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And another, link provided due to laziness on my part!
Another version had the stag boast of it's great antlers and dainty feet compared to the unadorned head and clumsy feet of the horse.
The Horse and The Stag

A careful what we wish for, and alliances with forces we should avoid can make us think we are gaining something for less than the true cost...

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Hey! What's goin' on? I can't get page 98. Each time I click on '98', or 'next page', or try to 'open in new tab', I get page 97 again. I can get 99. Is it me, my computer, the forum, or ???? It's craaazzzyy!

Hmmm... Interesting thoughts. 8-)

I think y'all would be fun to talk to
around a remote campfire. So much
to do, so little time, and often limited
resources. And I always wish success for
good hearted ones to find all real treasures,
and a also a nice cache, you never know. There
could be something, just under the ground, you often
walk or drive... :cross:

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Hey! What's goin' on? I can't get page 98. Each time I click on '98', or 'next page', or try to 'open in new tab', I get page 97 again. I can get 99. Is it me, my computer, the forum, or ???? It's craaazzzyy!

Don't know Tex,

I'm getting 98 OK, must be your end.
Try going to 97, refresh the page?
Then try again? Maybe someone
else has a trick on that, I know
I'm not very smart about this,
but good luck, it's a pretty
good little page, I think... :cross:

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I just Try to imagine, of the colorful stories, our good
Amigo Don Jose has only mentioned, probably under
the stimulating influence of Caffeine. When relaxing
with close family, or carefully select few friends, sat
down to fresh hot coffees. In the good nostalgic
kind of remembering... Fresh Coffee is ready,
(clean white cotton sock). :tongue3: :laughing7:


With no harsh or present immediate pressures,
to hinder the flow of words, painting the many
varied pictures. The rare wealth, of potentially
life changing experiences. The hair raising
events, that he undoubtedly has to have
known, perhaps daily. In the very risky
lines of work he has done. For mere
longevity, the evidence he surely
was chosen to succeed...

Well, there could also be read
into the story and the timelines,
the Truth of Integrity, that has been
expressly mentioned. There being no
real set time and fortune, in this period
of time, may lead some to disbelieve order.
To be tempted to think we don't ever entertain
Holy Angels. The dark deeds of men, are evidence
of unholy spirits. That's why Paul taught, to strive for
discretion, in all instances. I am glad for the good peoples
like our Don Jose, that enjoy sharing thoughts when they (we)
can, to encourage each other in our cool treasure endeavors.

I think there are fewer genuine people chosen, and living
now, say per thousand, than there were a generation or two
ago. Though there be more people alive here now than ever,
with awesome knowledge of technology and science. Yet are
seemingly less inclined, to know, or believe the connections
of men's actions to Spiritual Laws, or Spiritual Principles.
Therefore, a direct result of the working of Spirits...

Just talking a bit, of what some of us know
to be real. What I'm saying is, you all hang in
there. Keep the faith, and if you need to, have
some, and spread hope, it grows wild too. :laughing7:

Hope you enjoy the coffee, and the floor is open.
Thanks to everybody, for all of your positive input.
It is Often Encouraging, and helps to build us all up.
All of us. One of our best weapons, greatest true Treasures... :cross:

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Good morning. Here to wish you a Happy Fall morning. I hope you are doing something constructive. Perhaps throwing the fallen leaves over your head with glee? Feeling the cool breeze whisper 'good morning' across your cheek while grabbing the newspaper? Or, just plain running right back under the sheets to check your TNet.

Homar, my Chili is ready. It was meant for last night, but I got in too late. No Wheaties for y'all today. Coffee's over there (pointing at a polka-dotted sock hanging above a Texas A&M steaming pot of goodness.

Now, Crosse'. You are exactly right. You say 'if we were around a real campfire, and not on the web', basically, there would be more personal story swapping. I do have more stories, crinkled all the way up my sleeves, darn jammed tucked way up there. One of which, was the one that inspired me to write that book, situated in New Mexico (my other stomping ground).

