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Hi Trappergirl

Yes, can't wait for Full Moon, the Spirits will be restless...

Nice fire... :cross:

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Cool Stuff, 8-)

The Owls on the Soundtrack,
Joe in concert, Fun stuff, Thanks :thumbsup:... :cross:

Went over to Uncle's today, and talked about
some Treasure Stories I have heard from him
and Indian Grandma. He Is A Korean War Vet,
decorated also, Don Jose.

I am going to work on a post of his experiences.
I have taken notes, and need to get more.
He is getting more frail.
It was good to see him... :cross:

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View attachment 1056290. I did it! I made it up, before even the first rooster. Speaking of roosters, did I ever tell you about how I got my 1st one??? Huge smile, and guess what his name was??? Tick-tock. Time's up. Texas Red. Yep. But, I just called him "Tex", so did the girls. Others, (meaning the boys) just called him +#%*£+ ! , and RAN for their life! Hee. True story. No offense, to our heroic super buddy online, with us here today. It is actually a compliment, indeed, as this rooster was a legend all over the world (no, uh... well, at least in my own backyard). He was a PROTECTOR! And, he loved his 'chicks', like no other fine feathered friend, that I have ever seen. He didn't just love his hens, he loved girls... PERIOD. Short ones, skinny ones, tall ones, older, younger. He didn't pay no mind, he would welcome you into his fun, crazy ol' coop any time. That is, unless you were, let's see...the Gardner, the son, the husband, the daughter's father and so on. No man around those parts of Santa Fe, would ever take him on. No way. In fact, I don't think even Shelby, The Swamp Brothers, Turtle-Man or any of those other folks could take him on (except, maybe Oro? Nah). He could be just two things; a girl's best friend, or man's worst enemy (spooky music heard in the background). Point made?!? Good.

Now, I had no idea where I was going to begin here this morning, to tell my tale. And, yes, it is all of the-true-nature-kind, of course. But, I am going to have to wrap of few random attachments of words around a really BIG part (and also, quite honestly, the 'best' part ) of my life. So, please don't mine me if I weave in and out, or stop and start a few different places, to make sure I highlight the most important part of my message. Okay?

This is a story about survival. Real true survival. I know you know 'the kind'. It can take many shapes and forms. It is strong enough to challenge our thoughts, emotions, and even our bodies. Or make those, closest to us, ponder theirs, as well. It makes us look inside and figure out,willingly or unwillingly, just what we are really made of. And, finally, look down and decide; combat boots or the sheepishly-soft-fluffy-white-slipper-kind-that-would-somehow-lead-me-right-back-straight-into-bed.

Looking back, I never wore either, actually. It was cowboy boots, or nothing. I like the sound of bare feet on cold unfinished Saltillo tile.

Wait. Wait, a minute, you say? You thought I was a Florida girl all along? No. Not really. I have lived where others have made me follow (upon their journey), but this time, I woke up one day out of the clear blue sky... And HAD to make that right hand turn... In Albuquerque. Smile. Battery low. Booting off for now. And, will spill the beans shortly (the kind with the Hatch Green Chili, of course).

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I literally, woke up one day, and had to go. There was no doubt about it. I felt compelled, propelled, to leave. Shrug, shrug. I tried to make that feeling good. But, it didn't go. It simply grew stronger. But, why did I feel this way. I bloomed where I had been planted, long ago, when I had met my husband. There! That was the only other time I had felt it.

Rewind. Across a crowded room, blah, blah, blah. Yes. It's true. There he was! I knew, and I guess he knew too. That was some kind of ethereal crazy story in itself, but, I went with it. Funny thing is, I had decided, after getting my BA, I had big plans. Set plans. To become a pilot like my dad, to travel to every little hole-in-the-wall this cool world had to offer. To help others in foreign countries and, of course, my own. And ultimately, end up at the end of a dirt road, painting pretty pictures, like Georgia O'Keefe. That was it. I remember when I broke the news to my sweet mama. " I have decided," standing straight and proud, "I am NOT getting married. Ever". She just smiled at me, and knew. Knew that God knows, our plans, sometimes even better than we do. She knew, just like when it happened to her, a light will switch on, and one MUST go. Now, pausing. I don't know what would have happened if I didn't listen to that little voice, when I saw him. Actually, it wasn't a 'little' voice, it was rather 'booming' like the thunder from our passing tropical storm outside.

