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Never have even been round anyone using ANY sort of
dynamite or explosive, jut fish manually, you know trot lines,
jug lines, throw and dip nets, and good 'ol fishin' poles:fish::coffee:... :cross:

Ever try NIGHT fishing...? Did it on the Shenandoah River, back home... MEANWHILE, saw ghosts of OLD fishermen on the shore of BOTH sides of the river; then camping on the river... even ghosts of Shawnee "Indians" were heard; it was a WONDERFUL thing... BTW, MOST of our fishermen were Construction Workers in their "day jobs", stealing sticks of Dyamite; lighting 'em up at night for fishing. Whenever we heard BOOMING on the river, we KNEW what was going on! Ghosties were NOT amused...

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Indian Great Grandpa's youngest son probably mirrored his father quite a bit.
He loved to work on cars, and when he was a young married working hand,
cut the back window and top of trunk frame out of an old car, so he could
haul everyone's rough hewn ties to the R/R buyers just off of The Old
Shawnee Trail. They all hoped they would get paid, and not told they
worked hard for nothing, if the buyer called their tie, or ties a cull.

One cousin, as a young man with a family, working the big timber with his wife's enterprising brother,
who had moved there to work, and had eventually bought big Cat dozers, loaders,
diesel trucks, and hydraulic logging trailers.

My cousin's brother drove one of the trucks and has told me a few harrowing stories of heavy loaded
(100,000+ lbs.) trucks up and down narrow, steep and winding roads through the Sierra Madre's,
where two generations before, the California Gold rush starting in 1849, had been strong enough to
steadily fuel the American Economy, until the 1857 loss of the Calif. gold being transported by sea,
that was sunk by the Atlantic Hurricane, causing a devastating financial situation in the country,
initiating a slowing recession, and economic decline... :cross:

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Hi all. Mind if I try that coffee? Thought I might share a story about something I experienced a couple months back...
Never been much of a story teller, but here goes anyways: It was a dark and stormy night, no wait :laughing7:; it was a bright and still morning, the sun had just risen. My father and I were on a mission to Spirit mountain near Laughlin to spread my grandfather's ashes. I had just come across treasure net a couple weeks prior; I think I was looking for some interesting hiking and ended up here after a click or two of the mouse. Well, when I knew I was going out to the desert, I thought I might check tnet to see if I could find any adventures to go on out near Bullhead, and came across not peraltas thread about the stone maps leading somewhere other than the sups. Turns out that somewhere other was right where I was headed! So, always the avid hiker, never before the treasure hunter, when my pops and I got to the mountain I told him I was going to explore for a bit, so he just cuddled up in a nice shaded little nook and napped for a few hours. I starting walking, up and through and up and around and up some more; expecting nothing but trudging forth with my eyes open just in case I soon came across an eye catcher. An eye catcher atop an eye no less. At that exact moment, a shadow whipped by on the ground so I looked up, and there was a blackbird circling above. I was a little unnerved, but not scared. I kept on moving forth following signs, and as I proceeded and the time slowly passed there were eventually 8 of these birds circling overhead. My only thought then was uh uh guys, I'm planning on leaving soon, so find another meal! I have to add, it was already 95 degrees at 7am, so by the time the sun was beating down on me it was about 105. That heat and the unfamiliar landscape of massive boulders gave me a feeling not unlike vertigo for most of the hike. I was treading very carefully. Anyways, after looking all around, going under and over boulders the size of houses, I found myself in cavernous area (within the boulders) that to me felt like there were happenings of some sort there at some point in time. I took out my phone to take a picture, and it went wonky. I'm can't nor am I going to speculate who or what caused it to happen, but I can say in the 5 or so years and the thousands of pics I've taken with my phone, I've never had anything happen like that. I said aloud, just in case, don't worry buddy, I'm just looking around, be out of here in a minute. And I was, but I look forward to going back, just maybe not alone next time. Throw on another log!
Oh, btw, Oroblanco, some of those pics I sent you around that time, that was from this little adventure!

Senor Don Jose, we're all waiting…….I heard even Crow was roused from sleep in anticipation of this tale……….

Hi all. Mind if I try that coffee? Thought I might share a story about something I experienced a couple months back...
Never been much of a story teller, but here goes anyways: It was a dark and stormy night, no wait :laughing7:; it was a bright and still morning, the sun had just risen. My father and I were on a mission to Spirit mountain near Laughlin to spread my grandfather's ashes. I had just come across treasure net a couple weeks prior; I think I was looking for some interesting hiking and ended up here after a click or two of the mouse. Well, when I knew I was going out to the desert, I thought I might check tnet to see if I could find any adventures to go on out near Bullhead, and came across not peraltas thread about the stone maps leading somewhere other than the sups. Turns out that somewhere other was right where I was headed! So, always the avid hiker, never before the treasure hunter, when my pops and I got to the mountain I told him I was going to explore for a bit, so he just cuddled up in a nice shaded little nook and napped for a few hours. I starting walking, up and through and up and around and up some more; expecting nothing but trudging forth with my eyes open just in case I soon came across an eye catcher. An eye catcher atop an eye no less. At that exact moment, a shadow whipped by on the ground so I looked up, and there was a blackbird circling above. I was a little unnerved, but not scared. I kept on moving forth following signs, and as I proceeded and the time slowly passed there were eventually 8 of these birds circling overhead. My only thought then was uh uh guys, I'm planning on leaving soon, so find another meal! I have to add, it was already 95 degrees at 7am, so by the time the sun was beating down on me it was about 105. That heat and the unfamiliar landscape of massive boulders gave me a feeling not unlike vertigo for most of the hike. I was treading very carefully. Anyways, after looking all around, going under and over boulders the size of houses, I found myself in cavernous area (within the boulders) that to me felt like there were happenings of some sort there at some point in time. I took out my phone to take a picture, and it went wonky. I'm can't nor am I going to speculate who or what caused it to happen, but I can say in the 5 or so years and the thousands of pics I've taken with my phone, I've never had anything happen like that. I said aloud, just in case, don't worry buddy, I'm just looking around, be out of here in a minute. And I was, but I look forward to going back, just maybe not alone next time. Throw on another log!
Oh, btw, Oroblanco, some of those pics I sent you around that time, that was from this little adventure!

