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My Much Loved Scotch Indian Uncle

Uncle ran around with his buddy, they
were just getting started, with having
fun around the home turf, and a trip to
N.M. and AZ. But Uncle Sam had been lookin'
for prime young candidates, to go to Korea.

So the boys put it off, until they heard that
if they enlisted together, they would then
be able to serve together, so they enlisted.

It didn't work out that way though, not at all.
Uncle was sent to Washington State, but his
buddy went to N. Carolina, and was never
ordered to go overseas. Uncle took a little
ride on the USS ---------. Which took a
direct hit from a typhoon, and was blown
off course over 200 miles. They were
pronounced sunk, all gone, lost at sea.

They had welders, working 24 hrs. around
the clock, using 36" and 48" I-beam gutters,
to keep the ship together. Three or four days
into the storm, Destroyers showed up, on both
sides of the ship, and hooked up a tow line to it.

It, and the destroyers, had both gone 48*,
but were supposed to sink at 47* degrees.

He said, that you had to strap yourself in the bed,
and with everyone getting sick, it was pretty rough...

So that was how Uncle started his deployment, to
fight in the U.S. defense of So. Korea.

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Happy Birthday, Only 91! Sorry I'm late to your B-Day
party Don Jose, I was scouting a potential treasure site.
It looks like everybody has taken good care of all the
arrangements. Really hope your day has been one
of the best that you have ever had, and
wish ye many more! :occasion14:

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Hey, What a birthday party you all had for Don Jose!
Wow! I especially liked the music, and the senoritas dancing,
the flickering fire blazing, and all that great food! Man,
that's really some good stuff...

There it was all quiet, and all, so I typed some about
Uncles big stormy ship ride, on his way to war, in S. Korea.

I got done typing (slow typer), posted It, then all these posts
popped up, of party preparations, and Don Jose's Birthday Celebration,
at the Treasure Spirits Campfire! How Cool. That's the way to go!

What kind of fireworks did the Trappergirl bring? You can see
(in pic pg. 90, post 1349) she doesn't play with the little stuff.
That felt, and sounded a lot like reale dynamite! I see there's
a new, pretty big crater, on over there by the out houses... :laughing7:

So, anyway I was very surprised, and it was a good time, man
that was sure some good cake! If I live to be 91, a party like
that would be great! Y'all know how to throw a good one!... :cross:

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View attachment 1061571

View attachment 1061572

View attachment 1061573

Dearest Mi Mancha,

My life is so much more happy and fun, when YOU are in it.

My whole family loves you to pieces, and so do I.

My this year be the best and most captivating one to date.

And, may ALL of life's sweetest treasures be found, everywhere you look.

View attachment 1061580

OK, I really like Jesse Cook, and sinfully rich choc/choc cake too,
but I can't let this one go...8-)

Least not too easy, look at what The Hilarious TrapperGirl brings to the
campfire (1st attatchment), to say Happy Birthday! Kaboom? Mannnnnnn!!!

Do you all think the Grin and Bandana are kinda' suspicious looking?
Now, I really wonder if that's one of her secret weapons,
in the mining, and trapping business?

Wonder what all she would use on July 4th, or New Years?
Maybe it's better, not to know...:laughing7: He He He, Just Funnin'
... That's A Blast... :laughing7:... :cross:

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So, Don Jose, you're another one of 'those chocolate lovers'. Ha ha. I too am a chocolate lover! And I passed it on to my daughter who goes by the 'handle'/'username' of 'chocoholic lady'!!!


Everyone's ears were bleeding, from the steady firing,
beginning the offensive, preparing the way for the 1st Cavalry.
Uncle was in the 8th Army, attached to the 1st cavalry,
for tactical support.