Problem. I lived in the west, and he was all the way over in Florida. Florida? No! How would that work? Somehow, it did. Because we surrendered, and blazed our own trail. And, I sure do love that cute trail-blazer, for without him, I am not sure, kind-of, of a lot (if that makes sense). Fast forward, into pure wedded bliss. Serious stuff here. Really. We lived in a little one bedroom shack, yes shack, on the beach, while we renovated what would be our new home. R-e-n-o-v-a-t-e-d (an appropriately long word, for what would be a long task, a church, which would eventually become our unusual home for many years. Another, soul speaker. What? People would say, when they had learned of our grand excitement, to bring that sad puppy back to life. To others, the church looked abandoned and alone, a sad and crumbling reminder of what had been, once a thriving metropolis of happy faces, hopeful prayers, bent knees, and community service. The city thought it might look just fine as a parking lot. No! What do we do? As the girl who would give food or shelter to nearly any stray... Bingo! And, to my amazement, my new trail blazer now next to me, with rings on our hands, went for it. Happily. What?

We were called 'angels! By some who appreciate history and hard work or completely coo-coo for stopping and making 'camp' in the worst (yep) part of town. But, we saw something most did not. A diamond in the rough. A long lost treasure. There, but (now) not forgotten.

Going to the lake break...

Hi Trappergirl Yes, can't wait for Full Moon, the Spirits will be restless at the cave, and may show something, cool light... Nice fire. Owls, Crosse De Sign :cross: <img src=""/>


Mastiff, great stories and thanks for sharing……….would guess you have many more stories to entertain us……..

We once had an attack rooster, although he did not discriminate, he liked to attack pretty much everyone and anything, until one day he made a mistake of attacking the wrong person……first attack was fending off with a kick……the second, a 45, ending his reign of terror…….and I say reign of terror as he managed to have people literally running from the house to their car/truck…chased farm hands (tough dudes all) on top of whatever vehicle was near……
He was known and feared……mean old bird……truly a beautiful rooster also…..but he was getting meaner with each of his few passing years until that fateful day……

In life, it is most often the little things that count, that we cherish…….while it is true we need money to live…..wealth will NEVER bring happiness nor security……

Mastiff, great stories and thanks for sharing&#133;&#133;&#133;.would guess you have many more stories to entertain us&#133;&#133;.. We once had an attack rooster, although he did not discriminate, he liked to attack pretty much everyone and anything, until one day he made a mistake of attacking the wrong person&#133;&#133;first attack was fending off with a kick&#133;&#133;the second, a 45, ending his reign of terror&#133;&#133;.and I say reign of terror as he managed to have people literally running from the house to their car/truck&#133;chased farm hands (tough dudes all) on top of whatever vehicle was near&#133;&#133; He was known and feared&#133;&#133;mean old bird&#133;&#133;truly a beautiful rooster also&#133;..but he was getting meaner with each of his few passing years until that fateful day&#133;&#133; In life, it is most often the little things that count, that we cherish&#133;&#133;.while it is true we need money to live&#133;..wealth will NEVER bring happiness nor security&#133;&#133;
. Good to hear from you Doc. Smile. I actually wrote 2 long stories, but

Thanks…….I read them both but only the attack rooster brought to my memory something to write……..

. Good to hear from you Doc. I hope you had a carefree Sunday. Now, I actually wrote two intro stories, but hit the delete button. Too much. Problem is, for me, I realized, is one experience hardly exists without the other. Like a map. Pit-stops to get to that 'place'. Our journey, my journey, the spiritual one, has reminded me, I can, we can do anything, if we just believe. It involves more Than just, once upon a time, small insert, and they lived happily ever after.

There is a power, an amazing purposeful, and giving (very giving) greater than us. So much greater, than me, or anything I know. It has been revealed to me in my darkest of darks and lightest of lights. I am or was not cancer, it did not define me. It did make me angry and want to help fight the battle, and be able to relate, on a totally new level, of determination and understanding.

Like our precious soldiers, who fight, and sacrifice themselves, for us (whoa and amen), I know sometimes our fights are not just in places far, far away. They are right here. People fighting their own battles, even secretly, right next door.

Maybe it is the lady in the check-out line, or the man grumbling over the coins dropped accidentally onto the sidewalk by the parking meter.

People need us. They need 'our' stories. That is the real treasure-box.

When you all share your tales of both fun and wisdom, it gives joy to where might not have been for some.

We need more 'campfires' in this world. Electronic or otherwise. I prefer the real ones, but I will take what I can get, as long as it involves a song, good coffee, a few deep laughs, and shelter from the storm, in what seems to be pretty crazy times out there.

