One never knows what life may bring...Once upon a time long ago I was madly in love with a one A.S.L. ...I even gave her this album as a gift Dokken "Tooth And Nail"
Mainly with this song in mind...
But sadly we took separate paths in life...She I believe chose the ways of the world...While I chose God and his ways...
I wonder if the two witnesses Really are a man on the right hand side of God and a woman on the left hand side...If this is so...Could my wife be the other anointed one
I guess that we'll jest have to wait and see...hehehe
Ed T

Howdy, Ed T
Cool story, I Really Hope She wound up on the Good Road.
I like your music choice, thanks for sharing, cool...
Ah, The Two Witnesses, Yes.
Most Bible Scholars agree, on 3 potential candidates...
The first, Enoch. He spoke out against the First influx of
the Nephalim... Yahoveh, was pleased with his faith and
commitment to him, so when his mission was accomplished,
The LORD Took Him...
Then there was Elijah, the Prophet of The Ancient of Days.
Who slew the 450 Prophets of Baal with the sword, down at the
brook Kishon (1Kings 18: 22, 40), after His GOD answered, consuming
the sacrifice he had prepared, with Fire from Heaven. The Lord Sent
Him to Heaven when his work was done, on a Fiery Chariot of Fire.
What a spaceship that must have been...
Then there's also Moses, whom though was said to have died,
no man tended to his body for burial. In Jude vs. 9, it Is said, that
Michael, An Archangel Of The LORD, Rebuked the Devil on GOD's
command, pertaining to the Body of Moses. So
apparently, the LORD tended to his Flesh
Body, that He said Died...
Also, at The Mount Of Transfiguration, when Yeshua (Jesus Christ)
W Transfigured, and Met With Two others Transfigured,
Believed to have been Moses and Elijah, of which would
be Representative of: The Law, The Prophets, The Grace,
Of The Most High. They will have flesh bodies, though will
have comparative power, and will perform spectacular
supernatural wonders, like the the Antichrist (Lucifer,
the fallen Archangel, the son of perdition) They will be
slain, and lay in the street of Jerusalem, for the 3 days
and half (Rev.11:3-11) before the 7th Trump, 7th Vial,
and 7th Seal, Beginning With The Seventh
Angel Sounding, In Revelation 11:15.
Then Soon After, When Every Eye
Shall Behold Him, and All of The Tribes Of
The Earth shall mourn, as if mourning for their only Son...
The Most High's, and Our Own, Most Treasured Spiritual King...
We, of course are Witnesses, Treasure Hunters of His. Even
Some, Fishers of His Chosen Men and Women, Perhaps. Our Credentials,
Are, That We Stood For Him, In The First Earth Age, During Lucifer's rebellion,
and the LORD's Great Katibol (Overthrow). All of The Hosts Of Heaven, Know This.
The Holy Angels Of YHVH, and, the Spirits of Darkness, and Is Why Some Can Work
With The Spirits, that may be Watching, or Guarding Treasures. We, Knowing
Him, And Knowing And Hearing His Word. His Holy Spirit, Our Inner Voice,
Continually Communicating With Him, Asking Him for Success,
Looking and Listening, for Guidance, and Know, He Can
Also Warn, Or Even Shield Us, His Peculiar Treasures,
While Seeking Such Various Spirited Treasures...
Thanks for your Input, Bro., interesting question and subject, I Think...