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VERY good "sign"... Holy Spirit is on "the MOVE"!

I thought the Holy Spirit was represented
by a Dove, and Christian's under severe persecution,
secretly used the fish, to signify the fishermen's friend, Yeshua. :fish: ... :cross:

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I'll try to take this time to tell another story.
This happened to me. I haven't recalled any other incidents where I can say that I have had an experience of my own. All the other incidents that I have told about have been about members of my mom's and my dad's families. This one is about me.
I was working, and living in a town about 40 miles from where my parents and my wife's parents lived. I was working long hours, 6 days a week. On Saturday evenings when I had finished my work, I would go home, clean up, dress, and then I, my wife, and my baby daughter would drive to our parents home town. Most of the time this would be after dark. This was in 1965.
I had, at that time, an old 1957 Mercury. The speedometer didn't work. I was always in a 'hurry'. I've been that way all of my life. I really have to watch myself, even today about the 'hurry' bit. Anyway, I was in a hurry that night trying to get to Hillsboro before our parents went to bed. My parents were a bit older than my wife's parents. My parents went to bed about 'dark-30', meaning any where from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m.. They got up about the time the rooster crowed in the mornings. My wife's parents were a bit younger and went to bed a lot later. At times it would be about 11 p.m. before they went to bed, sometime, later. If my memory is correct, we left home about 9 p.m. that evening. I knew my parents would probably be in bed before we arrived; so we would be spending the night with my wife's parents. Sometime my wife's uncle, his wife, and their baby girl would spend Saturday nights at my wife's parents home. Also, occasionally my wife's step-dad's father would be there. When this happened, we would stay with my parents. I wanted to get there in time to spend the night with my parents and didn't want to have to wake them up when we got there. I knew they would be expecting us and stay up a bit later than their usual bedtime.
I was probably driving about 85 or 90 miles an hour. I was sleepy because I had been up since about 4 a.m. that morning. I just 'blanked out', 'dozed off' or something. I suddenly looked up and saw this old man walking in the middle of my lane of the highway. I slammed on the brakes, throwing my daughter out of my wife's lap. My wife had been dozing also. She grabbed the daughter and made sure she was ok. The old man that I thought I saw was 'gone'. It was just my imagination. But, it was a 'sign', a warning. I really believe that this was my 'guardian angle'/my Lord cautioning me about something to come. After stopping long enough to make sure my daughter and wife were ok, I continued driving. I again was driving probably 80 to 90 mph.
Just as we topped a rise in the highway, I saw a large Hereford bull standing in the middle of my lane of the highway. Immediately I thought it was probably another 'apparition'. I braked hard anyway. As I approached this 'apparition', I suddenly realized that this was 'real'. This was one of the biggest Hereford, white-faced, bulls that I had ever seen; and I've seen quite a few.
I have, numerous times, thought about this since it happened. And, I realize that there are actually 'guardian angles' or someway that God is warning us about things to come. If I had not thought that I saw that old man standing in the highway, I might have been more sound asleep when I got to that bull, and totaled the car and killed all of us. I have thanked God a lot of times for this warning.
I have had other incidents similar to this, but can't recall any of them that are more vivid in my mind.

Down in the heavily wooded, ancient hills and valleys,
in the S/W corner of The Old Indian Territory, is where
this true treasure tale has it's roots.

You guys said No Rush, Right? Be Back...

So, this Treasure Story, is about a family member.
It was my Uncle's wife's Grandpa. Long ago, and far away... :cross:

Holy Spirit? Rebel - KGC, He is real. I've not one nth of a doubt about Him in my mind. Every time I think about Him, I can feel him about me. I haven't really understood how the moderators have let so much 'religion' get into this thread; but I am so appreciative of them letting it happen!

Crosse, we're waiting! No, we're not trying to hurry you; but anxiously awaiting.

Holy Spirit? Rebel - KGC, He is real. I've not one nth of a doubt about Him in my mind. Every time I think about Him, I can feel him about me. I haven't really understood how the moderators have let so much 'religion' get into this thread; but I am so appreciative of them letting it happen!

Tex, I Think, It's because there's not ugly
arguing going on, anyway, It's an important
part of some serious Treasure Hunting toolry... :cross:

... just expressions of faith, Treasure Related... :cross:

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By the way, Tex

If you use your like button, it will LIKEly,
help motivate me, JK!, ha! ha! :laughing7::laughing9::laughing7::laughing9:...:cross:

So, This middle aged man named
Tate, worked as hard as everyone else,
making R/R ties, logging, running saws
in the mill etc. He managed to save, and
get him self and his family, a nice old place,
about half a day's ride from town. He was
planning to work it, and Uncle said, he was
a good and happy, hard working man, well
respected and liked in his community, and
worked hard in those days, to provide well
for his family. I think he was a GOD fearin'
man too, and refrained from swearin' too
much, and not at all, around the
respected women folks.