See. Lost track of 'my story' again. Whoopsie. But, that is okay. I am sorry, my friend, the moderator. I am most certainly guilty as charged! But, for me, anymore, it is only about the Holy Spirit. When I forget that (like my notorious keys) I get either lost or stuck. Sometimes, lost and making mistakes is good. I have found what I am truly made of doing both of those things. Every now and then, it's fun to take the wrong turn in Albuquerque, and find where you land. It is possible, you might just find yourself, right?

And, coming from a very religious background, I think I always was a pretty darn good Catholic Girl. Most of the time. I found that from anything, I can take what I want, and leave the rest. I am a lover of all God and faith centered religions and philosophies. I also believe, some of the most spiritual people I have ever met, have never even been into a church.

When we bought our church, he everlasting renovation labor-of-true-love (and frustration, sometimes), I keep having one word come to mind; ONE. I believe, we are all one. One in being with the Holy Spirit, and through him all things are made, and never broken.

I seldom watch the news. I don't allow my kids to, either, unless it is a current event for school. We do our best to teach them everything growing up and into this world, should know. There is quite a bit of bad, but way MORE good. I know lots of folks might read that and shake their heads that I am wrong, and that is completely fine.

But, when I have surrendered to my own personal demons ( bad word, but such a good description), and turn my heel at them, and walk away, I am stronger and more of a magnet to the good in this life, that I have been lovingly given.

Those closest to me have often wondered where I found this attitude. I am not sure. And, like those darn keys, I hope not to lose it. Everything can be easy to lose, if we don't take care of it, right?

And, as far as we know, this moment is all there is. So, I say, go towards the light. Right now, that would be Crosses' magical and always present campfire.

Oh, and about metal-detecting, bottle-digging, and searching for glittery treasures of the past (even rusted ones that are falling apart), I am IN! No other hobby (or perhaps lifestyle/perfect addiction) has given me so much crazy joy.

Let the quest for everything go on, brave soldiers! HH.

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Amen Mastiff…….and I for one will NEVER apologize for speaking of Jesus Christ…….
There is nothing more important……..and also why I often close with vaya con Dios……..

In life, there is no gray, no middle ground……you are either for or against…… proclaim His Name or not…….silence is the same as rejection…….
But I also understand that today, more so than in many times, we shall suffer persecution…….

Great Post our precious Señorita Mastiff……vaya con Dios

View attachment 1056757. Everybody stand back!!! We have got a WILD ONE in the house. Meet a backyard
Legend. Sr. Texas Red. He might look small and rather timid. Nah! Don't judge a book by it's cover. He could take you down , or run you clear into the next state over. He was one heck of a mean feathered machine, and would never
Turn down a fight. Ever. Any takers??? ;). May he RIP. It was a serious sad day when when we came home, and the re were millions of feathers scattered all across the Tierra. They were just like my babies. I trained them, even. To sing to me every morning, to sit on my lap and I'd glide my hands through their feathers. Agh. Sheesh. And just when Grady ran up the trail to see what it was a coyote blasted out of a tiny hole in the lowed wire and swished off onto the sunset...with nothing left to give us, but burp.

