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Have you guys heard of "White Boots?" I worked in the Idarado Mine near Red Mountain Pass in Colorado for six months in 1973. Underground miners are on the job for one reason only - for the pay. (Okay, two reasons- for the high grade too.) There were two shifts, the third shift idle. Many, many times the shifter asked someone on the crew to stay underground after his shift to work the empty third shift - alone, at time and a half, to do non-mining maintenance chores such as bagging samples, cleaning the tracks, etc. Not once did anyone accept. I asked the guys in our drift why nobody ever stayed over, as the pay was good and the work was easy.

"White Boots," one guy said. "I've seen him, and so have others. I was young and needed the money, so I doubled one night. I was just sitting at the station sorting ore samples when this guy walked past me down the drift. I thought I was the only guy there, so I got up and went to see who it was. All I saw was a glowing pair of white boots and a 'shadow man' wearing them. He was sorta wearing the usual gear, but when I shined my light on him, it went right through him like he was a shadow. Then he turned and started back down the drift. I felt like he wanted me to follow him. It scared the $hit out of me. I went back to the station and held my beads the rest of the shift. When the next shift finally showed up, one old guy looked at me and said, 'White Boots? Don't ever be alone here again.' Ever since that night, even during my regular shift, I won't go into an empty drift alone."

Springfield, That is a real good story... Must have felt different in there after you heard it? Ha!

Read one about a guy walking to the back of a cave and suddenly felt like he was booted instantly back out to the entrance... He left...

G'd afternoon. Don't forget that a major part of the metal and precious stones mined in the new world was sent along the pacific coast of the Americas which drew far more pirates than in the Caribbean . far easier pickings. <--- Untold story

Ned I mention the rape of Panama, Lima, etc.

Don Jose de La Mancha
:coffee2::coffee2:8-) Yes our good friend, Don Jose,
we are very much interested in hearing and learning much more,
of the activities that took place on the Pacific side of America...

Where did they go to make it on the east of the continent? Portage at Panama?...
This is an area I haven't studied much about yet... I'm only aware that the Spanish used the Red River Trail a lot from all points west & n/w, sailing east n/e from ports in the Gulf, and fleet rendezvous at Cuba, etc., a lot, up in the northern part here, but if you like to point out more on this, and South America and The Caribbean please do... Especially the Pacific...
Thanks in advance, ~: CDS :~

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G'd Afternoon peeps, nother ghost tale?

I was staying in a home on an alley in Obregon, Obregon was until quite recently, just another swamp area in Yaqui Territory.

Through political shenanigans, the building of the city was held to the area owned b one of the city officials, but before, it had been a stronghold of the Yaqui who were known predators in those days.. Supposedly many small treasures were buried here and there, supported by periodic findings. Nother story here.

In any event the room where I was staying was in back. It was long, with a full length screen on one side and only one door. The room ended up in a bathroom.

Since there were several members of our group, we lined up our cots at right angles to the path from the door to the bath room.

One night something woke me up, and as I lay there half awake I saw the light go on in the bathroom, then the toilet flushed, and the light went out.

Naturally I was idly curios just who had gone to the bathroom and lay there to see---nothing, the door to the bathroom remained shut. !0 or 15 minutes passed by but no-one left the bathroom. By this time I was fully awake, so I sat up and looked around, every one was in their bed. Angie, the gal that was sleeping in the cot next to me, was cowering under her sheet. As I looked at her questioningly, she just whispered "The ghost of the Yaqui" ???

Well nothing butto do but go see who was in the bathrooe, Since there were no volunters, I had to do it. You can imagine my feelings when I had to open the door to a prospective ghost, but, there was nothing, just an empty bthroom, I was beginning to doubt myself and believe that there had been a ghost in there. I often wondered just what I would have done IF there had been anything in there.

Being nosy and curious I edged the story of the ghost Yaqui out of her. It was a common one, the ghost of some unknown Yaqui had taken up residence in that room, and often used the bathroom. but no-one had ever seen him.. him ??? or her ???

