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Hello Mastiff4me

I have a soft spot for the flute regardless of the culture. Thank you for amazing clip and you may be pleased to know this old Crows spirit spread his wings for all be it for an all too brief moment soured into the landscape, with all four walls gone and free like all birds should....

I look forward to ya yarn


Howdy, Crow:

Coffee? Spirits? :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:
Welcome to the Treasure Spirits Campfire, seems
like doc-d mentioned you may get time to visit,
I think. Hope you enjoy, and feel free to
share any stories you have come upon,
in your secret treasure hunting flights... :cross:

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Howdy Trappergirl:

It occurred to me, that you remind me of an awesome leader,
a Prophetess, Debora: who was a Judge, like A Queen I guess,
in the Fourth Book Of Judges. She led the armies of the Tribes
of GOD's People, into Battle, with the Revelation of the Truth of
The Almighty, and The Confidence Of Victory. There was NO man leading,
but the LORD raised Her Up, and She Went, Led Them To Total Victory...

She Knew The Word, And The Will Of The LORD. Then She Led them All,
Also, In Worship, to The Most High. He Was Pleased, She had went
into Battle With Them, and Was Brave, and HE Intervened,
on His People's Behalf, Gave Them Victory, Changed the
Course Of History For The Entire Nation. When There
Was Perilous Times, and It Seemed as though there
was little Hope To Win! Awesome Story! JUDGES 4:4 .

One of The LORD's Secrets, Special Treasures He Used ... :cross:

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When my dad was a young man, his dad borrowed a 'Y' shaped stick for witching. The people who owned it wouldn't sell it, but agreed to loan it to my granddad. Gramps had heard about a pot of gold coins that was supposedly buried in a field on the land where they were 'sharecroppers'. He had a heavy gold ring that he put on the end of the stick. As they searched the field, the stick suddenly pointed downward. This witching stick had handle grips on it. The 'pull' was great enough that the handles came off and the stick literally stood upright on the ground. As I have said before, I never knew my dad to tell a lie. He is the one that told me this story and he was there when it happened. They were told that the stick would 'dowdle' as he called it when it found something. Each 'twitch' indicated a foot of depth the treasure was buried. It twitched 3 times, meaning that the treasure was 3 feet deep. My dad and one of his brothers started digging at the spot. They dug a hole about 3 feet deep and about 5 feet in diameter; but found nothing. It was getting dark, so they called off the hunt for that day, covered up the hole they had dug, and returned home. The next day, they returned and found that a hole had been dug about 2 feet from the place they had been digging. In the bottom of the hole was the imprint of a rounded-bottomed pot with 3 legs, like an old cast iron 'washpot'. Two of the leg imprints were plain, while one was filled part way up with dirt that had fell into it. They guessed that the pot was about 15" to 18" in diameter. The hole was about 4' to 5' deep, meaning that the pot was somewhere between 1' and 2' tall if the stick was right about it being 3' deep to the treasure. As far as I know, no one ever learned about what was in the pot, who found it, or what became of the pot or its contents. The man who loaned the stick to Gramps accused him of taking the pot and cheating him out of his 1/4 of what was found with his stick. Gramps wasn't a dishonest person, nor did he ever have much wealth.

Howdy, texasred:

Excellent Stories, Great Relevant Posts!
I have a similar family buried Treasure Story,
I will write directly. Thank You Kindly, for your
cool, and positive input, Awesome! ...Crosse :cross:

P.S. Can I just call you Tex?

Yes, Crosse, most people call me 'Red' in real life; on the net, Tex is fine with me. It probably would be better because most call James Red Cash 'Red'.
I like to hear/read you family's similar story! I really like listening to/reading about treasures.
Also, I've been telling stories about my parents and grandparents happenings. I guess I only have one of my own to tell; that I can think of at the moment. I'll try to get it done before long. I've been making notes when I think of something that I think y'all would be interested in so my old memory-challenged brain won't forget it! lol

Yes, Crosse, most people call me 'Red' in real life; on the net, Tex is fine with me. It probably would be better because most call James Red Cash 'Red'.
I like to hear/read you family's similar story! I really like listening to/reading about treasures.
Also, I've been telling stories about my parents and grandparents happenings. I guess I only have one of my own to tell; that I can think of at the moment. I'll try to get it done before long. I've been making notes when I think of something that I think y'all would be interested in so my old memory-challenged brain won't forget it! lol

