said sugarcane stalks. i was not able to see the giant guy but i saw the falling sugar cane as if someone is running through it.

in one instance, somebody whistled as if there was a big soundspeaker near the area or a megaphone. i did not mind it but after i was away from the place where i first heard the whistle, i thought something was amiss. the whistle of a human could not really be that loud and could not be heard from that distance.
when i returned and went back to the mango tree again, the place where i first heard the whistle, somebody called my first name for three times. the sound was so loud but surprisingly, all my laborers where not able to hear any of it, the whistle and the call of my name. when we left
that place, my worker was also being played upon and somebody called his name when he was alone in going there fetching something.

i knew that something was wrong in that place. but after my friend went there, he prayed to God to claim the land in HIs kingdom and glory. he called for the land to be claimed as one of HIS . he also told God to cover the said place with the body and blood of Jesus Christ. He also said that from that moment and henceforth, no evil spirit, principalities, dominions and powers were allowed to set foot on that place.

after that prayer, i could see no spiritual disturbance again. I am amazed by the Power of God to protect His flock.

that is the major reason why in all our treasure diggings, that is the only area where no spiritual disturbance was ever experienced. and luckily for us, we were able to find a cement room at 22 feet . we were able to destroy its two feet thick wall after 3 months. that wall is so indestructible if you use a jackhammer alone. but God might have some plan for us since after breaking it, the content of the said room was a backfilled earth and stones. the backfilled content was so hard that it took us another 3 months to clear a very small portion of the said wall. we were not able to continue our project. all other offers for help extended to us to finance the project, i refused because God might have different plans. He might want me to disengage in treasure hunting, i believe. besides, i cannot experiment the lives of my family if ever that curse of the guardians of treasure is true.

The "physical intrusions" you refer to are very interesting, since the "big guy"
couldn't be seen. I don't know how they make manifestations in the natural,
since their bodies are in chains until they and Lucifer's time comes, that they
make war with the Holy Angels in heaven, even with Michael the Archangel,
that Michael and the other Holy Angels prevail, and they are all then cast
out of heaven down to the earth, at the sixth trump of the Revelations.

Again, I do not doubt what you are saying, I know that they can cause things,
even with just their spirits, because they are Supernatural, and have some power...

I just want to have the seal of the living GOD YAHVEH, for protection, when
they show up, and by GOD's spirit and the knowledge of His truth, will not be
afraid, when they do their evil works to deceive the whole world. Except for
those of the very elect, sealed and chosen, to stand up again, and to testify
before them, even the Devil himself, for the Most High GOD.

I respect and understand your decision, to leave off of digging,
to think and pray about it, and continue to seek the will of the LORD.
Especially for the fact that there is your family to be considered, etc.

If there were a treasure and strong guarding spirits, they can be defeated
and sent back, the same way your friend did before you could even dig.
But it would always be the best, to seek the will of the LORD, and if
you proceed, with prayer and caution, with your powerful friend
present perhaps, praying before and while you break through,
if you were to choose to pursue it, perhaps fasting and
praying for more power, as Jesus said. He Gave Us
The Authority To BIND Them, Send Them Back To
Where They Came From, And Also To LOOSE His
Holy Spirit, and His Holy Angels, To Work On Our Behalf...
If you feel maybe it is not the LORD's will, ask Him for some
kind of confirmation, one way or the other. Remember, there
is a scripture about the wicked storing up wealth for the righteous,
for the last days.... Hmmm these days seem to fit His description,
of what the last days would be like, just before he makes his sudden
and triumphant return, to overthrow the Devil again, after the
seventh and final trump sounds.

Why would He have said such a thing, if it was supposed to be
left in the ground, and not utilized by his servants at the right time?
[EDIT] We may not have the same need for it, after He appears, and
touches down his foot, re-claiming the earth as His dominion, and
Kingdom forever. I wonder if then, we can still hunt and recover...

There are some mysterious things associated with treasures,
even so called curses, I realize, they are spirits that must be
dealt with successfully, and that may be tougher than getting
the treasure. This is a wise line of thought, as you said, "It's
better to be alive than crazy". It is also better to have the
substance that GOD the Father intends for his people to
have, not to only consume greedily for themselves, but
to be led by His Spirit, to use for His Good Purpose, is
better than to be hoodwinked by the lying spirits, when
He, Almighty GOD, has put His servants in a position to
learn of, and, possibly obtain them for Him.

