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Had something strange happen to me, while excavating. I was excavating, when I decided to take a break, decided to take some pics, when a beam of light shot out a rock , and into another, almost like It, was looking at me. Got a picture of It, It, lasted for couple of seconds. Screenshot_2014-10-14-10-11-04.webpScreenshot_2014-10-14-10-10-57.webp ...?

Had something strange happen to me, while excavating. I was excavating, when I decided to take a break, decided to take some pics, when a beam of light shot out a rock , and into another, almost like It, was looking at me. Got a picture of It, It, lasted for couple of seconds.View attachment 1076849View attachment 1076850 ...?

Well Howdy Justintime,


What brings you to the spirits fire, coffee?
That's quite a coincidence, and good timing,
suddenly catching a beam of light uh, hmmm.
What do you think it might be from?

I believe there have been some discussions, pertaining
to lights at potential treasure sites. Perhaps someone at
the fire, will comment on your pics.... :cross:

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Hey Oro,

Since you liked Justintime's post with pics,
have you got a thought to share about it?
Thanks... :cross:

Originally Posted by renantagum30


Hey Man, that's some serious stuff.
Yeah it is a battle, and does take powerful
authority. I have used similar ways that you
speak of. I think people close to Yeshua Jesus,
can call on his name, speak his words, and get
help from His Holy Spirit, Holy Angels, and force
the evil spirits to back down, and leave as you say.

Its nice that you appreciate what I have shared few days ago. my apology for not replying promptly.

You also have been attacked by the unseen entities?

The unseen entities have naturally warred against me,
as they do all mankind, especially all those who believe.
what have they done to you? were you attacked during your sleep?

I won't talk very much about the personal stuff, except
that they remarkably seem to know me.
I fully agree that the black entities, devils and others seem to work under the direction of a certain overlord, and the overlords being controlled by someone higher than them. they seem to act in concert and with a common purpose.
But they may be interested in you because you might cause trouble to them. ARe you somekind of a priest , or a person with clairvoyant abilities? They only bother you directly if you have the clairvoyant abilities, have contact with angels, a very religious guy or have somekind of a gift in the spiritual realm

Don't know if
I may have stood for the LORD in the first earth age,
before the destruction of it, and the great overthrow
of Lucifer, that old dragon. If I did, my life could be
potentially even more guarded and directed, and
more scrutinized as well. But, I have not lived any
kind of sheltered life, other than all of our Father's
leading and guiding, as he does to all of us that He
has chosen, (no matter the level of gifts and benefits
we are all dealt differently), by His Holy Spirit.

And there's the good decisions mixed with mistakes,
and all the setbacks that come with them. All my
studying (what have you studied about the LOrd? in what way?, why?), but also the interesting experiences
with Him, those are even more convincing to
me, and speaking His word and His name,
and seeing spirits stop, at least right then... what were your experiences with the spirits and their deliverance?


Of this, I only know that Jesus said "I Give You Power And Authority
Over All Of The Enemy", and that we should always order spirits to go
back to where they came from, in Jesus' name. That includes all evil spirits,
but doesn't always mean easily, because The Master taught His disciples
that there has to be Prayer and Fasting, for some of them to Obey.

That is nice of you to give me an idea as to why we, humans, can also cast out demons. as you said, it was in fact Jesus who gave us power and authority over all our enemies. Well said sir. What you have shared was educational.

But as you have said, it is not as simple as reciting those words that will cast them out, but you need to pray for it, and fast to prepare yourself spiritually. ( I dont know why fasting can make you stronger spiritually. But it is written in the Bible, so we must follow it. AS for you,why the need to fast?)

I am reminded of a biblical story where someone, an ordinary guy, attempted to cast out demons. He simply recited words to the effect that the demon must leave the body of a human. But the devil blurted out. " i know Jesus, I know Paul, but who are you? Thereupon, the devil mauled the human who attempted to cast out that demon from the human body. The moral lesson of the story was, do not attempt to drive them away or they will attack you. That was always the reminder of my friend. That casting out demons is easy said than done. So he does not recommend me to do that (the casting of demons). He wanted me to ask for experts on that field including priest who knows how to exorcise. But it is really an emergency, he also told me to pray and fast, as you have also said.

would be multiple prayers, and should be speaking to them, whatever that
takes. Depending on the level of power that The LORD grants the person,
or persons, or the power they gain, whether individual, or more than one.

