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. Hooray! Crosse'. I think that awesome news deserves an early morning jam session.

I hope you will play for us around the campfire! What a special treat that would be.

Music is a fine healer.

I wish I played the guitar, or any stringed instrument. I like them all.

My husband's mama just gave him quite a treasure; his Grandfather's banjo. Made my heart dance. He played on that one for most of his life. She had it restrung and got a new case. I love it because you can still see the worn places that his fingers used to move against it.

Now, go enjoy that precious guitar, so that we can also start to see the happy worn out spots. :). Time to celebrate.

Trapper Girl,

Your Husband's Banjo sounds like a
great family treasure, that's awesome!

As far as you learning to play guitar,
it's really NOT EVER too late, Believe It.

Yes, I agree, and know well, what good
music can do for the merry heart (spirit),
and potential inspiration for one's soul...

That guy in the video, is fantastic!
Very fast and unique playing style.

Yes, I would play around a campfire...
I would try to get y'all to sing along some, too.

Thanks Very Kindly, for being happy for me.

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Willie's guitar is way too holey, :laughing7:
and has likely been exposed to a
lot of different kinds of toxic smoke. :laughing9:

It probably needs to go to De-Tox... :laughing7:

That Hole looked like it was less
than half that size, about 21 yrs. ago.

See what can happen, if you drink and
smoke, and then get up on stage and
act like you're a Singing Cowboy, with
a slightly Spanish guitar style lead solo... :laughing9:

But it IS still soundin' really quite good,
for what all it's been through, for 44+ yrs.,
with the cool 81 yr. young, Legendary Artist pickin' on it... :cross:

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For mi Mastiff. sre what a guitar can really do. With Hubbys permission, below you window,with a full moon..

Don Jose

That is very cool guitar playing. Relaxing Sounds.
Yes, I DO like that style a lot too. Not Speaking for
the Trapper Girl, of course. Thanks Amigo... :cross:

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Don Jose That is very cool guitar playing. Relaxing Sounds. Yes, I DO like that style a lot too. Not Speaking for the Trapper Girl, of course. Thanks Amigo... :cross:

Oh (clapping and abrazos). I LOVED all three. You know my style! I am also smiling, because it brings up quite a cute story about a serenata. The first one my sister and I received on our first visit to Alamos. You will let a good laugh, for sure. I am off the pick up the kiddos at school, and then I will be back. Btw, I listened to mis canciones three times already. Mas, mas!!! :)

Willie's guitar is way too holey, :laughing7: and has likely been exposed to a lot of different kinds of toxic smoke. :laughing9: It probably needs to go to De-Tox... :laughing7: That Hole looked like it was less than half that size, about 21 yrs. ago. See what can happen, if you drink and smoke, and then get up on stage and act like you're a Singing Cowboy, with a slightly Spanish guitar style lead solo... :laughing9: But it IS still soundin' really quite good, for what all it's been through, for 44+ yrs., with the cool 81 yr. young, Legendary Artist pickin' on it... :cross:

Also, Crosse'. Best story about your guitars. I promise we will sing, if you will play!!! I am shy, but will even bring my flute. :)

FLUTE...? Can you play (K)nights in White Satin...? FAVE! MOODY BLUES!

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. Back at Ya'. Open your curtain, Don Jose'! I brought a BIG bunch of people to your barrio. Here they are. The Romeros.

Also, Crosse'. Best story about your guitars. I promise we will sing, if you will play!!! I am shy, but will even bring my flute. :)

Thanks for your kindness, guitars ringing, with
everyone singing, and your flute would be the
best. Even if you are shy, we will all make you
feel comfortable with all big smiles and laughter
in the perfect fire's mellow crackle and glow.

... I bet you can really
sing too, in between the flute parts... :cross:

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Just trying to get 'caught up' with my threads. The internet has been down since mid-day Friday. Technician finally got here about 5 p.m. today. After checking and 'diagnosing' the problems, he said there is a wiring problem between the 'main connection' box about a block or so from the house and the connection box here at the house. He tried to interchange some of the wires to get a better connection; but couldn't get a connection. We have two 10 meg lines coming into a dual modem to make a 20 meg service. We have 6 computers and occasionally all 6 are on the net at the same time. My grandson is taking a full load of college courses online. The rest of us use the internet a lot. We use so much that we had to go on a 'business' type service because we use so much. Instead of having 10 megs, we have the 2 ten meg lines coming into a dual modem. One line is bad. Anyway, after he got through, he said that wiring would have to be replaced before we would have internet service. But, as he was watching the meter he had connected to the line coming into the house, it suddenly started working. Intermittent shorts and such. So, if I'm not 'around' for a day or so, it's because of internet service. They are the only internet service in the area besides the satellite services, which I've heard are atrocious. I haven't heard of anyone around here using them.