Other stories, made me delve head-first, cowabunga-style into as many (specified) history books that I could find, in relation to, my experience(s). I have been in the special library archives (favorite spot) stared at-by-the-librarian-with-the-one-eyebrow-up, as she hands me the dainty white gloves while I peruse the answers to my personal mysteries (where at one point, I would not tell a soul).

As many of you know, to experience the sacred. It is a gift. It is not a curse. I have NO suitable, or eloquently suitable word(s) enough to express that. Again, I speak only for myself.

This is NOT just 'it'. Not by a long-shot. This (world) is so temporary. So quick, for what is yet to come. That is why I am a 'lover of the light'. Yet, yes, as most have mentioned, I share the belief in the opposite force, but have never had an intention (no joke) to be a part of it. I don't feel the dark has ever been darker.

It is not the 'spirits' I am worried about. Not a bit. It is the anger and desperation and madness presenting itself through the human condition. That is why, I as a woman, as a mother, as a family, and as a friend, do and am preparing myself, for the best... and whatever else may just show up.

Yet, at this moment, talk about 'spooky'. We ARE, indeed, in a worldly AND spiritual war.

The person I am going to refer to in my paragraph below this, has told me, us, several times, to get ready (early on) not just for war/terrorists and the like. Be sure to know where you stand, what you stand for, and who you will stand up against. Have NO question.

Years ago, our friend, was a very high profile reporter in Washington DC. He suffered a major heart attack out of the blue. At the hospital, he died on the table, and and came back. Came back to what would change his life and outlook on the world... And so many others. He is a HUGE guy, who has a big heart, which instantly and incidentally led him, from the corporate world into the middle of a forest, for years, in transformation to becoming what he is; a Shaman.

A teacher to all. We all are, to someone.

And, we must never forget that. Share THAT story!

View attachment 1071847

Just had to add a smile. :) Have a glorious day.

View attachment 1071851

Don Jose', I found a new OLD well for us. Boots ON ropes DOWN. ��

Howdy Trapper Girl

The Chile is very good, great recipe! So's the Salsa. :thumbsup:
Yes, some very good Coffees, even if it is associated
with Texas A&M :laughing7: Just Kidding, an CO. fan :laughing7:.

YES, we are in the midst of battles, Spiritual, human
conditions, spiritual conditions, etc. Humbly all realized,
and supernaturally, with spiritual eyes of course, totally agreed.

"To experience the Sacred". WoW! Awesome Witness. 8-)
I hear that, can only speak for myself also. Though seriously
instructed to share knowledge, so that others may see too.
Thank You...

Sounds like lots of serious archival kind of research and
investigating, and so many deep and profound comments.

Your nerve is quite admirable, I think. Will people see or
hear, the things sent from the other dimensions to help
give true answers and enlighten.

Don't know the title to your book. Don Jose mentioned it.
Would like to read it sometime, must be good, situated
in your "other stomping ground". Just wondering if you
might expand a little, your thoughts on something you
said, in the next to last paragraph, of your bold text...

"Be sure to know ---, ----, and who you will stand
up against". Not many people, think that they will be
having to stand up, but will be secretly, and suddenly
bailed out. Just wondering how far you think it will go,
can you elaborate about that? If so, Will be appreciated... :cross:

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Hmm ??? this morniig as I looked into the bathroom mirror, something seemed ot be just not right, since I couldn't id it I left, Then later in the day I remembered that I had seen " two" EYEBROWS. I hadn't had the right ayebrow since I was thrown out of a car @ 50 mph - long story there, but in the process of sliding on the pavement I successfully abraded my right eyebrow into oblivion.

I was soon accustomed to no eyebrow -- one doesn't appreciate mother natures work, I quickly found out just how valuable an eyebrow is, it keeps the sweat out of your eye, especially in the tropics.

I don't know how man'y hours I sat on my mule in deep canyons of 140 F with sweat stinging my right eye to where I couldn't' see out of it, prob couldn't any way from the many sweat flies that seem to love to commit suicide in your eyes , I found they have a preference for blue eyes.