He also, refrained from drinking too much, and only
smoked his pipe on the porch, or in the barn. So, he
was a pretty good guy, for the country times, and all.

Well, he plowed and planted, and did pretty good, for
the rich, but rocky soil. One day, he was plowing a new
area he had cleared, and out of the woods, up rode three
rough looking men. They were polite, but seemed to be
uneasy, and asked about the previous owner of the place.

Tate told them that he heard he had died, and his brother
had sold the old place to him, and took off for Texas. The
men acted even more restless and uneasy, but then asked
where the old timer had been buried, and after Tate told
them, in the local cemetery nearby, they said obliged,
then politely thanked him, and rode off, without any
sort of incident.

Tate thought that was kinda' odd, but was relieved
that they rode on, and went on back to work, plowing
even deeper than before, and making long, straight rows,
in the rich dark soil, that had layed fallow for as long as the
mountains had been wearing down through the centuries.

All of a sudden, his plow just came to a halt, with a crack and snap,
as his yoke just broke, and his mules were jerked to their knees, stumbling,
and struggling to get back up, braying and complaining sorely. He wasn't
happy about that at all, and griped about the jolt, catching himself from
falling also. Now I've hit a big rock, and will have to fix my darn broken
plow, he fretted out loud, with an aggravated tone. He worked to get
the plow unhung, and pushed at the fresh broken dirt. At first, he
thought it was a dark black rock, but soon began wondering, as
he got the broken clods of dirt, dug out from around the bent
plow shears, he spotted something shiney. Picking it out of
the dirt, he realized it was an old Double Eagle,
a $20 gold coin, dated from the 1800's.

He quickly dug around, pushing and pulling some more,
and found there was lots of them, shiney coins of all sizes,
spilling out all around the old cast iron crock, now broken,
full of various coins, both of gold, and silver...

Well, he got my Great Grandpa, a blacksmith, to straighten
and repair his damaged plow, paid by silver coin, and kept
on working his farm. Uncle said he always had plenty of
money, and still had money when he died an old man.

No one ever knew, how much 'ol Tate picked up out
of the dirt that day. And other than a little dressing
up, to make it a bit more interesting Treasure Tale,
that is the true, rest of one family treasure story... :cross:

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Yes, I've been guilty of reading something that I really like; but fail clicking the 'like' button. Sorry! There are probably about 75% of the posts I read that I should 'like'.
I have seen 'EdT's postings a few times; but can't place him in my mind. I have no idea what was posted that might have been deleted.
I can see where 'denominational teachings' and such might be more likely to be deleted. Actually, I was raised in three different denominations. My mom belonged to one denominational church, and my dad belonged to another. Later he changed to a similar, but different denomination. I have also attended several other denominational churches. 'Course they all believe in God, but each teach what they believe to be the 'true way'. I don't believe I could 'join' any of the three denominations that my parents belonged to. I've found another denomination that I feel more 'comfortable' with; but I don't belong to any church at this time. Maybe I should go to church more; but I've just seen so many that don't live what they say they are living.
I belonged to a church, believed that I was called to preach. I began studying to become a preacher. I preached a few times in that church. I began having problems with the beliefs of the church and especially the people that I had grew up around that attended that church. Every time I tried to find a way to go to Bible College, something hindered me. It finally became apparent to me that I was 'called'; but not 'chosen'. Since I became aware of this, I have been a lot happier and found that I don't believe a lot of the things that they taught in that church. I also don't believe it is the 'church' that will get you into the Kingdom. It's doing what you believe is right in your heart that is the important thing to do.
Uh, oh. I hope this isn't too 'denominational' for the forum.
Again, if I post something that is too 'religious', please delete it and leave the rest of the thread alone. Please, please.

Great story, Crosse. You have a great way of telling a story. You should write books! I was impressed with the way you told the story.
Well, it's getting late. I guess 'old men' like myself should be getting ready for bed. Good night, all.


Thanks kindly for the likes, it's like
getting good feedback, for a smooth
transaction, except for no trans action.

Yeah, hopefully, if we don't go writing
names, or arguing, there won't be any
problem. Well, that's my story, on post # 1200.
Hope y'all enjoy it. A mostly factual buried treasure story... :cross:

Great story, Crosse. You have a great way of telling a story. You should write books! I was impressed with the way you told the story.
Well, it's getting late. I guess 'old men' like myself should be getting ready for bed. Good night, all.