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Matiff4me, I really shed a few tears when I read of you and your husband. 'Love and marriage' is such a magical/religious reunion!
I'm going to tell a story of my 'love life'. I have told this a time or two before; but not on this forum. I have never felt the urge to tell it more than after reading about you and your husband. You didn't go into detail about how you met; but I'm sure it was wonderful.
It was on a Friday, about the 15th of December, 1962. I got up that morning, ate breakfast that my mom had prepared for me. I went out to the car and started the motor so it could 'warm up' a little before I took them to work. I noticed the gear-shift lever seemed loose. I went back into the house and donned a pair of coveralls. I crawled under the car and tightened the nut that was loose on the transmission where the shift lever connected. I went into the bathroom and washed the grease off of my hands; but didn't have time to remove the coveralls that I had put on to keep my clothes clean.
I drove my parents to the textile mill where they worked. After they got out of the car, I started to drive back home. The engine quit before I moved more than 20 feet. Although I tried to restart it, it just would not start. The gas gauge didn't work. I realized that I was probably out of gas.
I happened to see an uncle watching me from the 'opening room' of the textile mill where my parents worked. He motioned for me to come to him. He asked me if I had car trouble or if I was out of gas. I told him that I thought the car was out of gas. He handed me a 5 gallon can.
There was a little 'mom-pop' store about a block from the mill. I walked, with the 5 gallon can, to the store. The store had two gas pumps at the front of the store. I set the can down by the 'regular' gas pump, went into the store to pay for a can of gasoline. There was a girl behind the counter. I told her that I needed some gasoline. She accompanied me out to the gasoline pumps and filled the can for me. We went back inside and I paid her for the gasoline.
I took the can of gasoline back to the car, poured the gasoline into the tank, gave the can back to my uncle, and started the car. I drove home.
On Sunday morning, I went with my dad to church. We went for the 'Sunday School' which was a bible study for different age groups, i.e., young boys, young girls, teen boys, teen girls, women, and men. Instead of staying for the church service, i.e., the Sunday choir and the pastor's sermon, I went out the back door of the church. It was only about one block from the back of the church to the little store where I had bought the gasoline.
I walked into the store, and sure enough, that girl was behind the counter! I walked to the drink machine and extracted a Pepsi Cola. Then I went to the counter and paid the girl for it. No one else was in the store. I was there; and she was there. We talked a few minutes. I don't remember what we talked about. You need to remember, this was in December, 1962. That's a long time ago!
After talking for several minutes, I asked her if she would like to go to the movie theater with me. She asked when, and I said maybe tonight. She said she would go with me that night. We agreed on a time and I went home.
At the agreed upon time, I went to her house. I met her mom, stepfather, and her brother. We went to the movie, drove around town a few minutes, and I took her home. Before she went into the house, I asked her if she would like to go riding with me tomorrow night. She said she would like to do that.
I picked her up the next evening and we just drove around town for quite a while. When I took her home, I asked her about going out with me the next night. She said that she would not go out with me the next night. I didn't really know what to think except that she probably had another date.
The next evening, I parked about a block away from the store to see if she went out with someone else that evening. When she closed the store, I watched her walk next door to her house. It was almost dark. I sat there until I was sure that she wasn't going out with someone else that night. About 11 p.m., I went home.
OK!! Enough for tonight. I'll try to continue this tomorrow if anybody's interested.

Matiff4me, I really shed a few tears when I read of you and your husband. 'Love and marriage' is such a magical/religious reunion! I'm going to tell a story of my 'love life'. I have told this a time or two before; but not on this forum. I have never felt the urge to tell it more than after reading about you and your husband. You didn't go into detail about how you met; but I'm sure it was wonderful. It was on a Friday, about the 15th of December, 1962. I got up that morning, ate breakfast that my mom had prepared for me. I went out to the car and started the motor so it could 'warm up' a little before I took them to work. I noticed the gear-shift lever seemed loose. I went back into the house and donned a pair of coveralls. I crawled under the car and tightened the nut that was loose on the transmission where the shift lever connected. I went into the bathroom and washed the grease off of my hands; but didn't have time to remove the coveralls that I had put on to keep my clothes clean. I drove my parents to the textile mill where they worked. After they got out of the car, I started to drive back home. The engine quit before I moved more than 20 feet. Although I tried to restart it, it just would not start. The gas gauge didn't work. I realized that I was probably out of gas. I happened to see an uncle watching me from the 'opening room' of the textile mill where my parents worked. He motioned for me to come to him. He asked me if I had car trouble or if I was out of gas. I told him that I thought the car was out of gas. He handed me a 5 gallon can. There was a little 'mom-pop' store about a block from the mill. I walked, with the 5 gallon can, to the store. The store had two gas pumps at the front of the store. I set the can down by the 'regular' gas pump, went into the store to pay for a can of gasoline. There was a girl behind the counter. I told her that I needed some gasoline. She accompanied me out to the gasoline pumps and filled the can for me. We went back inside and I paid her for the gasoline. I took the can of gasoline back to the car, poured the gasoline into the tank, gave the can back to my uncle, and started the car. I drove home. On Sunday morning, I went with my dad to church. We went for the 'Sunday School' which was a bible study for different age groups, i.e., young boys, young girls, teen boys, teen girls, women, and men. Instead of staying for the church service, i.e., the Sunday choir and the pastor's sermon, I went out the back door of the church. It was only about one block from the back of the church to the little store where I had bought the gasoline. I walked into the store, and sure enough, that girl was behind the counter! I walked to the drink machine and extracted a Pepsi Cola. Then I went to the counter and paid the girl for it. No one else was in the store. I was there; and she was there. We talked a few minutes. I don't remember what we talked about. You need to remember, this was in December, 1962. That's a long time ago! After talking for several minutes, I asked her if she would like to go to the movie theater with me. She asked when, and I said maybe tonight. She said she would go with me that night. We agreed on a time and I went home. At the agreed upon time, I went to her house. I met her mom, stepfather, and her brother. We went to the movie, drove around town a few minutes, and I took her home. Before she went into the house, I asked her if she would like to go riding with me tomorrow night. She said she would like to do that. I picked her up the next evening and we just drove around town for quite a while. When I took her home, I asked her about going out with me the next night. She said that she would not go out with me the next night. I didn't really know what to think except that she probably had another date. The next evening, I parked about a block away from the store to see if she went out with someone else that evening. When she closed the store, I watched her walk next door to her house. It was almost dark. I sat there until I was sure that she wasn't going out with someone else that night. About 11 p.m., I went home. OK!! Enough for tonight. I'll try to continue this tomorrow if anybody's interested.
. Clapping! I Do want more! I know we all do. True love, what a power. No power more fiercely beautiful, loopy or even irrational, than the moment it takes over. When it takes you happily hostage and one's thoughts become colorful ribbons of 'what if's', 'should I', and then, 'forget it, I have to see where this goes', right? My dad met my mom, and married her three days later! He was in The Air National Guard, and they had to transfer stations, and there was no way, he said he could leave without her. Luckily, she knew, too. Done deal's. I like them! I love them, in fact. After meeting my husband, I missed his first phone message on my machine. I was so happy. It became "our" song, as most everyone around us had thought were making this decision to join our lives together way, way too fast. I will see if I can find the song. Did you and your wife have 'a song'? I bet you had many. :)

