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Coffee peeps? Bk to spirits etc., up at Tayopa my son and several others dropped down into the canyon to check several things, They were to be there several days. That night they camped above the hi water mark

During the night My son woke up from something, He found that Beto also was awake, so still hearing a curious noise they both crept down to a large rock overlooking the bottom. They saw a large group of men coming up the canyon using torches and talking loudly.

At first they were afraid that the narcos in the area were looking for them, but as the group passed them, they relaxed.

The group of noisy men continued up the canyon then turned to the left following the canyon and disappeared around the curve.

The next morning the entire group searched the lower canyon but could not find a single track in the sand or any broken brush. They continued around the turn and found themselves just below the Santo Nino Mine

They never appeared again.

Conclusion ??????? spirit miners ??

Don Jose de La Mancha
:coffee2::coffee2: 8-) Hi Don Jose, That's quite an unusual account, do you think this was possibly meant to lead your Son and Beto, to find the Mine? I have heard of people being led to treasure, by spirits, as well as being discouraged, or run off by them... Thanks

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Ditto to Mdog - thank you for your service!

Don Jose, Real de Tayopa wrote
I am good for another 60 - 70 years, time enough for the book

Yes I would say that you have already had plenty of time to have gotten that book finished by now. So when is the publication date? Thank you in advance.

Please do continue, great posts!

mdog: THANK YOU for YOUR SERVICE!, And thanks for sharing the insight...

I told my cousin that maybe God must have a purpose for him to still be here, but I don't know... Glad you and he made it... Regret the losses and hate war for that, though sometimes I guess you (our country) "supposedly" gotta' do what you gotta' do...

I am thankful for freedom, even if it's alot different nowdays, than what our fathers knew. I know it has been, and is continually bought and paid for with blood, sweat, tears, suffering, lives, sacrifices with horrible, unspeakable pain... It has to be exceedingly tough... In every area.

Thanks Again: For Your Service For This Great Country. So we can all go treasure hunt if we like...

When I hear a story like your cousin's I feel sympathy because I know he has some hard times ahead of him. My kids grew up with the hall light on every night, not because they were afraid of the dark, but because their dad wanted to be able to see where he was when he opened up his eyes in the middle of a nightmare. I fought my way through some terrible depressions by myself because I didn't want to bother the people who loved me with my problems. Don't let your cousin do that.

This treasure hunting hobby has really helped me a lot. I love the history and the excitement of the search. I can focus on something positive and exchange ideas and information with people who have the same interest. It's been great and I love it. I guess this would be a good time to thank all of you ladies and gentlemen for your kindness and generosity.


Wife & I are going to Outer Banks, NC this week-end (walking the beaches); will ask PIRATE "Ghosties" to lead us to their buried treasures; MAY just hear... "AHOY, MATIES!" HA!

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Thank you, mdog. Besides your helping keep me occupied when it was needed much, now winters ago after we crossed trails on Tramps Tayopa Oro coffee thread, I have learned appreciation for what your real "treasure" is. (Not discounting the treasure that,s out there though,l.o.l..).


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Ditto to Mdog - thank you for your service!

Don Jose, Real de Tayopa wrote

Yes I would say that you have already had plenty of time to have gotten that book finished by now. So when is the publication date? Thank you in advance.

Please do continue, great posts!

:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:8-) Ditto: Best Wishes to you, Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp, in your book and success... Looking Forward To It! ~: CDS :~

When I hear a story like your cousin's I feel sympathy because I know he has some hard times ahead of him. My kids grew up with the hall light on every night, not because they were afraid of the dark, but because their dad wanted to be able to see where he was when he opened up his eyes in the middle of a nightmare. I fought my way through some terrible depressions by myself because I didn't want to bother the people who loved me with my problems. Don't let your cousin do that.

This treasure hunting hobby has really helped me a lot. I love the history and the excitement of the search. I can focus on something positive and exchange ideas and information with people who have the same interest. It's been great and I love it. I guess this would be a good time to thank all of you ladies and gentlemen for your kindness and generosity.

Hi, Rick: It's Excellent that you found Treasure Hunting to enjoy...
To have the positive interest to occupy your mind, and inspire you...
The pleasure of fellow TH'ers, sharing the interesting experiences,
knowledge and info. such as here on T.Net...

I just don't think we can talk about this too much...

If more of our Wounded Warriors could find something this interesting
and exciting to do, then maybe many more of our Awesome People would choose life,
rather than being so grieved with all of the horror and tragedy,
the things that they have seen, felt, suffered, dreamed nightmares about,
and had to endure and live with...
Then so many have been overwhelmed and given up on life,
and taken their own life, so extremely sad to me...
Our government and media has not told us very much about this,
and that is a serious tragedy in itself...

