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What keeps happening to me is, I type
out a post, and just before I post it,
a message pops up, saying a problem
on the internet has occurred, and the
page is locked up, and lost. It wastes
my time, and keeps happening.

Anyone have any ideas about this, or
been experiencing something like that
too, sometimes? Thanks, ... :cross:

bedraggled rooster, A Tauras???? I fouhd the almost ideal .357 was the S&W nod 28 with a 4" barrel and keith long range front sights - good to 4oo meters.. I carried one in the Border Patrol, and for many years after while exploring,

I even slept with it under the blankets. which twice defused a dangerous situation. With it I beat the Mexican National pistol Champion in an informal match in the 50's..

As for lever actions I still have my .win 30-30 carbine which I received for my 13 th birthday - yet to go down in a hail of gunfire on a bank steps as my grand father predicted.

Today if I were to get a lever action, I would want one in 38 - 55, or for serious work, in 45 - 70. and a good reloading set up.

I am an 'unabashed' gun nut, and have studied interior and exterior Ballistics. extensively.

GUN "nut", eh...?

Don Jose, you referring to me as 'bedraggled rooster' was quite cute! I really enjoyed it. The avatar pretty well fits the way I feel about my life now. I'm 'struttin' as the picture was captioned when I found it. It looks like it's been in a fight for it's life and won; maybe not by much, but is alive and able to walk away. During the last few years, I feel like I've been through a lot that could have caused my death; but I lived. So, I'm struttin'. I'm 72 years old, single, and although my health is questionable, I'm still alive and kicking (just not very high). lol

Don Jose, you referring to me as 'bedraggled rooster' was quite cute! I really enjoyed it. The avatar pretty well fits the way I feel about my life now. I'm 'struttin' as the picture was captioned when I found it. It looks like it's been in a fight for it's life and won; maybe not by much, but is alive and able to walk away. During the last few years, I feel like I've been through a lot that could have caused my death; but I lived. So, I'm struttin'. I'm 72 years old, single, and although my health is questionable, I'm still alive and kicking (just not very high). lol

Yeah... rooster DOES look like he has been in MANY "chicken fights"! Are you a "betting man"...?

hi bedraggled: fix you up with the Yaqui twins ??? - if they are still available-- ya get two for one, a little plump - 250 & 200 lbs but luvin gals and very neat.. They go as a package. They also know how to clean guns and make excellent tortillas..

hi bedraggled: fix you up with the Yaqui twins ??? - if they are still available-- ya get two for one, a little plump - 250 & 200 lbs but luvin gals and very neat.. They go as a package. They also know how to clean guns and make excellent tortillas..

(Singing...) HAPPINESS, IS A WARM GUN! by the Beatles, 1968.

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I may not have any pudding...But I will always have my memories of my signet seal the Tia Juana wire gold in matrix and last but not least...Native platinum in matrix... ;(

Who needs Tayopa or any other spirits when one has had so much more in one's life??? Would't it be silly if the dip in the markets have anything to do with greedy and corrupt people robbing from the poor to fund certain explorations and searches???Who can say for certain???It would be even sillier if such were considered the spirit of Satan by some...hehehe

Ed T:)lol

Hey, Ed T

As far as our spirits go:
I think you are probably a little krazier than me,
but hopefully that's in a good way. Would like to hear
more, about about the signet seal, and matrixes.

Is that a souvenir rock? Or is that supposed to
be a clue? :laughing7:

Sounds as if you have had some fun,
and could tell a Spirited Treasure Tale,
or maybe you could talk about some more.

Anyway, you know it's not silly to talk about the
markets, greed, bad spirits and the world economy,
Treasures that will be lastly used. It's all too deep for here.

That's a ride we will all have to take...8-) :thumbsup: :cross:

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bedraggled rooster, A Tauras???? I fouhd the almost ideal .357 was the S&W nod 28 with a 4" barrel and keith long range front sights - good to 4oo meters.. I carried one in the Border Patrol, and for many years after while exploring,

I even slept with it under the blankets. which twice defused a dangerous situation. With it I beat the Mexican National pistol Champion in an informal match in the 50's..