There is power in numbers of pure souls, ( i fully agree. the more pure souls, the more power, the more God grants power to more servants who are sincere.

and there is All power in His

word, whether sung or spoken. He grants power for sincerity in praise,by His servants to Him (well said). These things are all easily scripturally referenced.
In the time that Jesus asked the spirits their name, possessing the young
man, they answered "legion, for we are many". They asked him to let
them go into the herd of swine, and He did. The herd rushed over the
cliff and killed themselves, doesn't say where the spirits went, but we
know Jesus said that they will go back and try to repossess the same
person, if Christ's Holy Spirit, and his Holy Word. is not living there,
and will even try to take seven more spirits with them, more vile
than them ( that is so scary. my friend told me about that. that they can take more spirits to try to repossess a person. which reminds me of my classmates during my elementary days. She was possessed after always singing in a very big tree somewhere in Visayas, Philippines. she was there for a singing competition and somebody might have taken interest on her. so to make the story short, she was possessed. for years, nobody could understand what she went through. However, upon being exorcised, she went back to her original ways, the her which was not yet possessed. but the priest who exorcised the devil in her made precautionary measures. Her name was changed from Jennifer (Genie and Lucifer) to Maria something. and there were other precautions. Your explanation about many and more spirits will try to repossess a person previously possessed somehow answered the question why the priest tried to make precautionary measures before. that explanation of yours answered my doubts about that.

. Christ must dwell there in the form of His Omnipotent,

and Omnipresent Holy Spirit. They can never, prevail against
GOD'S HOLY SPIRIT. But they can beat people up, that are
not right with GOD, are disobedient, or need to pray more,
and they do this all of the time, even if it is mental, which
is a way they love to torment people. I somehow fail in this regard. sometimes, I cant help watch movies that are inappropriate or somehow get irritated when reckless drivers endanger your life in the road. I cant help but yell and get angry at them, if I can find the chance to yell at them. I have some failings. I need to pray more, more than I pray in the evening daily. Maybe, there is that devil that made me do all those things. But the fault rested entirely on me as I have the freedom to choose what to act, whether to choose the good or the bad.

Again, I say, there

is awesome power to be attained in offering up Praise,
to the Father YAHVEH, YESHUA The Son, and The
LORD's HOLY SPIRIT. This is also scriptural truth.

This illustrates the fact that the spirits are demonic, of fallen angels,
and of the devil himself. They are immortal spirits, as are our spirits,
that only GOD himself can destroy. The difference, is that they are all
Supernatural, and we are just Natural, so God's Supernatural Spirit is
always necessary for us, to effectively deal with them. But though some
are multiple, and more powerful, we believers are Promised Power Over
All Of Them, in the name of the LORD and His Yeshua, Jesus,
The Christ (The Anointed One). WEll said. i will always keep that in mind.

Traditions of men, do little or even nothing, to change things, in
the real spirit world, dimension, or realm. It is All in the Faith,
the Spiritual Standing of the ones speaking GOD's word(s),
and always, the Will of the LORD Himself... The spirit world is truly existing, and someone much more powerful is also existing. and only men are folly because If science cannot explain it, they dont believe it. But for those who knows the spiritual truth and for those who have experienced Jesus in their lives, they know better. I know better also.