The exception, is things that have been offered to devils,
or, unclean spirits, which things people have been past
instructed to leave alone. And then also GOD had told
them sometimes to burn it with fire. That would
change a graven image back to the molten
metal it was made from, possibly purifying.
That may take care of the curse on it,
if it's GOD's will...
Crosse... :cross:

Nevertheless, a lot of our beliefs are very parallel, anch
and my congratulations to you, in your success.e I wonder if you and your fellow crew may have
experienced some cyanide poisoning having to
do with the tree you mentioned trying to burn
or remove. i was not the one who personally experienced that one. it was my friend who suddenly lost consciousness upon cutting the tree. somebody prayed over him and he regained his consciousness. it was as if somebody was trying to enter his consciousness.

but i was one of those three people who burned a tree because there was some beehive there. it was dangerous for us to dig if there was a beehive nearby. so my friend set that beehive on fire. the rest was history. somebody just burned our body during that night, without seeing any fire . but the heat in our body was not a product of imagination. and the morning after, nobody could explain why my two friends body went so big suddenly that it looked like somebody mauled them in their sleep. the 2nd guy who decided to burn the beehive and the tree , his tongue was twisted that he was not able to speak for 3 weeks. or 2 weeks. i forgot about the exact detail. that mysterious event could not be a product of cyanide because as far as we can remember, what we did something wrong was our friend deciding to burn the tree and the beehive. we did not cut open that tree or anything.

I see what you are saying about the tree events.
Yes, that's pretty wild. I know people have reported
that evil spirits can do things like that to their flesh
sometimes. The devil is also sometimes given the
power to hurt people.

Learning the rules of spiritual engagement is the
tricky thing. We will, that have seen some things,
always be working on learning more of the things,
of the spirit world. Until we too rejoin our place,
in the Supernatural Places, of the spirit world...

Until then, I hope for the LORD's help, for myself,
and for all of his people in this serious, ongoing
spiritual battle. I got to go vote earlier, because
brave men and women fought and died to win it,
the freedom they believed in for all good humanity.
I believe in the same GOD they believed in...
Crosse... :cross:

There are always spirits attached to hidden treasure
in one way or another, like you say if nothing else through
others. Your recounts of events I haven't experienced, and
don't want to. Some mean spirits sounds like, spooky stuff
that not many people, would ever necessarily recognize, or
relate to, in the same understanding. Mysterious stuff, the
spirit world (dimension), you never know what is lurking,
but spirits will always contend for control, in this current
world age (dispensation of time). Yes. devils and black unseen entities are wresting for the control of the gold and others. they have ulterior motives over the gold , and I dont know what it is. The end is near and the devils are busy doing their dirty deeds already. the war between the good and evil is inevitable and they are already starting to move .

I know there are things that can happen in our sleep,
good and bad. Something else we need to pray about,
to be protected and have peace. Best not to open any door,
the enemy would be able to use, to try and steal our peace
of mind and in our spirit. The things the devils, or evil spirits
are doing and will do with treasure, is all manner of evil, as
always, noted in so many treasure stories like you said, will
try to make people go mad over it and go crazy, and lose
control of it. Even if it just gets buried again...

For sleeping, and for Peace
Dwelling on, and practicing GOD
our heavenly Father's spiritual truths
and promises, works very well. A
friend of mine in Blue Ridge, says
the LORD's prayer, when he's going
to sleep. Calls it "saying our fathers"
when he's out on the road truckin',
thinking about his wife and twin boys...
Crosse... :cross:

Thanks for sharing some of your experiences here, and
wish good continuing success, and fortune to you in the
future, in the Lord's All Powerful Name. Crosse...

OK Thanks, that's a good response, good stories that
we can all learn from. GOD's Scripture is always the Truth,
Tried and True. That's all I know to go by. Not by any religion
constructed by man, been there and seen that too, but my spirit
bears witness with God's True Word, and His Awesome Holy Spirit...
~ Crosse De Sign ~ ... :cross:

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OK, how about another tale that Grandma told.