As for lever actions I still have my .win 30-30 carbine which I received for my 13 th birthday - yet to go down in a hail of gunfire on a bank steps as my grand father predicted.

Today if I were to get a lever action, I would want one in 38 - 55, or for serious work, in 45 - 70. and a good reloading set up.

I am an 'unabashed' gun nut, and have studied interior and exterior Ballistics. extensively.

Howdy, Don Jose

I had a nice reply to your post, that got lost.
That it has happened more frequently, don't know.

The distance of 400 meters, is a long way for a pistola.
That would be some very good target shooting, indeed.

What was your longest shot you took on the job, for real?...

Nothing wrong with liking guns, being a gun fan, for law
abiding citizens, at least so far, right... I hope it's always
legal to own guitars too. :laughing7:

What stories have you got, about sleeping with your
gun under your blanket, that had diffused a dangerous... :cross:

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The lever action I traded was 1980 year model Marlin 39AS. It was a fine gun. I bought it in 2011 from the gun shop that has it now. They now have it for the 4th time. They sold it when it was new, took it back in a trade later, sold it to a man who works next door to the gun shop, then later he put it on consignment with them, and I bought it.
The reason I traded it was because I also have a Henry H001 lever action .22. Although the 39A is a great gun, I like the Henry better. The action is sooo much smooooother! And I see no difference in the accuracy.
Yes, I'm a gun nut also. lol If I had the money to spend, I'd probably have more guns than the army. I have always liked .22s because the ammo is so cheap and most of the guns are low maintenance. 'Course right now ammo is hard to find at a cheap price. My dad started teaching me to shoot a little single shot Remington .22 rifle when I was about 5 years old.
I have two .22 revolvers, eight .22 rifles, one .17M2 rifle, a little Bersa .380 auto, the .357 that I just traded for, two break-barrel pellet rifles, one pump bb/pellet rifle, two CO2 bb pistols, a little single shot .410, a 12 gauge pump, a bolt action 20 gauge, and double barrel 20 gauge shotgun.
As I said, the reason that I chose the Taurus was because it felt better in my hand than the Ruger, Smith & Wesson, and one other brand I don't remember the name (might have been Charter Arms).
I took the gun out to a place I go to shoot and shot it a few times. I like the way it feels. I shot at several things others had left there at the place. There were some 2 liter Coca Cola bottles, a 5 gallon plastic bucket, several well used paper targets, etc. I shot one of the bottles first. I was about 25 paces from it. I aimed and pulled the trigger. I hit it. Did it again. Then I shot at the bucket which was probably 150 feet from me. I aimed at it and hit it. Did that again. Then I shot at one of the other 2 liter bottles and hit it. This is a 5 shot revolver. I reloaded and just started shooting at the bottles without aiming; just point and shoot. I was about 22 paces from them. I hit the one I was shooting at 4 out of 5 shots. So, I'm quite happy with the little gun. Oh, I forgot, it is a snub-nosed revolver, 2 inch barrel.
I learned something after firing a couple of shots. I pulled the trigger while holding the gun without a firm grip. It really 'bucked'. I noticed that it had bruised the webbing between my thumb and forefinger! I won't do that again!
Mr. Don Jose, you must be a great shot! I've never thought myself to be 'great', but not too bad. I could tell you a story that happened to me; but it's rather a long one. I don't know what people would think of me if I told it. They may think me a braggart, a coward, or possibly a child abuser; though I don't consider myself any of those. (Well, possibly coward.)
I have never been in a shooting contest, so I really don't know how good or bad I am. I carried a bb gun with me almost everywhere I went from the age of 8 until I was almost 17 years old.
Had quite a bit going on yesterday. I had to do some shopping, tried out the gun, took a friend out to a storage to check on her pickup that's stored out there, then spent the last part of the day working on a computer for her. I think we solved the problems.
I guess everybody's 'sleeping in' this morning. So, for now, everybody enjoy the Saturday morning sleep-in and I'll try to check back later. I may just go back to bed for a little extra shut-eye myself.

