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unlike in any previous diggins, we were never disturbed by any spiritual in that site where we found the cement room.

but in one instance, my digger felt something, as if somebody was watching. my friend told me it was an angel guarding my digger against possible harm or danger. i really dont know what was that danger. he did not disclose. he said we will not be harmed as long as the angel was there. he requested that angel from God.


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the danger must be the treasure guardian that guards the items. but we were confused because we were told that the items are still at the far end of the cement room possibly at 15-20 feet

the danger must be the treasure guardian that guards the items. but we were confused because we were told that the items are still at the far end of the cement room possibly at 15-20 feet

Again, Interesting pics, stories, and info.
Sounds like you have had your hands full
indeed. Best to you Amigo, Thanks... :cross:

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Senor Renantagum30, why not use some dynamite or HE to help with clearing out the cement and debris…...

Hey Renantagum30

I read about the potential of gas grenades
having been planted in concrete associated
with treasure in the Philippines, on a death
trap thread, and thought of you. Have you
ever heard of anything like that? ... :cross:

Hey senor doc-d

How's it goin' in Ecuador amigo.
That sounds like fun, moving to
another country when the weather
gets too cold in one. When do you
usually like to come back to the U.S.?... :cross:

Hey Renantagum30

I read about the potential of gas grenades
having been planted in concrete associated
with treasure in the Philippines, on a death
trap thread, and thought of you. Have you
ever heard of anything like that? ...

according to my friend, give away cement rooms usually dont have bomb traps and gas grenades inside the cement room. these bombs and traps are only prevalent only in chambers or tunnels.

in my site, he assured me that gas grenades ( usually cannisters or bottles with poisonous gas inside) are only present on top of the cement room near the location of the give away items that have already slided or transferred to another location because of the sliding trap. we have heard the falling bars and encountered a mini earthquake within 20 feet radius upon breaking the last thick cement covers downwards at 17 feet(we did not see the cement room until 22 feet). true enough, we have not encountered the gas traps at the top of the cement room because my friend made it sure we will approach the cement room on the side effectively bypassing whatever trap was there on the top. the picture that was posted shows a very portion of the side tip of the cement room. that was the left side tipmost of the room. most part of it was buried.

according to my friend, give away items usually dont have traps inside because that is the first thing the japanese imperial team would like to retrieve to finance the recovery of the bigger items in the area. but if you seek for the bigger objects, the entrance is first laden with a 1 ton bomb (usually from 15 meters away from the centennial tree markers, if you dig there from 7-15 feet). as you go deeper, you will hit the entrance. the entrance is laden with water traps and poison traps before you can reach the chamber door. at least, that was what he said. i really have no intention of finding that out.

but i have no intention about the bigger items, even a small one would have been fine with me. but that was before because i have already stopped operation 6 months ago.

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senyor doc d,

you may have a valid observation and solution. but using a dynamite to clear a cement room made by the japanase could do more harm than good. the following are the reasons why it is not a good idea.

1. it can create an unnecessary attention within the locality. have you heard a news story about a korean who have employed dynamites in his treasure activities somewhere in luzon? novice that he was and to hasten his digging operations, he made use of dynamites. it may have expedited his operations but the locals there reported the matter to the police upon hearing the mini-explosions. so his treasure site was raided by the police.

2. it is not easy to secure a dynamite here especially that we are not engaged in any legitimate construction activity. dynamite is a highly regulated substance even for most parts of the world. even the possession of it could get you a lifetime jail here in the philippines.

3. treasure hunting is a regulated activity here in the philippines. there are so many requirements in order to get a treasure hunting permit before one can legally dig and treasure hunt. That is why japanese and koreans recovery team dont secure treasure hunting permit. instead, they introduce a legitimate business activity there and make it appear that they are not treasure hunting. the treasure hunting operation is discreetly made away from the prying and zealous eyes of the public. dynamites explosion will give away the cover as locals will really think of nothing except that you are engaging in treasure hunting if they hear explosions. or even if they dont have that treasure hunting idea, hearing explosions alone can trigger worries among the locals. the first they will do is report the matter to the police.

4. cement rooms and treasure items are placed in an unstable positions that in just a matter of wrong approach, the treasure items could fall in deep pits. that is the sliding trap akin to the sand trap in egyptian pyramid treasures. so using a dynamite to clear the room is a bad idea if you have the idea that there could be sliding traps there.

we really dont know if there is such trap in that cement room. but judging on the give away falling bars that created a mini earthquake for 3 times on the 17th feet level, there is really such a sliding trap in that area.

