The lever action I traded was 1980 year model Marlin 39AS. It was a fine gun. I bought it in 2011 from the gun shop that has it now. They now have it for the 4th time. They sold it when it was new, took it back in a trade later, sold it to a man who works next door to the gun shop, then later he put it on consignment with them, and I bought it.
The reason I traded it was because I also have a Henry H001 lever action .22. Although the 39A is a great gun, I like the Henry better. The action is sooo much smooooother! And I see no difference in the accuracy.
Yes, I'm a gun nut also. lol If I had the money to spend, I'd probably have more guns than the army. I have always liked .22s because the ammo is so cheap and most of the guns are low maintenance. 'Course right now ammo is hard to find at a cheap price. My dad started teaching me to shoot a little single shot Remington .22 rifle when I was about 5 years old.
I have two .22 revolvers, eight .22 rifles, one .17M2 rifle, a little Bersa .380 auto, the .357 that I just traded for, two break-barrel pellet rifles, one pump bb/pellet rifle, two CO2 bb pistols, a little single shot .410, a 12 gauge pump, a bolt action 20 gauge, and double barrel 20 gauge shotgun.
As I said, the reason that I chose the Taurus was because it felt better in my hand than the Ruger, Smith & Wesson, and one other brand I don't remember the name (might have been Charter Arms).
I took the gun out to a place I go to shoot and shot it a few times. I like the way it feels. I shot at several things others had left there at the place. There were some 2 liter Coca Cola bottles, a 5 gallon plastic bucket, several well used paper targets, etc. I shot one of the bottles first. I was about 25 paces from it. I aimed and pulled the trigger. I hit it. Did it again. Then I shot at the bucket which was probably 150 feet from me. I aimed at it and hit it. Did that again. Then I shot at one of the other 2 liter bottles and hit it. This is a 5 shot revolver. I reloaded and just started shooting at the bottles without aiming; just point and shoot. I was about 22 paces from them. I hit the one I was shooting at 4 out of 5 shots. So, I'm quite happy with the little gun. Oh, I forgot, it is a snub-nosed revolver, 2 inch barrel.
I learned something after firing a couple of shots. I pulled the trigger while holding the gun without a firm grip. It really 'bucked'. I noticed that it had bruised the webbing between my thumb and forefinger! I won't do that again!
Mr. Don Jose, you must be a great shot! I've never thought myself to be 'great', but not too bad. I could tell you a story that happened to me; but it's rather a long one. I don't know what people would think of me if I told it. They may think me a braggart, a coward, or possibly a child abuser; though I don't consider myself any of those. (Well, possibly coward.)
I have never been in a shooting contest, so I really don't know how good or bad I am. I carried a bb gun with me almost everywhere I went from the age of 8 until I was almost 17 years old.
Had quite a bit going on yesterday. I had to do some shopping, tried out the gun, took a friend out to a storage to check on her pickup that's stored out there, then spent the last part of the day working on a computer for her. I think we solved the problems.
I guess everybody's 'sleeping in' this morning. So, for now, everybody enjoy the Saturday morning sleep-in and I'll try to check back later. I may just go back to bed for a little extra shut-eye myself.