The Idea that souls of the dead are roaming the earth after the human
body dies, is just NOT scriptural at all. The scripture clearly teaches us
that All souls go back to GOD the Father in heaven, to await "The Day Of The Lord",
also known as "The first Millennium of the reign of Christ". Those souls that
their flesh body had died, have passed into their place with GOD for the time,
and are on one side or the other, of the "Great Gulf". One side is paradise,
the other side not so pleasant, but not yet a fiery Hell either. That occurs
only after the judgment, at the end of The Millennium. So can unclean
spirits portray a human spirit? Yes, they can. This is often confusing to
people. The Lord calls divination, or the calling of spirits back from the
dead, Witchcraft, and it is clearly displeasing to the LORD, as did Saul,
in having a witch or so called medium, call the spirit of the dead prophet
Samuel back, to inquire of him. Saul was in a very bad spiritual state,
and really displeased Samuel and the LORD again, in doing that. Saul
died soon after that, being defeated in battle, and fell on his own sword,
as did his son Jonathan. This is Holy Scripture, verified and confirmed,
by the ancient manuscripts of the word of GOD Himself, not the ideas,
experiences interpreted, or supposed knowledge of mortal men,
created, with a vulnerable soul...

I know there is no harm in praying for souls of the dead, but it's best
to obey GOD's will in the matter of tampering with the spirit world,
other than what he is OK with. Obedience is pleasing to Him, and
He rewards well, those that He finds pleasing to him. I don't even
pretend to know all there is, to the spirit things that people sense.
Still the references will work, as you said, your friend spoke the
LORD's name, with confidence and commanded with authority,
and then you saw a definite spiritual change, there's the proof...

No, we don't pray for, or have any decision regarding the fate
of the Devil, or his unholy fallen angels. Lucifer is already
condemned by GOD, to total physical and spiritual death,
in the Lake Of Fire. Seven Thousand fallen angels will
perish instantly at the return of Yeshua Jesus, "He will
slay them with the brightness of his coming". We will
witness this judgment, with no fear, since our name
through faith, is written in "The Book Of Life"...

I have to read this again as what you have just said is enlightening and spiritually awakening.. It is well said but it needs deep thinking on my part.

I respect and understand your decision, to leave off of digging,
to think and pray about it, and continue to seek the will of the LORD.
Especially for the fact that there is your family to be considered, etc.

If there were a treasure and strong guarding spirits, they can be defeated
and sent back, the same way your friend did before you could even dig.
But it would always be the best, to seek the will of the LORD, and if
you proceed, with prayer and caution, with your powerful friend
present perhaps, praying before and while you break through,
if you were to choose to pursue it, perhaps fasting and
praying for more power, as Jesus said. He Gave Us
The Authority To BIND Them, Send Them Back To
Where They Came From, And Also To LOOSE His
Holy Spirit, and His Holy Angels, To Work On Our Behalf...
If you feel maybe it is not the LORD's will, ask Him for some
kind of confirmation, one way or the other. Remember, there
is a scripture about the wicked storing up wealth for the righteous,
for the last days.... Hmmm these days seem to fit His description,
of what the last days would be like, just before he makes his sudden
and triumphant return, to overthrow the Devil again, after the
seventh and final trump sounds.

Why would He have said such a thing, if it was supposed to be
left in the ground, and not utilized by his servants at the right time?
[EDIT] We may not have the same need for it, after He appears, and
touches down his foot, re-claiming the earth as His dominion, and
Kingdom forever. I wonder if then, we can still hunt and recover...

I am really confused as to what the best decision would be. Either we continue to operate and clear the room with its backfilled earth contents or we forget about any idea of returning to that place again. I have been waiting for a sign, either through dreams or visions , speaking clearly what God wants me to do. But I am having dreams about us, humans, being rounded up and being lined up by something alien or some zombie or something that is not human or maybe, those were devils (devils could disguise as like aliens). twice, I have a dream like that. there is no dream specifically about the cement room and the dig that we have previously made.

I also want a sign where all my pending transactions, I could personally realize money enough for my family to live life comfortably while I am away in that treasure area, enough money to finance the daily and several months operation and enough money so I could attend to my medical needs. I have pending transactions where I can earn substantial money but it has been 6-7 months now, and the transaction has not yet pushed through. My having a money through my personal transaction is a clear and unequivocal sign that God wants us to pursue the project for how can we operate that site without money to defray expenses. Seeking external help is outside the question as I dont want others to create a security nightmare for us. It is either me spending or I dont go back to that place anymore.