One summer day, when Grandma was doing
her housework and taking care of her boys.
Grandpa was off working in the woods.
She spotted a man around the house,
and believed him to be an escaped
convict, and yelled to him. "You
better get out of here". They did
not leave, and she warned him
again. after that, she shot the
prowler in the leg with a .22 rifle.

She told Grandpa, and the sheriff
found the man hiding in some tall
grass, and took him away. She
wasn't afraid to defend herself.

Another time, there was a man outside
their house at night. She could see his
cigarette light up when he smoked it.
All of the men were asleep, so Grandma
said "you better get out of here". Again,
the man ignored her, so she shot him.

I think he recovered from his wounds,
and that's the two times she felt she
had to shoot a man, to protect herself
and her family. She always carried her
H&R .32 3 1/2" barrel in her purse, in a
cross folded white handkerchief that
she had sewn up on one end. She
must have been taught by her
rough Cherokee Indian father,
to have a lot of caution in those
wild old hills in The Indian Territory... :cross:

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Grand ma's favorite was a switch from her weeping willow tree. The ultimate humiliation was that you had to cut it yourself, but since I am a saint =====d

Crosse: Coffees? :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

Don Jose, but since I am a saint =====d
does that spell s-k-a-t-e-d, or s-p-a-r-e-d?
Good thing you weren't s-p-o-i-l-e-d ...:laughing7:

I will never be a Saint, I'm pretty sure. Too hornery like
Great Grandpa, Grandpa, and Dad, but not mean. I am
blessed though, but not by any man. Not where I want
to be, but not exactly out of the race. Maybe He will
grant me more favor, in His quest for treasures,
and my looking for silver and gold... :cross:

Pop only poped me once, he mase me learn to read and write before I entered Kinder Some how I stalled at "S" until one day, in exasperation, he aid that "S" stood for spanking, tis remrkable how
quickly I learned.

Some day I''l have ro tell you how he taught me about Judy's.

That sounds like a good story, hope to hear it sometime too... :cross:

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When I was child, around 2 years old, maybe closer to 3, we moved to a small farm. The people that sold the farm to us lived about a half mile down the road from us. They had a son, about 30 years old, that was against us buying the place. Mom thought she saw him outside the house a couple of times while she and I were at home alone after dark. Dad was working 2nd shift and didn't get home until around 11:30 p.m.. Dad bought a .38 revolver and taught Mom to shoot it. I remember standing behind them on the back porch while Mom was shooting the gun.
One night Mom and I were in bed and heard someone prowling around just outside the bedroom window. She had the revolver on a stand next to the bed. She got the revolver and cocked the hammer. After a moment or two, we both saw a face in the window. Evidently he saw the gun, because he jerked his head away from the window just as Mom pulled the trigger! Evidently Mom didn't hit the man because we saw him walking down the road the next day. I never knew if the man was just trying to scare us away or trying to peek at Mom.
Mom wasn't afraid to defend her own family; and neither was Dad! If Dad had been at home, he probably would have tried to catch the man barehanded and beat the *^#@ out of him. lol

Good story Tex, LOL!

The gun my Grandma carried for so long,
maybe 35+ yrs., my father had purchased for her
in the early 50's, when they still lived in Winslow, AZ.
I got it in perfect condition, from my Uncle, some time
after she passed.

My wife and I (I instigated it), had Grandma shooting it
off of her front porch in the mid 80's. I put a coffee can about 50'
out there in her yard, and she hit close enough that I was impressed. :laughing7:

She would show it to me and say I've always got my persuader,
and laugh, because there she lived alone, in that wild land of so
many earlier outlaw activities, after Grandpa was gone.

Wouldn't want her to be shooting at me. She was a tough
and keen old timer that had seen a lot, with a heart of gold... :cross:

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True Stories That Happened At Grandma's House

Many years ago, when I was a young lad, I took an early mornin'
stagecoach from S/W California, to the S/E Old Indian Territory.
There was a charming young lady that got on in Arizona, going
to see some of her family. I visited with her, until she got off
in Texas. We talked and laughed, as if close brother and sister.
Watching the landmarks and sights, along the scenic road,
she said she was going to see her fiancé, and get married.
As the time and miles clicked away, we smiled, and it
was a very pleasant trip...

