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I think that most of us have some sort of "guardian angels" looking out for us. How many times have you had a voice in your head warn you right before you are about to do something stupid? Then what happens when you do it anyway? How many times have you come VERY close to getting hurt or maimed but escaped without a scratch? I take a lot of chances. I have lived a very dangerous life-skydiving, scuba diving, car/motorcycle racing, demolition derbies, crawling in dangerous places, picking up poisonous snakes, sticking my hands where they don't belong, blowing stuff up, walking dark dangerous alleys at night and much, much, more. In spite of my stupid ways I am still in one piece and have never gotten seriously hurt. Is it just dumb luck or do I have my angels doing overtime?

Something I have learned and want anyone reading this to ask yourself, is there ANYTHING in your life that you really, really tried to do and then failed? Did you do everything you could to make something happen and then could not do it? I think that the majority of people don't really put out the honest effort that it takes when the going gets tough. They give up too easily. People seem to want instant success.

My belief is that your angels/spirits/guardians or whatever will help you as long as you are willing to help yourself. If you don't give up they won't give up on you. How many times have you had those little small miracles of good luck or timing happen. Probably pretty often. I know it happens to me on a regular basis. You make your own luck.

I think there is treasure of all sorts buried or hidden all around us. All you have to do is start looking and then try to look in the right place. Ask for help from anywhere/anyone that you can. My plan is to share any treasure I find with other deserving people. Maybe the spirits will believe me and give me help and guidance. If you surround yourself with good people that seem to have good luck maybe you can bring their spirits in to help the common cause.

Another thing that I have seen many times is that if you ask for guidance and then keep your eyes and ears open you will sometimes see a very obvious sign showing you what to do or where to go. Ask and you shall receive is an old saying. Try it. Ask nicely. Don't forget to say please and thank you. It works.

Don Jose de la Mancha aka Tropical Tramp - quit teasing, put down that brush for your mule and start talking! :tongue3:

I will tell you of a treasure related haunting, though there is no buried treasure. My brother had moved into a place a few miles from where I lived, and not long after moving in, he started experiencing all kinds of activities which most people would call haunting or poltergeist. Knocking, thumping, doors opening by themselves, lights turning on and off by themselves, even a terrible sobbing sound. There is no near neighbor to attribute any of this to, and we did a little investigating to turn up what might have been causing it.

A friend of my mother's had wonthe Readers Digest sweepstakes, which made the woman suddenly wealthy. She was then old and had a common-law husband, and had made a living up to that time by her milk goats, selling the milk to local hospitals and to a few individuals whom preferred goat milk (for stomach ailments etc). On winning the prize, she sold her little farm and bought a new place, which was the same place which my brother had moved into years later.

After moving in to her new home, she only lived a few years before passing on. Her fortune was mostly gone by that time, but some bad people believed that her husband had that fortune, and this bad family (a mother with two grown outlaw sons) soon started making their move to get it. The mother tried to romance the old man, but he did not seem too interested; he was more interested in hunting coons and his coon dog. The next trick was the two sons paid the old man a night time visit, and over the course of hours, slowly beat the old man to death, trying to get him to tell where he had hidden the fortune. They never got the fortune for he did not have it, nor were they ever prosecuted for it even though there was some evidence to prove it.

When we discussed this with my brother, and then proceeded to speak directly to the spirit of the old man whom had to suffer such a terrible death and for no reason, suddenly all of the haunting activities stopped. My brother never had another incident so long as he lived there.

I have heard the theory that at least some of these hauntings are the spirits of the dead wishing simply to be acknowledged, and this incident or series of incidents seems to fit that theory.

Now Don Jose - start talking!

And to everyone, please do continue! (Very good posts!)

I think that most of us have some sort of "guardian angels" looking out for us. ...

My opinion is that your thought is true. However, I don't believe you can use this to help fulfill your wishes and desires. I suspect those who find treasure had it in their destiny.

:coffee2::coffee2:8-) Hi, Springfield: Destiny?... I think that is a very, very interesting perspective, and intriguing belief...

Still, do you think one could possibly miss their destiny, say if they didn't believe, keep trying, to persevere, or press into that conceived thought, wish or desire, with some strong belief (faith to do it), and work to make it happen, to see it become reality?...

