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Ki love, as you know I lived and worked with the Yaqui for five years but I still don;t like their music, especialy when I, as a guest of honor, have to listen to the same three tones for 6 hours.


Howdy, Don Jose

Very nice dancing, thanks for sharing. Is that Scotch-Irish-Welsh
fiddles I hear? If it is, where did they get that from? Cooool... :cross:

Quinoa. Wow. Good to see you here. And, I am so happy you had a happy ending. Phew! So, interesting, as to what you said about the Jesuits. I had never heard of that. And, about the owl. I will share my, or my best girlfriend's, rather. The more she and I learn/read about these experiences, the more we believe this incident was way more than a mere coincidence. I will be right back.

Firstly, in regards to agreeing to what is being told to me, and I don't always take it as fact. If it seems important, I need to think about it, feel through it, and often experience it, until I make it my own. Until I am convinced.

Take superstitions. Mostly, I still believe, that they only are are much power as we give to them. So, for me, I don't give them much. Our mind is a powerful tool, so is fear, and together they can cause some chaos.

But, there is definitely something about this bird. What a symbol! Mostly, I suppose of wisdom and mystery, throughout the ages. Inspiration for great thinkers like Shakespeare, pals to witches, icons of knowledge and wisdom... And symbols or messengers of death.

I always just thought they were birds to look at. The way they turn their heads around. How'd they do that? Hmmm.

But, several years ago, my best girlfriend's husband became very sick.

The night before he had passed, she was in the bathroom, and saw an owl out the window, in a tree. She got very scared because he practiced the principles and followed the path of Native American spiritual belief. He believed in 'spirit animals', and in the 'messages', that they can provide.

She did not tell him that she saw it.

Later, quite awhile after the funeral, she was still in great mourning. She wondered if she 'had' told him, could they have 'done' something?

Amazingly, she began to heal a bit, when a friend (of his same belief system) came to offer his condolences. He had been away, and had no idea of her husband's passing. She and he, talked and talked. She ultimately, shared the story of the owl, and he smiled. He felt it was very sacred that she was able to see it, and that, it was her husband's 'time'. To be free. He had done his job upon this earth, and it was his time to fly. But, reminded her, he would always watch over her. Maybe in the form of a bird?

Since then, years have passed, but we are amazed how many birds we see when we are out, that seem to be drawn to her. Always. Mostly, little ones, that sit in branches in outdoor cafe's and such, but we can't help but stop and smile.

Reminds me of something that happened when my mom passed. She was in the hospital, had been for several days. Cancer, heart failure, diabetes, high blood pressure, 63 years old, etc.. I stayed with her the last few days before she passed. She knew she wasn't going to live very much longer. She had already made her last wishes known to me and my sis.
I went to a little store across from the hospital, or was it a café? Anyway, to get something to eat. I was gone maybe 40 minutes. When I returned, she told me that she had been looking out the window at the lawn, bushes, trees, and flowers of the hospital. Suddenly a hummingbird flew close to the window. She said it was the most beautiful hummingbird she had ever seen; that it's colors were spectacular. The little bird hovered just outside the window for sometime. She said it seemed to watching her very intently. She said it seemed to calm her feelings about her condition. She said it was possibly a sign that she was either getting better or worse, but didn't know which. Mom was a very religious person and believed that God sent/gave signs to people, but sometimes the meanings weren't clear. She passed away the next day.
That may be part of the reason I see so much beauty in the little hummingbirds.

One never knows what life may bring...Once upon a time long ago I was madly in love with a one A.S.L. ...I even gave her this album as a gift Dokken "Tooth And Nail"

Mainly with this song in mind... ...

But sadly we took separate paths in life...She I believe chose the ways of the world...While I chose God and his ways...

I wonder if the two witnesses Really are a man on the right hand side of God and a woman on the left hand side...If this is so...Could my wife be the other anointed one???

I guess that we'll jest have to wait and see...hehehe

Ed T :)lol

Howdy, Ed T

Cool story, I Really Hope She wound up on the Good Road.
I like your music choice, thanks for sharing, cool...

