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I,ll fish! I,ll fish!.


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Fishing with dynamite is a great experience………would guess those tree huggers out there would not approve…….to h*ll with them.

Fishing with dynamite is a great experience………would guess those tree huggers out there would not approve…….to h*ll with them.

Well it is illegal where we fish, and kinda' cheating too...:cross:

*chuckles* been there - done that!
the darn thing though - there are more of'em critters going to the bottom than what comes up floatin' - rather ineffective (imho)

Would guess it is illegal in most places, but today, what is not illegal?
As for those fish whose air bladders burst and sink, depends on distance from the charge…….too close and the air bladders burst and they sink, a little farther away and they float………
If nothing else, it is nice to see the water rise……….

Howdy, Partners! Sorry I am tardy to this great party. I had better start making everything nice and tidy for the next campfire gathering. You all left it a mess while Amy and I were gone. Lol. I have been out in Tucson for two weeks visiting my family. What an adventure we had. Yesterday, we did did some exploring at Kartchner Caverns. What fun! Have you been there? If not, in 1974, I believe, two intrepid spelunkers, first discovered this place, by accident. Kept it a secret, for years! Then, found the owners of the property and became, more or less partners, to keep it as perfectly preserved and alive, as possible. I can only imagine how they must have felt! I happen to LOVE caves. My Dad, who is an avid explorer/adventure, walked with me in wonder, gazing inside this natural treasure. Although we were on a small tour, I had to hold myself back (so did he) from secretly jumping over the rail, and wandering off. :) Don Jose', remember that cave I told you about that I could see from my Dad's plane, somewhere down between Hermasillo and Ciudad Obregon? You must explore that one with me/us. I am a huge fan of Indian dwellings and history museums, as well. When I find an arrowhead or a pottery shard etc... one would think I have won the greatest lottery in the world. Discovering this campfire is pretty darn amazing as well. Now, where is that broom?!? ;)

And, a super BIG thank you to Crosse, who keeps this fire going for everyone. And YES, those snappers can be mean! We have many in the lake we swim in at home in Florida. Thankfully, I have a trapping mentor/buddy (in his late 80's, but going on 16), who has intense skills catching them. They really disturb the population of the fish, especially the bass. Before I left on my trip, he caught a 7 ft. gator, at night, by himself, and his wife delivered homemade gator bites to us the next day. Whoosh! He should have his own show to demonstrate these wild skills. In fact, I think each of you could have your own Discovery Channel documentary, right? Now, go adventure!!! What a great life. :)

Mastiff, welcome…….I share the love of finding old pottery etc…….at our plantation in Ecuador there are many pottery shards I find, some history of gold and silver being found and also some strange paranormal crap the locals have seen in the area…..
There is much to find and know still in the world if we keep our eyes and minds open and keep looking…..
Vaya con Dios…...

*chuckles* been there - done that!
the darn thing though - there are more of'em critters going to the bottom than what comes up floatin' - rather ineffective (imho)
You were using too big a charge . Calcium carbide in glass jugs works best . Low velocity explosion .

Senor Don Jose……as you might guess, there is much history in Ecuador……..our plantation is in the lowland farm region……
Anyway, my wives mother as well as other who have lived their lives near plantation speak of many strange happenings on a hill set back a few hundred meters from the rio (river)…….mysterious lights/fires at night without any evidence in the day of a fire, sounds or many horses with people running along the ridge……are some of the stories…..
This is also the are where some huge ceramic pots were found (2 meters tall give or take) and many pottery shards I have found……..
Same area has stories going back 50 years or so of old gold coins in 1 area and in another silver coins being found……
Much evidence of old indians there, arrowheads, bows, etc found………..
Have had only a little time to scout it as of now but plan to explore much more when I return this fall………..

Howdy, Partners! Sorry I am tardy to this great party. I had better start making everything nice and tidy for the next campfire gathering. You all left it a mess while Amy and I were gone. Lol. I have been out in Tucson for two weeks visiting my family. What an adventure we had. Yesterday, we did did some exploring at Kartchner Caverns. What fun! Have you been there? If not, in 1974, I believe, two intrepid spelunkers, first discovered this place, by accident. Kept it a secret, for years! Then, found the owners of the property and became, more or less partners, to keep it as perfectly preserved and alive, as possible. I can only imagine how they must have felt! I happen to LOVE caves. My Dad, who is an avid explorer/adventure, walked with me in wonder, gazing inside this natural treasure. Although we were on a small tour, I had to hold myself back (so did he) from secretly jumping over the rail, and wandering off. :) Don Jose', remember that cave I told you about that I could see from my Dad's plane, somewhere down between Hermasillo and Ciudad Obregon? You must explore that one with me/us. I am a huge fan of Indian dwellings and history museums, as well. When I find an arrowhead or a pottery shard etc... one would think I have won the greatest lottery in the world. Discovering this campfire is pretty darn amazing as well. Now, where is that broom?!? ;)

HA! Broom...? WHAT broom...? We just use a pine needles limb... then, we sleep on pine needles.

Truckinbutch, thanks for the fishing lure of calcium carbide…...
One question I have is, how can a charge ever be too big?

Rebel, sleeping on pine branches is a comfortable and smart way to sleep……reminds me of some military vacations I had.

You were using too big a charge . Calcium carbide in glass jugs works best . Low velocity explosion .
You might well be right in that - in my particular case we didn't have much choice - was doing seismic in a lake (which had quite a lot of nice half-pound trouts).
Mind you - this was nearly 50 yrs ago and nobody bothered you if you set off some charges - and instruments in those days were somewhat less sophisticated than today - so ... we had to use quite a large charge (cannot now remember how many sticks at a time - probably 6-10). And yes, we did manage to pick up some few trouts, but there were several we could see slowly sinking (crystal clear water!)

Myyy - I can't believe it as that long ago *sigh*

Never have even been round anyone using ANY sort of
dynamite or explosive, jut fish manually, you know trot lines,
jug lines, throw and dip nets, and good 'ol fishin' poles:fish::coffee:... :cross:

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Hi trapper Girl

Reale good to see you trapper girl, and hear of your adventurous cave treasure stories around the fire again.
Sorry the place was kind of untidy (for a woman's artistic touch), and thanks kindly for
all of the straightening up, and rustic artifacts camp decorating... :dog::fish: ...:cross:

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Truckinbutch, thanks for the fishing lure of calcium carbide…...
One question I have is, how can a charge ever be too big?

Rebel, sleeping on pine branches is a comfortable and smart way to sleep……reminds me of some military vacations I had.


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