How or when I regained my eybrow is still a mystery, but I am not looking too carefully at this gift.

Ain't nature grand ????:icon_thumleft:

Hey Crosse...Look on the bright side...Just imagine how much gold might be found if the Colorado's level keeps dropping...California is a prime example...Prospectors have been having a field day...Or at least those who supply the prospecting equipment are...hehehe

Ed T:)lol

Ed T

Ahh, California, with some of the richest old
volcanic formations, tectonic plates upheaved,
re-fractured, re-sunken, repeatedly for 100,000's
to multi-millions of years. Re-broken, shifted up
and down, wavily cross-sected, multiplied times.

Maybe prospectors can find newly exposed veins,
and start a 165th yr. anniversary Calif. gold rush.
There has to be a lot more there, just hidden in
the remote Ancient Tertiary riverbeds, etc.

Hard to get to, and many high in them Sierras.
Our natural resources could turn this thing at least
some, even If there has to be lots of bottled drinking
water hauled in. That would be a lot of real hard work,
if it happened though, would put lots of people to work,
and be historically significant. Then build more reservoirs
ahead of time, for the next flood year, like the unexpected
floods of about 9 yrs. ago, what could there have been built?

I know the fish and wildlife must be provided for, and
properly protected. What about doing more, for the many
more people that live there, and those folks that work to
produce food, and other goods there?

Maybe a good productive balance could be found, in ideal areas.
Then some more of the precious run off, would be controlled,
and retained from just running back into the Pacific.

This idea was mentioned to me back then, by my brother's
Father in law, an old retired electronics tech., during that heavy
flood year. He had said "nobody thought to build more reservoirs,
to catch all of this flood water". A wise gentleman, I liked to talk to
occasionally, who's been gone for awhile now. He lived in Culver City...

Maybe the whole country will pray, the Good Lord will send Calif. the
desperately needed rains, for the good of them, and the whole country... :cross:

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Hmm ??? this morniig as I looked into the bathroom mirror, something seemed ot be just not right, since I couldn't id it I left, Then later in the day I remembered that I had seen " two" EYEBROWS. I hadn't had the right ayebrow since I was thrown out of a car @ 50 mph - long story there, but in the process of sliding on the pavement I successfully abraded my right eyebrow into oblivion.

I was soon accustomed to no eyebrow -- one doesn't appreciate mother natures work, I quickly found out just how valuable an eyebrow is, it keeps the sweat out of your eye, especially in the tropics.

I don't know how man'y hours I sat on my mule in deep canyons of 140 F with sweat stinging my right eye to where I couldn't' see out of it, prob couldn't any way from the many sweat flies that seem to love to commit suicide in your eyes , I found they have a preference for blue eyes.

How or when I regained my eybrow is still a mystery, but I am not looking too carefully at this gift.

Ain't nature grand ????:icon_thumleft:

Yes Sir, Don Jose

That must be a complicated true tale. :laughing7:
Woah, a new eyebrow, that's really cool Amigo!
An interesting natural miracle, indeed. Thanks... :cross:

Hmm ??? this morniig as I looked into the bathroom mirror, something seemed ot be just not right, since I couldn't id it I left, Then later in the day I remembered that I had seen " two" EYEBROWS. I hadn't had the right ayebrow since I was thrown out of a car @ 50 mph - long story there, but in the process of sliding on the pavement I successfully abraded my right eyebrow into oblivion. I was soon accustomed to no eyebrow -- one doesn't appreciate mother natures work, I quickly found out just how valuable an eyebrow is, it keeps the sweat out of your eye, especially in the tropics. I don't know how man'y hours I sat on my mule in deep canyons of 140 F with sweat stinging my right eye to where I couldn't' see out of it, prob couldn't any way from the many sweat flies that seem to love to commit suicide in your eyes , I found they have a preference for blue eyes. How or when I regained my eybrow is still a mystery, but I am not looking too carefully at this gift. Ain't nature grand ????:icon_thumleft:
. Whahooie! You have to tell my Dad that one. May have nothing to do with planes, mules, or señoritas... but it most certainly is a great Tesoro. Still laughing. :)

My Much Loved Indian Grandma

On a much lighter note, of the classical masterpiece.
Here's a story I've been saving that you may enjoy,
or say yeah, sure. Nevertheless, here it is, and I
never saw Grandma so much as exaggerate.

