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Howdy Folks,

I have been whispering to some horses, why you ask? Well if you shout at them they get scared, and dangerous. What do I whisper you ask? "Please don't buck me off in front of everyone, and I'll bring you a carrot". Sure hope I am not dealing with deaf horses.???

Red, I bought my wife that same Marlin .22 back in the eighties, but with the half round, half octagon barrel. The one with the gold squirrels on it. I agree that the action is not too smooth, but it sure looks, and shoots good. Back then I paid 780 for it, that's more than some high caliber Weatherby's were worth.
If the gun fits your hand, you made a good trade. I had a H&R .22 revolver, and could out shoot some of my friends with rifles. One of my brothers took it with him to disk the fields ( a lot of jackrabbits would come out ). It fell from the seat, and got run over with the disk, losing the rear sight. That's when I found out they are just for decoration, and not really needed.:coffee2::coffee2:

Guerrita, good for you, hope they go easy with you. When I see you standing on one leg like a crane, I'll keep my distance. Looking forward for the home style chili.:coffee2::coffee2:

Doc, glad to hear that you are back in Ecuador. Maybe the Culinary Caveman will make it out there someday.:coffee2::coffee2:

RC, you really know your guns, I really enjoy everyone talking about the subject. Hope you pick your friends brain for more treasure stories.:coffee2::coffee2:

Compadre, que paso? Acid smelly bellybutton lint? You really need to bathe more often, geez, and pimping the Yaqui twins.:nono: I here you have been losing sleep over the Cobollo De Santa Fe that grazes north of the river. I can assure you it has nothing to do with the Caballo's by the Rio Del Norte. Tu-dishishn?:coffee2::coffee2:

:cross:, out of spirit/treasure stories, how about we uncork a bottle, and set some spirits free.:occasion14:


Where is our black feathered friend of late…….Senor Crow, has he flown the coop?

He was getting in shape for a mission, and I don't believe he said where it would be. Hope they find what they are looking for, and make it out without any mishaps.


There was an old farmer on his deathbed who asked to speak to his boys. They were all grown, and their father had provided a good life for all. They had always been curious how he had managed with such a small place. When they gather around his bed that afternoon, the old man managed to raise his arm, and pointed out the window. In a weak voice interrupted by coughs, and gasps, he said "that's where the money is boys". They all looked at the small garlic field where the old man had pointed.
He died the next day when he looked out the window, and saw his field dug full of holes.:BangHead: :laughing7:

An ol timer wrote his incarcerated son telling him the garden needed to be turned over but his progress with the shovel was minuscule.
"Wish you were home son,to help".
The son replied in a letter from prison, "NO dad don't dig in the garden that's where the bodies are!"
The force that showed up at the farm was amazing, t.v. crews, cops,local,state, F.B.I. ,archaeologists, forensics teams,
all frantically digging away with all manner of equipment until .... nothing was found and they slowly left after a couple days declaring a hoax.
On the third day the ol timer received another letter from his son that said, " Now you can plant this year dad,that's the best I could do from here...."

Well I pray our Señor Bird has success in his search….certainly he does the research and prepares well for any adventure he chooses……

Our Crow is taking care of minor health problems, he will be backk.

Judy , this post is not for your delicate ears so don't look sides you wouldn't understand, but np and the others, especially ORO, readily do. Me, I just take their word for it.
US Army frees sex slaves in Iraq


Dearest Homar and amigos mios. This adventure/survival training has been quite amazing, thus far. Excellent pics. My instructor is one-of-a-kind. Google Bob "Thunder" Thurman for quite a story of his own. Great, happy day to all... wherever the crow may fly.

Very cool Señorita Mastiff……a great idea…… the extent we do not fight back, are unaware we facilitate these demonic thieves…..
When they start being injured and or killed, put in prison for most of their scum lives, is when we will have less of the problem.
Fight on, no retreat, no surrender.
Vaya con Dios.

Our Crow is taking care of minor health problems, he will be backk.

