Howdy Kauziamos,
Yes, do post the pic w/o interference, and your stories, all that you
want to, when you get time.
I assure you, there are death traps at your site, though not any you would necessarily
spring just walking or climbing around, but deadly ones I see, if one digs in the right places
without knowledge of them...
They are plain to see, once you are trained in what to look for, and much of this,
I have learned from studying multiple threads, some old ones, extensively, of the long
experienced TN THer's very informative posts and pics, from years, on different threads here.
Quite a lot of this can be found on Spanish/Jesuit Treasure types of threads.
It Is my understanding, and opinion from study and experience in the field,
the death traps are very likely still guarding cached valuables. Otherwise,
they would likely have already been dismantled, and would not be still
making the Signs/Shadow symbols, that they are still making...
Not an expert, but my take on what was done centuries ago, that is visible
for the trained. If you get time, and search for this type of S/S info, you will find
that it takes a little time to realize what can be easily seen in pics. Sometimes things
can be realized, even to the experienced eye, after looking multiple times. It's really
amazing just how good they were, and the rocks still speak, even with the centuries
of weathering, if still intact.
I'm sure you can possibly find someone trustworthy, that's interested in working
with you, in your interesting area. If I still lived in that area (SoCal) and had time,
I surely would.
Angeles and San Bernardino Nat'l. Forests, some of my favorite old haunts, ahhh yes,
and too much fun at "The River"...
Thanks, Happy Hunting, and Good Luck...