Ah, The Two Witnesses, Yes.
Most Bible Scholars agree, on 3 potential candidates... :cross:

The first, Enoch. He spoke out against the First influx of
the Nephalim... Yahoveh, was pleased with his faith and
commitment to him, so when his mission was accomplished,
The LORD Took Him... :cross:

Then there was Elijah, the Prophet of The Ancient of Days.
Who slew the 450 Prophets of Baal with the sword, down at the
brook Kishon (1Kings 18: 22, 40), after His GOD answered, consuming
the sacrifice he had prepared, with Fire from Heaven. The Lord Sent
Him to Heaven when his work was done, on a Fiery Chariot of Fire.
What a spaceship that must have been... :cross:

Then there's also Moses, whom though was said to have died,
no man tended to his body for burial. In Jude vs. 9, it Is said, that
Michael, An Archangel Of The LORD, Rebuked the Devil on GOD's
command, pertaining to the Body of Moses. So
apparently, the LORD tended to his Flesh
Body, that He said Died... :cross:

Also, at The Mount Of Transfiguration, when Yeshua (Jesus Christ)
W Transfigured, and Met With Two others Transfigured,
Believed to have been Moses and Elijah, of which would
be Representative of: The Law, The Prophets, The Grace,
Of The Most High. They will have flesh bodies, though will
have comparative power, and will perform spectacular
supernatural wonders, like the the Antichrist (Lucifer,
the fallen Archangel, the son of perdition) They will be
slain, and lay in the street of Jerusalem, for the 3 days
and half (Rev.11:3-11) before the 7th Trump, 7th Vial,
and 7th Seal, Beginning With The Seventh
Angel Sounding, In Revelation 11:15.

Then Soon After, When Every Eye
Shall Behold Him, and All of The Tribes Of
The Earth shall mourn, as if mourning for their only Son...
The Most High's, and Our Own, Most Treasured Spiritual King... :cross:

We, of course are Witnesses, Treasure Hunters of His. Even
Some, Fishers of His Chosen Men and Women, Perhaps. Our Credentials,
Are, That We Stood For Him, In The First Earth Age, During Lucifer's rebellion,
and the LORD's Great Katibol (Overthrow). All of The Hosts Of Heaven, Know This.
The Holy Angels Of YHVH, and, the Spirits of Darkness, and Is Why Some Can Work
With The Spirits, that may be Watching, or Guarding Treasures. We, Knowing
Him, And Knowing And Hearing His Word. His Holy Spirit, Our Inner Voice,
Continually Communicating With Him, Asking Him for Success,
Looking and Listening, for Guidance, and Know, He Can
Also Warn, Or Even Shield Us, His Peculiar Treasures,
While Seeking Such Various Spirited Treasures... :cross:

Thanks for your Input, Bro., interesting question and subject, I Think... :cross:

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Trapper Girl, I believe you said that you have a couple of mastiffs. I don't remember what kind you mentioned and didn't take the time to look back through the posts to find it. I hope I haven't told this story already. The old brain is becoming quite untrustworthy at times.
I worked the last nine years before I retired for a company in Waco, Texas. A lady that worked there, the boss's sister-in-law, had 2 English mastiffs. They were solid white, well kind of 'off white'. I don't remember any other color on either of them. Her husband would come by the office at times to see her for a few minutes and a lot of times he would have one of the dogs with him. He would bring it into the 'foyer'/reception/front room of the office and tell it to 'lay'. The dogs were very obedient. It would stay right there until he opened the door and told it 'come'.
Also, the boss's wife had 2 Great Danes. They weren't as heavily built as the mastiffs, but it anything, they longer and taller. To me, what was so odd about the Great Danes, was that they were colored like a Dalmatian!

Hmmm - love dog-stories!
Our first border-collie was as good as they get. Once we were walking in the woods (with the dog roaming around), she scared up some 3-4 deers which crossed the path right ahead of us with the dog in hot pursuit - trying to round them up! I shouted SIT, and dog's ass hit the ground straightaway - I was just sooo proud of her!

