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View attachment 1060749 View attachment 1060750 Wow, Ed. This not a good thing, at all. A certain reminder we need to appreciate 'today', while we still have it, right? The use of Biological Weapons, is a very scary thought. I pray there are no new cases popping up here, and that all of those who are affected, are treated with dignity and care.

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Well at least it was not a bunch of terrorists infecting major metropolitan cities across the U.S. ...Shoot... Could you imagine what kind of havoc 50 or 100 infected terrorists could create across the U.S.???

Ed T

I don't even like to think like that, much less
post a note on here like that. What? Maybe we
can each get enough treasure rounded up, to
also have ourselves a fancy shelter....
Or will the Spirits step in? I hope I can find
treasure first. Whoo says you can't take
it with you when you go? :laughing7: :laughing9:

But worrying about it out loud, Naw :thumbsup:... :cross:

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View attachment 1060749 View attachment 1060750 Wow, Ed. This not a good thing, at all. A certain reminder we need to appreciate 'today', while we still have it, right? The use of Biological Weapons, is a very scary thought. I pray there are no new cases popping up here, and that all of those who are affected, are treated with dignity and care.

Awesome thoughts. I also, hope it is handled very well... :cross:

My Much Loved Scotch Indian Uncle

My Ol' Scotch Indian Uncle

Well, he grew up in the woods, and knew the
old blue eyed Indian, his Grandfather. My Scotch
Grandpa and his Choctaw Bride's first born. And he,
unlike 4 other Sons of Seven, happened to make it.

Everyone has always really liked him as far as I know,
and he always worked harder, just as all the rest
of the rough old Indians' family had all done.

To be cont'd... :cross:

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Oop, too early for coffee, guess I'll lay down till Oro,
Don Jose, or someone makes the first coffee,
and then wake up smelling it... :cross:

Hey! Anyone seen my other sock? (hopping on one foot) I had left them close to the fire to dry out, and I only found one this morning. :censored:Please don't tell me that's my sock sticking out of the coffee pot.:BangHead:

Well at least it was not a bunch of terrorists infecting major metropolitan cities across the U.S. ...Shoot... Could you imagine what kind of havoc 50 or 100 infected terrorists could create across the U.S.???

Ed T

Since they don't care about dying, they just MIGHT try to do it!

Need to "station" hogs & pigs at the border, or BOMB ISIS with HOG/PIG Bombs...

It would be pretty crazy if such a thing might happen...But what are the odds of such a thing happening here in the good old U.S.A. where life is scripted by those who consider themselves "All Mighty" about a 1000000000 to one???

And if by some chance it reaches the U.S. I am quite certain it might spread like wildfire...

Live for today... Because we may never see tomorrow...

Ed T

Well good peoples, 8-)

Sure, something drastic could happen. Still, let's

not jump to any bad doom and gloom conclusions.

Yes let's enjoy and appreciate life. But speculating on

this scary, and potential pandemic kind of a catastrophe,

I believe, is unfortunately, mostly catering to fear, and I,

we, really don't want to do that. I believe I'll fulfil my Destiny.

"I know in whom I have believed", said JOB, who knew well, the

severe testing of the evil one, but won big at the finish :cat: :thumbsup:... :cross:

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Hey! Anyone seen my other sock? (hopping on one foot) I had left them close to the fire to dry out, and I only found one this morning. :censored:Please don't tell me that's my sock sticking out of the coffee pot.:BangHead:

Ahh, speaking of dreaded disease, You may have encountered the dreaded single sock anemia..
Though sometimes the helpful sock fairy turns up and magically returns one.

. I am up, TOO! Morning, Crosse'. Cock-a-doodle-doo!!! Your coffee, sir. Would you like it with cream or sugar?

View attachment 1060782

Howdy, Trapper Girl

Sorry I missed the EARLY morning coffees,
that you offered. I kept dreaming I was smelling
some custom gourmet, and just thought Coazon was
in the camp, pulling a prank, teasing me in my sleep.

And I heard that Krazy Red rooster keep crowing,
but, thought that was only Don Jose's good 'ol record
player, at the end of the serenade, screechy skipping again.:laughing7::laughing9:

Then I thought I heard a hoot owl, just as I
was dreaming about looking over the old cliff
dwellings, looking over the newly found artifacts...

