I agree with a lot of what you are saying - though the scientist in me will not let me call them 'spirits' (being 'good' or 'bad'). I believe there is _something_ (for lack of a better word), magnetics, electrical interference, whatever - and I also believe that in the end - there might well be a scientific explanation for most experiences. However, just like with ufo's - I don't beleive absolutely all can be explained away. Also - if we cannot prove it to be some logical explanation for it - spirits might be as good a solution as any. For the 'man-in-the-street' - yeah, spirits will explain it all, so we can settle on that. As I said - I don't personally believe in spirits - but hey - I have been wrong before and I will be wrong again ... I will have no problems accepting that spirits exist ... ;-) - but ... I will have to experience it/them first which has (so far) not happened - hence - I personally don't believe in them (mostly a matter of statistics)
Howdy Loke,
I used to be just like you my friend, I would always discount ghost stories since I had never seen any ghosts myself. I still haven't experienced anything personally. I believe that there are some like you, and I, that may be unable to see these things, while there are others that have this ability. There are many things that remain unexplainable in this world.
What has changed my views? I have a son who works as a LEO, and has been called to check out many alarms that go off at night in local businesses of our small town. On most nothing is found out of place, but there have been some where the security cameras inside show a ghostly figure. One of these you can clearly see that it sits down on the office chair.
On one of these alarm checks, there had been a report some months back by a local mechanic. He had seen a child inside a dollar store late at night, so he called it in. No one was found inside that night. A few months later, the alarm went off, my son and two others checked it out finding everything in order. Just as they had completed they were called back because the alarm was trigger again. This time they found a lot of toys on the floor in the toy isle.
An other story that convinced me had first been told to me in a beer joint by a man who was originally from Durango Mexico. He was employed as a ranch hand here in our county. He had gone to check some cattle early one morning on the Herradura Ranch where his boss had grazing rights. This is in Lasalle County, Texas on hwy 624 in the middle of nowhere. When he got down to open the gate he noticed a woman walking by the side of the hwy, with very long hair, looking down. She never showed her face. He was going to ask her if she needed any help, but had hesitated since he only spoke Spanish. After he opened the gate, he couldn't find a trace of her.
This man later asked told the ranch neighbor just across the hwy, about the woman. The ranch neighbor told him he had also seen her, but walking just inside the pasture. Several years later, a couple coming back to town at night down that same hwy, reported a lady walking down the side of the hwy, close to the entrance of the Heradura Ranch, with very long hair, looking down, never revealing her face.
My son tells me that several calls have come in over the years from different people describing the same woman. That has made me a believer even though I have never seen anything personally. I tell my friends that if I am ever so fortunate, and get to see this woman, I will follow her.