My last living Uncle served in the Korean war.
He is the previously mentioned cousins Grandpa.
He has told me several horrific stories thru the years...
The record cold winter of 1950-51 (a lot of 50 below 0* days),
I have viewed pics of piles of bodies in mass graves,
huge deep ditches opened up with dozers,
then just covered up all together...
He and my Aunt had talked about the nightmares,
how he would wake up, and she would help him
realize it was just a nightmare and calm down, and went on for years...
He showed me where his lips, face and chest had been scarred
with glass and metal shrapnel, that he worked and picked out,
for a long time after the war was over...
He said since he was a good driver and mechanic (loggin' woods),
he got a good job driving the C.C.(" the old man") around,
often scouting from the hills in a Jeep...
More than once, they were hit with mortars, the Jeep damaged and turned over,
the windshield glass and metal exploding in their faces...

He went on and lived a productive, hard working life...
But before all of that, he had been seriously wounded in a logging accident at 16,
when he was walking up along the bank next to the loaded truck Grandpa was driving. He slipped and slid under the truck and the back wheels ran over him, breaking his pelvis, and severely damaging his spine. After a long recovery, he went back to work, even running some pretty good sized saw mills in Arizona and New Mexico, after the war... They were a tough generation, they had to be...

He has a younger brother in law who served in Viet Nam,
who also told me stories...
One night he and his buddy got drunk and, for some reason,
locked their room door before going to sleep.
He said they didn't usually lock their door,
but that night they did...
The next morning, they woke to find the enemy had cut every man's throat
in the building, except for them...
What made them think to unusually lock their door?

I believe we the civilians of our Nation, don't have a clue, and
I have only the highest respect, for all who have bravely served and sacrificed...

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Wife & I are going to Outer Banks, NC this week-end (walking the beaches); will ask PIRATE "Ghosties" to lead us to their buried treasures; MAY just hear... "AHOY, MATIES!" HA!
:coffee2::coffee2:8-) Rebel - KGC: Good Luck, hope you have an excellent totally enjoyable trip!
Ha! May the good treasure spirits be with you,
LOL! :angel11::tchest::angel11:

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Well, we went out (Chinese Restaurant) last night; I ate with chop-sticks (like to play with my food at times...). ANYWAY, our Fortune Cookies said... GOOD FORTUNE AWAITS YOU; GREAT ABUNDANCE IS NEAR. We can't WAIT!

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Well, we went out (Chinese Restaurant) last night; I ate with chop-sticks (like to play with my food at times...). ANYWAY, our Fortune Cookies said... GOOD FORTUNE AWAITS YOU; GREAT ABUNDANCE IS NEAR. We can't WAIT!

:coffee2::coffee2:8-) I sincerely hope it works out great for you!

The slips haven't really worked for me, but I'm
somewhere else for confirmation...

A sweet little cache, would be very nice and believable, for this
hill country rebel (gotta' see to believe it)... Ha!Ha!

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Reading stories of PIRATES Treasures of Outer Banks, NC; staying in motel in Kill Devil Hills... LOL!

Reading stories of PIRATES Treasures of Outer Banks, NC; staying in motel in Kill Devil Hills... LOL!
:coffee2::coffee2:8-) It really is Fascinating, the history of Piracy that we know of... Talk about some treasure stories, with spirits supposedly involved...

For example, The Queen of England, supposedly financing "Privateers", to go highway rob at high sea, what the highly industrious and very successful Spanish, were cruising back to Spain...

The Queens Privateers were many times, substantially successful in obtaining what their enemies at sea had labored so long and hard for, with all of the hazards of the centuries of expeditions, eventually namely the previously enslaved, Native "Indians"...

An unseen major life threatening and sometimes devastating hazard though, even as scientific of a level that they were at then, the deadly Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean Hurricanes...

So between the two, at least a portion of the precious cargo, made it's way back to the continent that it came from... Though some of it is thought to have never left, those goodies that rode at least for a time on the various European Galleons, possibly wound up back home, on The American Continent by someone's choice... Including also, the decision to commit treason against the Queen, and take some to bury and hide for themselves...

Then there's the ones that were sunk by the fateful timing of the weather patterns, against their will, left scattered and laying on the ocean floor, off of the American shores....

Modern deep water robotic equipment slowly recovering some of the many lost treasures at sea, Amazing!