Judy , this post is not for your delicate ears so don't look sides you wouldn't understand, but np and the others, especially ORO, readily do. Me, I just take their word for it.
US Army frees sex slaves in Iraq

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Don Jose Amigo

Spit, slaves you say, hmmn...
Is that a treasure story, or just dark spirits???
Some knarly, foul evil ones, sounds like, ooohhh???... :cross:

Friend coazon :occasion14:

Set some spirits free, and maybe someone
will do some talkin', surely not about sheep,
'cept for lamb steak or chops cooked on the
open fire hopefully, and not any a' smellin'
like a mulies saddle blanket either, or...

Well, how bout' somethin' scary, in adventurous
defense of ones life. Of looking for, an' finding ORO
or silver. Some spooky mining, that's a crazy sort
of spooky spirits thought... :cross:

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Indian Grandma

So Indian Grandma told me a few little stories...

Let's see, one was about a dream she had one night...

That she went on a trip and caught a big catfish.
I guess she had a hankerin' for fresh channel cat.

So she rose early, got ready, called and persuaded a
local friend in the area, to give her a ride somewhere.
Not sure where she went, maybe the fairly nearby lake.

She got her line baited up, tossed on out an' sure enough,
shortly caught a big catfish, like she dreamed. Fixed a real
good supper, for her and her friend Midge. She smiled big
and laughed, when she told me about that one, her
brown Choctaw eyes shining... :cross:

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Remember the Alamo???

I have recommended El Deguello to My Father...I wonder if he'll go by my silly recommendation???

A parched farm town is sinking, and so are its residents' hearts

I wonder how many other California cities are going to be sinking in the not so distant future???And what of the Mighty Mississippi???Better yet...And what of the Colorado???I guess we'll just have to wait and see...Won't we???hehehe

Just kidding...Or am I???

Ed T:)lol

Hey Ed T Amigo
I surely hope not, for more
reasons than that I have a lot
of family and friends all over the
great State of California. Do you
mean something like "the big one"?
Could be tough, for a lot of very good
people, if there was a major disaster, or
panic, not good at all. Hope and pray not.

The Mississippi? The Arkansas? With their well
known, very long major faults also, hope not as well... :cross:

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Who knows what is in store for us Crosse...Check this one out...I don't see any relief for us in the foreseeable future...

Lake Mead Water Levels Drop To New Low In Nevada

How much longer will this drought last???How much higher will the price of staples rise???Who knows???hehehe

Ed T:)

I know Ed

The Colorado has kept getting
lower. Farmers and cities have got
to have some of it. I could say a lot
of things, but must choose not to here.
Naturally, don't really think it's the
best place to get into too much...

Troubles bound to come, seems there's more
than there used to be, almost everyday. We
won't do no good to get down about it, so
might as well go out and treasure hunt
when we can. Now, if we were at a
fire without the web, we could say
what we wanted to, reasonably.

Then whether we agreed about everything
expressed or not, when we got ready, we
could just quit, and go lay down. Even if
you did try to tell people what you think
is liable to happen, would they believe it?

Maybe some, but most, probably not.
People have been caught unaware of
natural and man made disasters thru
the ages.

Something will eventually give, and times may sure enough
get tough. Probably people moving if they can, to a better place?... :cross:

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Seems like there is a crisis in about every aspect of life now, all having almost reached a tipping point………
All that is going on are not isolated, but part of the same forces that have worked for, and created the very crisis that seem poised to bring down the world we know.
Releventchair is right, there is much we can do to be self sufficient……live simply, avoid debt, know nature, be as self sufficient as possible.
Above all else, live your life in accord with Jesus Christ.

I know Ed The Colorado has kept getting lower. Farmers and cities have got to have some of it. I could say a lot of things, but must choose not to here. Naturally, don't really think it's the best place to get into too much... Troubles bound to come, seems there's more than there used to be, almost everyday. We won't do no good to get down about it, so might as well go out and treasure hunt when we can. Now, if we were at a fire without the web, we could say what we wanted to, reasonably. Then whether we agreed about everything expressed or not, when we got ready, we could just quit, and go lay down. Even if you did try to tell people what you think is liable to happen, would they believe it? Maybe some, but most, probably not. People have been caught unaware of natural and man made disasters thru the ages. We used to have a pretty good handle on things. But anymore, so many problems have increased, we can't hardly keep up, and so many countries in debt. I have no idea why we have gone into so much debt, and still give away so much money. I believe in helping people when we can, but there's so many more all the time. Something will eventually give, and times may sure enough get tough. Probably people moving if they can, to a better place?... :cross:

Good morning. Here to wish you a Happy Fall morning. I hope you are doing something constructive. Perhaps throwing the fallen leaves over your head with glee? Feeling the cool breeze whisper 'good morning' across your cheek while grabbing the newspaper? Or, just plain running right back under the sheets to check your TNet.