I really enjoy Spanish and Mexican music! I've never learned the Spanish language though; so I am at a horrible loss when it comes to songs. Some of the music is so beautiful it actually causes tears to come into my eyes. I have always loved the 'La Paloma'. That is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard. I love the music. Several artists have sang words to it. Some have been in English, but I don't believe they are original. Are there 'original' words to this music? Even Elvis Presley put words to it. I'm sure the words he sang were not original. There's just something about the sounds of the guitars and accordions that make the music so exquisite! I could listen to it forever.
I like to chord on the guitar; but have never practiced it enough to be even mediocre. I've never tried to 'pick' the guitar. I have one guitar that I bought in 1974 that has a decent sound. It is a Kasuga, make in Japan by or for the Martin Company. I had two cousins that had a band in Houston and played for several years in the bars, etc. there. One is still living. They told me if I ever wanted to sell the guitar to give them first chance at it. I still have it. It's beginning to need some TLC. The bridge is beginning to 'sink'/turn downward'. I'm sure most of you know what I'm talking about. I have adjusted the neck as far as it will go and it still is quite hard to fret. I know part of the trouble is my fingers are not toughened up enough! I also have a 'cheap' Johnson that is a lot easier to fret and I like to play it. I doesn't have quite as good a sound as the Kasuga, but it's ok.
I used to have a decent voice; but during the last 30 years or so, it's become quite harsh. My wife and I used to sing some in church while I played the guitar. (Those were the 'good old days'!)
If I lived alone, or with just my son, I would try playing the accordion again. I had just started playing a little when we moved here with my daughter and her family. I'm ashamed to admit it, but it's true: I'm just too bashful to try to play it or the keyboard when anyone is around to here the horrible noise I make. I can use the earphones to keep anyone from hearing my when I'm playing the keyboard. I just so seldom take the time to do it.
I grew up listening to country and western music and gospel music. No one in my immediate family played any instruments. One of my aunts played almost any instrument that she wanted to play. She played the piano, guitar, violin, banjo, accordion, organ, etc. She played by 'ear', because she couldn't read music; at least not enough to use it. She played several time for Willie Nelson when Bobbi Nelson couldn't be at the Nite Owl (beer joint) just outside of West, Texas when he sang there. This was when he first started singing. West is about 8 miles south of Abbott, Texas; Willie's hometown. I was born and raised in Hillsboro, Texas, just 8 miles north of Abbott. I never met Willie or Bobbi. I used to work with a lady that used to baby-sit Willie and Bobbi while their parents worked. She had several 'tales' to tell about Willie! lol

Tex, for some reason you remind me of my grandfather. He had horrible Arthritus. We fixed him with a nice sunny three sided room which was also a part of the Garden. He decided to play the violin, so he first would disconnect his hearing aid,then squall & screech saw away on that 'old refrain'.

Beautiful. I have a copy! Victoria de los Angeles. I also have a copy of someone called 'Big Mama', can't find it at the moment. I believe she's Oriental. Almost the same music, possible the same.
I'm not that 'well off'. I don't have a hearing aid to disconnect! No, it's not that I don't want to hear it, but don't anyone else to hear it. If I lived alone, I might at some point, if I lived long enough, be good enough (if only in my own mind) to maybe let someone else hear me. lol

Yes! That's the one. Of course, I can't understand the words; but the music and voice is so beautiful. The music is different from Victoria's song. I've heard one somewhere that sounds so much like the music of Victoria's. Andre Rieu also does a great job of this number. I have copies of a couple of his concerts.
There is just so much beautiful music out there!

Tejano. I know what you are saying, since I live in Mexico and a window opens to the street from my computer room I use earphones for my Neighbrs benefit, and mine, our tastes clash.

i love Andre

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I had a very close friend back in Texas. I've lost contact with him (momentarily). He and I worked together for several years at the same company. He was born and raised around Waco, Texas, though he was an 'old timey' Mexican. He was actually younger than me. He worked part time at several of the Mexican cafes around town that the Mexican people went to. He knew the 'old time' recipes for the real, authentic Mexican foods; a great cook. Until his wife was killed in a car wreck, he used to bring tamales to work and occasionally share some of them with me. His wife helped the church prepare the tamales one day a week. They sold them to raise funds for the church. I'm a great fan of Mexican food. My son-in-law bought a dozen tamales from a Mexican lady here in town a few weeks ago. Excellent! He asked her to make them with a thin outer coating. Most of the tamales that are found up here in Idaho have very thick outer coatings. I'd never seen them like that before moving up here. Another 'gripe' I have with these Idahoans: They don't know how to make sopapillas like they do down in Texas. That was one thing I really loved about 'Pancho's' restaurants. They had the best ones I've ever eaten!
Anyway, I asked my friend one time about the words to 'La Paloma'. He said all he knew about it was something about a dove. It surprised me. As much as Tony was 'into' the Mexican scenes there in Waco, I thought he would have known more about the song. He said that he knew a lot about the Mexican music; but that was just one song that he never cared for and never really listened to it enough to know anything about it.
But, I still loved that guy! I consider him to be one of my best 3 friends I'd ever known. I've got to get back in touch with him. Another friend that worked with us told me that he hadn't seen or heard from him in several months; but would try to get in touch with him next month when he finished a job down south Texas.

Mexican songs are often artful stories. More than just music or a voice and they seen to have little misspent banter. Bet knowing Spanish helps,l.o.l..

Gracias my friends, Part of the popularity of La Paloma lies in Carlota, wife of Maximilano, eventually she flipped it after he was shot and used to sit in her room singing it.

Good Songs and artists, I think, especially the girls? 8-)

Yes it would be handy, to understand the words,
but All of the music posts are enjoyable :laughing7:... :cross:

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