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Ok. It's about my bedtime; but I'm gonna try to tell a little more of my story of how I met and married the 'girl of my dreams'.
The day after I watched to see if she went out with someone else, I went back to the store where she worked. We talked for a few minutes before I asked her if she would like to go out that evening. She agreed to go out with me that evening. I don't remember what or where we went or what we did.
I remember that one evening we, along with my parents went to Waco, Texas. Waco was about 32 miles from where we lived. We were shopping for Christmas gifts. Mainly, my mom was looking for Christmas gifts. My dad left gifting and such to my mom. I and my 'girlfriend' were just along for the ride.
After we got back home, we dropped my parents at home and we rode around town for a while. I remember taking her home and sitting in the car in front of her house. We talked for several minutes. I asked her to wear my class ring around her neck on a chain; and she did. And of course, I asked her if I could see her the next day. We continued our daily/nightly dates.
On New Years Day we went with my mom and dad to see my mom's brother and his family in Arlington, Texas. We had a nice visit with them, returned home, dropped off my parents, and went riding around. A friend was driving a truck, hauling sand from a sand pit about 6 miles from where I lived. We parked there away from everybody and everything. I need to say something here. Neither she nor I had had sex before. And we didn't have sex until the night we were married. Believe it or not, that is the truth.
After we left the sand pit and were about half way to home, I told her that she had seen some of my kinfolk, and asked her if she would she consider getting 'mixed up in my family'. She had a really bad case of laryngitis at this time. She couldn't speak above a whisper. She just nodded her head. I asked her if she realized what I was asking her. She, again, nodded her head. To be certain, I told her that I was asking her to marry me. She nodded again!
At this time I was attended junior college. I didn't go back to classes after she agreed to marry. I started looking for a job. We continued to see each other daily. After I knew that I wasn't going to continue my college work, I took my books to the college. I sold them to the book store. As I was walking out of the building, my English teacher stopped me. She 'made' me take my mid-term exam. That was the only credit I got from the Junior college.
I started a job on the 23rd of January, 1963, in a grocery store. I worked Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and part of Saturday.
I asked her on Thursday if she still wanted to get married. She said she still wanted to get married. On Friday morning, I picked her up at her house and we drove to the local clinic/hospital. We had our blood drawn for our 'blood tests'. (I passed out when they drew my blood!)
After we got our blood drawn, my dad and her mom went to the courthouse to sign for us to be married; and we got our marriage license. At that time I was only 20 and she was only 16. The state required a parent's signature for anyone less than 21 years old to be married.
Enough! I'll continue this tomorrow.

Hey Y'all,

Some good story tellin' goin' on in here, or
Fantastic, is more like it. Don't believe it, when
some people try to tell me, I'm too philosophical.
Hmmm. I like Y'all deep thinkers, cool...

Anyway guys, I am way behind, and will get this all
absorbed. So, since major roosters have been brought
up into the awesome picture, fairly recently, here's a
short rooster story, about Great Uncle.

The youngest son of Indian Great Grandpa, and
an ornery character, not one to take any static.
Good as gold, but don't cross him, or the fight
likely would be on...

Many moons ago, I was visiting with Indian Grandma.
It was early in the day, and Grandma said she wanted to
go over to see her brother, about 25 miles away, 12 as the
Crow Flies. We made that short drive, a few mountains over,
rough in covered wagon, you know. We pulled in to his place,
and went up toward the porch, to see Great Aunt. We just started
visiting, when out of the chicken coupe door comes Uncle. He was mad,
cussin', and had a heck of a gash in his right forehand, gushing blood.

I took note, as I knew once I was close to getting thrashed, when I
brought his horse back after dark, in N. Calif., one summer night.
He said of the rooster, I'll Kill That ______...

Seems like this was a Big Red Rooster, too.

I don't know what happened, if the he made it another night,
or to the table. Knowing Great Uncle, maybe wouldn't eat him
either just made a deep impression in my computer chip.