Homar, my Chili is ready. It was meant for last night, but I got in too late. No Wheaties for y'all today. Coffee's over there (pointing at a polka-dotted sock hanging above a Texas A&M steaming pot of goodness.

Now, Crosse'. You are exactly right. You say 'if we were around a real campfire, and not on the web', basically, there would be more personal story swapping. I do have more stories, crinkled all the way up my sleeves, darn jammed tucked way up there. One of which, was the one that inspired me to write that book, situated in New Mexico (my other stomping ground).

Other stories, made me delve head-first, cowabunga-style into as many (specified) history books that I could find, in relation to, my experience(s). I have been in the special library archives (favorite spot) stared at-by-the-librarian-with-the-one-eyebrow-up, as she hands me the dainty white gloves while I peruse the answers to my personal mysteries (where at one point, I would not tell a soul).

As many of you know, to experience the sacred. It is a gift. It is not a curse. I have NO suitable, or eloquently suitable word(s) enough to express that. Again, I speak only for myself.

This is NOT just 'it'. Not by a long-shot. This (world) is so temporary. So quick, for what is yet to come. That is why I am a 'lover of the light'. Yet, yes, as most have mentioned, I share the belief in the opposite force, but have never had an intention (no joke) to be a part of it. I don't feel the dark has ever been darker.

It is not the 'spirits' I am worried about. Not a bit. It is the anger and desperation and madness presenting itself through the human condition. That is why, I as a woman, as a mother, as a family, and as a friend, do and am preparing myself, for the best... and whatever else may just show up.

Yet, at this moment, talk about 'spooky'. We ARE, indeed, in a worldly AND spiritual war.

The person I am going to refer to in my paragraph below this, has told me, us, several times, to get ready (early on) not just for war/terrorists and the like. Be sure to know where you stand, what you stand for, and who you will stand up against. Have NO question.

Years ago, our friend, was a very high profile reporter in Washington DC. He suffered a major heart attack out of the blue. At the hospital, he died on the table, and and came back. Came back to what would change his life and outlook on the world... And so many others. He is a HUGE guy, who has a big heart, which instantly and incidentally led him, from the corporate world into the middle of a forest, for years, in transformation to becoming what he is; a Shaman.

A teacher to all. We all are, to someone.

And, we must never forget that. Share THAT story!

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Just had to add a smile. :) Have a glorious day.

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Don Jose', I found a new OLD well for us. Boots ON ropes DOWN. 😄

I don't have any stories to share, but perhaps a fable will do……..and with our esteemed Señor Cuervo absent, it will feature a crow…..

The Fox and the Crow

This Aesop's Fable is well known and reminds us to beware the flatterer. It has a application that people can find useful in the spiritual life. That is, given that we are often blind to our personal defects and shortcomings, we can be fooled by others and led astray. If the crow had ackowledged its own bad voice, it would have never been fooled by the fox's praise...

A hungry Crow stole a piece of cheese and flew with it onto the branch of a tree. Just as it was about to take the first bite, a sly Fox spied it and called from below.

“Good day, Mistress Crow, how well you are looking! How glossy your feathers, how shining your eyes! I am certain that your voice is lovely, too. Oh, if I could hear but one song from you I would surely greet you as the Queen of the Birds.”

The Crow, who was very vain, believed every word spoken by the Fox. Fluttering its wings, it lifted its head and opened its mouth to caw.

With that, the cheese dropped to the ground and was immediately snapped up by the Fox.

As it walked away, well fed and well pleased with its cleverness, the Fox called back to the Crow.

“In exchange for that delicious cheese, I will give you a bit of advice:

“Remember not to trust the flatterer who praises you falsely.”

The Crow, embarrassed and confused, swore - though somewhat later - that it would never be tricked thus again.

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