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Don Jose'. There has been LOTS to celebrate over there. I like it!

My parents are in the US, hoping to return soon, to your neck of the woods (or rainforest, rather).

I am sure my dad told you my mom cannot go on their upcoming adventure to Morocco, as my mom tore her meniscus. She is a little athlete, and nothing can really ever quite seem to keep her down, except this. She is a fast healer, and am certain she will be on the mend, soon!

YOU will be here a LONG time, no doubt. Are you kidding?!? No more Operation Watchtower, now it's time for Operation Tunneling under a little village high in the Sierra Madres. I am under your command. Let's grab our combat boots, flashlights and detectors! Down the well we go! Who goes first? Ha-ha. BIG HUGS!

Trapper Girl, I'm sorry about your mom's knee. I'll keep her in my prayers.
I hope no one thought I meant that was 'against' war. I said that I hate war, yes, but, there are many times when is a necessary. I lived through the draft years and was never called. I almost volunteered when I was 17, but was talked out of it by my mom. There were so many young men and some women who went to war that she knew. And many of them never came back. Her brother was one of the lucky ones. He came back unscathed. My dad thought he might be drafted even though he was in his early 40s, about the time I was born.
Yes, war is terrible, but when our country is threatened, it becomes necessary.

Yes, Trapper Girl

Kind thoughts, and sincere prayer, for your mom's knee.
Nice of you to drop by the fire and say Hi. Best wishes, good
safety, on your tunneling ventures, high in the Sierra Madres...

Thanks for sharing interesting things about your families' traveling,
and fun activities. Painting cool pictures, and positive thoughts... Crosse'... :cross:

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Trapper Girl, I'm sorry about your mom's knee. I'll keep her in my prayers.
I hope no one thought I meant that was 'against' war. I said that I hate war, yes, but, there are many times when is a necessary. I lived through the draft years and was never called. I almost volunteered when I was 17, but was talked out of it by my mom. There were so many young men and some women who went to war that she knew. And many of them never came back. Her brother was one of the lucky ones. He came back unscathed. My dad thought he might be drafted even though he was in his early 40s, about the time I was born.
Yes, war is terrible, but when our country is threatened, it becomes necessary.

Howdy, Tex

I don't think anything was thought, about you not liking war.
Probably most good people don't like to think about it, and the
suffering that goes with it. I have always despised violence, to
some people's disapproval, but know most all humans are capable,
if put in that position. That doesn't mean they would be evil, or take any
kind of pleasure in it, if something were to happen, like being sent to war.

I know that I would be capable of violence, naturally human. But choose
to be diplomatic, and forgiving, whenever possible. That doesn't mean that
one is necessarily passive. Maybe that is perceived as weak, or even foolishness
to some. It really takes much more nerve and class, patience and restraint,
even foresight, to walk away from a situation, when reason or decency has
been violated, or sanity has crashed.

GOD told King David that he could not build His Temple,
where He (His Spirit) would come and dwell, to visit with man.
Because he had much blood on his hands from fighting wars,
that were condoned, by his GOD. King David was also
referred to by God, as a man after His own heart...

The saddest to me, is the toll that the horrors of war, has taken on
so many of our good U.S. Brave and Loyal Soldiers, that are haunted
by what they have seen, and experienced. That torments them, and
some cannot live with it, and sometimes give up on their life, (the
numbers are staggering) because of the severe mental and
physical pain, that seems sometimes, to them, to be
unbearable. I only have the highest respect, for all
of our good veterans, who have served well,
and done what they were ordered to do.

I only wish there was some way to help them,
because this human life Is really so short.
And the knowledge of treasured spirits,
seems to be very little known...

Thanks for thinking of prayer for Trapper Girl's mom.
I always try to wait for the person who is addressed in
the post, to be able to reply first, then add mine thoughts.
You did good bro., Thanks for your thoughtfulness... :cross:

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Good Morning! Thanks for her 'Get Well' Wishes! She, no doubt, will be great after such genuine kindness is sent to her, like that. Smile. Tex. I fully got what you said about 'war' and I am on the exact same page as you and Crosse' on the subject. So, where is everybody else?!? Yoo-Hoo! Get up. Time for an adventure (or story of one, or two). Me? I am off to the dentist to have my crown put back on. :) have a super day, everyone.

