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Thanks for the warm welcome :cross: De Sign...

Yes, that whole experience was surreal. Life changing even. Looking back, I could consider myself lucky, in that I encounter no snakes (can't say the same for last weekend in the Angeles forest, when I came within two feet of a my first rattler; he warned me with a great hiss and shake), triggered no traps (not sure there were any, but the whole place seemed it could have been one), and didn't pass out from heat/dehydration (I threw up when I got back down. Headed straight for the Colorado river, took a dip that had never felt so refreshing.)
Never owned a gun, but I'm starting to feel the need for one on these ventures of mine. Lots of critters out there, but I'd prefer to stay on friendly terms with them! Birds are smart though, wouldn't doubt if they knew how to kill a man. Definitely won't go back there on my own; would like to find someone with a great deal more knowledge about what might be to the shapes and shadows that you see, I don't know, but doesn't mean they are not there. There is/was undoubtedly a presence there, and many markings of proof. Some Indian, for sure, many others, not so much.
I did take another picture where it got scrambled. Not much to see, but I'll post it if you like. Also, I too have story involving road hypnosis and a savior. Many solo trips from SoCal to Colorado. I'll post that as well if interested. Thanks for the :coffee2::thumbsup:

Howdy Kauziamos,

Yes, do post the pic w/o interference, and your stories, all that you
want to, when you get time.

I assure you, there are death traps at your site, though not any you would necessarily
spring just walking or climbing around, but deadly ones I see, if one digs in the right places
without knowledge of them...

Thanks, Happy Hunting, and Good Luck... :cross:

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Escaping a "death trap"

Howdy Cross De Sign,

Here ya go:

My favorite carving:

One of the many eyes watching me:

An old bolt in the rock? In the boulder above where I took the pic with the static:

Now, concerning death traps; I had read a little about them here, so I was aware enough not to do something stupid like try to move anything around, but it did seem to me that if you were to disturb the ground is some areas I was in, there was nothing from stopping theses houses from rolling. Furthermore, Spirit mountain is sacred Indian ground, and also National land. I ain't movin nuthin! But I want to learn, and there is a whole world out there in which to do it. I'm seeking.

And now a story about a death trap of a different kind. About 15 or so years ago, I was driving back to Colorado and was somewhere in Utah. I would say I was in a road trance of sorts, but not sleepy. Just in a zone. I had come upon two old pickup trucks, the kind that have a wooden grating on the back, filled to the brim with old tires. To be honest, I hadn't even noticed the tires, I just rolled up behind them, decided they were doing a good clip and didn't want to go any faster, so I put it on cruise, and kicked back. Probably tailed them for a half hour or so, until we hit a plateau. At this point, I could see miles off, and noticed a line of truck off in the distance. For whatever reason, I sat up right quick and decided to gun it past these two trucks so I would at least be ahead of them. Took it from 75 to 90, and just as I was passing the first truck, I looked in my rear view to get over and noticed that the second truck seemed like he was going to pass the first truck too. At the exact moment of looking in the rear view, I saw one, then two, three, then ALL of the tires come flying out of the back of the truck, just bouncing and going everywhere. Death avoided, shivers attained. My only rational explanation for it is that when truck one saw truck two going for the pass, maybe he did a little shimmy in his truck, jokingly, like I'm not letting you pass me, perhaps jolting loose the latch. I just don't know. Happy to be able to tell the tale though. Cheers to the survivors of odd circumstances! g

Howdy Kauziamos,

Yes, do post the pic w/o interference, and your stories, all that you
want to, when you get time.

I assure you, there are death traps at your site, though not any you would necessarily
spring just walking or climbing around, but deadly ones I see, if one digs in the right places
without knowledge of them...

They are plain to see, once you are trained in what to look for, and much of this,
I have learned from studying multiple threads, some old ones, extensively, of the long
experienced TN THer's very informative posts and pics, from years, on different threads here.

Quite a lot of this can be found on Spanish/Jesuit Treasure types of threads.
It Is my understanding, and opinion from study and experience in the field,
the death traps are very likely still guarding cached valuables. Otherwise,
they would likely have already been dismantled, and would not be still
making the Signs/Shadow symbols, that they are still making...

Not an expert, but my take on what was done centuries ago, that is visible
for the trained. If you get time, and search for this type of S/S info, you will find
that it takes a little time to realize what can be easily seen in pics. Sometimes things
can be realized, even to the experienced eye, after looking multiple times. It's really
amazing just how good they were, and the rocks still speak, even with the centuries
of weathering, if still intact.

I'm sure you can possibly find someone trustworthy, that's interested in working
with you, in your interesting area. If I still lived in that area (SoCal) and had time,
I surely would.