Another time - middle of winter with lots of snow around (obviously not TX!), my wife walked the dog down to the local grocery store (we never had a leash on her - not neccessary). She told the dog to sit (outside) while she was in the store. She forgot all about it - went back home and an hour later started to wonder where the dog was! Then she remembered she had left it outside the store and went back, wondering if the dog was still there or not ... - and there she was - still sitting! My wife must've walked right past her on her way out from the store, but the dog had been told to 'sit and stay' - and that she did until told otherwise!

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Awesome! Great Posts and Stories; Don Jose,
Trapper Girl, Ed T, Quinoa, Texasred 777, Loke, etc.,:

My Favorite Bird, Is The Eagle, Either Bald, Or Golden
(I have a story that happened in Idaho, with a Golden Eagle).
Because, The Brave Eagles can Fly Higher than The Rascally Owls,
mine own thoughts. My second Favorite, are The Graceful Falcons,
that have moved in, and prospered, the last 18 yrs., and ran out
The Red Tail Hawks (3rd Favorite). I have seen a Big, Healthy
Sparrow Hawk Flying (4th Favorite), Near The Outlaw Cave.

If I see an Owl (5th Favorite, GOD's Number Meaning Grace) soon now,
I'm going to laugh, though I don't worry about (Rarely) seeing them, but
have Total Respect for people's Beliefs, and Awesome Experiences, that
are Pertaining To Owls...

There Are 3 Doves, Still Hanging Around the place, and I consider
them to be a Sign of Spiritual Comfort and Peace, Among Others.
I Do though, often Hear Owls, sometimes seem to be Asking:
Who-who-who-who-who, Are You... :laughing7:

They are an Amazing Predator, and I Respect, and Do
Take Notice of their Wisdom, Warning Shadows, and Solid Shapes.
But, since I know that Our Father made them Too. I Just answer to
our Beautiful, Good Feathered Friends, Greater Than You :thumbsup:... :cross:

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There are so many possible interpretations to scriptures...Some may even say it may be the one who was crucified with Jesus...Who is to say for certain???We have been living in darkness for so long...And we have been led by wolves in sheep's clothing for so long...Shoot...The pastor of The Lompoc Christian Center where I was baptized a one pastor Tony turned out to be a child molester who was molesting his own daughter...And look at the Catholic Church and its troubles...Who can say for certain where true religion maybe found???Heck...What if the Signet Seal that I brought forth is not The Seal Of The Living God???And then again...What if it is???hehehe

Ed T:)lol

Hey, Ed T

I think ALL churches, of All Men, have possibly,
had some kind of problems. Yes, some are
quite atrocious, and must be dealt with...

But PLEASE, let's NOT Go There, pointing fingers,
possibly offending Our Good, and Dearly Loved
Catholic Brothers and Sisters, or Anyone else's
Personal Spiritual Beliefs, for that matter.

No Religion for Me, But Only Reality, The Solid Reality Of
God's Word, Confirmed And Proven By The HOLY SPIRIT.

You are always welcome to voice you're opinion,

We can make Statements Of Faith, Related to Treasure Hunting,
and Dealing With The Spirits that We May Encounter. The Highest
Level Of WISE Discretion, Will Be Greatly Appreciated. Thanks, Crosse... :cross:

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I did not intend to point fingers cross...As far as religion is concerned...I personally believe that religion of this world in general may be the great harlot of Revelation...I was fed up and tired of one church proclaiming to be holier than church x or y and vice versa...If a kingdom is divided...How can it stand???

I harkened unto what I believed to be God's voice which told me to seek him and not religion as man knows it...Which I have been doing since the age of 16...And I hope to continue doing 'til the day I die...I believe that he whom I call My Father has taught me well...

As for treasures and spirits...Some treasures can not be seen or touched...Yet they are there...He who has been guiding me along has showed me many manly treasures...And many so called secret organizations of this world have even tried to recruit me...Though I have let them know that I already belong to a group or family who pays me with rewards they can never come close to matching...

Heck...My Father has revealed the locations of gold, silver, platinum, and even diamond too me...Just in case I ever feel that I need any of man's vain riches of this world in my lifetime...I doubt that I will need them though...hehehe

Ed T:)lol


If GOD Our Father has revealed to you the locations of Precious Things,
of Man's Vain Riches, but you already have Plenty, and are Not In Need Of Any.