But there is also the factor of attending to my current needs, the medical needs and the need to earn money for my family's sustenance and living and the need to repay debts incurred during the operation. That is why, in the previous months since, I have been busy selling the treasure site, to no avail, even if I offered to the prospective buyer to conduct their due diligence first, scanning and everything, before they ever buy the place. (i have not disclosed the location to them unless they do their due diligence). But after several tries, my friend said that Maybe, It is God's will for me not to sell the area. Otherwise, he would have consented to the selling of the area few mnths ago.

However, I need a clear message from God as prioritizing the dream of recovering any treasure over my current health and my family's needs might seem to be very difficult to decide.

There are some mysterious things associated with treasures,
even so called curses, I realize, they are spirits that must be
dealt with successfully, and that may be tougher than getting
the treasure. This is a wise line of thought, as you said, "It's
better to be alive than crazy". It is also better to have the
substance that GOD the Father intends for his people to
have, not to only consume greedily for themselves, but
to be led by His Spirit, to use for His Good Purpose, is
better than to be hoodwinked by the lying spirits, when
He, Almighty GOD, has put His servants in a position to
learn of, and, possibly obtain them for Him.

The exception, is things that have been offered to devils,
or, unclean spirits, which things people have been past
instructed to leave alone. And then also GOD had told
them sometimes to burn it with fire. That would
change a graven image back to the molten
metal it was made from, possibly purifying.
That may take care of the curse on it,
if it's GOD's will... (nicely said sir crosse. Few months ago, during our operation, I sincerely intended to use half of my share to follow his will, by giving it to charity (but i must personally see to it the disbursement of the funds, not through any charitable foundation) , by evangelizing , by spreading HIs word from the grassroots to the macro level. The form of evangelizing I had in mind is to give them financial incentive and financial support in order to spread HIs word as I always believe that I cannot fully and effectively evangelize a person if he has an empty stomach. I thought I had a noble vision then. I was so optimistic that we could realize that dream. Until I ran out of money to operate the site, and I came crushing back to earth. I feel sorry for myself and I feel sorry I had let God down. The funny thing was, i did ask for help from Him to let me earn a substantial money like 300th pesos from a certain financial transaction. AFter several days and short of a month, i did earn that 300th pesos , enough money to operate back again, and in every way , a fulfillment really of what I have been praying for. But after some weighing of options, I decided it was best for me not to pursue that operation again, as I have no more way to get my family back on our feet, just in case, we cannot finish our operation and recover that treasure. For me, it was best to use that money I have earned to feed my family for the moment, rather than wasting that 300th money on a treasure hunting operation, the result of which I am not certain if I can recover that treasures in hidden place.


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that is the 2 feet thick wall of the cement room. that cement is so indestructible that no amount of jackhammering for several days could get a chip out of that cement wall. it would seem to me that this cement component is like no other. NO wonder I have heard stories about the need to purchase chemicals in order to destroy that cement. but after seeing road works and repairs in the streets, it gave us an idea that a very powerful angle grinder could do the trick. we made a crisscross of small squares and after that, that small squares could now be jackhammered . after trying, it worked out but it took us 3 months to do that job of making a very small hole of that 2 feet thick wall of the cement room.

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but I am being cautioned by my friend too, that aside from my operational problem, that treasure is also guarded by a spirit and there is a curse on that treasure. That idea somehow weakened my resolve to ever enter into treasure hunting again. The funny thing was I dont know if me , not being able to sell that area, is God's will, or if my selling the area is an act of disobeying God

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but I am being cautioned by my friend too, that aside from my operational problem, that treasure is also guarded by a spirit and there is a curse on that treasure. That idea somehow weakened my resolve to ever enter into treasure hunting again. The funny thing was I dont know if me , not being able to sell that area is God's will or me disobeying God.

Hey renantagum30

Dreams, of aliens or demons rounding up humans...
How long have you been having those kinds?

I think you have been blessed with substance
to live on, and take care of your treasured family.
They are your greatest reward for now, enjoy Amigo.