Further southeast, as the trail followed along the Rio Grande,
we were in disbelief and saddened, when we saw the cardboard
shacks that people were living in, just across the river in Mexico...
She kindly said goodbye, and got off safely in San Antonio,
with a buggy there waiting for her.

The trail slowly wound on N/E, until I arrived in the big station,
and was changing coaches in Ft Worth. In the back room, I
met a young guy who was also carrying a guitar. After we
spoke greetings, he introduced himself as John Southers,
then he smiled and laid his case up on the sink counter,
to open and reveal the beautiful guitar with pearl
vine inlay all down the neck.

He played a few notes, and did some picking, telling me that
he was headed to spend time with his father J.D. Southers, who
played high in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. His dad's boss had
given him the custom made Martin style acoustic, as a gift. We
talked and laughed for a couple of minutes, then quickly
shook hands, and parted to find our coaches,
going in different directions...

On the coach went, twisting and winding up and down
the never ending hills, along ridges, and down into the
heavily wooded canyons, across the rivers and creeks,
of the old Chickasaw and Choctaw lands. Where many
an old Indian and Outlaws had rode, and numerous
armed robberies had apparently taken place, for
many decades before.

As every bend of the road was new to me, it was an
awesome, and exciting new experience, seeing this
new country that my folks were from, alone at 17.

Though enjoying the vast mountainous and ever
rolling green country, I was full of anticipation,
of what all I would see.

I didn't know then, that we were following some of
the same old trails, that so many events had happened along.
In those steep hills, and deep valleys long before, all throughout
some very old times, it seems like now. Then, I had no way of
knowing that soon, I would be taken on my first treasure hunt,
without knowing anything except that we were going fishing..

When the coach got to the way station, it was almost high noon.
I met my grandparents for the first time, and spent some time with
them and dad, at the grandparents place. There were two nice older
houses on the place of about 120 acres, sitting up in the valley far
enough from the Chickasaw Creek bank, to avoid flooding, except
on the worst maybe rare 50-100 yr. floods, it would get close.
The soil, though rocky, was very rich and they always made a
big garden. They had a few good peach trees, though beaver
had cut some branches off of them, and Grandma canned a
lot of fruits and vegetables, and made jellies and pickles, etc.

So it was a very nice, even exceptional country place, living there
up off of that rocky aqua blue-green clear water creek. There at the
foot of those old and worn mountains full of tall pines, and lots of
big hardwood trees alike. I could see there was plenty of open
land, to explore and hunt.

They just used their water right out the creek, and it never
made them sick, that I know of. Though they had an old well
too, with some of the best spring fed deep long water holes,
for many miles around. I knew when I first stepped foot on
the place, there was an old mysterious feeling there.

They had no running water, or indoor bathroom. I soon
realized that my dad's people were hillbillies, and lived
pretty simply. They were good, hard working country
folks from back early after the turn of the 20th Century.
They had been teens, in the early 1920's in that wild old
country, and had known life in the old sawmill camps,
and hill communities they had lived and worked in.
There were the shacks back in the deep woods,
they all survived the hot summers and cold
snowy winters in, back in them early days,
when many acres were acquired by hard
working entrepreneurs, who all did
very well in cattle and lumber...

That summer, they got their new house built,
and I got to help work on it some, but Grandma
still used her old antique electric agitator tub and
ringer wash machine outside, then hung the
clothes out on the new clothesline.

She was in her late 60's, but was in good shape,
and still did whatever she needed or wanted to...
She really liked her chickens, took care of them,
and kept a close eye on them. One morning, I
woke early when I heard her say, "now the
chicken hawks have gotten three more of
my chickens", and she was sounding
pretty upset... So I slipped on my boots,
and went to see what I could do to help her... :cross:

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True Stories That Happened At Grandma's House

When I had first gotten to the country place of my Grandparents,

There was a little station, on a hill beside The Old Shawnee
Trail. Crossing there, at the hidden entrance of a long narrow
pass, turning, and winding into the grassy fertile valleys. The
mouth of it, hidden by the tall jagged ridges staggered there,
and lined with big old rocks and thick with trees, all along
that part, of the rough ancient Indian trail.