Those Old Shipwrecks, and the Booty hidden in buried Chests, the many stories they could tell...
HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!:laughing7::icon_pirat: :treasurechest: :blackbeard::skullflag::treasurechest::blackbeard::3barsgold::angel12::tchest::angel12::icon_pirat::coins::3barsgold::coins:

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G'd afternoon. Don't forget that a major part of the metal and precious stones mined in the new world was sent along the pacific coast of the Americas which drew far more pirates than in the Caribbean . far easier pickings. <--- Untold story

Ned I mention the rape of Panama, Lima, etc.

Don Jose de La Mancha

K on the paranormal experiences, the Mayo river near here is dammed by the Macuzari Dam. During the hurricane season many times the over load is too much for the spill ways and by pass tunnels to handle, and, as a result, it fills to the rim,,or even above, many small lakes are formed up stream.

One of which was formed on Don Norbertos property.near Piedras Verdes.This formed a fair sized shallow lake which was filled with mature bass. As the level lowered the bass become frantic for food, and every cast produces a trremendous strike, fun for us, but not for the Bass. However since they were trapped by the falling water, we used to harvest them .
One day we collaborated with Don Manual Sanchez of Piedras verdes to go camp there for a few days looking for Placer Gold while at the same time holding a Bass Ho Do.

I had an older VW Kombi converted into a camper -really quite comfortable, while Manual used my extra pop up tent for he, and his family.

We camped in a nice level spot just above the silt area from the receding water level.

The first night something woke me up, I could hear some heavy animal such as a Mule, Cow, or horse moving as if grazing. This just lulled me back to sleep when another noise woke me wide awake. I decided to investigate and run off any live stock so that I could go back to sleep.

When I finally climbed out of the VW with the usual noise I hear something heavy running off into the shallow water. It distinctly made several steps in the shallows displacing river cobbles and splashing. I looked over at Marangula, nothing was to be seen, so I called to him saying "come on,,let's see what it was". "NO way" he shouted back, "I am not leaving this tent". Since I couldn't convince him, I went to where I had heard the animal (?) enter the water, There was a film of thick, red, slimy fine silt to the waters' edge --- NO tracks??

I Continued on into the water, it was crystal clear, again no muddy water or overturned cobbles??? There was nothing visible on or in the water , but where had what ever made the noise etc gone ? I could possibly see foe a few hundred meters in all directions, yet nothing? Just flat calm water like a mirror.

So What heavy bodied thing could make that much noise, run displacing river cobbles, enter the water with the ususl splashing yet just disappear, leaving absolutely no trace of it's passing? Even the water was undisturbrd , no suspended fine silt

I went back to bed, the next morning everything was normal with my friend, but he refused to even talk about it or stay there another night, we finally had to return to Piedras Verdes.

Later I had a chance to talk to Don Noroberto and explained what had happed up there.

His eyes momentarily flickered, then he said "so you have met the Duendes eh?" "Duendes?" I asked "yes, the spirits of miners of the past guarding treasures and mines". He replied. Did you see the remains of a house near you?" Yes, about 50 meters further up". I replied, "Well that used to be my families, but the duendes made so much fuss that we had to move"

"Duendes eh?" I replied , "ever find anything or hear of any mine etc near there?" "no," he" replied, "But they are guarding something, since many others have heard them also."

So there she sits, anyone for tresure or lost mine hunting comeplete with ghosties???

Don Jose de La Mancha??.

Don Jose you said,"Moving as if grazing". Perhaps a drag/slide sound of motion at random intervals like some one dragging a very heavy bag of ore?
Or the rip tear scrunch sound of teeth and lips getting something to mouth? Either way with no sign found to confirm maybe prospecting would be better upstream.:icon_shaking2:

Don Jose de la Mancha wrote
So What heavy bodied thing could make that much noise, run displacing river cobbles, enter the water with the ususl splashing yet just disappear, leaving absolutely no trace of it's passing? Even the water was undisturbrd , no suspended fine silt

NO comment...

Don Jose el Tropical Tramp also wrote
His eyes momentarily flickered, then he said "so you have met the Duendes eh?" "Duendes?" I asked "yes, the spirits of miners of the past guarding treasures and mines". He replied. Did you see the remains of a house near you?" Yes, about 50 meters further up". I replied, "Well that used to be my families, but the duendes made so much fuss that we had to move"

Finally - Duendes! Thank you for finally getting around to this, which is of great interest to me. Great post by the way, should be the way your BOOK is getting done. :tongue3:

Have you guys heard of "White Boots?" I worked in the Idarado Mine near Red Mountain Pass in Colorado for six months in 1973. Underground miners are on the job for one reason only - for the pay. (Okay, two reasons- for the high grade too.) There were two shifts, the third shift idle. Many, many times the shifter asked someone on the crew to stay underground after his shift to work the empty third shift - alone, at time and a half, to do non-mining maintenance chores such as bagging samples, cleaning the tracks, etc. Not once did anyone accept. I asked the guys in our drift why nobody ever stayed over, as the pay was good and the work was easy.