Who sets up, or pre-determines such possible destinies? How are they then planted, implicated, driven? Excellent Perspective... Thanks, ~: CDS :~

I believe we have free will to choose, say, corn flakes over oatmeal for breakfast, but for the most part I think most of our lives' events just happen, with little control in our own hands. What will be, will be; the world's a stage and we all have parts to play; etc. If you toss out the concept of linear time, then all things are happening at once and we all experience everything simultaneously. Time is just a gadget used to keep track of all the details. Don't worry - you'll find a treasure 'some day'. When your number comes up. Unfortunately, you may have to be a mass murderer too. Infinite experiences. Who sets it all up? Well, that's the big question, isn't it?

Don Jose de la Mancha - we are waiting! (hint!) Not to mention another promise you made, which quite a few people are also waiting for! Start talking amigo!

I agree with a lot of what you are saying - though the scientist in me will not let me call them 'spirits' (being 'good' or 'bad'). I believe there is _something_ (for lack of a better word), magnetics, electrical interference, whatever - and I also believe that in the end - there might well be a scientific explanation for most experiences. However, just like with ufo's - I don't beleive absolutely all can be explained away. Also - if we cannot prove it to be some logical explanation for it - spirits might be as good a solution as any. For the 'man-in-the-street' - yeah, spirits will explain it all, so we can settle on that. As I said - I don't personally believe in spirits - but hey - I have been wrong before and I will be wrong again ... I will have no problems accepting that spirits exist ... ;-) - but ... I will have to experience it/them first which has (so far) not happened - hence - I personally don't believe in them (mostly a matter of statistics)

Do you believe about the UFO that was recorded and witnessed by a airport in Germany? Many people witnessed it I don't think there was a blip on the radar either.

Howdy Loke,

I used to be just like you my friend, I would always discount ghost stories since I had never seen any ghosts myself. I still haven't experienced anything personally. I believe that there are some like you, and I, that may be unable to see these things, while there are others that have this ability. There are many things that remain unexplainable in this world.

What has changed my views? I have a son who works as a LEO, and has been called to check out many alarms that go off at night in local businesses of our small town. On most nothing is found out of place, but there have been some where the security cameras inside show a ghostly figure. One of these you can clearly see that it sits down on the office chair.

On one of these alarm checks, there had been a report some months back by a local mechanic. He had seen a child inside a dollar store late at night, so he called it in. No one was found inside that night. A few months later, the alarm went off, my son and two others checked it out finding everything in order. Just as they had completed they were called back because the alarm was trigger again. This time they found a lot of toys on the floor in the toy isle.

An other story that convinced me had first been told to me in a beer joint by a man who was originally from Durango Mexico. He was employed as a ranch hand here in our county. He had gone to check some cattle early one morning on the Herradura Ranch where his boss had grazing rights. This is in Lasalle County, Texas on hwy 624 in the middle of nowhere. When he got down to open the gate he noticed a woman walking by the side of the hwy, with very long hair, looking down. She never showed her face. He was going to ask her if she needed any help, but had hesitated since he only spoke Spanish. After he opened the gate, he couldn't find a trace of her.

This man later asked told the ranch neighbor just across the hwy, about the woman. The ranch neighbor told him he had also seen her, but walking just inside the pasture. Several years later, a couple coming back to town at night down that same hwy, reported a lady walking down the side of the hwy, close to the entrance of the Heradura Ranch, with very long hair, looking down, never revealing her face.

My son tells me that several calls have come in over the years from different people describing the same woman. That has made me a believer even though I have never seen anything personally. I tell my friends that if I am ever so fortunate, and get to see this woman, I will follow her.


In the realm of the paranormal. Her spirit is trapped in a loop. Her death was unexpected so her apparition (soul) just goes through that cycle over and over and over. There are ways to put her soul at rest. Try talking to her if you see her again. Or investigate fatal collision or people hit by cars on that road.