Hi Gal one of my past posts..

, towards the LLuvia de Oro or Augustin Bacera's ranch.

On my last trip, an Indian told me that as you go up the arroyo, you will notice a small hill that looks like an old type sombrero. Between that, and the right side, is a vertical shaft. He had found it because one of his cows had broken through the covering. After freeing
the cow, he rebuilt the cover to prevent losing any of his cattle.

Augustin lived a short ways up from the junction of the arroyo that comes down from the LLuvia de Oro and the Gloria Pan. There is an interesting story there. Many years before, 1600 - 1700's ?, there had been a earth quake after a long, particularly wet season. A large section of the western mt slid down forming a dam for the drainage of both the Lluvia de Oro arroyo and the Grloria pan. It eventually formed a large lake. As the later overflow ran down to the Fuerte just below Tubares, it carried oranges from the Jesuit ? orchards. Oro can guess what the area was then called, yep, 'El Naranjal'. The dam has long since been broached and it is difficult to see where it had been now.

High up on the Eastern side, on a ledge, is the figure of a man with an outstretched hand pointing towards the Western side. Hmm was he placed there before or after the land slide ??

Also, if you go there, on the crest of the ridge to the north of the junction of the two arroyos, they were starting to construct a capilla in the name of one of the Priests that was killed in one of the revolutions. I found a no of the square blocks that had been cut for the base of the walls.

The new Capilla (church) was to be used for better communication between Tubares and Guasapares by the Jesuits. They used the sunlight in the day and fire at night. Heliograph technique.

Chester Miller started to develop a placer operation East of La Cienguita.

We, you, I, and your friend in Temoris, could talk for hrs on that area. This would include the mines on the south side of the rio Fuerte, as well as data still unknown to the present owners of the Lluvia de Oro.

Next, let's jump to the La Tarasca and las Pimas.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. Shall I tell you of swimming with the giant serpent in front of Tubares while crossing the river?

p.p.s. If you can make a few $$ off Buenas Dias MI amigo Orphan Annie: I would love to have a looong coffee session with you. You do have tons of extremely interesting data. I want you to understand that in 'no way' am i trying to put you on the spot, but basically clarifying the common data that we have..

On the arroyo Gloria Pan, and vicinity, there are several old mines, since it is an extension of the LLuvia de Oro zone, but they are not the Gloria Pan. 'It' was still sealed when I last left it. However that doesn't mean that it wasn't later discovered. What I did others can do also.

My friend Don Borst, now deceased, attempted to work a section in the upper area of the Arroyo. As you go up it makes a radical 90 turn North towards La Cienaguita. This is where he constructed a small dam and a rock house. His target area was on the west sideof any of my information, feel free to do so with my blessings.

Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. Name: Gloria Pan etc.©@.jpg Views: 1129 Size: 31.5 KB ID: 39032 Click image for larger version. Name: Gloria Pan etc.©@.jpg Views: 1064 Size: 31.5 KB ID: 443967

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