Thanks for sharing your interesting stories and pics.
What treasure do you think may be sealed away?

Maybe with more patience, you will know what to
do, and have peace with it. Better safe than sorry.
Oh, but the many challenges of treasure hunting.
The lure and the mystique, through the centuries...

Thanks for your detailed stories input, and witness.
I sincerely wish you good luck, and peace. If there
is any rounding up by creatures portraying angels,
or whatever, that would definitely be a sign of an
event foretold of, for over 1900 yrs. ago, by the
ancient Apostle John, a close disciple of Christ,
the author of The Book Of Revelations.

That's a very wild and bazaar dream indeed,
my friend. God's ancient prophecies will, in
His time, come to pass. He does always
take care of his people, whom He says
are His peculiar treasures, and more
precious to him than pure gold. No
matter what the future may bring,
we will not be afraid in our spirits,
because of His Strong Spirit.
Thanks... :cross:

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Had something strange happen to me, while excavating. I was excavating, when I decided to take a break, decided to take some pics, when a beam of light shot out a rock , and into another, almost like It, was looking at me. Got a picture of It, It, lasted for couple of seconds.View attachment 1076849View attachment 1076850 ...?

Justintime, Hey man

You see there are people who liked your pics.
Maybe they may know something about that
light. It doesn't really look like a beam to me,
but stationary, and though I have seen people
refer to them in possible connection with spirits,
I have no experience with them, so cannot really
comment. I believe these other guys have had some
experiences, and maybe have an idea, or explanation
for what you saw. Did it only happen the one time, or
have you gone back? Good Luck, I see you have shown
some pretty nice Indian rocks and fossils, and a lot of
treasure signs and symbols, Cool Stuff Amigo... :cross:

Originally Posted by renantagum30


Hey Man, that's some serious stuff.
Yeah it is a battle, and does take powerful
authority. I have used similar ways that you
speak of. I think people close to Yeshua Jesus,
can call on his name, speak his words, and get
help from His Holy Spirit, Holy Angels, and force
the evil spirits to back down, and leave as you say.

Its nice that you appreciate what I have shared few days ago. my apology for not replying promptly.

You also have been attacked by the unseen entities?

The unseen entities have naturally warred against me,
as they do all mankind, especially all those who believe.
what have they done to you? were you attacked during your sleep?

:cross: Yes sure, bad dreams, bad thoughts, heaviness, like
they try to, and often do, also through people and circumstances,
to everyone. Good, bad, ugly or beautiful, as you said, they try
to attack people, in the seen and unseen things of this world.

They definitely know also, who had done what in the first earth age.
So, the people that were close to GOD then, are undoubtedly targeted.
We have to learn how to take authority over them, to know the absolute
truth of GOD's word, and live in a manner that helps us to keep out of trouble,
by pleasing our Father, and King. If we mess up, thru Yeshua we have an
advocate with the Father. He is also our High priest, our redemption,
our source of power forever, and it is only thru faith in his shed
blood, that we are purified, and even justified.

Unfortunately, while we are in this test in the flesh, we sometimes
sin, or make mistakes. Setbacks, can cause us to temporarily lose
some of His power, or favor if you like. That is when we are more
vulnerable to the attacks, that would work to bring us who love
and believe in Him down, by the unholy evil spirits, fallen angels
whose physical bodies are currently in chains, but their spirits
can go around the earth seeing what they can do, along with
the devil's evil spirit(s), "principalities and powers, spiritual
wickedness in high places".

Whose main objectives are, to try to cause our demise, take us
out of the way, or potentially reduce the threat of causing them
trouble in some way, and resistance to their evil ways now,
or in the future...