Sure hope the dentist is 'painless'. I was very lucky when going to the dentist except one time. When I was in my late teens, I had a couple of teeth that needed some fillings. I went to a well known dentist about 12 miles from where I lived. My mom rode with me for 'support'. It was a hot late morning appointment. The office was not air conditioned; just a window in front of the dentist's chair I was sitting in that was open The dentist filled the first 2 teeth without any 'deadening'. When he started the third one, I felt pain. I told him that there were nerves that would have to be deadened or I couldn't stand the drilling. He said he was almost through and that he didn't believe I was in that much pain. He proceeded to drill again. He hit a nerve that actually caused my head to jerk down onto my chest. He told me that I had better not do that again because he could cause damage with the drill. I told him that it was involuntary on my part; that the nerve he had hit was what caused it. He acted like he didn't really believe me. I told him that I thought he had better deaden the area or stop. He said to give him just a minute and he would be through with the drilling. I managed to allow him to finish. When I had paid him for his services, I was told to come back to see him again. I looked in the eye and said that I would never, ever enter his office again. He looked a bit puzzled. I told him that no dentist had ever caused me as much pain as he had caused me. He began apologizing and said he didn't realize that I was experiencing a lot of pain. I just turned on my heel and left.
During the visits to have all of my teeth pulled, I never had much if any pain. The most painful thing was the injections for the deadening. (I'm 'allergic' to needles!) My teeth were never very good and I got my dentures when I was 36 years old in February of 1979. I have the same set and haven't been to a dentist since September of 1979.
Well, since all's quiet, I'll just have another cup coffee. Then I'm going to the local gun shop to see if they've had any 'bites' on the two .22 rifles that I left on consignment. I'm thinking about trading on of them for a revolver. Also see if they can find me some .22 lr ammo at a decent price. Walmart seems to never get any these last few months.

What a story, Tex! YIKERS. I am just going to have them reglue the crown back on, so no pain. I hope you and Crosse' can keep your family stories logged in a journal somewhere, for your loved ones who dont read TN. Such great writing and insight! Keep it up, and good luck in your venture today.

Good Morning! Thanks for her 'Get Well' Wishes! She, no doubt, will be great after such genuine kindness is sent to her, like that. Smile. Tex. I fully got what you said about 'war' and I am on the exact same page as you and Crosse' on the subject. So, where is everybody else?!? Yoo-Hoo! Get up. Time for an adventure (or story of one, or two). Me? I am off to the dentist to have my crown put back on. :) have a super day, everyone.

Hey, Trapper Girl

Can't you just use hair clips, to help
secure your Treasure Spirits Crown? :laughing9:
Just Funnin', but it sure is nice, when you send
positive greetings, even on your busiest days!

Hope your trip to the dentist, is real smooth,
and you don't even have to wait for very long... 8-)

A far as the camp being so quiet, I guess
everyone is busy out treasure hunting, or
maybe the Treasure Spirits have them all
busy, trying to figure it all out. :laughing7:

Anyway, there's always plenty to do around
the camp, to get ready for the next rendezvous,
and for music practice, hope to do some recording
soon, and time for more research, etc. Hope you all
have the best days too! Thanks, Big Smiles 8-) Crosse' ... :cross:

Sure hope the dentist is 'painless'. I was very lucky when going to the dentist except one time. When I was in my late teens, I had a couple of teeth that needed some fillings. I went to a well known dentist about 12 miles from where I lived. My mom rode with me for 'support'. It was a hot late morning appointment. The office was not air conditioned; just a window in front of the dentist's chair I was sitting in that was open The dentist filled the first 2 teeth without any 'deadening'. When he started the third one, I felt pain. I told him that there were nerves that would have to be deadened or I couldn't stand the drilling. He said he was almost through and that he didn't believe I was in that much pain. He proceeded to drill again. He hit a nerve that actually caused my head to jerk down onto my chest. He told me that I had better not do that again because he could cause damage with the drill. I told him that it was involuntary on my part; that the nerve he had hit was what caused it. He acted like he didn't really believe me. I told him that I thought he had better deaden the area or stop. He said to give him just a minute and he would be through with the drilling. I managed to allow him to finish. When I had paid him for his services, I was told to come back to see him again. I looked in the eye and said that I would never, ever enter his office again. He looked a bit puzzled. I told him that no dentist had ever caused me as much pain as he had caused me. He began apologizing and said he didn't realize that I was experiencing a lot of pain. I just turned on my heel and left.
During the visits to have all of my teeth pulled, I never had much if any pain. The most painful thing was the injections for the deadening. (I'm 'allergic' to needles!) My teeth were never very good and I got my dentures when I was 36 years old in February of 1979. I have the same set and haven't been to a dentist since September of 1979.
Well, since all's quiet, I'll just have another cup coffee. Then I'm going to the local gun shop to see if they've had any 'bites' on the two .22 rifles that I left on consignment. I'm thinking about trading on of them for a revolver. Also see if they can find me some .22 lr ammo at a decent price. Walmart seems to never get any these last few months.