They scrapped The ship, in Yokohama, Japan.
The prop had ruined (laid into) the shaft, it was a beat up
Warship, patched, welded, re-braced, but it was damaged,
and supposedly, should have been sunk. Must
have been some very good U.S. steel... 8-) :thumbsup: ... :cross:

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Well, it's 5:50 p.m. MST, on Monday 6, and no one has posted anything since the 4th? Hmm, must have been some serious celebrating Saturday nite! We celebrated my son's 37th birthday; but just some cards and a cake. Y'all must have had something a lot bigger. Resting all day Sunday and now it's Monday evening and no one's around yet. Well, I guess I'll wait. I see no reason at this late time of the evening to start a fire and put on the coffee pot. I think I'll just go do a little TNet forum browsing, maybe have little sip of some peach brandy I bought the other day, then get to bed a little early; say around 9 or so.
Later! Everybody! lol Have a great night. Tex

Well, it's 5:50 p.m. MST, on Monday 6, and no one has posted anything since the 4th? Hmm, must have been some serious celebrating Saturday nite! We celebrated my son's 37th birthday; but just some cards and a cake. Y'all must have had something a lot bigger. Resting all day Sunday and now it's Monday evening and no one's around yet. Well, I guess I'll wait. I see no reason at this late time of the evening to start a fire and put on the coffee pot. I think I'll just go do a little TNet forum browsing, maybe have little sip of some peach brandy I bought the other day, then get to bed a little early; say around 9 or so.
Later! Everybody! lol Have a great night. Tex

I know Tex,

Since Don Jose's birthday party, It's been this quiet. :dontknow: :find:
I have checked, busy, but no peeps since. I realize war stories :goldmedalred:
are grim, and can be a downer, I guess. Another couple of notes :flag_orange:
on that storyline, so maybe it'll be quiet some longer, that's OK. :cat:
My Uncle, like so many, went through Hell, lost a cousin and friends, :sadsmiley:
...And somehow he lived, and that's a real live treasure :treasurechest: ... :cross:

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I saw Uncle today. Picked Gt's organic cherry tomatoes 'till dark,
about 25 lbs. Took them and a good bag of his fresh picked okra,
over to Uncle's, and gave him half of each. He was really happy
to get them, and ate several nice tomatoes that I rinsed,
and dried off, and served to him, in a little bowl.

He said they tasted real good, "like real tomatoes", and that
he ate too many. I talked to him, and asked more questions
about the war. I managed to take some more notes, mostly
during commercials, while he watched one of his favorite
shows besides Westerns, professional wrestling...

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Of course I certainly don't like war. But 'war stories' are different. It tells of the brave men and women who have served our country so valiantly. The quiet on here doesn't bother me. I just had throw in a barb to 'hassle' everybody. lol
I'll await the continuation of your story! As you can see, it's 3:30 a.m. here. I've had a lot on my mind that last few days. Not anything that should bother me, but it does. Just some problems with the tv people we subscribe to. And a problem with the internet people. Why is it that some of the little things 'bug' us so much? lol

Howdy, Tex

It'll likely be awhile, before I continue the story.
I don't mind the quiet, and will just share what I
can of this country boy, that escaped a horrible war,
with his treasured life. He had known great adversity,
and suffered severe hardship, long before those days.

I also hate war, but understand fully, that sometimes
it is necessary to preserve the good powers that may
be, and have the highest respect for all of the brave
men and women, that have served, fought, and
died. For the preservation of our freedom, and
all of the good things that can possibly be
available, in a supposed free society...

I Do Not take all of their sacrifices lightly.

Freedom being one of our greatest assets,
and a treasure that money alone, cannot buy.
The shed blood that should be honored, not just
in word, but also in deed, but often is really not.

Some ideals, of our great and noble forefathers,
seeming swept aside, in the hasty preparation,
for those things to come. To really see, and
know, not the call I would have chosen...

So, yes quiet is fine, though if anyone
has anything to relate, that is fine too.
I will rest, on this story line for now.
Although my Much Loved Scotch
Indian Uncle, has been a much
greater treasure to me, than
the fascinating Treasure of
True Tales, he's often told... :cross:

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:) Howdy! Never stop sharing!!! It makes us who we are as not only people, but as a country. I know it's late, but where's the coffee???

