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'X de Heart': Drink yer coffee my friend, no-one is hurt, especially me, SHE, or thee. You would be surprised in the data, credentials, education, Family background, and personal; experiences that are behind her. --sides being a beautiful broad, a treasure hunter, writer with a book to her credit, she has traveled the south seas with her sister, and family in a small sail boat, shall we say the Tahiti etc., area, also the Caribbean.

The three crosses that were mentioned, also have an excellent ghost story behind them and on Be.nice and share yer coffee and seat by the campfire, she might share her story data with us., she has earned her spurs.

Don Jose de La Mancha

P,S. she likes mules,so you know where that put her in my estimation, anyone with that much good sense just has to be wonderful.

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Speaking Of A Tornado Earlier

:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:8-) Coffee Anybody?
Something I can talk about that may have some meaning,
is the encounters that I personally have had, with deadly tornadic activity...

There have been several times, that I have been considerably close to a deadly tornado...
Three or so times, specifically, there has been a very dangerous situation, close enough to possibly be life threatening...

That is because I know for sure, that at least three times there was a tornado over head, that had recently pulled up, say within 5-10 min., and as I gazed up and around following the circulation with amazement, believing to be talking to the creator, my maker...

Bravely (or perhaps foolishly), prepared to meet him, invoking the name of the Lord Jeshua, I guess more fascinated than terrified... I watched the small, variously shaped and sized clouds. rotating at a few thousand feet straight above... They are real puffy white, fluffing and rolling, changing continually...

They go in a counter-clockwise circle like what appears from that angle and
distance of about a football field, quite quickly, and you can follow an individual or multiple groups of clouds in this tight swirling circle formation, as they cruise briskly around... They look like animals, maybe faces, ever changing... Part of an extremely dangerous mezzanine cyclone, or even multiple vortex system, above my house or maybe a friends... A few incidents... Just happens to be up at the time...

I was just not prepared to go underground... I have known of a lot of people being very unfortunate, being underground in a tornado and watching it shoving cars around and flying into houses, some losing everything they owned, and others even losing also their lives...

I don't know why they have been pulled up over me, and I know I should be in a shelter...

I will try harder to not be so curious and tempting fate, that's all I can say,
but it does make me wonder... About a lot of things...
~:Crosse De Sign:~ ( AKA Cross Of Sign) :angel7:

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'X de Heart': Drink yer coffee my friend, no-one is hurt, especially me, SHE, or thee. You would be surprised in the data, credentials, education, Family background, and personal; experiences that are behind her. --sides being a beautiful broad, a treasure hunter, writer with a book to her credit, she has traveled the south seas with her sister, and family in a small sail boat, shall we say the Tahiti etc., area, also the Caribbean.

The three crosses that were mentioned, also have an excellent ghost story behind them and on Be.nice and share yer coffee and seat by the campfire, she might share her story data with us., she has earned her spurs.

Don Jose de La Mancha

P,S. she likes mules,so you know where that put her in my estimation, anyone with that much good sense just has to be wonderful.

'X de Heart': ? ??? :tongue3: :) :tongue1: :toothy2: :angel12: :wav::wave::idea1::sign12::occasion15::happy3::sunny::angel10::icon_study::laughing9::hello: :occasion18: :sign13: :clock: :angel5: :o :santasmile: :coffee: :icon_jokercolor:

Don Jose, that's a whole lot more than I've ever got to do, possibly ever will...
Though you did say, "Gentlemen: you all seem to have forgotten, these are about apparitions/ghosts/etc. but since you wish a flesh & blood story,... So What would that incline a true "Gentleman" to think, my friend?... Thought I was being polite and nice 'cept maybe a tad bit of funnin' maybe?... Crosse The Sign

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One Last Boring Story


I did always check out the vast deserts and land formations,
That I know some of you have explored extensively, and maybe prospected...

~: Crosse De Sign :~

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Hola my friend de sign: You my friend were under a hieghtened sense bordering on hypnosis. Yes you were extremely fortunate, and yes after a few close ones one does tend to think.

From the thingies hat have happened to me I personally know that I am NOT invincible, but have sorta adopted a fatalistic way of life.

For the record, no one to my knowledge has done anything to feel upset about, unlesss the fact that you didn't move over and give her - or me for that matter - you choice seat by the campfire.

Speaking of ghosts, I must tell you of the time that I danced with them in the flickering light of my small campfire when I was exploring an ancient Barranca up in La Sierra Encantada in Lower California. There was no one except my elusive hosts, Te old ones, who did dance with me, but were gone by morning..

No, they never did show me any treasures except their bowls and artifacts, which I faithfully buried and left notes for the Archaeologists that will eventually find their way up there.

It took me two + days of hard backpacking to reach the hidden, elusive canyon, and since I didn't want to overstay my welcome, I left after 5 days.

Don Jose de La Mancha ( he who dances with the old ones, rarher than the wolves.)

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Hola my friend de sign: You my friend were under a hieghtened sense bordering on hypnosis. Yes you were extremely fortunate, and yes after a few close ones one does tend to think.