Naturally the next morning I just had to understand just what happened so when everyone had left for breakfast I went into the bath room and stood leaning against the sink, thinking, almost half wishing the Yaqui to appear.

I noticed that he light was at the end of a drop cord which held the light switch and light, so I turned it on for better light. As I stood there thinking -- yes Oro, I occasionally do -- it suddenly went out by itself,. A few minutes investigation found why, it was a faulty switch, and often due to worn contacts and thermal reasons, it would turn itself on or off at times.

So the light in the bathroom was solved.

I raised the toilet seat up and left it there mentally inviting the Yaqui to do his / her thing again, when it did indeed drop by itself and then the toilet flushed, "oops wise guy," perhaps there is something to Yaqui Ghosts after all. then I noticed that it only happened whenever a heavy truck passed in the alley and the lid was propped up.

Further checking showed that the house had been built over the original swamp area and that it readily transmitted vibrations from one area to the other.

The vibrations were enough to drop the lid unless it was left 'fully open.' Now on the the flushing

I soon found that the shutoff float was installed incorrectly, and often would just barely shut off the flow from the tank and just the jar from the falling cover was enough to nudge it open

Ok, so I had found the sequence of the Yaqui Ghost but do you think that I could convince anyone ?? Even after I duplicated it perfectly once, the ole Yaqui ghost still prowls that room.

Ok Ok there was supposedly a treasure buried in that house.

When they were excavating a basement in a commercial 5 story building near there they found 6 mule loads of gold bars - 12 bars.- I never did find out who won possession, the city claimed that they had never transferred treasure rights to the owner of the building.

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Springfield, That is a real good story...

Okay, if you liked that one, here's another one.

In the '80's, my best friends were a family who lived in North Hurley, New Mexico - my buddy and his wife and three kids. Their house was on a low mound on Whitewater Creek at the base of a 500 foot high escarpment known as Geronimo's Lookout, where the Apaches had a good vantage point back in the day. The house itself was built on top of a Mimbreno Indian ruin - you could still see rock wall outlines where they parked their cars.

The two daughters' bedroom was in the corner of the house. The younger daughter always slept in the room, but the older one slept on the couch in the living room about half the time. Why? She told me that several times she'd awakened in the night to see an Indian standing at the foot of the bed, just watching her. Then he'd evaporate into nothing. When that happened, she was on the couch for the next month or two.

I used to house-sit the place when the whole family left town for vacations. One time I was there for three weeks, sleeping in a back guest room as I usually did. I woke up one night when I heard the family dog whining. He came into my room terrified. Then I heard what sounded like a stampede of people running and stomping and yelling in the living room. That got me up real fast. The noise ended after about half a minute or less. When I peeked into the living room, it was empty and quiet of course. The dog slept on my bed the rest of the night.

Their takeaway? Don't build your house on an Indian ruin.

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Great posts - please do continue!

GREAT story; "speaking" of Indians Ruins... Va. DOT built part of I-81 through an Monacan "Indians" MOUND... BAD idea!
THAT part of I-81 is "cursed" with MANY wrecks, delays, etc; it is SOUTH of Roanoke, Va. HA!

Here's a couple more. Ghost women on Highway 180 East in New Mexico, the Silver City to Deming road. It's a southeast road south of Hurley.

About twelve miles southeast of Hurley is the intersection of Highway 61, which goes easterly to the Mimbres Valley. Over the years, several men - all Hispanics - have had an irresistible urge to pull over on the westbound shoulder of 61, right at the 180 intersection. They feel compelled to get out of their vehicle and walk to the fence line - an open field northeast of the intersection. As they stand there wondering why they stopped, a black horse approaches them in the distance. When it gets closer, they see that the rider is a very beautiful young Spanish woman, dressed in 'old style fancy riding gear' and sitting on a leather saddle with silver embellishments. The woman seems to be searching for something. When she gets close, she smiles at the man at the fence and rides on, still scanning the countryside. The local legend says she was a senorita from the Spanish days whose lover disappeared - likely killed by the Apaches. She still searches for him.

