I just Try to imagine, of the colorful stories, our good
Amigo Don Jose has only mentioned, probably under
the stimulating influence of Caffeine. When relaxing
with close family, or carefully select few friends, sat
down to fresh hot coffees. In the good nostalgic
kind of remembering... Fresh Coffee is ready,
(clean white cotton sock).

With no harsh or present immediate pressures,
to hinder the flow of words, painting the many
varied pictures. The rare wealth, of potentially
life changing experiences. The hair raising
events, that he undoubtedly has to have
known, perhaps daily. In the very risky
lines of work he has done. For mere
longevity, the evidence he surely
was chosen to succeed...
Well, there could also be read
into the story and the timelines,
the Truth of Integrity, that has been
expressly mentioned. There being no
real set time and fortune, in this period
of time, may lead some to disbelieve order.
To be tempted to think we don't ever entertain
Holy Angels. The dark deeds of men, are evidence
of unholy spirits. That's why Paul taught, to strive for
discretion, in all instances. I am glad for the good peoples
like our Don Jose, that enjoy sharing thoughts when they (we)
can, to encourage each other in our cool treasure endeavors.
I think there are fewer genuine people chosen, and living
now, say per thousand, than there were a generation or two
ago. Though there be more people alive here now than ever,
with awesome knowledge of technology and science. Yet are
seemingly less inclined, to know, or believe the connections
of men's actions to Spiritual Laws, or Spiritual Principles.
Therefore, a direct result of the working of Spirits...
Just talking a bit, of what some of us know
to be real. What I'm saying is, you all hang in
there. Keep the faith, and if you need to, have
some, and spread hope, it grows wild too.
Hope you enjoy the coffee, and the floor is open.
Thanks to everybody, for all of your positive input.
It is Often Encouraging, and helps to build us all up.
All of us. One of our best weapons, greatest true Treasures...