Howdy Tex,

OK, Yes, Notes! LOL! Don't be too hard on US! :laughing7:

I'll try to get that short but sweet little family treasure story, posted reale soon. Thanks, ... :cross:

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~ Harvest Moon Coming... Here's To The Last Summer Days ~

Anyone getting hungry? No, sorry, that's not Mexican beer... :tongue3:
Just a box left over, of the good take out food, from the Restaurante... :laughing7:

I went over to GT's Hacienda yesterday, got a pretty
good workout, picking up all of the Pears, that fell off
of his tree. Mine didn't have very many on it this year
again. What the frost and wind didn't get early on, the
Roadrunner, Squirrels, Dogs, etc., enjoyed, as the some
times breezy winds, knocked them down, and they fairly
beat us to them. I'm glad that they got them, and enjoyed...

Once, I was looking at rocks, in the Lake Taneycomo
area of The White River, by downtown Branson. I looked
carefully, and down there in the clear water, in some small mossy rocks,
I surprisedly picked out, a 1956 Peso. A small, but unexpected treasure,
I was delighted. I still have it cached, somewhere around here... :laughing7: ... :cross:

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"In GOD We Trust"

Dated 1921... Still...
His Peculiar Treasures,
Our Great Inheritance.

What A Reward... :cross:

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Anyone getting hungry? No, sorry, that's not Mexican beer... :tongue3:
Just a box left over, of the good take out food, from the Restaurante... :laughing7:

View attachment 1055390View attachment 1055392

I went over to GT's Hacienda yesterday, got a pretty
good workout, picking up all of the Pears that fell off
of his tree. Mine didn't have very many on it this year
again. What the frost and wind didn't get early on, the
Roadrunner, Squirrels, Dogs, etc., enjoyed, as the some
times breezy winds, knocked them down, and they fairly
beat us to them. I'm glad that they got them, and enjoyed...

View attachment 1055396

Anyway, you should have seen GT, up near the tree top, climbing
around, shaking all of the fruit off. I tell you, he does a nice garden,
which has, or had: beets, radishes, cucumbers, tons of cherry tomatoes,
black-eyed peas, red beans, okra (9' tall), all kinds of peppers, even Ghosts. :laughing9:

Sometimes, since he's such a blast, and so much down to earth to be around,
I call him a spring chicken. He tells me I gotta' get in better shape, and keep up
with him. I told him, he needs to bring some of that youthful energy, and help me
Dig for Treasure. He Is very young at heart, at 66. He claims that he used to be very
ornery, and I believe him. He showed me his well use Bible, but that's another good
story, maybe I'll tell later. He did go with me, and talk to the men in Co. Jail, once.
The prisoners, kindly thanked him. That was a cool treasure...

Anyway, here's a few pertys, and some goodies. Anyone know,
If I can buy anything much, a cervesa or three, with these foreign,
I mean south, over the border coins? Once, I was looking at rocks in the
Lake Taneycomo area of The White River, by downtown Branson. I looked
carefully, and down there in the clear water, in some small mossy rocks,
I surprisedly picked out, a 1956 Peso. A small, but unexpected treasure,
I was delighted. I still have it cached, somewhere around here... :laughing7: ... :cross:

Howdy :cross:,

Here is something for your poor tree. go to ormus picture book.
Here is an ormus product that you can buy. Sea-Crop


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They do claim the plants, and trees become more resistant to diseases, and more tolerant to harsh weather, besides being more prolific.


K' crosse here is a little post===

I was laying here half asleep. My mind wandered back a few years ago to one of my prouder achievements. I remember standing up and saying in a loud voice, : room attention, I, aviatian Cadet Curry,JJ,L soloed today" then sat down to the usual congraulatons and horse play that accompaanies every Cadet's first solo..

For years afterwards I flew the USAF way, 'by the nunbers', which has proven to be the best way in general, They now hava fantastic instruments and computer systems that speak to you , even many systems that in an emergency that can fly the aircraft, in many cases far better that a human pilot can, but it wasn't until I drifted into agriculture flying that I really discovered true flying.

In Ag. work you are flying low as possible to the ground or trees, often less then 10 ft to apply the chemical with the most efficiency. At those low altitudes you simply do not have time to canstantly scan your instruments You have a constanly varying load .with steep climbouts. You are constantly playng with a potential stall - which gets most pilots in Ag work, along with running into objects, in my case a telephone pole guy wire.