Hey, Tex

That is an unreal way that the "No Pain Killer" dentist did to
treat you, that's crazy! That you could sit there, and bear it to
the end, is fantastic! His apparent oversight and negligence is, like
Trapper Girl said, "Yikers"... Hope you get what you want, in your
trading. Good Luck! Thanks for the story, don't get mad, but it
made me laugh out loud, in disbelief. You and T.G. both, have
made my day. Thanks, and Good Luck! I am wishing you both,
all good blessings, and fun, in all that y'all are doing. Take Care... :cross:

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Tex. Any luck with your trading?

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And, Crosse'. I love my new Treasure Spirit Crown. Bada-bling-bling!!! Thank you, kindly.

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Double posted for of mi mastif luv * Crosse

I have often been challenged to produce verifiable information on the early Jesuit mines, or Tayopa.. Verifiable such as in history books, or some one that wrote a book in the past,, none, unless you count F. Dobie as reliable.- .

Since we are dealing with the masters of secrecy, they carefully purged the Vatican files of any mention of mining, plots, or other ill doings, and there were many' but if an Indian told me to go to a certain area and that I would find this or that and I did, i would call that verifiable, regardless if it wasn't in a published manuscript.. Yes, I do have many verifiable stories most of which I have withheld.. an example---

Once i managed to cure an Indian woman and her husband of their problems..
she was a devout Cristian and asked me "what fo I owe you Don Jose?", "nothing" I replied, "the fact that I was able to help you gave me great pleasure, but if you insis, a cup of coffee".

"No Don jose the Lord says that I must pay my debts,, so I will tell you of something that is of interest to you"

"My family lived for many generation s at xxxxxxxxx. One day the black robes that were mining nearby, came to my anti-pasados - past generations - and ordered them to construct a tunnel into the easttern side of the mt that lies to the east of our rancho. this my ancestors did, then the fathers brought down two vertically hung metal doors and oroceeded to store and periodically remove many things.

Then one dy they came down very agitated and put many things in the tunnel,, there were maps, bars, documents and church materiel from the mission they had at their mining site, caved the mt down over the two doors, and told my ancestors that they had ro leave, but that thy would come back, and until they did, we were to guard it with our lives.

This my family did, but since it has been soo long, Don Jose I don't believe that they will.ever return. This, Don jose is my gift to you in repayment." I thanked her and suggested that she make some coffee.

No, I have never gone back to the site, , fortune has caused my multiple paths to never cross, but I know precisely where she told me were it is.

Incidentally, those of you that have read F. Dobies' book 'Apache gold and yaqui silve' may remember the two woman that were gathering wood when a heavy rain hit and after they saw part of a metal door which was reburied by another heavy rain and they were unable to find it again, that was the metal door location that the Indian woman gave me althouth where Dobie found his story is curious,

There were many little stories that allowed me to home in on Tayopa, Reliable ? you judge

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Real de Tayopa, Tropical Tramp

Awesome account Amigo, I would say a first hand passed
down legend, or secret family tale, is possibly very reliable...

The proof, naturally, is always in the goodies. Not always possible
to obtain, or present as proof. That doesn't take away from the fact,
that the cave with doors, or other such things of legend, isn't still right
there, just where one was told it was. One of the most interesting aspects
of your story that you generously shared, is that the woman told you, for
the possibility of it, to be of substantial benefit to you. Makes me think
that she may have thought, no one else of her family, has, is, or will
ever be interested, in going to look for it.

So, when you helped them, maybe she was thinking,
that of all the people she knew, you would possibly be able to
go look for it sometime. She obviously also really trusted you,
and thought you deserved to get the potential benefit of it too.

One important thing, that I know helps to drive us all, is the credibility
of the storyteller, who either may have witnessed a hidden treasure.
Or, perhaps had family, for example, who they considered to be
honest and very credible, to pass on an account of a Treasure
concealment event. That they, or a previous person(s) from
past generations of trusted people, had kept secret.

Known only, to a very select few people, intended to have
the potential of getting an opportunity to do something to
find it, or to pass the knowledge of it, on to the next
appreciated, close family, or trusted soul...