Grandma and Grandma had made the 17 mi.
trip into town. She never said what they did,
but heading back toward home, they were
driving around a curve in the rough gravel
road, when there suddenly was a car there
in the middle of the narrow lane, speeding,
lightly slinging the white gravel, quickly
sliding around the medium curve.

The driver corrected, in an attempt to get
over on his side, but couldn't move over far
enough in time, and heavily sideswiped the front,
and side of the Grandparents old car. They were both
shook up and bruised a bit, though not injured badly...

The driver got right out of the car that had collided,
and proceeded to apologize then, for the collision.
He was very sincere Grandma said, and told
them that he would put their car in the
shop, and pay to have it fixed. He
gave them a ride, and got
someone in town to haul
their old car to the shop,
and paid to have it repaired.

Grandma said he had talked real nice
and kindly, repeatedly apologizing to them
for the incident, and for their inconvenience.
Helping them through the accident, and
making sure that they would be alright.

She said, "We knew who he was, he was the
outlaw Pretty Boy Floyd, and we saw all of his
guns in the car. Everyone knew he sometimes
came through there, back then".

She was serious, a solemn look on her suntan
colored Indian face. I did not think to ask her
for more details, but I never doubted her

Them living in a more modern era,
but still in some of the same remote
outlaw country. Those ancient mountains,
that outlaws like the James Gang had ridden
through. There, where her wild blue eyed Indian
Father, had so long before chosen, and raised his family in... :cross:

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Howdy My Good Friends,

Guerita, you make good chili (grinning with chili on cheeks, and shirt), I usually don't get my shirt dirty, but I had to dance with the bowl of chili to the polka-dot sock coffee. Gracias.

As a parent, and grandparent, I am concerned for the future of my bloodline, but find comfort in our Lord. I take one day at a time, and choose to think of better days to come. When the day comes to stand, and fight, I am ready to die, or to live, whatever is in store for me. For the moment I embrace my family, and friends, and live like there is no "mañana".:occasion14:

Compadre, are you sure that is not a chili eyebrow?


Howdy My Good Friends,

Guerita, you make good chili (grinning with chili on cheeks, and shirt), I usually don't get my shirt dirty, but I had to dance with the bowl of chili to the polka-dot sock coffee. Gracias.

As a parent, and grandparent, I am concerned for the future of my bloodline, but find comfort in our Lord. I take one day at a time, and choose to think of better days to come. When the day comes to stand, and fight, I am ready to die, or to live, whatever is in store for me. For the moment I embrace my family, and friends, and live like there is no "mañana".:occasion14:

Compadre, are you sure that is not a chili eyebrow?


Nah... just an eyeball of a COW! LOL!

So strange! I've restarted my computer, refreshed the page, tried to access page 98 from 97, and from 99, and from 100. I always get page 97 when I try to access page 98! This started yesterday. The computer has been turned off several times since the problem started. Gee! Hmmm, trying to think of a way to get access to 98. Anybody got any ideas???