I never will forget the look on his face, with all that blood, one of
my favorite uncles, wound up, threatening to take vengeance on
his own hands... :laughing7:

Awesome Spiritual and Romantic Autobiographical Preface, T. G.,
and I know by hints you have given, and all, we will shortly, all be
blown away. Very glad you're here to talk to us, Thanks, and
Thanks Everyone Else, Also. 8-) :thumbsup:... :cross:

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Today being 9-23, a Psalm written of The Spiritual Shepherd,
by the earthly shepherd, King David, of the lineage of Yeshua...

"The LORD is my shepherd: I shall not want.

He makes me to lie down in green pastures:
He leads me beside the still waters.

He restores my soul: He leads me in the paths
of righteousness for His name's sake...

Thou prepares a table before me in the presence
of mine enemies: Thou anoints my head with oil;
my cup runs over... Ps. 23: 1-3, 5.

I hope everyone has an excellent Day(s)... :cross:

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Today being 9-23, a Psalm written of The Spiritual Shepherd, by the earthly shepherd, King David, of the lineage of Yeshua... "The LORD is my shepherd: I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures: He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul: He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake... Thou prepares a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou anoints my head with oil; my cup runs over... Ps. 23: 1-3, 5. I hope everyone has an excellent Day(s)... :cross:

How great thou art, Crosse', for posting that! Thank you. So much. Keep up those stories and the fire blazing. Thanks for always having a spot for us around your spiritual sharing circle.

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I went to work Saturday morning at 7 a.m. and was scheduled to work until 5 p.m.. My dad came by the store and asked me if I still wanted him to loan me the $50 dollars that I thought I would need that evening to get married. Oh, yes!
My boss found out what was going on and told me to take off at 11 a.m. and get 'your business taken care of'. I had been attending Jr. college and had no money. I took the $50 that dad loaned me and went shopping.
I bought a little wedding band, white gold with small hearts engraved on it. $20! I rented a room at a local motel. Another $8. I was to pay the preacher $3. I really don't remember just what the rest of the money was spent on; but I had only $2 the next day. I also told one person where we would be in case an emergency happened.
I took my mom and dad to the preacher's house at 6 p.m.. My wife's mother, brother, uncle, and his wife arrived just as we did. The uncle took several pictures of the proceedings.
When the wedding was over, my new wife and I dropped my parents off at their house and headed for the motel. Since this was the 26th of January, it was already dark before we left the preacher's house. I won't go into anymore detail about the rest of the night.
We got up the next morning and went to my parents house. My parents had gone to visit one of dad's brothers and his family, so we thought we had the house to ourselves. Then we had visitors. A cousin and his wife. They stayed and talked about an hour.
Ok, that's about all; except for a couple of things I always want to remember.
From the first time we went to the picture show together, until we married was only about 41 days. We had never even met before I saw her that morning at the gas station. Our first child, a daughter, was born just over 10 months later, a second child, a daughter, was born 3 years later, and 11 years later a son was born. We were married 43 years, 4 months, and 5 days before my wife died. Like most marriages, we had our arguments, disappointments, heartaches, and even lost a daughter to cancer when she was 33 years old. But still, I feel that I am the most blessed man in the entire human race to have been allowed to lived this life. I can only thank the Lord above for all of these wonderful things.

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I can[t understand why you people are in such a big rush, I took over 3 Years of old fashioned get my child bride

Senor Don Jose,

A 3 yr. courtship, Does that mean that your lovely wife,
was 13 when you first courted her, Amigo? If so, then you kind
of had to court her awhile? Sorry ahead of time, if I'm way off...

Maybe you were gone surveying, and flying for long tours...

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How great thou art, Crosse', for posting that! Thank you. So much. Keep up those stories and the fire blazing. Thanks for always having a spot for us around your spiritual sharing circle.