Point well made.

Thanks Don Jose, for typing and double posting it,
for us to enjoy. Quite interesting... :cross:

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Well, I went to the gun shop and browsed around a bit. I got to thinking that maybe I'd like to do some trading since the sales were slow, especially on my two rifles. I asked the owner if he would be interested in trading on the lever action rifle. He asked me what I was interested in. I told him I would like to see some .357 mag revolvers. I looked at several. I would have liked to have one of the Ruger revolvers; but the way my hand fit the handles made the trigger guard ride on my middle finger enough that I knew it would be pushing hard on my finger because of the recoil. When I tried the Taurus, I knew I had to choose it. It fit perfectly. So anyway, I got the Taurus .357 mag, some bullets, and some cash. I'm quite happy with the deal.
Later this morning, I'm going to take the revolver out to a place I go the shoot. Try a few shots. Then I've got to take a friend out to check on a pickup that's in storage just outside of town. After that, I have to work on some computers. One computer has an older main board and the USB ports are worn enough give trouble. I have a spare that I'm going to take the hard drive out of the bad one and put it in the spare. Then later if I have time, I need to replace the fan in a laptop that belongs to a friend.
So, I don't know just how much time I'll be spending on the forum today. I spent almost no time on it yesterday (compared to the amount that I've been spending).
Also, yesterday I took Macy, the little chi/terrier mix to the groomer and had her nails trimmed. I've got the tools to do it; but she just will not be still enough for me to do it. I give up too quickly. The groomer lady is very good with dogs and only charges $5 for a nail trim. She has stopped clipping them and uses the little grinding tool. Several years ago she would clip the nails and then smooth them with the grinder. My son-in-law takes the black lab/Australian cattle dog mix to her about twice a year for a complete grooming. She's bathed, nails trimmed, and sheared. I've known dogs that acted like they were mortified after they were sheared. This one acts like she thinks that she's the most beautiful dog around when it's done! And when it's so hot, it really helps her stay cool. She can't stay outside for more than about 15 or 20 minutes if her hair is long and the temps around 105 to 110 degrees! (Nor can I!)
Ok, everybody have a great day and if anything is cooked special, save me a little bite for later. lol

Reasons That Some Treasure Tales Are Later Told

Real de Tayopa, Tropical Tramp

Awesome account Amigo, I would say a first hand passed
down legend, or secret family tale, is possibly very reliable...

The proof, naturally, is always in the goodies. Not always possible
to obtain, or present as proof. That doesn't take away from the fact,
that the cave with doors, or other such things of legend, isn't still right
there, just where one was told it was. One of the most interesting aspects
of your story that you generously shared, is that the woman told you, for
the possibility of it, to be of substantial benefit to you. Makes me think
that she may have thought, no one else of her family, has, is, or will
ever be interested, in going to look for it.

So, when you helped them, maybe she was thinking,
that of all the people she knew, you would possibly be able to
go look for it sometime. She obviously also really trusted you,
and thought you deserved to get the potential benefit of it too.

One important thing, that I know helps to drive us all, is the credibility
of the storyteller, who either may have witnessed a hidden treasure.
Or, perhaps had family, for example, who they considered to be
honest and very credible, to pass on an account of a Treasure
concealment event. That they, or a previous person(s) from
past generations of trusted people, had kept secret.

Known only, to a very select few people, intended to have
the potential of getting an opportunity to do something to
find it, or to pass the knowledge of it, on to the next
appreciated, close family, or trusted soul...

Point well made.

Thanks Don Jose, for typing and double posting it,
for us to enjoy. Quite interesting... :cross:

Something I have noticed, in hearing and reading of so
many different aspects, of hidden treasure tales. Often, it
seems that there are two generations, between the times
when a supposed treasure concealment occurs, is witnessed,
or initially discovered, before the long secretly kept information
may be used to make an attempt, to find the potential treasures.

It seems it often happens to occur, that the first generation
after the fact, may very well believe that the event occurred.
But perhaps, maybe they don't have the desire, the means,
or feel the need, to go on such a hunt. Also, that many of
the people they knew, would have been very critical,
and said it to be just dreaming, and foolishness.

Those persons also, probably had to work, and didn't think
they had time, to even try to look at all, but didn't ever tell
anyone else, anything about it. Still, when the right person
comes along, either in their family, or a friend they trust,
then they tell them. And maybe they hope that they can
go and do what they couldn't, but secretly had always
dreamed of going in search of, for many, many years.