I think I've mentioned this before, but when my grandparents lived in Missouri, the James brothers stopped by and ate with them several times; always leaving a coin under their empty plates. Supposedly, the reason they moved to Texas was because the law and some of their neighbors accused them of 'helping outlaws'.
Also, Raymond Hamilton broke out of the Hill County, Texas, jail. My mom was sleeping by an open window (during summertime) and saw him moving from tree to tree to keep from being seen. He had his shoes in his hands instead of wearing them. Probably because he thought he could move more quietly. He was caught and returned to jail a short time later. I've never researched how he died. I've always been told that he was so great at escaping from jails, that they electrocuted him. It was said that he was asked for some information about Bonnie and Clyde just before they threw the switch for the electrocution. He told them that it would 'do them too much good to know'.
I saw a movie about Bonnie and Clyde a few days ago. A new one for Netflix. There was quite a bit in the movie that I am ill informed about, or the movie has it all wrong. They showed a scene where John Bucher was killed at his home just outside of Hillsboro, Texas. It was a two story affair with a store attached. I was always told that he had a jewelry shop in downtown Hillsboro. That Bonnie and Clyde went into the store looking for a ring. When they couldn't decide on one, Bucher told them he had more jewelry at his home, and after closing, he would be glad to show it to them if they came to his house. Bonnie and Clyde, with Raymond Hamilton, robbed and killed him that night at his home. Supposedly, Ray Hamilton killed Bucher; Clyde always said that he was in the car when it happened.
I have been to the house a few times. It's not a two story house! A man and his wife that worked with my parents bought the place not long after Bucher was killed. Never trust the movies to 'get it right'!

Howdy My Good Friends, Guerita, you make good chili (grinning with chili on cheeks, and shirt), I usually don't get my shirt dirty, but I had to dance with the bowl of chili to the polka-dot sock coffee. Gracias. As a parent, and grandparent, I am concerned for the future of my bloodline, but find comfort in our Lord. I take one day at a time, and choose to think of better days to come. When the day comes to stand, and fight, I am ready to die, or to live, whatever is in store for me. For the moment I embrace my family, and friends, and live like there is no "mañana".:occasion14: Compadre, are you sure that is not a chili eyebrow? Homar

Homar . I have quite the vision dancing in my head. Too much fun!!! Thanks for the laugh! Yee-haw!

T-Red and Crosse'. Whoop! Your stories just keep getting better by the minute. Keep it up.

Did I ever tell you the one about when I returned home from the hospital after I had recovered from a super-hematoma? It was kind of a doozie! When I came home from the hospital, my son saw a woman following lightly behind me in a long soft blue-looking dress. It was sort of late, and he was a bit sleepy. So, hmmmm, I don't know. He said she looked real nice. In fact, she looked just like someone's mommy. He wondered if Jesus' mama was also a nurse?!?

So strange! I've restarted my computer, refreshed the page, tried to access page 98 from 97, and from 99, and from 100. I always get page 97 when I try to access page 98! This started yesterday. The computer has been turned off several times since the problem started. Gee! Hmmm, trying to think of a way to get access to 98. Anybody got any ideas???

THREATEN the e-Gremlins, then do a lot of PRAYING...

And another, link provided due to laziness on my part!
Another version had the stag boast of it's great antlers and dainty feet compared to the unadorned head and clumsy feet of the horse.
The Horse and The Stag

A careful what we wish for, and alliances with forces we should avoid can make us think we are gaining something for less than the true cost...

Yeah this is a good one too, but more so.
Because it really happened, repeatedly. :gold-bracelet:
To have been the first one to ever mount a horse.

There may have been a conversation, and all
of the doubters probably said it couldn't be done... :laughing9:
That first person most likely got to be King or Queen. 8-)
You guys are making me laugh a lot, Thanks... :cross:

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Bonnie and Clyde

So Clyde Barrow and Bonnie, were drawn to
the same area. When he and Bonnie were
passing through, as so many other
notorious outlaws had been,
for years before them.

They had showed up, in the little remote country town.
For the Sat. night dance with billiards, the bar, and a
good live country band. The deadly outlaws, with
their cold blooded deeds haunting them,
were extremely keyed up and jumpy.

The local County Sherriff, along with one of with his
deputies, stopped in to check on the place, not knowing
that the killer pair were even in the state, much less there.

Clyde soon panicked, and like a coward, suddenly, he hastily
attacked the law, with wild unprovoked gunfire. He shot their
way out, brutally killing one, and also severely wounding the
other, of the two unsuspecting officers. Some others, may
have been shot also.

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