We Christians have a major benefit with Jesus, in that we can
get right back in good standing with Him thru repentance, and
then to Him, it's like it had never even happened. This is True,
He IS Always Faithful and Just, to Instantly Forgive Us... :cross:

I won't talk very much about the personal stuff, except
that they remarkably seem to know me.
I fully agree that the black entities, devils and others seem to work under the direction of a certain overlord, and the overlords being controlled by someone higher than them. they seem to act in concert and with a common purpose.
But they may be interested in you because you might cause trouble to them. ARe you somekind of a priest , or a person with clairvoyant abilities? They only bother you directly if you have the clairvoyant abilities, have contact with angels, a very religious guy or have somekind of a gift in the spiritual realm

:cross: I am always trying to cause some trouble for them, through encouraging
His fellow believers in the truth, our faith. Not a priest, just defying the darkness,
with His More Powerful Light. His spiritual principles, truths, and spiritual laws,
are of the most interest me. The Truth of His Word is True Reality to me.

So, I have studied, and tried to learn them, and put them into practice.
I am a fellow believer. A special gift, really just that I have seen how
powerful His Name, His Blood, His Word, and His Holy Spirit is,
so if there is any special gift, it is the knowledge of Him,
and the benefit of His presence, leading and guiding,
that He has given, at times for His purpose... :cross:

Don't know if
I may have stood for the LORD in the first earth age,
before the destruction of it, and the great overthrow
of Lucifer, that old dragon. If I did, my life could be
potentially even more guarded and directed, and
more scrutinized as well. But, I have not lived any
kind of sheltered life, other than all of our Father's
leading and guiding, as he does to all of us that He
has chosen, (no matter the level of gifts and benefits
we are all dealt differently), by His Holy Spirit.

And there's the good decisions mixed with mistakes,
and all the setbacks that come with them. All my
studying (what have you studied about the LOrd? in what way?, why?),

:cross: Just always studying His Word, and whether something that appears
happening in the natural is of Him, or not. He gives us understanding,
by His written Word and Spirit. But, we have not always been
taught all of the whole truth, by those that are supposed
to teach. Some things can take us time to understand...

So, some things about Him, require much more study.
Like what makes His, or other spirits tick, or to
come, or go... :cross:

...but also the interesting experiences
with Him, those are even more convincing to
me, and speaking His word and His name,
and seeing spirits stop, at least right then... what were your experiences with the spirits and their deliverance?

:cross: Petitioning the LORD on people's behalf,
and speaking to the spirits in the name of the LORD.
No dramatic deliverances, but have seen spirits,
leave off from harassing people. I know there
is much more work in deliverance, or casting
demons out from possessing and controlling
people. It sounds like you have seen a lot
of that kind of direct confrontation, in
your TH'ing experiences, seen with
your friend. That's some strong
spirits. You have witnessed
some things, that I have
not my friend... :cross:


A lot of very good questions my friend, I can possibly
answer some of them that I have seen, and will work on them shortly.
Cookin' some corn and beef steaks for the family and a young cousin,
out on the grill...

Ah, Sunday with the family... It will take me some time,
as I am a slow typer. Thanks, Have a good day... :cross:

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Of this, I only know that Jesus said "I Give You Power And Authority
Over All Of The Enemy", and that we should always order spirits to go
back to where they came from, in Jesus' name. That includes all evil spirits,
but doesn't always mean easily, because The Master taught His disciples
that there has to be Prayer and Fasting, for some of them to Obey.

That is nice of you to give me an idea as to why we, humans, can also cast out demons. as you said, it was in fact Jesus who gave us power and authority over all our enemies. Well said sir. What you have shared was educational.

But as you have said, it is not as simple as reciting those words that will cast them out, but you need to pray for it, and fast to prepare yourself spiritually. ( I dont know why fasting can make you stronger spiritually. But it is written in the Bible, so we must follow it. AS for you,why the need to fast?)

:cross: As far as myself, I used to fast more, still do a little,
but back then not for a long period, mostly about a day or so...

Fasting was highly emphasized for spiritual warfare, by Jesus in
scripture. The Human Soul can apparently get much stronger spiritually,
when the flesh is weakened along with prayer that way, impurities are
expelled, there's no digestion happening, and we focus on His spiritual
things a lot more. Jesus showed us a lot about that, when He went out
into the wilderness, to pray and fast for 40 days and nights, taking no
bread or water...