Then I reckon', you may be in a better position than many of us, that have yet
to say, we have No need of Material Things, to help ourselves, or our families,
or others...

Maybe then, The HOLY SPIRIT Will Reveal To You, Someone That Can Really
Use Your Good HELP, Materially, and, or Spiritually. That Be My Intention,
The LORD's will, to HELP ALL that I Can, To Also Know The Rock Solid
Truth Of Yahoveh, Which IS The SEAL Of GOD, That Protects Us...

May GOD The Father, Yeshua The SON, and HIS SEVEN SPIRITS,
Be With You, Leading, Guiding, Helping, Protecting,
You and Your Good Works, Always... :cross:

Anyone ever wonder, or know what are:
"The Seven Spirits Which Are Before His Throne",
Of Jesus Christ, "The Faithful Witness", that is
Referred to in Revelation 1: 4,5 ? ... :cross:

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Ed T, you cannot help yourself, can you?
Why don't we stick with Tayopa on this one……….

"The Seven Spirits Which Are Before His Throne" REVELATION 1:4

You can ask many different people and you would Probably get different responses from each and every one of them...I am still learning...But here is my answer from what i have learned so far...1 Knowledge 2 Wisdom 3 Understanding 4 Faith 5 Hope 6 Charity and 7 The Fear of God...

Ed T:)

The Seven Spirits OF GOD, ISAIAH 11: 1-5

Vs. 1, And there shall come forth a rod, out of the
stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots.

The Seven Spirits
1. (vs.2) The Spirit Of The LORD Shall Rest Upon Him
[YHVH = Yahoveh; ~ The Ancient Of Days ~ His Holy Spirit]

Then Also, These Specific Spirits are Named:

2. Wisdom 3. Understanding 4. Counsel 5. Might

6. Knowledge 7. The Fear Of The LORD [YHVH, or Yahoveh].

It is good, in every area of Treasure Hunting, to know and
understand all Spirits, Good, or Bad, whose they are,
or what they may want, and so on. :key:

Yes, This is the Advanced Course. Interesting, though.
Knowing the Spirits that are For, or Against You.
How they Move, act, talk. This is not any kind of
Philosophical, or Religious Theory.... It's Spirit Reality... :cross:

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Ahh religion. The native after being in between arguing ones went back to his own.
To meet a God meet that entity where he/she/ it it is meant to be met.
It is not a person or a people or a building. Fortunately.
Proof of such an existence lays in seeking to be tested. Personally based on experience I urge caution. Job had it rough , don,t expect less.
Taking such for granted yields similar results.
So... it gets personal. Not to be confused with a humans ability to choose a course.

What if the bible banger's are wrong? What if they are right?
Not all ye that say yea. Yet those at last gasp may find a window.
Hedge your bets I guess.
Being raised in a religion then sampling many others, there is like much of life a balance between over the top and a neighbor living by the golden rule ain't the worst .
I tend to shy away from those afflicted for their own sake, quick like. For good reason.

Ahh religion. The native after being in between arguing ones went back to his own.
To meet a God meet that entity where he/she/ it it is meant to be met.
It is not a person or a people or a building. Fortunately.
Proof of such an existence lays in seeking to be tested. Personally based on experience I urge caution. Job had it rough , don,t expect less.
Taking such for granted yields similar results.
So... it gets personal. Not to be confused with a humans ability to choose a course.

What if the bible banger's are wrong? What if they are right?
Not all ye that say yea. Yet those at last gasp may find a window.
Hedge your bets I guess.
Being raised in a religion then sampling many others, there is like much of life a balance between over the top and a neighbor living by the golden rule ain't the worst .
I tend to shy away from those afflicted for their own sake, quick like. For good reason.

AGREE; me, too.

My "FAVE"... Old Yeller! 1st movie I saw... REAL "tear-jerker". Both dad & I cried... went home and hugged ALL our Hound Dogs (Rabbit Hounds) & MY dog, TIPPY.
Hachi based on a real dog. A stick with you awhile result of watching. I remember ol yeller alright. Dang egg suckin dawg. Where the red fern grows another.

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