Angeles and San Bernardino Nat'l. Forests, some of my favorite old haunts, ahhh yes,
and too much fun at "The River"...

Thanks, Happy Hunting, and Good Luck... :cross:

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Howdy Cross De Sign,

Here ya go:

My favorite carving:

One of the many eyes watching me:

An old bolt in the rock? In the boulder above where I took the pic with the static:

Now, concerning death traps; I had read a little about them here, so I was aware enough not to do something stupid like try to move anything around, but it did seem to me that if you were to disturb the ground is some areas I was in, there was nothing from stopping theses houses from rolling. Furthermore, Spirit mountain is sacred Indian ground, and also National land. I ain't movin nuthin! But I want to learn, and there is a whole world out there in which to do it. I'm seeking.

And now a story about a death trap of a different kind. About 15 or so years ago, I was driving back to Colorado and was somewhere in Utah. I would say I was in a road trance of sorts, but not sleepy. Just in a zone. I had come upon two old pickup trucks, the kind that have a wooden grating on the back, filled to the brim with old tires. To be honest, I hadn't even noticed the tires, I just rolled up behind them, decided they were doing a good clip and didn't want to go any faster, so I put it on cruise, and kicked back. Probably tailed them for a half hour or so, until we hit a plateau. At this point, I could see miles off, and noticed a line of truck off in the distance. For whatever reason, I sat up right quick and decided to gun it past these two trucks so I would at least be ahead of them. Took it from 75 to 90, and just as I was passing the first truck, I looked in my rear view to get over and noticed that the second truck seemed like he was going to pass the first truck too. At the exact moment of looking in the rear view, I saw one, then two, three, then ALL of the tires come flying out of the back of the truck, just bouncing and going everywhere. Death avoided, shivers attained. My only rational explanation for it is that when truck one saw truck two going for the pass, maybe he did a little shimmy in his truck, jokingly, like I'm not letting you pass me, perhaps jolting loose the latch. I just don't know. Happy to be able to tell the tale though. Cheers to the survivors of odd circumstances! g

That's good timing, your passing them trucks. Pretty bazaar accident, glad
you made it. You are starting to sound like me & some of the many other THr's
near misses and close calls, that so many good people have shared...

~[EDIT] Forgot to comment on the old bolt, or whatever it is in there, that's curious.
Kinda' like maybe it was used to anchor, or secure something, maybe now a clue.
Yeah, No digging there being Sacred Indian, and Fed. Land, too bad.

Don't it make you wonder how it got named "Spirit Mountain".
Do real spirits have treasures? Or, Do treasures have real spirits?~

Thanks for sharing yours, and the cool pics you had held out too, very interesting.
Looks like maybe iron stained quartz, cool eye(s), and the carving very nice too.
Seems you're well on your way to spotting, and taking neat pics that can be well
studied on your screen for further discovery. Enjoyed that, gracias... Crosse :cross:

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Owls are hanging even closer with the pups, and that's
OK, but the crows come and bum around some out in the green field,
but don't try to take anything big, and I don't pay much mind to their
harping either, though my Cherokee Indian friend said that they were
sort of like messengers... Though, I always like to hear the wild turkeys
when they're around. The doves and mocking birds are always quite
pleasant to hear when I'm outside working, or maybe relaxing a bit.
But I kinda' suspect that the noisy Blackbirds are probably spies, :laughing7: he he :angel12:

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Ok Crosse the sequel to the mill robbery story====

my cousin - Majorie, alias the worry warrt, one day asked me if I was interestedd in a story that her husband had dug up.narurally I sai d yes

It turned out that he owned a lumber truck and would fee lance for lumber at the various mills.

One day while he was waiting his turn to be loaded he went to the cook shack to drink some coffee. the cooks swamper - a very old guy -sidled up to him and said that he had been watching him for some time na d that everyone liked hiim, so he felt safe in talking to him about a treasure that he had in old Mexico, and would like to retrieve it as he was getting too old to work any more.

Naturally Mike was all ears. The old man then said that he, another American and two Mexicans had robbed a mill down in Mexico of a stack of gold bars, but in the process that a gun battle ha broken out and they were forced to kill the mill employes.

He said that they had prepared a site under some pretils- an adobe brick structure for use as an open fire stove in a house.' - They dug a diagonal hole under it and placed most of the bars in the prepared, holrd, they then took off on their mules leading several pack mules which were loaded with river rocks making a heavy load which could be read by their tracks. and headed north. When they reached a water tower, they dumped the rocks in the arroyo and semi-buried one bar for the posse to find while they rode off leaving the mules grazing hoping that the one bar an d the y empty pack saddles on the mules would convince the posse that the bars were buried somewhere, giving them time to escape.