Then, in his weakened state of His flesh, but even stronger
state of is spirit, the Devil came to temp him, using GOD's
word by twisting it, and tempted him, even once to worship him,
and all together, tried three times... But he failed to trick Jesus.
[ EDIT Keep in mind that Jesus was 29 or 30 yrs. old, and excellent
health, when he did that fasting, and that major spiritual event,
happened to him]...

Jesus told him "Get behind me Satan, for it is written", quoting
GOD's word and correcting the words that were part truth, part
a lie, showing us how to do it. That there is awesome power, in
speaking GOD's word in truth, even in defeating the Devil. His
half truths are neutralized, by the power of GOD's true spoken
word, especially while praying and fasting, a hungry human
being growing stronger in faith.

Fasting is for more spiritual power, ordained and demonstrated
by the Lord to be very effective. The LORD knows it hurts the
flesh to sacrifice, for the benefit of getting stronger spiritually.
He likes the sacrifice and desire toward Him, and therefore
it pleases Him, and He Honors it. These are some of
His Promises to His children... :cross:

[EDIT] We all know that not everyone can, or should
ever even consider, or attempt to do ANY kind of
fasting whatsoever, in any way, at all.
Especially, with any kind of medical conditions, special diets,
or when on any kind of meds at all, etc. :thumbsup: :cross:

I am reminded of a biblical story where someone, an ordinary guy, attempted to cast out demons. He simply recited words to the effect that the demon must leave the body of a human. But the devil blurted out. " i know Jesus, I know Paul, but who are you? Thereupon, the devil mauled the human who attempted to cast out that demon from the human body. The moral lesson of the story was, do not attempt to drive them away or they will attack you. That was always the reminder of my friend. That casting out demons is easy said than done. So he does not recommend me to do that (the casting of demons). He wanted me to ask for experts on that field including priest who knows how to exorcise. But it is really an emergency, he also told me to pray and fast, as you have also said.

:cross: Yes that is right, the Spirit(s) said who are you?
Excellent point, so what would be the reason that
the Spirits would know some human souls, and not others.
Possibly because those placed here back then or now, that
stood for the LORD before the great overthrow, may have some help,
or power granted now, could be of GOD's chosen, called The Very Elect,
and if so, of course the Devil and his workers, well know it...

I would not suggest, that just anyone try to cast any evil spirit out.
These are serious spiritual principles, taught in The Bible, and are
only for example, and should not to be taken lightly, by anyone... :cross:

would be multiple prayers, and should be speaking to them, whatever that
takes. Depending on the level of power that The LORD grants the person,
or persons, or the power they gain, whether individual, or more than one.

There is power in numbers of pure souls, ( i fully agree. the more pure souls, the more power, the more God grants power to more servants who are sincere.

and there is All power in His

word, whether sung or spoken. He grants power for sincerity in praise,by His servants to Him (well said). These things are all easily scripturally referenced.
In the time that Jesus asked the spirits their name, possessing the young
man, they answered "legion, for we are many". They asked him to let
them go into the herd of swine, and He did. The herd rushed over the
cliff and killed themselves, doesn't say where the spirits went, but we
know Jesus said that they will go back and try to repossess the same
person, if Christ's Holy Spirit, and his Holy Word. is not living there,
and will even try to take seven more spirits with them, more vile
than them ( that is so scary. my friend told me about that. that they can take more spirits to try to repossess a person. which reminds me of my classmates during my elementary days. She was possessed after always singing in a very big tree somewhere in Visayas, Philippines. she was there for a singing competition and somebody might have taken interest on her. so to make the story short, she was possessed. for years, nobody could understand what she went through. However, upon being exorcised, she went back to her original ways, the her which was not yet possessed. but the priest who exorcised the devil in her made precautionary measures. Her name was changed from Jennifer (Genie and Lucifer) to Maria something. and there were other precautions. Your explanation about many and more spirits will try to repossess a person previously possessed somehow answered the question why the priest tried to make precautionary measures before. that explanation of yours answered my doubts about that.