"White Boots," one guy said. "I've seen him, and so have others. I was young and needed the money, so I doubled one night. I was just sitting at the station sorting ore samples when this guy walked past me down the drift. I thought I was the only guy there, so I got up and went to see who it was. All I saw was a glowing pair of white boots and a 'shadow man' wearing them. He was sorta wearing the usual gear, but when I shined my light on him, it went right through him like he was a shadow. Then he turned and started back down the drift. I felt like he wanted me to follow him. It scared the $hit out of me. I went back to the station and held my beads the rest of the shift. When the next shift finally showed up, one old guy looked at me and said, 'White Boots? Don't ever be alone here again.' Ever since that night, even during my regular shift, I won't go into an empty drift alone."

K on the paranormal experiences, the Mayo river near here is dammed by the Macuzari Dam. During the hurricane season many times the over load is too much for the spill ways and by pass tunnels to handle, and, as a result, it fills to the rim,,or even above, many small lakes are formed up stream.

One of which was formed on Don Norbertos property.near Piedras Verdes.This formed a fair sized shallow lake which was filled with mature bass. As the level lowered the bass become frantic for food, and every cast produces a trremendous strike, fun for us, but not for the Bass. However since they were trapped by the falling water, we used to harvest them .
One day we collaborated with Don Manual Sanchez of Piedras verdes to go camp there for a few days looking for Placer Gold while at the same time holding a Bass Ho Do.

I had an older VW Kombi converted into a camper -really quite comfortable, while Manual used my extra pop up tent for he, and his family.

We camped in a nice level spot just above the silt area from the receding water level.

The first night something woke me up, I could hear some heavy animal such as a Mule, Cow, or horse moving as if grazing. This just lulled me back to sleep when another noise woke me wide awake. I decided to investigate and run off any live stock so that I could go back to sleep.

When I finally climbed out of the VW with the usual noise I hear something heavy running off into the shallow water. It distinctly made several steps in the shallows displacing river cobbles and splashing. I looked over at Marangula, nothing was to be seen, so I called to him saying "come on,,let's see what it was". "NO way" he shouted back, "I am not leaving this tent". Since I couldn't convince him, I went to where I had heard the animal (?) enter the water, There was a film of thick, red, slimy fine silt to the waters' edge --- NO tracks??

I Continued on into the water, it was crystal clear, again no muddy water or overturned cobbles??? There was nothing visible on or in the water , but where had what ever made the noise etc gone ? I could possibly see foe a few hundred meters in all directions, yet nothing? Just flat calm water like a mirror.

So What heavy bodied thing could make that much noise, run displacing river cobbles, enter the water with the ususl splashing yet just disappear, leaving absolutely no trace of it's passing? Even the water was undisturbrd , no suspended fine silt

I went back to bed, the next morning everything was normal with my friend, but he refused to even talk about it or stay there another night, we finally had to return to Piedras Verdes.

Later I had a chance to talk to Don Noroberto and explained what had happed up there.

His eyes momentarily flickered, then he said "so you have met the Duendes eh?" "Duendes?" I asked "yes, the spirits of miners of the past guarding treasures and mines". He replied. Did you see the remains of a house near you?" Yes, about 50 meters further up". I replied, "Well that used to be my families, but the duendes made so much fuss that we had to move"

"Duendes eh?" I replied , "ever find anything or hear of any mine etc near there?" "no," he" replied, "But they are guarding something, since many others have heard them also."

So there she sits, anyone for tresure or lost mine hunting comeplete with ghosties???

Don Jose de La Mancha??.

:coffee2::coffee2:8-) Hi Don Jose: Very interesting story! Thanks much, for sharing that one, you've got me curious if there was any follow up... Sorry, can't get the coffee to work just now... Change that, it is a fascinating story, and wonder if you had any more experiences there? Is that pretty gutsy, going into the water at night like that, eh?... Awesome... There's the coffee now...

You asked, anyone for treasure or lost mine hunting complete with ghosties?
Sure, let's plan and do it, Ha! Ha!...:evil6:

We'll take our friendly ghosts with us,
to keep the ornery ones busy, He He He... :angel5: :angel7::angel4::toothy2::angel4::angel7::angel5: LOL!

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