In the same stretch of highway, in the '70's, after midnight, some friends of mine were traveling northwest, heading back to Silver City. There were four in the car, all awake and sober, buzzing along at 65 with no traffic on the road. Out of nowhere, a woman in a flowing white robe stepped from the shoulder right in front of them. They almost wrecked the car trying to swerve out of the way, but they couldn't - it seemed like a high speed direct hit. All four saw it clearly. They got out of the car, took a flashlight and searched for the woman's body, but found no trace of her. They went back to the car and found no damage to the front end. They drove back and forth on that stretch of road and saw nothing. They headed home and called the Highway Patrol when they found a phone (no cellphones then). The HP told them not to worry, it was a ghost - it had happened a few times before.

Back to Highway 61 - the Mimbres road. There were two alleged UFO abductions in the '80's somewhere near the vicinity of the village of Faywood. It was hush-hush at the time and I couldn't get any details.

THEN... there are the GHOST(s) Powhatan Nation "Indians" of HAUNTED Pocahontas Highway in Virginia... check it out!

8-)Awesome guys! Great posts! That's some very interesting stuff to think about!...
Sorry, coffee machine is down right now... Yes, please do continue...

8-)Awesome guys! Great posts! That's some very interesting stuff to think about!...
Sorry, coffee machine is down right now... Yes, please do continue...

Agreed - ditto! But - YIKES coffee machine out of commission! This is a drastic emergency!

Please do continue,


Agreed - ditto! But - YIKES coffee machine out of commission! This is a drastic emergency!

Please do continue,


:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:8-) Ahh! Plenty of hot java now... Thanks much Oroblanco, Sometimes the coffee machine acts up on me, what's up with that?, I don't know... Sometimes if it doesn't work when I start writing, I try again after awhile, and it will work...
I didn't know that coffee pot had a mind of it's own, LOL!

All you guys that have taken the time to relate the stories of events you, or others experienced, have done a Fantastic Job I think...

Making very interesting contributions to the subject, and illustrating that there are apparently various reasons for the many manifestations of apparitions, or seeming to be spirits, as witnessed and heard of by many...

What could these apparently restless spirits continue to be manifested by?
Will they ever find what they are looking for, or be at peace from their wandering? In this life, I don't know...

But I do think good and bad spirits sometimes try to guide, misguide, encourage or discourage, maybe tell something, or scare one into having an accident, even sometimes if possible, to death... Also, I am sure that some things are brought about towards a person or persons, thru words or deeds of another person, or persons, often by the influence of different spirits, good and bad...

I wish I had some more good stories of mysterious happenings, but right now can't really think of any... Except for maybe one of timing...

My Uncle told me he was headed back to his house from visiting out of town, with some family one spring...

This was about a 120 mile trip one way, which he would like to make good time on, and would often run a little Hot...

About half way home, he got held up in traffic on the bypass loop of a country city, that he usually cruised through without delay on that 4 lane stretch of the highway...

When he did get through, he saw that a tornado had just passed thru, crossing the road, damaging structures scattering and wrapping large sheet metal debris around and twisting some of it up high wrapped around in the trees, right where he would have been, if he would not have been delayed...

Good timing? Good luck? Just a coincidence? Maybe, but still these are some more things that I often think about, after all, our lives are a real sort of treasure to us, and obviously sometimes timing is critical, to the outcome of serious events? Many, many otherwise unexplainable life events... Any ideas?... Thanks in advance!... ~: CDS :~

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Springfield mi buddy, you are almost quoting my pet belief, The Holistic theory of the Universe"

This can get a bit complicated, but essentially everything in the so called Past, present, Future is happening / present right now in our 'present' perceived time. :dontknow::icon_scratch:

Don Jose de La Mancha

We need Coffee Oro andale' andale'

One day I received a call from Obregon from my friend. "Come here 'asap' Don Jose, we need your advice". So I packed up and drove to Obregon. I parked in front of my friends' house, which was a squarish two story narrow house. He promplty answered my knock and as I entered I started to enter his living room which opened to the left right after the front door. "NO ! Don Jose he yelled ?? Naturally I stopped then he showed a hole in the tieed floor and upon inspecting it further I saw that he had excavated perhaps 6 ft under the entire tile floor - the cemented tile was holding the floor intact in space.

