I feel like most Youtubers are the type that like to hear them selves talk and they are the people that love to talk and talk...
Youtubers are an interesting bag of mixed nuts. Some are so full of themselves that ive unsubscribed from their channels, while some others I can watch for hours. After 68 years on this blue orb, I’ve gotten pretty good at sizing up folks within the first few minutes of meeting them or watching their channels, and I can pretty much figure who’s a phony and who’s genuine. I’m pretty sure others my age are able do the same.
From that "superpower"

I’ve determined is that I’m my own best friend, and I mostly enjoy spending time with myself, especially when detecting and small game hunting. I’m not antisocial, it’s just that I get tired of the "one upmanship" that comes with so many people, and their need to compete every time we go out. I’m going out to enjoy the day, not to compete against anyone...even myself!
I can count my true friends on a few fingers of one hand, and the rest of the people around me I count as acquaintances...they show up when they want or need something, and then you don’t hear from them until their next moment of desperation. Blood relatives are in this latter category as well, although I don’t hear from them as often since selling my pickup truck. (They weren’t happy about losing their delivery vehicle!)
As was said before, narcissists are found across the general population, but the one group that takes the cake are politicians...they also dominate the liar class as well.