My Uncle would later tell me that as a boy, he had seen cattle,
start through there on that trail right at daylight, and they were
still running through there at dusk. He said that some of them
were local, and others were big Texas herds.

I sent a telegraph, and waited for Dad to arrive with his Buckboard.
Seems like over an hour had passed, when he showed up in his rig.
He had to work the mill until I got there, and we headed through
the pass beyond the hills, revealing the long rolling valley,
wider in some places. The colorful creek, running back
and forth, along the foot of the southeastern range.

The ride was cool and fun. Dad had a tendency to run the horses
a little fast at times, and on that rocky ol' trail after about an hour
and a half, and crossing the creek a few times, we came to a little
narrower part of the valley, slowly curving N/E, with the farthest
southeastern ridges, once lined with big timber, appearing to be
some of the tallest ones around.

I'll never forget meeting Grandma and Grandpa, there the first
time that I knew of. They both smiled and were real nice, and
Grandpa wanted to see and hear the acoustic guitar. It was
a strange and wonderful feeling, finally being there, and
meeting my sure enough country folks. A culture shock
indeed, but I had lot's of energy, really liked being
outside a lot, going shooting or hunting, and
fishing, spending time with them, and
loving every minute of it.

I spotted Grandpa's old bicycle turned over, that he
had made into a tool sharpener with pedals and a seat,
and a 12" or so white stone wheel. Naturally, I had to try
it, patiently pedaling, and carefully sharpening an old hatchet
blade that I thought really needed it. I had found it laying
there in his tool shed. I played some of my music, in the
shade, under the old huge elm tree there beside the
old frame house. Dad saw that I could play some,
and in a couple of days, went into town, bought
himself a real pretty six string guitar, and
said his fingers got real sore when I
showed him how to make
a few chords.

We went hunting, crossing the creek, by hopping over
the smooth worn rocks, some wet, barely above, or just level
with the peaceful flowing water down at the lower east end, then
walking up the naturally terraced creeks, and deep stepped canyons.

Climbing them, and going across, back and forth.
Making our way up, and then over the periodic
three to four feet or more, thick worn layers
of ancient rock formations, on up to the top,
of the steep and rugged mountain. There
the ridge leveled and rounded off, for a
good fifty or so yards. And I remember
there used to be some old wild hog
wallows, on the shady north side
of the big rocks. I couldn't find
the wallows in later years,
when I went up there
looking for them.

And there, I saw those huge smooth boulders
on the top of the ridge, many of them as big as
the old four room frame house. I had climbed up
on them, taking notice of a few buzzards flying
high above us and circling, as if to be keeping
an eye on us. Seems like they can hear a .22
caliber slug coming their way, and hard bank
their big wide wings, to avoid getting hit.

When I went up there alone once,
I thought I'd try to shoot one, but wasn't that
good of a shot at something moving, and gave up after
a couple of tries. I didn't want to kill one that much, they
hadn't tried to spook or kill me. But I was surprised, that they
would still circle around, even after being shot at. Skillfully
dodging the fast little bullets, like they had done that
before, and expected to soon get an opportunity to
eat, maybe after a quick field dressing.

Laying on my back up there on them big rocks, looking
into the cloud streaked clear blue sky, day dreaming, with
the whispering wind, sighing in those big old pines all around,
standing tall up there, and seeing the clear view of three, even
barely the hazy fourth, blue green ridges, far off in the distance...

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Nice stories Señor Crosse…….have you returned to visit your grandparents place recently?

Nice stories Señor Crosse…….have you returned to visit your grandparents place recently?

It has only been a little while, this past winter,
then spring and summer I was by there, hiked
around, and explored a little.

The mountain behind the place got logged out, in
the mid 70's, they got all of the big pines and that
changed the appearance, losing the view of maybe
50-100+ year old trees. The hardwoods have all
grown up since then. It never has looked the
same since, but it still is, and will always be
a very nice place... Thanks doc-d... :cross:

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