What is this ?" I asked He appeared a bit ruffled and said "it is the old, fat, Yaqui that I told you about" I vaguely remembered that he ha mentioned that a fat Yaqui ghost had taken up residence in his house.

He told me how the fat Yaqui had appeared a few times over several months then started a nightly appearance. He asked me what should he do about it as he had excavated under the living floor and had found nothing. I, in my usual smart arsed humor, remarked, "set out a table with food and milk along with a writing pad and a pencil and wish him to write out what was his problem" He looked at me curiously for a bit. We finished our other business and I left

A few days later he again called me, asking me to come back to Obregon, which I did. When I arrived at his house he excitedly showed me a metal box about 1 ft square full of letters and German script money???? I asked him where he had gotten it, He just looked at me for a minute then said "we did as you suggested wth the table and food for the old Yaqui, but he didn't answer until a few days later we found a sheet of paper had some how managed to fly down the opening we had made in the floor and settled in one corner, so we decided that it was was his way to show us were to dig, which we did, about 1/2 meter we found the box ad he has ever returned ?"

Ok ok peeps you figure it out. Also consider the German script money??

Don Jose de La Mancha

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We need Coffee Oro andale' andale'

One day I received a call from Obregon from my friend. "Come here 'asap' Don Jose, we need your advice". So I packed up and drove to Obregon. I parked in front of my friends' house, which was a squarish two story narrow house. He promplty answered my knock and as I entered I started to enter his living room which opened to the left right after the front door. "NO ! Don Jose he yelled ?? Naturally I stopped then he showed a hole in the tieed floor and upon inspecting it further I saw that he had excavated perhaps 6 ft under the entire tile floor - the cemented tile was holding the floor intact in space.

What is this ?" I asked He appeared a bit ruffled and said "it is the old, fat, Yaqui that I told you about" I vaguely remembered that he ha mentioned that a fat Yaqui ghost had taken up residence in his house.

He told me how the fat Yaqui had appeared a few times over several months then started a nightly appearance. He asked me what should he do about it as he had excavated under the living floor and had found nothing. I, in my usual smart arsed humor, remarked, "set out a table with food and milk along with a writing pad and a pencil and wish him to write out what was his problem" He looked at me curiously for a bit. We finished our other business and I left

A few days later he again called me, asking me to come back to Obregon, which I did. When I arrived at his house he excitedly showed me a metal box about 1 ft square full of letters and German script money???? I asked him where he had gotten it, He just looked at me for a minute then said "we did as you suggested wth the table and food for the old Yaqui, but he didn't answer until a few days later we found a sheet of paper had some how managed to fly down the opening we ha dade in the floor and settled in one corner, so we decided that it was was his way to show us were to dig, which we did, about 1/2 meter we found the box ad he has ever returned ?"

Ok ok peeps you figure it out. Also consider the German script money??

Don Jose de La Mancha

:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:8-) Excellent story, Don Jose... You are definitely one of the best! Thanks...

I have had a guiding spirit (?) or whatever since day one on Tayopa ---interested ?

Don Jose de La Mancha

:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:8-) A guiding spirit sounds cool...
That's what I need, and look for... When I was much younger, When things went well,
I thought I was lucky then... Now I Think I know better, LOL!... :thumbsup:

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there are treasures just waiting to be "found" and then there are ones best left alone , some it seems are guarded by spirits --those sad souls that have basically traded their souls for the "physical wealth" of this world and are trapped here unable to pass on to where they "properly belong".--so they guard their "worldly wealth" that they hid wanting no one else to have it --now are they "bad evil" greedy spirits OR are they trying to "protect" others from falling into the same greed "trap" they fell into ? which would make them "protective" good spirits?