. Christ must dwell there in the form of His Omnipotent,

and Omnipresent Holy Spirit. They can never, prevail against
GOD'S HOLY SPIRIT. But they can beat people up, that are
not right with GOD, are disobedient, or need to pray more,
and they do this all of the time, even if it is mental, which
is a way they love to torment people. I somehow fail in this regard. sometimes, I cant help watch movies that are inappropriate or somehow get irritated when reckless drivers endanger your life in the road. I cant help but yell and get angry at them, if I can find the chance to yell at them. I have some failings. I need to pray more, more than I pray in the evening daily. Maybe, there is that devil that made me do all those things. But the fault rested entirely on me as I have the freedom to choose what to act, whether to choose the good or the bad.

:cross:Always our choice, the devil or spirits, can only suggest by spirit now... :cross:

Again, I say, there

is awesome power to be attained in offering up Praise,
to the Father YAHVEH, YESHUA The Son, and The
LORD's HOLY SPIRIT. This is also scriptural truth.
[Edit] GOD can send His Angels, and or spirits to talk to people.
[EDIT] Of The spirits of darkness referred to in scripture:
This illustrates the fact that the spirits are demonic, of fallen angels,
and of the devil himself. They are immortal spirits, as are our spirits,
that only GOD himself can destroy. The difference, is that they are all
Supernatural, and we are just Natural, so God's Supernatural Spirit is
always necessary for us, to effectively deal with them. But though some
are multiple, and more powerful, we believers are Promised Power Over
All Of Them, in the name of the LORD and His Yeshua, Jesus,
The Christ (The Anointed One). WEll said. i will always keep that in mind.

Traditions of men, do little or even nothing, to change things, in
the real spirit world, dimension, or realm. It is All in the Faith,
the Spiritual Standing of the ones speaking GOD's word(s),
and always, the Will of the LORD Himself... The spirit world is truly existing, and someone much more powerful is also existing. and only men are folly because If science cannot explain it, they dont believe it. But for those who knows the spiritual truth and for those who have experienced Jesus in their lives, they know better. I know better also.

Well said my brother, Thanks again, for the stories, the interesting pics,
and the positive treasure and scripture related spirits discussions... :cross:

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A lot of very good questions my friend, I can possibly
answer some of them that I have seen, and will work on them shortly.
Cookin' some corn and beef steaks for the family and a young cousin,
out on the grill... It is nice of you to spend time with your family and young cousin on a barbeque grill. its not much of the food that you eat but its the fun of having to prepare your food and talking at the same time.

Ah, Sunday with the family... It will take me some time,
as I am a slow typer. Thanks, Have a good day...
Have a good day also. My bad if i may have disturbed you. take your time.

The attached picture is inside the room that we have just broken. the cement room is filled with backfilled earth. hard earth mixed with fist sized rocks. that is the area where my diggers apparently felt the presence of someone. according to my friend, an angel was there to protect my digger, apparently from any danger ( i dont know if that includes the danger from the curse of the treasure).


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Did something spooky, or dangerous happen in there?

That looks like a deep place you are climbing down into... :cross:

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I have to ask - what are the 17 grains? I know of wheat, buckwheat, rye, barley, rice, emmer, einkorn, oats, corn even triticale but what other grains are used? Never heard of this many grains for a bread.


Oro, an easy question I meant to answer:
Pepperidge Farms, has a fifteen grain bread that
is very good. So not 17, but 15, I will list them,
just for curiosity... Now you have a hint of my
margin of exaggeration, I mean of error...:tongue3: :laughing7:



They make a very good bread, that doesn't
taste like cardboard, I think :thumbsup: ... :cross:

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that cement room is only 22 feet from the top soil or from the top. that cement room has a 2 feet thick roof, a 2 feet thick wall.

notice the first picture. that is where we have broken a hole there to serve as our entrance to the room. we made a timbering on the roof to serve as a precautionary measure against falling debris. of course, the roof is very sturdy but we never know what will happen in the future. so we made a timbering made of wood.

since we have made a very small hole only after 3 months, we secured a 50tonner jack designed for 18 wheelers truck to break open the two feet thick wall.


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