Senor Renantagum30, sounds like you are doing a great jobs and we all look forward to hearing of your success soon……
And yes, HE or dynamite does attract attention and makes cover stories difficult, yet there are many legitimate uses; it is just another tool, no better or worse than others…..I would agree in your operation, given the considerations you mention, it is better to avoid it…..

Senor Crosse… is great to be back here…….my spanish is improving enough also…..
We have returned in May or so in years past and are scheduled again this May…..not sure how long I will stay though…….as much as I love my country, it seems to gong to hell, literally to the point where I do not recognize it anymore……

While there are problems here, life is good and certainly more affordable with much more opportunity………
Soon as I finish up a few things here I hope to begin some treasure hunting…… much here it is hard to keep focused on 1 or 2

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Senor Renantagum30, sounds like you are doing a great jobs and we all look forward to hearing of your success soon……
And yes, HE or dynamite does attract attention and makes cover stories difficult, yet there are many legitimate uses; it is just another tool, no better or worse than others…..I would agree in your operation, given the considerations you mention, it is better to avoid it…..

Senor Crosse… is great to be back here…….my spanish is improving enough also…..
We have returned in May or so in years past and are scheduled again this May…..not sure how long I will stay though…….as much as I love my country, it seems to gong to hell, literally to the point where I do not recognize it anymore……

While there are problems here, life is good and certainly more affordable with much more opportunity………
Soon as I finish up a few things here I hope to begin some treasure hunting…… much here it is hard to keep focused on 1 or 2

Sounds good Amigos doc-d, and renantagum30 (you tell
interesting, and seemingly well thought out stories senor).
Fresh Perked Camp Coffee Anyone? :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

Take care, be safe, enjoy, and drop by for coffee, with/or for
a story when you can. We sure had some fine fall weather here,
until that N. Pacific storm, pushed the sub-zero Arctic jet stream,
and Polar Vortex south, with an unseasonably early icy blast. Well,
at least the bugs and reptiles are underground, for sure now. 8-)
Oro, thanks Amigo, for the good, and consistent moral support.
As Always, Muchas Gracias Gentlemen... Crosse :cross:

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sir doc d, i am already retired in treasure hunting as of now. no good news are forthcoming from me in a few years from now. instead, i will be expecting news from you in your treasure hunting escapades in your country, if you may care to share stories of your success.

thanks for the time sir crosse. your answers to my questions about spirits guarding treasures deserve commendation as you have given me educational, eye-opener, carefully analyzed and prepared thoughts about biblical references and other issues relative to that. I extend my heartfelt thanks.

sir doc d, i am already retired in treasure hunting as of now. no good news are forthcoming from me in a few years from now. instead, i will be expecting news from you in your treasure hunting escapades in your country, if you may care to share stories of your success.

thanks for the time sir crosse. your answers to my questions about spirits guarding treasures deserve commendation as you have given me educational, eye-opener, carefully analyzed and prepared thoughts about biblical references and other issues relative to that. I extend my heartfelt thanks.


I thank you for the kind words, Amigo.
Really only a couple of things the
LORD has taught me.

If you google "casting out demons" and
do a little reading, you quickly see I only
scratch the surface. There are those, that
seem to know all about such things, with a
lot of real life experience casting out demons.

I find their knowledge to be quite interesting,
and spooky, but also enlightening. As they give
insight to how spirits can and do manifest them-
selves in various ways, from the spirit dimension,
into the physical and natural, including people.

They do say that some are stubborn, like Jesus had
indicated about some being strong enough to require
power and pressure. This makes me think the spirits
that undoubtedly know of treasures, are no exception.

I guess for those of us looking to find treasure, we may
want to pray at our potential sites, and hope for the
least spirit activity, or should I say the best.

As for myself, It's what I do every chance I get,
and when exploring. There are books that address
the issue in every aspect, and are full of the rules
of engagement, and have the same kind of similar
stories of events you and others have mentioned,
while they are not also workers
digging for treasure...