In another caseI I was the wingman flying on the lower side. the ground curved to the left nd our sppeed should have been set up by the pilot flying rhe sloweset speed sector, me. My instruments were ahowing everthing as fine when I felt that lil suspicion of loss of air support, so without thinkig I broke formation and slid off my left in a shallow dive, hoping to build up airspeed , I was still in a sloppy prestall condition when i spotted branches sprouting of my engine. I was still too close to a stall for any evasive movement so I hit an enormus dead Sprrce tree squarely on my nose spinner, which decreased my speed further. from there on it is a litle hazy but I remember trying to trade off the tree's heght for a little speed gain. iIt worked, I gradualy started a slow climb above the surrounding forest,. I have the impression that I maintained a relatively level flight path , Althugh later they told me that the plane had dived straight into the forest and that I was killed ?????

Another time I was flying low man on the totem pole in a deep curving canyon when my hi pressurt hose line broke and eventually dumped 150 gallon of diesel into the cockpit. I couldnt see anything, Instruments , clothes, gogles were coated with diesel, eyes were burning so I had to resort to the feel of being one with the aircraft and attenptwd to fly a level, silight climbout of the canyon. I was lucky, I succeeded and when the last of the Diesel had drained away and I could see once again I ws flying up, out of the canyon.safely.

These are two prime axamples where "by the numbers" would had gotten me Killed.

I frst experienced this when just flying, It was a bright summer day when I just knew I was one with the aircraft, I could feel it with my whole body, That is when I started have marvelous experiences with flying. I would seek Out Cumulos cloud formations, turn on the radio and have a sensous 3D waltz in the many hidden canyons of the cloud. It is hard to describe, just fantasric.

Todays pilots do not have that feel for' impending' stalls, in fact the civillian market has eliinated Spins which are a direct reult of a stall and kill many pilots very year

In Ag work you have a constant change of load and speed to contend with, which naturally modifies your Aircraft stall characeristics, even the temperature and altitude varies it.

I eventually settled on the Navy carrier aproach, semi controlled stall. The stick was for controlling the airspeed, the throttle for the rate of decent I could land across a standard runway.

I could go on for hours on the pleasure that flying gave me.

It is hard to be an athiest when you are dancing in the clouds Gals???I

Howdy, Don Jose

I just saw this Fascinating post, a little earlier,
yesterday evening. Those are interesting, and
very harrowing stories, Amigo. Now I realize,
a little more about your life's Destinies, and
brushes with death. That's amazing to me!

I have been having trouble with my computer, since my
daughter uploaded something, a week or so ago. I hope it's
not a virus, or spyware, I am having to continually refresh the
page, and still, cannot get current posts consistently. It's like I
almost have to log off, then log back in, and I'll see something
new, that was previously posted. I'll take it to my buddy...

I also, have lost two posts tonight, one like this,
due to internet glitches, supposedly. So I'll do this
one in part, then edit, and hopefully not lose it all again.

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Crosse'. That means SO much to me. You have no idea. I am truly humbled.

Crosse'. That means SO much to me. You have no idea. I am truly humbled.

Howdy, Trappergirl

BTW, I Hope you get to do something Huge with
your Talents. I Think you could Handle it Easy,
and Deserve to have That much Fun! Crosse... :cross:

Hope the little one has a great birthday! I'm not, and I don't believe anyone else is trying to rush you into telling your story. Yes, we're very anxious to hear it; but not gonna try to rush you. Have a great day.

Hope the little one has a great birthday! I'm not, and I don't believe anyone else is trying to rush you into telling your story. Yes, we're very anxious to hear it; but not gonna try to rush you. Have a great day.

True, we WOULDN'T rush you. Got a NICE blaze going... gathering up MORE firewood; who got the marshmallows...?

A Short Family Treasure Tale...

Down in the heavily wooded, ancient hills and valleys,
in the S/W corner of The Old Indian Territory, is where
this true treasure tale has it's roots.

You guys said No Rush, Right? Be Back...

Down in the heavily wooded, ancient hills and valleys,
in the S/W corner of The Old Indian Territory, is where
this true treasure tale has it's roots.

You guys said No Rush, Right? Be Back...

YEP! Just "roasting" marshmallows, is all...

Now, the Owls are going WHO...? I will now join them and chant HU (Hue)...

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