I started writing, stories in songs. You should hear some
of them. Writing stories, Is relatively new for me, Not telling
them. I Do have some Good songs though. Thanks Very Kindly,
for the kind words, and generous compliment Tex, Good Night... :cross:

I'll try to take this time to tell another story.
This happened to me. I haven't recalled any other incidents where I can say that I have had an experience of my own. All the other incidents that I have told about have been about members of my mom's and my dad's families. This one is about me.
I was working, and living in a town about 40 miles from where my parents and my wife's parents lived. I was working long hours, 6 days a week. On Saturday evenings when I had finished my work, I would go home, clean up, dress, and then I, my wife, and my baby daughter would drive to our parents home town. Most of the time this would be after dark. This was in 1965.
I had, at that time, an old 1957 Mercury. The speedometer didn't work. I was always in a 'hurry'. I've been that way all of my life. I really have to watch myself, even today about the 'hurry' bit. Anyway, I was in a hurry that night trying to get to Hillsboro before our parents went to bed. My parents were a bit older than my wife's parents. My parents went to bed about 'dark-30', meaning any where from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m.. They got up about the time the rooster crowed in the mornings. My wife's parents were a bit younger and went to bed a lot later. At times it would be about 11 p.m. before they went to bed, sometime, later. If my memory is correct, we left home about 9 p.m. that evening. I knew my parents would probably be in bed before we arrived; so we would be spending the night with my wife's parents. Sometime my wife's uncle, his wife, and their baby girl would spend Saturday nights at my wife's parents home. Also, occasionally my wife's step-dad's father would be there. When this happened, we would stay with my parents. I wanted to get there in time to spend the night with my parents and didn't want to have to wake them up when we got there. I knew they would be expecting us and stay up a bit later than their usual bedtime.
I was probably driving about 85 or 90 miles an hour. I was sleepy because I had been up since about 4 a.m. that morning. I just 'blanked out', 'dozed off' or something. I suddenly looked up and saw this old man walking in the middle of my lane of the highway. I slammed on the brakes, throwing my daughter out of my wife's lap. My wife had been dozing also. She grabbed the daughter and made sure she was ok. The old man that I thought I saw was 'gone'. It was just my imagination. But, it was a 'sign', a warning. I really believe that this was my 'guardian angle'/my Lord cautioning me about something to come. After stopping long enough to make sure my daughter and wife were ok, I continued driving. I again was driving probably 80 to 90 mph.
Just as we topped a rise in the highway, I saw a large Hereford bull standing in the middle of my lane of the highway. Immediately I thought it was probably another 'apparition'. I braked hard anyway. As I approached this 'apparition', I suddenly realized that this was 'real'. This was one of the biggest Hereford, white-faced, bulls that I had ever seen; and I've seen quite a few.
I have, numerous times, thought about this since it happened. And, I realize that there are actually 'guardian angles' or someway that God is warning us about things to come. If I had not thought that I saw that old man standing in the highway, I might have been more sound asleep when I got to that bull, and totaled the car and killed all of us. I have thanked God a lot of times for this warning.
I have had other incidents similar to this, but can't recall any of them that are more vivid in my mind.

OK; In TREASURE HUNTING... OWL "signs" are "signs" of WARNING... BE ALERT! SO! HH! Good Luck!

Great story, Crosse. You have a great way of telling a story. You should write books! I was impressed with the way you told the story.
Well, it's getting late. I guess 'old men' like myself should be getting ready for bed. Good night, all.

I have been enjoying your good stories also, Tex.
Thank You Very Kindly, for bringing your positive
and enjoyable input also, to the thread.

By the way, if you looked like Willie Nelson,
with your beard and all, then you once looked
like a living legend, and that's a good thing, I

That is a True, and Lasting Treasure... :cross:

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BURIED treasures & "Spirits" that guard 'em; JEEPERS! All along the coasts of Virginia & North/South Carolinas; "legends" based on FACTS...? Looking into BLACKBEARD, now. Wife & I have been to the Outer Banks, NC TWICE, since Spring, 2014; BB must be "calling" me...

BURIED treasures & "Spirits" that guard 'em; JEEPERS! All along the coasts of Virginia & North/South Carolinas; "legends" based on FACTS...? Looking into BLACKBEARD, now. Wife & I have been to the Outer Banks, NC TWICE, since Spring, 2014; BB must be "calling" me...

Maybe ol E. Teach lookin to teach.


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