Maybe a good treasure hunting tool, and
teaching of spiritual weapons. Knowing just
what you are up against, and specific ways
of dealing with the critical elements, that
can make the difference in successfull
treasure recovery. Unless one can
retire for a while. 8-)... :cross:

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Senor Crosse………we are not to fear demons as long as we remain close to Jesus…..for it is only under the protection of the Risen Lord we are safe……
I recall the words spoken of by a truly holy man, priest named Padre Pio (who died in 1968), he described satan like an angry dog on a chain……you are safe as long as you stay out of his filthy reach……so it is we can put ourselves in danger if we tread in areas of the demonic intentionally…….
There are exorcists who can cast out demons but having read stories of exorcisms, it is true warfare to engage the demons and it is only the power of Jesus that will prevail……we are no match for the demonic……

Sadly today, few believe in satan and the demonic, or worse they embrace satan and seek worldly treasures putting their eternal salvation at risk…….

Vaya con Dios mis amigos

I don't even[/I][/COLOR] pretend to know all there is,
to The Spirit Things That People Sense.

Still the references will work, as you said, your friend spoke the
LORD's name, with confidence and commanded with authority,
and then you saw a definite spiritual change, there's the proof...

[EDIT]: The scripture calls the contacting the spirits of dead souls
"familiar spirits", and it is "an Abomination". Something that will
only displease The LORD, and open doors to
and for the Demonic. And can provoke The Most High,
to Righteous Indignation.

[EDIT] He hates for his people to worship another
false god and calls it idolatry, or to practice
any other rituals than what He has
specifically asked for... [EDIT]

Something that his children should know he
doesn't like at all, they should not ever do.

There is also mention of lying spirits, teaching "doctrines of devils"
to deceive men, to rob them of their power and inheritance,
by practicing false observances before the LORD...[EDIT]


No observing pagan holidays, no worshipping demons or devils,
no divining, no familiar spirits, no witchcraft or observances.
Only calling on His name every day, and the same when
treasure hunting.

When I was digging in the chamber, and the spirit made
itself known, I was startled, and spoke the Lord's name,
and it stopped.

I calmed, and continued working, considering
what I had just witnessed. It hasn't manifested
itself again, so far so good. If it does, I will do
the same thing again. But I will not stop
treasure hunting because of spirits, I
just try to make sure I always take
The Holy Spirit with me, like y'all
are doing too, right?

NO fear, my brother... ~: Crosse De Sign :~ :cross:

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Senor Crosse, no fear…….as long as we live in accord with Jesus…….for in truth, the only treasure that is important is eternal salvation……all else, all of this world, shall pass and as told in scripture, what does it profit a man to gain the world, yet loose his soul? And the rich man and Lazerus……or the rich man with 10 years of grain stored who lost his life that night………we know not the day, nor the hour……live in accord with our God and Savior, Jesus Christ…...

Senor Crosse, no fear…….as long as we live in accord with Jesus…….for in truth, the only treasure that is important is eternal salvation……all else, all of this world, shall pass and as told in scripture, what does it profit a man to gain the world, yet loose his soul? And the rich man and Lazerus……or the rich man with 10 years of grain stored who lost his life that night………we know not the day, nor the hour……live in accord with our God and Savior, Jesus Christ…...


True... So do you think there may be any people or person that can or could
handle finding a treasure, not let bad spirits lead them to do bad things, and
then staying in good with the Lord, say by doing something good with it?
Then still qualify for their true treasure, by maintaining their integrity,
or righteousness? Thanks for your input... :cross:

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Howdy, Crosse', Doc D, and the rest of my good buddies.

What a great discussion. Treasure.

How we maintain our 'treasured' relationships, and all other 'treasured' items, close to our hearts, is a likely indicator of how we would handle something far less meaningful as $$$.

I've been on both sides, and neither made me a better person. Being a happy person really only happened/happens when I was/am being of service to others.

Money does make most aspects of our life easier, but not necessarily better.

Balance is good!!! Some can and do handle extra $$$ in just the right way.

But, some people that I recall with what seemed like, had endless amounts, also had endless amounts of loneliness. We definitely can't buy true (maybe temporary) happiness.

Back a few pages, I too think we must remember there is a dark force, whereas we can focus on staying on the bright/right side! I agree, fully.

So, what is for dinner tonight? Tex, Don Jose', Oro, where y'all at??? :)

Here, glad to report that my family in Alamos will return to Alamos this week after sucessful surgery in Tucson, WITH an offer of a huge amount of coffee. Presently wortking on the connection Of Tayopa with the Victorio peak & Cavallo mts cache of bars.join us there, as well as here, ongoing treasure hunt.

Here's a BIG pot of fresh cowboy coffee for the fiesta. Yippie-Aye-Yay!!!

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