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Howdy Trappergirl,

You are very kind and generous, as always. You know
Y'all are as spiritual, or more than I, Thanks Kindly... :cross:

. Good Morning, Troopers (loud trumpet sounds). Ah! I see Reb has left us with some special home grown Sweet Home Alabama variety brew. Now, excuse me while I move away from this cliff, and get my day started.

I thought, I might want to listen
to some more of these tunes too... :cross:

I love those old songs. Thanks, Releventchair. I haven't heard that song in many years.
Trapper Girl, isn't that a Rhode Island Red rooster in the picture? Sure looks like the ones we used to call by that name.

Maybe she was a faster runner?:laughing7:

Howdy, Relevent

Yes, I Love all the old tunes too, Bluegrass, Country,
Gospel, Blues, Rock. I do enjoy all of it, going all
the way back to the roots...

Hope everyone is having a good day! Thanks... :cross:

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Pretty quiet, maybe everybody is out and about,
TH'ing, takin' care of business, and enjoying, hopefully.

Maybe there will be time for a spirited story or two later... :cross:

Ki love, as you know I lived and worked with the Yaqui for five years but I still don;t like their music, especialy when I, as a guest of honor, have to listen to the same three tones for 6 hours.


Ki love, as you know I lived and worked with the Yaqui for five years but I still don;t like their music, especialy when I, as a guest of honor, have to listen to the same three tones for 6 hours.


LOL! You don't understand that the various (and variations) of tones... are "Firing Up" your "spiritual body" via "rainbow centers" or calming you down, lulling you into a "state of GRACE" to enter the DREAM-WORLD; do R & I on "TONING"...

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Oh my. Don Jose'. We are on the SAME wave length, again. Earlier today, my mom sent me the most beautiful Yaqui Deer Dance video in an email, and I was going to upload it. HERE! It brought back so many early memories of being at Casa de Los Tesoros. I remember a local teacher (Yaqui) Juan Carlos Aarandadto de Zueta, was my favorite. He would dance with his shell beads swirling around his ankles, around the fire, and I felt hyptotized every time. Pure magic. The uplifting kind, for sure. :) Goodnight to all. Don't let the bedbugs bite!

I heard the Jesuits practiced this stuff on treasure sites. The Key of Solomon (Clavicula Salomonis) edited by S. Liddell MacGregor Mathers It's called Black and White magic. Also heard it's one of the reasons you can't use witching sticks to find their spots when on site (if you believe in those). The Spanish used witching sticks (perhaps even successfully) and perhaps the Jesuits found a way to block it. From what I know, they didn't like the Spanish as they were mostly a bunch of militants that treated people pretty harshly, especially those the Jesuits were trying to bring religion to. Not sure exactly what I believe. I have had horses that weren't there, clip clop right up to me when messing around on these sites. Also have heard other things. Kids playing and laughing, adults talking in different language (no one around), Owls, eagles showing up and doing things at coincidental times and locations, list goes on. Probably just my mind playing tricks. Also heard if you are successful, things may follow you home. lol on that. Speaking of Owls, One night I had food poisoning from undercooked veal, I was up at 3 am, and had been already for a few hours, and was by the kitchen sink for obvious reasons, feeling like I was going to die. In fact I really thought about it. My heart was racing, blood pressure way up. I could feel it. I thought this might be it, heart failure from eating out. Decent chance I was going to die. I happened to look out on my deck thru a window, and oddly enough I saw a large owl sitting on my deck railing , peering into my window looking straight at me (it was moonlit and I had most of the lights off). The really odd thing (other than I had never seen an owl on my deck before) is that it was looking in straight at me, and not looking back over into my yard in the other direction to find mice or food. I managed to survive though. Happy ending for me, anyways.

Quinoa. Wow. Good to see you here. And, I am so happy you had a happy ending. Phew! So, interesting, as to what you said about the Jesuits. I had never heard of that. And, about the owl. I will share my, or my best girlfriend's, rather. The more she and I learn/read about these experiences, the more we believe this incident was way more than a mere coincidence. I will be right back.

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