Then again, they possibly felt that there may have
been some kind of spirits, that could be involved in
such a buried treasure venture, and weren't really
prepared, or willing to deal with those unknown
aspects of seeking after it. So they may get an
opportunity to pass the info on, often without
necessarily even expecting anything for it... :cross:

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Howdy, Tex

What kind of lever action rifle did you trade?
Just curious, you sound very busy, have a good day!
Somebody's doing some camp Cooking? Hmmm,
guess I'll get a good hardwood fire going... :cross:

bedraggled rooster, A Tauras???? I fouhd the almost ideal .357 was the S&W nod 28 with a 4" barrel and keith long range front sights - good to 4oo meters.. I carried one in the Border Patrol, and for many years after while exploring,

I even slept with it under the blankets. which twice defused a dangerous situation. With it I beat the Mexican National pistol Champion in an informal match in the 50's..

As for lever actions I still have my .win 30-30 carbine which I received for my 13 th birthday - yet to go down in a hail of gunfire on a bank steps as my grand father predicted.

Today if I were to get a lever action, I would want one in 38 - 55, or for serious work, in 45 - 70. and a good reloading set up.

I am an 'unabashed' gun nut, and have studied interior and exterior Ballistics. extensively.

Senor Don Jose, good choice in weapons……
With those narcos you may need a few others…….
Creo en Dios mi amigo

The lever action I traded was 1980 year model Marlin 39AS. It was a fine gun. I bought it in 2011 from the gun shop that has it now. They now have it for the 4th time. They sold it when it was new, took it back in a trade later, sold it to a man who works next door to the gun shop, then later he put it on consignment with them, and I bought it.
The reason I traded it was because I also have a Henry H001 lever action .22. Although the 39A is a great gun, I like the Henry better. The action is sooo much smooooother! And I see no difference in the accuracy.
Yes, I'm a gun nut also. lol If I had the money to spend, I'd probably have more guns than the army. I have always liked .22s because the ammo is so cheap and most of the guns are low maintenance. 'Course right now ammo is hard to find at a cheap price. My dad started teaching me to shoot a little single shot Remington .22 rifle when I was about 5 years old.
I have two .22 revolvers, eight .22 rifles, one .17M2 rifle, a little Bersa .380 auto, the .357 that I just traded for, two break-barrel pellet rifles, one pump bb/pellet rifle, two CO2 bb pistols, a little single shot .410, a 12 gauge pump, a bolt action 20 gauge, and double barrel 20 gauge shotgun.
As I said, the reason that I chose the Taurus was because it felt better in my hand than the Ruger, Smith & Wesson, and one other brand I don't remember the name (might have been Charter Arms).
I took the gun out to a place I go to shoot and shot it a few times. I like the way it feels. I shot at several things others had left there at the place. There were some 2 liter Coca Cola bottles, a 5 gallon plastic bucket, several well used paper targets, etc. I shot one of the bottles first. I was about 25 paces from it. I aimed and pulled the trigger. I hit it. Did it again. Then I shot at the bucket which was probably 150 feet from me. I aimed at it and hit it. Did that again. Then I shot at one of the other 2 liter bottles and hit it. This is a 5 shot revolver. I reloaded and just started shooting at the bottles without aiming; just point and shoot. I was about 22 paces from them. I hit the one I was shooting at 4 out of 5 shots. So, I'm quite happy with the little gun. Oh, I forgot, it is a snub-nosed revolver, 2 inch barrel.
I learned something after firing a couple of shots. I pulled the trigger while holding the gun without a firm grip. It really 'bucked'. I noticed that it had bruised the webbing between my thumb and forefinger! I won't do that again!
Mr. Don Jose, you must be a great shot! I've never thought myself to be 'great', but not too bad. I could tell you a story that happened to me; but it's rather a long one. I don't know what people would think of me if I told it. They may think me a braggart, a coward, or possibly a child abuser; though I don't consider myself any of those. (Well, possibly coward.)
I have never been in a shooting contest, so I really don't know how good or bad I am. I carried a bb gun with me almost everywhere I went from the age of 8 until I was almost 17 years old.
Had quite a bit going on yesterday. I had to do some shopping, tried out the gun, took a friend out to a storage to check on her pickup that's stored out there, then spent the last part of the day working on a computer for her. I think we solved the problems.
I guess everybody's 'sleeping in' this morning. So, for now, everybody enjoy the Saturday morning sleep-in and I'll try to check back later. I may just go back to bed for a little extra shut-eye myself.

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