Good Morning, Don Jose' and everyone. Boy, I have a couple of stories that have changed my way of looking at life (and, thereafter) and reflect on often, in awe. One, in particular, was when my family rented a very old (300+) home for us to stay in northern Mexico for the summer. In traditional hacienda style, the rooms were separated and peered out to a nice, flowery bougainvillea laced courtyard. This was over 25 years ago. Although the home had been empty for sometime, it was maintained quite well by a shy, hard-working woman by the name of Rosario. She rarely spoke a word. This is an important feature for later in the story. Well, life was relaxing and quiet and slow, filled with books, nice ranchero music, dogs barking in the streets, and roosters crowing in the early morning. Nothing out of the ordinary. Mañana time was a super reprieve from the University life. It was hot, though. Hot! And, when the monsoons began to arrive, I was excited, as I love a good storm, and it cooled the warm air. One particular night, I awoke to a lot of loud clapping thunder and bright lightning. Rain was literally pouring down the canales, whooshing! I got up and pushed apart the curtain to watch what was happening, after lighting a candle, as I realized there was no power. What I saw that night, in particular, will stay with me forever. On the other side of the courtyard, it was still pitch black, mind you, aside from the frequent lighting, was a figure. The distance between myself and the other side was long enough that I could not quite make it out, at first. I thought it was my dad, at first. Possibly checking the generator? Upon closer view, I knew it was definately NOT him. He was in a gown of some sort, with almost a pointy hat. I was confused. And, mind, you, I do not drink, so it was not the Mezcal making this strange hooded man appear, even quite airy looking, from across the way. What he was doing, confused me, even more. He repeatedly bent down and up, down and up, with something in his hand. The same motion, for some time, over and over. I drew what I saw. At that time, I had no cell phone, and there was not a land line in the room. I wanted my sister or my parents (ANYONE) to see this. It seemed crazy. But, for some odd reason, I did not feel afraid, just profoundly curious and amazed. The next morning, even before that first rooster crowed, I grabbed my family and met at the breakfast table, telling them, excitedly what I saw. Rosario, was at the sink. Quiet, as usual. With question marks and smiles on the faces of those around me, Rosario (knowing very little English), obviously caught on to a few words I had shared. She walked to our table, with a pitcher of fresh orange juice and smiled. She told us what I had seen was TRUE! She had seen him too, many times, as she had resided there, to watch over it, when there were no renters/visitors. Where the vision was, turned out to be next to the residence' well. We were new in this town, and luckily enough, found the town historian at the museo the next day. Reluctantly, I shared the story, and he patted my shoulder, and told me I was very lucky to have had such an experience. He said where we were staying was previously a silver mint, way back in the day. He said there were tunnels underground, that led to the church nearby, and we're only accessed by the certain wells. He said, the one we were at was, in fact, one of those. He shared his stories that were passed down from generations of his own family, that knew of the Jesuit Priests, who used to help serve/protect the treasures of the mint. That, he said, might explain the robe-like, hooded features of what I saw he was wearing. The strange up and down movements with the thing (I drew it) in his hand, was, he said, an olla or ceramic vessel that one could put coins etc into. He said the vision was special, and perhaps he was showing me that there was treasure in that well and perhaps needed to be returned to where it belonged-being the church. So, yes, it was a dark and stormy night. And, I will never forget it!