Do you believe about the UFO that was recorded and witnessed by a airport in Germany? Many people witnessed it I don't think there was a blip on the radar either.
I am not throwing myself over any ufo-claim - and I must've missed this one. Can you tell me _when_ it occurred?
Otherwise - as I initially said - "there is more between heaven and earth than anywhere else". It means I keep an open mind - and what I have come across so far, tells me that not everything can be satisfactorily explained - yet! And to me anyway, that little word 'yet' means that I stick to my own experiences and try to make some sense out of diverse happenings. If they are somewhat 'unexplainable' now, doesn't mean they will not be explained in the future - so again, I stick to my own 'wit' (as it where).

All that being said and done - I _have_ some experiences ... my job has taken me to many corners of the world, often at docks and returning to a vessel late at night can be somewhat scary at times. However, there is this little voice on my shoulder telling me whether or not a place is safe or not - and I have 'heard' that voice many times - both for good (ie its safe) and for bad (ie don't go there). And (crossing my fingers) I have not been wrong yet! Now - this _could_ be taken as a sixth sense or a warning spirit - however, personally I believe it is more a sharpened awareness of my surroundings. Because I am aware of possible danger, the senses are heightened.

So take your pick - is it spirits trying to help me out - or is it because I am more aware of the environment and see 'things' one normally wouldn't see.

Another time I very narrowly escaped a head-on collision from a car that swerved to avoid a car coming out of a driveway - immediately prior to it happening I slowed down and moved actually over the verge on my side. Was it something warning me? Or had I unconscienciy observed some moving shadow in that driveway and anticipating what was gonna happen? Again - take your pick!
:coffee2: any1?

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I am not throwing myself over any ufo-claim - and I must've missed this one. Can you tell me _when_ it occurred?
Otherwise - as I initially said - "there is more between heaven and earth than anywhere else". It means I keep an open mind - and what I have come across so far, tells me that not everything can be satisfactorily explained - yet! And to me anyway, that little word 'yet' means that I stick to my own experiences and try to make some sense out of diverse happenings. If they are somewhat 'unexplainable' now, doesn't mean they will not be explained in the future - so again, I stick to my own 'wit' (as it where).

All that being said and done - I _have_ some experiences ... my job has taken me to many corners of the world, often at docks and returning to a vessel late at night can be somewhat scary at times. However, there is this little voice on my shoulder telling me whether or not a place is safe or not - and I have 'heard' that voice many times - both for good (ie its safe) and for bad (ie don't go there). And (crossing my fingers) I have not been wrong yet! Now - this _could_ be taken as a sixth sense or a warning spirit - however, personally I believe it is more a sharpened awareness of my surroundings. Because I am aware of possible danger, the senses are heightened.

So take your pick - is it spirits trying to help me out - or is it because I am more aware of the environment and see 'things' one normally wouldn't see.

Another time I very narrowly escaped a head-on collision from a car that swerved to avoid a car coming out of a driveway - immediately prior to it happening I slowed down and moved actually over the verge on my side. Was it something warning me? Or had I unconscienciy observed some moving shadow in that driveway and anticipating what was gonna happen? Again - take your pick!
:coffee2: any1?

One in Germany Jan 7th 2014. One at O'Hare in Chicago a couple years ago. Also can't find the one I was talking about. Its older but these seem to be the most recent. The one in Germany is real they actually cancelled and diverted flights do to the UFO.

I also doubt its any military plane. They would not be picked up on radar. Well at least most

when its your time you WILL GO -- not before or after but when.

I have a younger cousin that served in Afghanistan, Iraq, etc., some with special ops.
He told me some of their missions sometimes they flew low, with 50 cal.guns blazing. I guess getting areas cleared ... Some tasks were underwater...
Definitely very active for a few years, and well disciplined, promoted to move up quickly.

He took an assignment and with 7 other men, were proceeding on their mission.
The next thing he knew, their vehicle was blown up with a roadside bomb, and when he was able to, he alone climbed out alive...
He had trained the 7 men, why did they all die , but he lived?

That's pretty eerie to me, Was it destiny? His choice to be there could have gotten him killed very easily, like the other men...