Hey Tex

I lost an entire post to you also,
so I was seeing your posts, and adventure
story. I lived in the city, and couldn't have a
gun, though shot a little.

Sounds like you have enjoyed some fun target
shooting. Anyway, that's some real nice country
up there in Idaho. My Uncle and Aunt lives near
Boise, and I've been there a few times.

Thanks for sharing your positive stories.
I can't imagine anyone that would sit thru
the "No Pain Killer" dentist, thinking of
themselves as being other than brave.
You have the greatest power in earth
on your side. Thanks for your input,
hope you had a very good day... :cross:

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Well Crosse...As for my signet seal...I found it laying on a lawn in Lompoc, CA...It was a signet seal made of diatomaceous earth...It is what my silly mind has interpreted as my little white rock...But who knows???

As for the Pt in its matrix...Could I have purchased it from a rock shop in Silver City???Who knows???

And the wire gold...That ore was a gift from an elderly Mexican gentleman...

When it comes to the markets...Shoot...Everyone knows that the greedy rich insiders jack up the prices and then sell of quickly leaving the poor dupes holding the empty worthless bag...I sure am glad that I don't have anything invested in the markets...

Shoot...I saw the funniest report about some stinking rich aholes making a hundred plus billion dollars manipulating the silver markets...As if it doesn't happen on all of the other markets...Oh well...

Their day will come...hehehe

Ed T:)lol

Hey, Ed T

One day when leaving my Uncles house,
I walked out to my car, across the street,
where we would park. Walking along, looking
down around the grass ditch where my car
was parked, I spotted a nice white Indian
marble, a little bigger than the size of
a Buffalo nickel.

I was pretty happy to find it. It had
obviously been hand made, and fired,
from an off white colored clay.

Uncle said they hauled in truck loads
of sandy loam, probably from a rich
creek or river bottom, where in the
old days, Indians would have lived,
camped out, played games when
they had time, and someone had
lost it a long time ago... :cross:

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It was such a cool signet seal Crosse...It had a . or Dagesh on one side an apple on the other and it was washed in silver and gold and it fit perfectly between my forefinger and thumb...I personally believe that My Father did the gravings on it himself...But who can say for certain???hehehe

Ed T:)lol

Ed T

You said the signet seal was cool, made of what?
Was, is past tense, so sounds like you don't have it,
or a pic of it? Your father engraved what on it?... :cross:

It was/is fashioned from diatomaceous earth and a description of it is in post #1402...And a Lompoc, CA police officer pretty much stole it from me...I had tossed it away and when I was looking for it I was taken into custody...I saw an officer pick it up and it was not returned to me...Who knows where it is now???hehehe

Ed T:)

Ed T

Interesting. And bummer on the loss.
How would your father have engraved on it?
What did it signify, a family seal... :cross:

What is Diatomaceous earth in a solid form capable of making a ring called??

I believe that I would prefer a solid Mercury ring.

Don Jose ~ mi Amigo,

I don't know what Diatomaceous earth is.

Maybe I'll look it up.

A Solid Mercury Ring?

Knowledge of metallurgy...

I'm sure that you work on your guns too...

I just try to work a little on guitars, ... :cross:

Rebel-KGC, me, a betting man? Yes and no. I love to play online poker, but it's for 'play' money. Before playing for 'real' money was banned/outlawed, I was given $2 from Poker Stars to 'gamble' with. They were trying to entice me to deposit money to use for playing for real money. I played for about 3 days with the $2 before losing it. I was playing on the 1 cent/2 cent tables. Lots of fun. I play several times a week for a few minutes to a couple of hours.
I have played a few times when in my teens for real money with friends and classmates. I doubt that I ever lost more than $7, maybe $8 in my life playing poker. I got to shooting dice with some men that I knew and worked with in the 1970s. Yes, for money. I believe I played maybe 5 or 6 times with them. All total, I think I won about $14.
I do play the lotto! Yes, I know it's extremely unlikely that I'll win; but $2 a week isn't going to 'break my bank'. lol I play the same set of numbers. One dollar per play, 2 drawings per week. I buy a $10 ticket every 5 weeks and hope. So to be in all of the drawings in that particular lotto game, it costs me $104 a year. I've won small amounts several times, but never anywhere near what I've lost! The most I've won on a ticket was $108, once I won $78, and all of the others were from $2 to $5. Why did you ask if I was a betting man?
Don Jose, I think I'll pass on the twins. Sounds like they may be a bit more than I could handle at my age. lol As I've said before, I'm not really looking for a woman. The woman that lives here by us, that is a friend to my daughter, is as close as want to get to another woman. We go out for lunch occasionally, went down to the Bruneau Dunes Observatory, out just riding around, etc.; but that's as far as either of us want to go. She's always 'looking for a man'! Hope she finds one! It just ain't gonna be me! lol lol
Crosse, I live, as you probably know, about 40 miles east of Boise. Maybe I'll meet your aunt and uncle sometime. I always enjoy meeting people.

Rebel-KGC, me, a betting man? Yes and no. I love to play online poker, but it's for 'play' money. Before playing for 'real' money was banned/outlawed, I was given $2 from Poker Stars to 'gamble' with. They were trying to entice me to deposit money to use for playing for real money. I played for about 3 days with the $2 before losing it. I was playing on the 1 cent/2 cent tables. Lots of fun. I play several times a week for a few minutes to a couple of hours. I have played a few times when in my teens for real money with friends and classmates. I doubt that I ever lost more than $7, maybe $8 in my life playing poker. I got to shooting dice with some men that I knew and worked with in the 1970s. Yes, for money. I believe I played maybe 5 or 6 times with them. All total, I think I won about $14. I do play the lotto! Yes, I know it's extremely unlikely that I'll win; but $2 a week isn't going to 'break my bank'. lol I play the same set of numbers. One dollar per play, 2 drawings per week. I buy a $10 ticket every 5 weeks and hope. So to be in all of the drawings in that particular lotto game, it costs me $104 a year. I've won small amounts several times, but never anywhere near what I've lost! The most I've won on a ticket was $108, once I won $78, and all of the others were from $2 to $5. Why did you ask if I was a betting man? Don Jose, I think I'll pass on the twins. Sounds like they may be a bit more than I could handle at my age. lol As I've said before, I'm not really looking for a woman. The woman that lives here by us, that is a friend to my daughter, is as close as want to get to another woman. We go out for lunch occasionally, went down to the Bruneau Dunes Observatory, out just riding around, etc.; but that's as far as either of us want to go. She's always 'looking for a man'! Hope she finds one! It just ain't gonna be me! lol lol Crosse, I live, as you probably know, about 40 miles east of Boise. Maybe I'll meet your aunt and uncle sometime. I always enjoy meeting people.
Good stories, troopers. Made my day. Bah! Tex, when you said that rooster looked like you. No, I beg to differ. It look like how I feel. Ha. Just met with my neurologist after having the 48 hour EEG, and now, surprisingly they want to do a 48 hour Holter Monitor test, and an Ambulatory Electrocardiogram. Have any of you had these? I left feeling not quite sure why the wanted to do them? I will find out. I like poker too. Just saved an injured Gopher Tortoise from a hungry gathering of crows. Squawk!!!

Good stories, troopers. Made my day. Bah! Tex, when you said that rooster looked like you. No, I beg to differ. It look like how I feel. Ha. Just met with my neurologist after having the 48 hour EEG, and now, surprisingly they want to do a 48 hour Holter Monitor test, and an Ambulatory Electrocardiogram. Have any of you had these? I left feeling not quite sure why the wanted to do them? I will find out. I like poker too. Just saved an injured Gopher Tortoise from a hungry gathering of crows. Squawk!!!

Hey, Trapper Girl

We know you're probably the bravest,
and toughest trooper out of all of us.

Have a good day, hope it goes well... :cross:

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