But, Alas, T.G., it was you, up late, or early,
working on your mining, or maybe, movie or
music producing projects. Well, sometimes I
Wish I didn't ever have to waste good coffee
time, going to sleep... Big Yawn. :cat:

I hope everybody has a very Good, Safe, worry Free day... :cross:

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My Much Loved Scotch Indian Uncle


In the Spring of the year the treasure hunter Lady, lay
peaceful in her last days, resting. Being cared for by her
only, lovely, though small and frail, Lady daughter.

She thought, and told me three funny tales of my people,
like her mind was still very sharp, a sweet, and a pretty
Country, Refined Woman. She had eventually, led her
young husband (they went TH'ing every year on
vacation until they apparently found it), back
close to the site where the outlaws were
talking, that day she just happened up
on them. And then, after sneaking back
aways, she rode fast and looking back,
got knocked off of her horse, by a low
hanging tree branch.

She got some amnesia, from that nasty fall,
but made it back home safely. The rough
looking men had been talking, over an
apparent new burial. Of adjacent Horse
Shoes, nailed low in the Two Large Oaks,
on both sides, of the fresh loosened brown dirt.

They had never really ever wanted again,
ever since that time, of secret recovery.
Always working, just on a higher level,
totally successful, raising a family,
making and saving good money...

She was of the Cherokee-Choctaws, also.
Mixed with the Early European blood, they
blended very well, into the white man's culture.
Both tribes were smart people, conquered by
the great new revolution of colonies, after the
Cherokees fatefully fought with the British, in the
European American Revolutionary Conquest. The
Choctaws, sorrowfully left their Ancient Homelands in GA.,
AL., and TN., etc. They had been at peace with the Cherokees,
for a long time, almost forever. They left voluntarily, and traveled
to where they were instructed and led. That was in 1833, but long before,
the Jefferson Administration had constructed legislation, that came into effect,
so forcefully removed the first British, then Confederacy supporting Cherokees..

I only got to see her the one time, my
friends Grandmother, that my peoples
had all known well, worked and lived
with most all of their lives, even after
WWI and WWII, in several states,
just like good close family. That
kind generation at that time had
good and thoughtful spirits..

She and my Indian Grandmother,
where best friends when they were
very young school girls. Then once when
visiting her daughter, I was in the area,
and stopped by the old Two story homestead
ranch house. I enjoyed the antiques and artifacts,
along the full width closed in porch, with beautiful,
painted white wood frame windows, on the way
to the front door.

She acted like she knew me well, and when
I told her that I had brought an old stone artifact,
she asked me, If I would like to have a coke. "Yes Mam,
I would", I replied. In the front room of the old ranch
home, she soon brought out fresh Coca Cola fizzing in
Antique Coca~Cola Glasses, on a Genuine Antique Coca~Cola
metal serving tray. We looked at the 5.75 inch hatchet that I had
brought, and several different sized arrowheads, that she got out of
an old leather pouch. Her husband came home shortly, a distinguished
and mellow country gentleman. She introduced me to him, he was very
polite. I stayed and visited a little while. I knew that I had missed out on an
interesting lady, being my aunt, as she was one of Uncle's first girlfriend's,
but that's another story... 8-)

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. I think I found the problem, Oro.

View attachment 1060810

But, you can borrow mine?!?

View attachment 1060811

Thanks Mastiff4me, you saved my day, I'll return them to you once I wash them.:thumbsup:

I really bought a ten pair pack today, for some reason I was down to about three pair. May need to check the luggage? That reminds me, did you ever find your keys, or how did you get the Yukon to the dealer?


Nobody knows what little surprises life may present to one...Case in point...I killed a brown recluse on my bed a couple of days ago...Thank God it did not bite me...I could have been in a world of hurt...Maybe I should have my room treated...So far I have killed three spiders on my bed...Two black widows and a brown recluse....What are the odds of such a thing happening to one person???If I didn't know any better...I'd think that someone has it out for me...Oh well...hehehe

Ed T:)lol

Man Bro.,

You must be saying your prayers, Ed T, you'd
better get out side the house sprayed, as well though.
Really, all they want, is a little tiny bit of blood, and kiss
you with a little deadly poisen... :laughing7:... :cross:

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