From the thingies hat have happened to me I personally know that I am NOT invincible, but have sorta adopted a fatalistic way of life.

For the record, no one to my knowledge has done anything to feel upset about, unlesss the fact that you didn't move over and give her - or me for that matter - you choice seat by the campfire.

Speaking of ghosts, I must tell you of the time that I danced with them in the flickering light of my small campfire when I was exploring an ancient Barranca up in La Sierra Encantada in Lower California. There was no one except my elusive hosts, Te old ones, who did dance with me, but were gone by morning..

No, they never did show me any treasures except their bowls and artifacts, which I faithfully buried and left notes for the Archaeologists that will eventually find their way up there.

It took me two + days of hard backpacking to reach the hidden, elusive canyon, and since I didn't want to overstay my welcome, I left after 5 days.

Don Jose de La Mancha ( he who dances with the old ones, rarher than the wolves.)

:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:8-) You certainly do sound to have very possibly lived a much more exciting, and maybe colorful life than I, my friend...

That is quite another good tale, and I'm still pondering aspects of the last...
Yes I was definitely in highway hypnosis, and I knew it... What really bothered me was when I realized I was waking back up... (Yes I was & am Very fortunate, I think I will wake up to see the sunlight again tomorrow)-(pinch)... But I-40 is relatively straight, and very familiar, and 4 fuel/pit stops would get me beyond Victorville easy...

My only sailing has been high-perf bass speed and jet boats, on clear sometimes glassy smooth mountain lakes, skiing and parasailing, no big deal = but a cool way to play in the heat of the summer... Dancing with the old ones, very fascinating... Only one in tune with the ancients dances with them?... Oh yes, you made it ok, right here Amigo, here is the best seat in camp, warm but not too, the very nicest view, and perfectly cushioned too... Now, where were we... Oh yes, That was a little joke, Amigo, will you please pass the fresh sock Coffee?...

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On a dark and stormy night, three bad men, sat in a cave. The first one said "Hey Mac, tell me a story," and this is how the story began. :) Okay, Oro, will you please put another log on the fire, and Don Jose', break out those marshmallows, and I will be back with my story. It involves one of our hot topics; The Jesuits.
Oh yes, always interested to hear about them...

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cake and pasta me ho , ( old sea cook's Spanish * ) -- how goes the mine?

Dat would be de crab cake-oh? Mi Mancha, I am loving my spurs! Thank you. They are glorious! I will never take them off. :)

X- heart: That would be a silver mine no??? Where were you basically bass fishing ?? If you are a true fisherman there is no need to ask if you enjoyed yourself or how many did you catch.

Dame Mast, I only wish that it could have been me that said "Rise sir (Dame) as Airthur did to his round table gentlemen.

Nother ghostie story coming up.

Don Jose de La Mancha

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Hi gang, incidentally the only logical (?) way that I can account for many of the happenings bordering on the occult, is by "The Holisitc Universe" where effectively everything in the past, present, and future, is happening simultaneously in our percieved present place in the Spiral of the Universe. Sheesh, shoulda left the canopener in the drawer.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. regardless, I'll still post unusual happenings based upon our present popular belief in time, "OUR" present.

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X- heart: That would be a silver mine no??? Where were you basically bass fishing ?? If you are a true fisherman there is no need to ask if you enjoyed yourself or how many did you catch.

Dame Mast, I only wish that it could have been me that said "Rise sir (Dame) as Airthur did to his round table gentlemen.

Nother ghostie story coming up.

Don Jose de La Mancha

:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:8-) Silver, Tropical Amigo? Is that what your senses tell you?... Hmmm...

Fishing? Secret... Skiing, Knee Boarding, Bare Footing (friends), Parasailing, Night Cruising to hillbilly bonfire area, Camping, Picking Guitars into the night, visiting with family and friends, Excellent Camp Pine & Hardwood Cooking and Hot Coffee, Ancient Indian Spirits (peaceful), ?...

Lake? Let's see,
Table Rock, Bull Shoals, Beaver, Tenkiller, Grand Lake O' The Cherokees,
Lake Ft. Gibson, Ponca City, Greenleaf, Eufaula( (Close to where Belle Starr Lived),
Mc Gee, Pine Creek, Broken Bow, Hugo, Arbuckle, Sulphur Springs, Konawa,
Atoka, Arkansas River, Illinois River, Those Mostly...

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Crosse, you sure started something. Now, hmmmm...., looking for my can opener. There it is! I am on the SAME page, Don Jose'. I get it. Fully! And, my spurs are better than any sword!!!

Crosse, you sure started something. Now, hmmmm...., looking for my can opener. There it is! I am on the SAME page, Don Jose'. I get it. Fully! And, my spurs are better than any sword!!!

Started something?... Can openers???... Let's see, where is another hook, I mean my book:read2:...
Can openers...:icon_scratch: Hope I started something Well?:dontknow:...
Can openers...Hmmm... I thought everybody used 'lectric ones...:sign13:

Thanks, ~: Crosse De Sign :~

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This is what I got with my 'hook' this morning. Smile.

cool, black racer? I love snakes, can you send me some baby ones?

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