Good Morning, Don Jose' and everyone. Boy, I have a couple of stories that have changed my way of looking at life (and, thereafter) and reflect on often, in awe. One, in particular, was when my family rented a very old (300+) home for us to stay in northern Mexico for the summer. In traditional hacienda style, the rooms were separated and peered out to a nice, flowery bougainvillea laced courtyard. This was over 25 years ago. Although the home had been empty for sometime, it was maintained quite well by a shy, hard-working woman by the name of Rosario. She rarely spoke a word. This is an important feature for later in the story. Well, life was relaxing and quiet and slow, filled with books, nice ranchero music, dogs barking in the streets, and roosters crowing in the early morning. Nothing out of the ordinary. Mañana time was a super reprieve from the University life. It was hot, though. Hot! And, when the monsoons began to arrive, I was excited, as I love a good storm, and it cooled the warm air. One particular night, I awoke to a lot of loud clapping thunder and bright lightning. Rain was literally pouring down the canales, whooshing! I got up and pushed apart the curtain to watch what was happening, after lighting a candle, as I realized there was no power. What I saw that night, in particular, will stay with me forever. On the other side of the courtyard, it was still pitch black, mind you, aside from the frequent lighting, was a figure. The distance between myself and the other side was long enough that I could not quite make it out, at first. I thought it was my dad, at first. Possibly checking the generator? Upon closer view, I knew it was definately NOT him. He was in a gown of some sort, with almost a pointy hat. I was confused. And, mind, you, I do not drink, so it was not the Mezcal making this strange hooded man appear, even quite airy looking, from across the way. What he was doing, confused me, even more. He repeatedly bent down and up, down and up, with something in his hand. The same motion, for some time, over and over. I drew what I saw. At that time, I had no cell phone, and there was not a land line in the room. I wanted my sister or my parents (ANYONE) to see this. It seemed crazy. But, for some odd reason, I did not feel afraid, just profoundly curious and amazed. The next morning, even before that first rooster crowed, I grabbed my family and met at the breakfast table, telling them, excitedly what I saw. Rosario, was at the sink. Quiet, as usual. With question marks and smiles on the faces of those around me, Rosario (knowing very little English), obviously caught on to a few words I had shared. She walked to our table, with a pitcher of fresh orange juice and smiled. She told us what I had seen was TRUE! She had seen him too, many times, as she had resided there, to watch over it, when there were no renters/visitors. Where the vision was, turned out to be next to the residence' well. We were new in this town, and luckily enough, found the town historian at the museo the next day. Reluctantly, I shared the story, and he patted my shoulder, and told me I was very lucky to have had such an experience. He said where we were staying was previously a silver mint, way back in the day. He said there were tunnels underground, that led to the church nearby, and we're only accessed by the certain wells. He said, the one we were at was, in fact, one of those. He shared his stories that were passed down from generations of his own family, that knew of the Jesuit Priests, who used to help serve/protect the treasures of the mint. That, he said, might explain the robe-like, hooded features of what I saw he was wearing. The strange up and down movements with the thing (I drew it) in his hand, was, he said, an olla or ceramic vessel that one could put coins etc into. He said the vision was special, and perhaps he was showing me that there was treasure in that well and perhaps needed to be returned to where it belonged-being the church. So, yes, it was a dark and stormy night. And, I will never forget it!

Wow, you paint a picture with your words! Very intersting, and well told! Can you scan and post a picture of your drawing?

Great tale! So how far did you explore the well system?
Access tunnels under ground reminds me of a friend in elementary school describe the storm sewers in his previous home area in Idaho. People used them to get to various waypoints. Often arrows and names of destinations were painted on the walls. A manhole cover would substitute for a well entrance I suppose but he described using them as all ways being nervous about water,false signs and the other users in them.

there are treasures just waiting to be "found" and then there are ones best left alone , some it seems are guarded by spirits --those sad souls that have basically traded their souls for the "physical wealth" of this world and are trapped here unable to pass on to where they "properly belong".--so they guard their "worldly wealth" that they hid wanting no one else to have it --now are they "bad evil" greedy spirits OR are they trying to "protect" others from falling into the same greed "trap" they fell into ? which would make them "protective" good spirits?

:coffee2::coffee2:8-) Hi, ivan salis: Very interesting theories, do you have any personal life experiences to illustrate these ideas? Just thinking, some people probably had accidental deaths, and some were killed...

So do you think it's possible, would the protecting sprits know who was Good, and possibly want them to get the treasure, or who was Bad, and not want them to? Kind of like, be able to read our vibes?...

Or a bad greedy evil spirit not want anyone to get it, and try to prevent it somehow, supernaturally?...

Then, good spirits, they probably wouldn't necessarily know what someone would do with it, if they got it, good or bad?... Thanks

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