It worked to perfection. They went north to Chihuahua city and divided up the bars that they had and parted company. He and the American crossed the border into the US.where they also separated. He heard later that both Mexicans had bee killed and he could find no trace of the other American and considered that he must be dead.

He said that there had recently constructed a Jeep road to the town, so thry would take a jeep with heavy duty springs and go for them. He then stated that he had learned to not trust anyone so only he would carry arms ro protect them

Mike asked what i thought of te story I then told him of the robbery at the Pamarejo mill and that the old man must have been one of the killers and in no way would I consider only the old man him carrying guns.

He thought it over for a couple of weeks then decided to go for it, but when he returned to the lumber mill, the old man was gone, he had been fired

The area where the gold bares were buried is well known to me, it is actually on the mill workers hime sites,''Today only the one room jail exists and the area is loaded with pieces of broken scrap iron.and conductive slap

The Palmarejo has since returned to life, so has Chinapas, one could not detect the unnoticed

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A problem keeps coming up time and time again….being unnoticed….
Great story……many narcos down that way?

$300K, much money and there is no honor among thieves or those who serve satan (narcos)

Real good story sequel Don Jose,

Yes that Is quite an unusual coincidence...
Another treasure that seems cannot be retrieved
though, to go with the long list of supposed lost ones...
Hope you're having a good day Amigo, Thanks, :cross:

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Hi doc, naturally. Incidentally, I mentioned tha I had a macular hemorrhage in my left eye and turned down an offer from the VA to get rid of the blood clot via laser burning, since it was being cleared up by mom nature aided by a little self Hypnosis, I declined the offer for the moment but left it open.

As it stands if I look at you, your lower left jawline appears to be covered with a piece of red cellophane, in other words I cannot use it to read yet. and my depth perception is loused up so I often hit the wrong keys and can;always see the mistakes so I crave your indulgence if my spelling appears to be ----. In another month it should be cleared up.

I can't drive yet since the blocked off area covers the right lane

When it first happened, I couldn't see the lower diagonal right 1/2 part of the screen at all, I am well pleased in that my body is responding so quickly..

Try threading a needle, or simply using a screw driver with no depth perception - I have a no. of half finished jobs to finish. Any way forgive the temporary boo boos in the spelling ad composition.and Ill talk Oro into more coffee.

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Don Jose,

Sorry to hear of the seriousness of the eye issue, and very
glad you (& Mom nature) are working speedily toward
full recovery. Coffee? Anytime, good friend... :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

Think I may drive to the river this morning, and check
the banks and the water. You all have a fine day... :cross:

Burt started making fancy high dollar Redwood furniture...

In a conversation with him one day, he told me how he got
started... Talking with some of Burt's close family that are
also my cousins, they talked about working with him in
his Redwood furniture business, and about one day
Elvis approaching him in person there, to request
him to make him a custom Redwood table.
His story is really quite interesting...

To be cont'd... :cross:

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aha crosse, ya missed the remark about self hypnosis, so did the modified Raven.

Yeah, Don Jose,
I did notice your remark, but:
Not knowing about it, I didn't comment. So maybe if
you will elaborate... Then I can start to understand?
Is that a personal mind control, like mind over matter...

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Therein the decades before, and on after the turn of the century,
steadily contributing to the fueling of the great industrial revolution,
that American and European ingenuity would use to live,
grow, and change the world...

Then also a sort of cover, a stop along the way for the various outlaws of the time...

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The local folks in the community
he lived in didn't call for a meeting.
An old tale I heard, from The Old Indian Nations.
... :cross:

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One late 1800's afternoon, deep in The Indian Nations, Jesse James rode quietly
out of the woods, just up from the Canadian River. Cole younger was riding with
him, and the rest of the gang had eased up, waiting just out of sight beyond
the tree line, of a settler's farm...

More than a century later, the story was that they
were of some close kin to the gang members.

This was likely to have happened much more than what anyone knows,
which was one way the gang moved around with ease, and kept their
expenses low, rather than the theory some have suggested that they
spent a lot of time and money in saloons, carelessly getting drunk,
wasting money on women and gambling.

I believe they were much more family oriented, smarter and
disciplined, having nothing to prove, other than succeeding
at their plans. They had likely all been to Hell and back,
during all of the covert operations they had all done
during the Civil war, and were probably glad to get
time at home, spending it with their families... :cross:

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Crosse De Sign, great story and it makes sense…….if told by the family, I would guess somebody went looking at some point after the James gang retired or died………yet it would be great to find the house and search the stream……..

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