Of this, I only know that Jesus said "I Give You Power And Authority
Over All Of The Enemy", and that we should always order spirits to go
back to where they came from, in Jesus' name. That includes all evil spirits,
but doesn't always mean easily, because The Master taught His disciples
that there has to be Prayer and Fasting, for some of them to Obey.
That is nice of you to give me an idea as to why we, humans, can also cast out demons. as you said, it was in fact Jesus who gave us power and authority over all our enemies. Well said sir. What you have shared was educational.
But as you have said, it is not as simple as reciting those words that will cast them out, but you need to pray for it, and fast to prepare yourself spiritually. ( I dont know why fasting can make you stronger spiritually. But it is written in the Bible, so we must follow it. AS for you,why the need to fast?)
I am reminded of a biblical story where someone, an ordinary guy, attempted to cast out demons. He simply recited words to the effect that the demon must leave the body of a human. But the devil blurted out. " i know Jesus, I know Paul, but who are you? Thereupon, the devil mauled the human who attempted to cast out that demon from the human body. The moral lesson of the story was, do not attempt to drive them away or they will attack you. That was always the reminder of my friend. That casting out demons is easy said than done. So he does not recommend me to do that (the casting of demons). He wanted me to ask for experts on that field including priest who knows how to exorcise. But it is really an emergency, he also told me to pray and fast, as you have also said.
would be multiple prayers, and should be speaking to them, whatever that
takes. Depending on the level of power that The LORD grants the person,
or persons, or the power they gain, whether individual, or more than one.
There is power in numbers of pure souls, ( i fully agree. the more pure souls, the more power, the more God grants power to more servants who are sincere.
and there is All power in His
word, whether sung or spoken. He grants power for sincerity in praise,by His servants to Him (well said). These things are all easily scripturally referenced.
In the time that Jesus asked the spirits their name, possessing the young
man, they answered "legion, for we are many". They asked him to let
them go into the herd of swine, and He did. The herd rushed over the
cliff and killed themselves, doesn't say where the spirits went, but we
know Jesus said that they will go back and try to repossess the same
person, if Christ's Holy Spirit, and his Holy Word. is not living there,
and will even try to take seven more spirits with them, more vile
than them ( that is so scary. my friend told me about that. that they can take more spirits to try to repossess a person. which reminds me of my classmates during my elementary days. She was possessed after always singing in a very big tree somewhere in Visayas, Philippines. she was there for a singing competition and somebody might have taken interest on her. so to make the story short, she was possessed. for years, nobody could understand what she went through. However, upon being exorcised, she went back to her original ways, the her which was not yet possessed. but the priest who exorcised the devil in her made precautionary measures. Her name was changed from Jennifer (Genie and Lucifer) to Maria something. and there were other precautions. Your explanation about many and more spirits will try to repossess a person previously possessed somehow answered the question why the priest tried to make precautionary measures before. that explanation of yours answered my doubts about that.
. Christ must dwell there in the form of His Omnipotent,
and Omnipresent Holy Spirit. They can never, prevail against
GOD'S HOLY SPIRIT. But they can beat people up, that are
not right with GOD, are disobedient, or need to pray more,
and they do this all of the time, even if it is mental, which
is a way they love to torment people. I somehow fail in this regard. sometimes, I cant help watch movies that are inappropriate or somehow get irritated when reckless drivers endanger your life in the road. I cant help but yell and get angry at them, if I can find the chance to yell at them. I have some failings. I need to pray more, more than I pray in the evening daily. Maybe, there is that devil that made me do all those things. But the fault rested entirely on me as I have the freedom to choose what to act, whether to choose the good or the bad.
Again, I say, there
is awesome power to be attained in offering up Praise,
to the Father YAHVEH, YESHUA The Son, and The
LORD's HOLY SPIRIT. This is also scriptural truth.
This illustrates the fact that the spirits are demonic, of fallen angels,
and of the devil himself. They are immortal spirits, as are our spirits,
that only GOD himself can destroy. The difference, is that they are all
Supernatural, and we are just Natural, so God's Supernatural Spirit is
always necessary for us, to effectively deal with them. But though some
are multiple, and more powerful, we believers are Promised Power Over
All Of Them, in the name of the LORD and His Yeshua, Jesus,
The Christ (The Anointed One). WEll said. i will always keep that in mind.
Traditions of men, do little or even nothing, to change things, in
the real spirit world, dimension, or realm. It is All in the Faith,
the Spiritual Standing of the ones speaking GOD's word(s),
and always, the Will of the LORD Himself... The spirit world is truly existing, and someone much more powerful is also existing. and only men are folly because If science cannot explain it, they dont believe it. But for those who knows the spiritual truth and for those who have experienced Jesus in their lives, they know better. I know better also.