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We? L.o.l..



The Seven Spirits OF GOD, ISAIAH 11: 1-5

Vs. 1, And there shall come forth a rod, out of the
stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots.

The Seven Spirits
1. (vs.2) The Spirit Of The LORD Shall Rest Upon Him
[YHVH = Yahoveh; ~ The Ancient Of Days ~ His Holy Spirit]

Then Also, These Specific Spirits are Named:

2. Wisdom 3. Understanding 4. Counsel 5. Might

6. Knowledge 7. The Fear Of The LORD [YHVH, or Yahoveh].

It is good, in every area of Treasure Hunting, to know and
understand all Spirits, Good, or Bad, whose they are,
or what they may want, and so on. :key:

Yes, This is the Advanced Course. Interesting, though.
Knowing the Spirits that are For, or Against You.
How they Move, act, talk. This is not any kind of
Philosophical, or Religious Theory.... It's Spirit Reality... :cross:

This is "The SPIRIT Dimension", That some may experience, In
Th'ing, or sense at other times in their lifetime. But few ever
really understand "The SPIRITS", and overlook the important
information, as Just, "Religion"... Crosse De Sign :cross:

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. Buenos Dias. Here is a special little story (sorry about the bumpy video quality) that you might like. This family comes from good stock with lots of stories to share.

Okay, Troopers.,please disregard that last video. The quality was poor. It is much better here. This story is too good, I have to share. I love mining history (obviously) and I love this family.

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There was this book and movie from a long time ago called "I heard the owl call my name". I remember it had an impact on me when I was a kid. But I can't remember much about the story. All I remember is an Owl calling in the dark. We have some young great horned or barred owls that come in near our back yard every once in a while now. They have a screech sound when young , but they are large owls. I call back and forth to them and they answer. I do the same with the hawks, and they swoop down by me and check me out. One time at a site I had 7 of them circling me.

The largest Eagle I have ever seen, flew down a trail right to an area I soon discovered that I still go to alot. It's wingspan covered the 2-track trail heading that way. Many times I have seen white owls (snow owls) that are out of thier migration paths or normal locations and stare at me from certain locations while I travel to or arrive at certain locations. Usually it's just when I have a new plan in mind in what I want to do at a place. I love to see the owls now, I know several places where they nest in small caves and holes along cliffs. Many times they have 3 young ones, and the 2 adults will sit out on the edge of the holes.

I have always been good with most animals. Which is odd because I used to guide high profile hunting trips. But for an example, A friend of mine had a part wolf dog that had gotten hit by a car and had a badly hurt leg. It wouldn't let anyone touch it's dressings without growling or biting, but when I came over, it allowed me to change them, no problems. Pretty strange.
Read the same book in the early seventies of the young vicar living with the natives in British Colombia. Sent to learn about life for a reason he does not know by his bishop. There were totems aging outside but in the church too were sacred figures with same eyes and skin color of the natives among who's beliefs was one that was if when an owl calls your name you will die. Others say if it lands on your roof and calls it is a forewarning of death.

Another book near that time was "Forever Island".Set among the Seminole in Florida that captured a similar theme of life as known and lived disappearing..

Ed T, why do you write nonsense? Do you think it amusing?
I am sure there are forums where such nonsense is appreciated, this is not one.

Thr Ozone layer is self curing over time, no one seems to worry about the Polar axis wobble shift or the recent magnetic shift ??

They have nothing to do with Man and so are not profitable

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Thanks Senor Don Jose, much better now after a few cups of coffee………..
The shifting magnetic poles is interesting for sure…..and if it changes poles……hmmm………profitable would certainly be in recovering from such an event……
Get well Señor Don Jose…...

Trapper Girl,

Nice picking, good singing what kind of harp is that?
Cool sounds, where's the cervesas... :cross:

Thr Ozone layer is self curing over time, no one seems to worry about the Polar axis shift or the recent magnetic shift ??

They have nothing to do with Man and so are not profitable

The LORD will take care of all of that, when he reestablishes
the firmament. Then, no more storms, floods, draughts.

Until then, they're just gonna' keep making it so
expensive to live here, like they are, overcharging, taxing,
the powerful already have plenty of secret treasures built up...

Let's see, a climate change tax would be profitable,
for someone, not for us I don't think. That will get more
power, and more funds to accomplish the spirits treasure goals... :cross:

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Cross de + almost, it's 04:30 am and the coffee has just finished boiling :coffee2::coffee2: coming up, as soon as thr grounds settle.

Don Jose

Thank You Kindly. Good Coffee.

Great breakfast and company. I know, it's already
5 o'clock, Somewhere. Hope you have a Reale Good Day... :cross:

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Thanks Senor Don Jose, much better now after a few cups of coffee………..
The shifting magnetic poles is interesting for sure…..and if it changes poles……hmmm………profitable would certainly be in recovering from such an event……
Get well Señor Don Jose…...

Howdy, Doc-d

You have a great day too,

Thanks for the input, awesome... :cross:

I cannot believe the Custom Guitar I got. It looks amazing.
That's a lot of custom inlay, Perfect, Wow. Everything Is
High Quality, and Beautiful Craftsmanship. Can't wait
to play it. Cooooolness... Big grin 8-) ... :cross:

I cannot believe the Custom Guitar I got. It looks amazing. That's a lot of custom inlay, Perfect, Wow. Everything Is High Quality, and Beautiful Craftsmanship. Can't wait to play it. Cooooolness... Big grin 8-) ... :cross:

. Hooray! Crosse'. I think that awesome news deserves an early morning jam session.

I hope you will play for us around the campfire! What a special treat that would be.

Music is a fine healer.

I wish I played the guitar, or any stringed instrument. I like them all.

My husband's mama just gave him quite a treasure; his Grandfather's banjo. Made my heart dance. He played on that one for most of his life. She had it restrung and got a new case. I love it because you can still see the worn places that his fingers used to move against it.

Now, go enjoy that precious guitar, so that we can also start to see the happy worn out spots. :). Time to celebrate.

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