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Howdy, TrapperGirl

I had to go get my hair cut, and run a few errands,
and drank all of my second traveling coffee mug, on
the way. Not much going on in camp, just Tex and I,
but always nice to have a visitor, and with a song, Thanks!

Hope everyone has a very nice day, we'll make some fresh
coffees. May the true treasured spirits, be always victorious... :cross:


Still here but had to rest my eye. I see that we connot trust Tex any more sheesh he posted,- We celebrated my son's 37th birthday; how can that be since he is only 39 himself ????

Masriff, I thoroughly intend to be the last living vet from the Guadalanal Campaign.

How's yer mom and Pop?

My Much Loved Scotch Indian Uncle

...Cont'd :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:


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My Much Loved Scotch Indian Uncle


I saw Uncle today. Picked Gt's organic cherry tomatoes 'till dark,
about 25 lbs. Took them and a good bag of his fresh picked okra,
over to Uncle's, and gave him half of each. He was really happy
to get them, and ate several nice tomatoes that I rinsed,
and dried off, and served to him, in a little bowl.

He said they tasted real good, "like real tomatoes", and that
he ate too many. I talked to him, and asked more questions
about the war. I managed to take some more notes, mostly
during commercials, while he watched one of his favorite
shows besides Westerns, professional wrestling...

So, they made it alive, through the severe storm, that hit them 6
days out to sea, and lasted for 7 days and nights. They landed in
Yokohama, Japan. There they loaded all of their equipment up
into flat bottom boats he called LST's, and rode over to Puson,
S. Korea. There, when unloading, it rained all night, and the
wind blew the rain inside their ponchos, so they would have
to change clothes about every other run. Continuing to un-
load and park the equipment wherever they could, all
along the beach, and one of the LST's, only had all
trucks, jeeps, and artillery in it... :cross:

To Be Cont'd...

With the leadership of General Mac Arthur, and excellent
air support, they pursued the enemy, all of the way to
Ping Yang. When they marched in, there was one lone chimney
still standing. They had 90MM and 120MM artillery outfits, called Triple "A"
for Anti-Aircraft-Artillery, units that also helped clear out areas ahead.
They also had an airport, with a long list of planes flying.

They pushed even farther, on to the border, and could have
pushed even further, "but then they fired General Mac Arthur,
and we sat on the river bank for 30 days, waiting for more ammo.
They ran us back across 2 rivers. It was 12:00, when I crossed
the 2nd river bridge, and it blew at 12:01.

We set many booby traps, and left bombs all in the road,
to help our retreat, and had to leave a lot of stuff behind
There were so many of them, they were coming in fast.
They would come in on us, in waves. We would mow the
wave down, and there would come another one. We were
stuck there in that valley through that record cold 50* below
zero winter of 1950, gravely short on ammo, waiting for supplies,
and someone to give us the support we needed to finish, or go home.
But I was there for 2 1/2 yrs., and I have seen piles of bodies in huge,
long holes, ravines dug with Cats, the dead in mass graves, as the
tens of thousands were taken out"...

"The General (Mac Arthur) kept his word though,
and several planes dropped hot meals, for Thanksgiving
just like he had promised. We had to watch close, as they
would sneak in to the airport, and any camp. You had to find
somewhere on the dirt floor to sleep, and would not dare to
sleep, unless you had an armed guard, right there watching."

The job he happened to get, with his driving
skills, was driving "the Old man", a Major, who
was back in the beginning, at one time, a warrant officer,
looking for a good driver, which he said wasn't too bad of duty.
The old man liked that he could drive very well, and get anything
fixed, or maintained. Except, for when they were scouting, and they
were hit hard several times with mortar fire, and were overturned in
the jeep with glass, and metal shrapnel getting in their faces, and
chests, that they would be picking out for years to come... :cross:

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