Things like this are common in combat situations and some guys have a real problem with survivor's guilt. I've had many close calls in combat but I've never felt such guilt and never questioned the outcome of tragic situations like the one you describe. I still have felt sorrow and loss but I just figured that things happen and sometimes they turn out real bad for some people. I had a rocket blow up 15 feet away from me one day and, even though I was close enough to be killed, I never got a scratch. I had a lot of close calls like that and was never wounded. What did almost kill me was a one inch cut just below my knee where I hit it on a rock. I got a terrible infection that put me in the hospital for over two months. Go figure.:dontknow:


All MY experiences (After-Life/NDE, living in a haunted house (home in Shen. Valley of Virginia; age birth - 23 years of age (marriage) are on the Psychic/Medium, etc. Sub-Forum (Everything Else Forum)... GO THERE!

Coffee peeps? Bk to spirits etc., up at Tayopa my son and several others dropped down into the canyon to check several things, They were to be there several days. That night they camped above the hi water mark

During the night My son woke up from something, He found that Beto also was awake, so still hearing a curious noise they both crept down to a large rock overlooking the bottom. They saw a large group of men coming up the canyon using torches and talking loudly.

At first they were afraid that the narcos in the area were looking for them, but as the group passed them, they relaxed.

The group of noisy men continued up the canyon then turned to the left following the canyon and disappeared around the curve.

The next morning the entire group searched the lower canyon but could not find a single track in the sand or any broken brush. They continued around the turn and found themselves just below the Santo Nino Mine

They never appeared again.

Conclusion ??????? spirit miners ??

Don Jose de La Mancha

when its your time you WILL GO -- not before or after but when.
Hi, ivan salis: Don't get me wrong, I think there's there's something to this way of thinking... Though after a lot of thought and careful consideration, to me, there seems to be more to it...

If someone is driving, working, fighting, treasure hunting, doing whatever, and an accident takes their life...
Is that proof positive that was their destiny, allotment of time on this earth, how would
that be fair to predetermine the time for one soul and body over another?...

More time might give one more opportunities, even more chances to marked success or improvement...

So I believe "Time and Chance" also applies to accidental death, as I have seen, and am aware that many of us, have experienced many close calls that could have gone the other way...

That we make our own luck, yes of course to an extent, still there are so many other factors and variables, like time, chance, and accidents...

Do some people get a better chance, better luck, longer life, yes we know this...
"To whom much is given, much will be required"

I believe this to be a spiritual factor... But I think in some cases, sometimes peoples lives are "Accidentally" (whether perhaps even intentionally or unintentionally, however tragically) shortened, by "Chance"... ~: CDS :~

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Things like this are common in combat situations and some guys have a real problem with survivor's guilt. I've had many close calls in combat but I've never felt such guilt and never questioned the outcome of tragic situations like the one you describe. I still have felt sorrow and loss but I just figured that things happen and sometimes they turn out real bad for some people. I had a rocket blow up 15 feet away from me one day and, even though I was close enough to be killed, I never got a scratch. I had a lot of close calls like that and was never wounded. What did almost kill me was a one inch cut just below my knee where I hit it on a rock. I got a terrible infection that put me in the hospital for over two months. Go figure.:dontknow:

mdog: THANK YOU for YOUR SERVICE!, And thanks for sharing the insight...

I told my cousin that maybe God must have a purpose for him to still be here, but I don't know... Glad you and he made it... Regret the losses and hate war for that, though sometimes I guess you (our country) "supposedly" gotta' do what you gotta' do...

I am thankful for freedom, even if it's alot different nowdays, than what our fathers knew. I know it has been, and is continually bought and paid for with blood, sweat, tears, suffering, lives, sacrifices with horrible, unspeakable pain... It has to be exceedingly tough... In every area.

Thanks Again: For Your Service For This Great Country. So we can all go treasure hunt if we like...

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Thanks Ivan, that means I am good for another 60 - 70 years, time enough for the book

Don Jose de La Mancha
:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:8-) That sounds good, I need more time also...

But in 60-70 years, that generation and culture may not think treasure stories were ever even real, at all...

Probably just think it was all made up for a video game, :clock: :toothy4: Just Kidding, I Hope...

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The only thing promised in life is death
:coffee2::coffee2:8-)There are, in "Life", many various promises...
Don't know about "The only thing promised"...
The timing of it: that to me is the Question...
For example, Honor your Father and your Mother,
so that your days MAY be long upon the earth...
No promise either way, but the possibility of longevity suggested...
Thanks for your input and responses...

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