GOOD one, "K"; those black birds may have been CROWS aka "Birds of WARNING"...

The eye

The bird

The "interference"

The eye

The bird

The "interference"

"K", that's a buzzard; lines in "pic" COULD be electromagnetic interference from the "ghosties", who are "EM" BEINGS, sucking power from you & your camera; why you felt "strange". WE are ALSO EM Beings with a HUMAN BODY. NEVER go there again, ALONE!

Taint about trucks, but a mill robbery down in Zapote, Sonora, Mexico

Howdy Don Jose, our good TH friend, that mill robbery story you mentioned sounds interesting. :thumbsup:
I don't know why you asked about telling it, you know everyone always enjoys your storytelling... :cross:

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Wow! Great read. No where near the adventure but when I rented an old farm a ford maverick was my hauler for among other things self cut eight foot fence posts. I cut every thing from back bumper to back of front seat out. Finally gave in to a pesky in law that insisted on buying it for a hundred dollars for the engine to go in his daughters car. Told him I did not want to sell it and reminded him of that when she killed the motor after a brief use...

Relevent, glad you liked the story, and related to it. They had some nice
U.S. made, hefty and good strong running early cars to work with.8-)
They could get real gas...

Sounds like a handy, economical, and useful little rig you were using.:thumbsup:

... :cross:

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The eye

The bird

The "interference"

Howdy Kauziamos,

Thanks for the intriguing story, and cool pics.
Some interesting shapes going on, would be nice
to see through the purple interference lines too,
which also could be caused by RF or EMF transmittance,
or radiation. I have seen electric static interference miles
away from the sources. It could be from microwave tower
signals, strong short wave radios, or maybe just a UFO,
watching over their ancient stash of Gold, LOL!

Thanks for your input, and Good Luck... :cross:

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Hi all. Mind if I try that coffee? Thought I might share a story about something I experienced a couple months back...
Never been much of a story teller, but here goes anyways: It was a dark and stormy night, no wait :laughing7:; it was a bright and still morning, the sun had just risen. My father and I were on a mission to Spirit mountain near Laughlin to spread my grandfather's ashes. I had just come across treasure net a couple weeks prior; I think I was looking for some interesting hiking and ended up here after a click or two of the mouse. Well, when I knew I was going out to the desert, I thought I might check tnet to see if I could find any adventures to go on out near Bullhead, and came across not peraltas thread about the stone maps leading somewhere other than the sups. Turns out that somewhere other was right where I was headed! So, always the avid hiker, never before the treasure hunter, when my pops and I got to the mountain I told him I was going to explore for a bit, so he just cuddled up in a nice shaded little nook and napped for a few hours. I starting walking, up and through and up and around and up some more; expecting nothing but trudging forth with my eyes open just in case I soon came across an eye catcher. An eye catcher atop an eye no less. At that exact moment, a shadow whipped by on the ground so I looked up, and there was a blackbird circling above. I was a little unnerved, but not scared. I kept on moving forth following signs, and as I proceeded and the time slowly passed there were eventually 8 of these birds circling overhead. My only thought then was uh uh guys, I'm planning on leaving soon, so find another meal! I have to add, it was already 95 degrees at 7am, so by the time the sun was beating down on me it was about 105. That heat and the unfamiliar landscape of massive boulders gave me a feeling not unlike vertigo for most of the hike. I was treading very carefully. Anyways, after looking all around, going under and over boulders the size of houses, I found myself in cavernous area (within the boulders) that to me felt like there were happenings of some sort there at some point in time. I took out my phone to take a picture, and it went wonky. I'm can't nor am I going to speculate who or what caused it to happen, but I can say in the 5 or so years and the thousands of pics I've taken with my phone, I've never had anything happen like that. I said aloud, just in case, don't worry buddy, I'm just looking around, be out of here in a minute. And I was, but I look forward to going back, just maybe not alone next time. Throw on another log!
Oh, btw, Oroblanco, some of those pics I sent you around that time, that was from this little adventure!


Glad for you to join us, and Welcome anytime to the fire and coffee.
I was reading back over your posts, and remembered my manners.
We pride ourselves in good hospitality...

It really sounds like those vultures were thinking that either you
or your father would make a good meal. Pretty wild, if there
was no other reason for them to be there.

Reminds me of a story Don Jose told of one that tried a few
times sort of swooping down and brushing him to try to
spook him into falling down a cliff in a supposed haunted
place that had a history of people falling to their death,
I believe, and he shot the hungry evil bird, with his

Hmmm, that would have to be a very good shot, I suppose.
Still, the similarity of the story, a buzzard showing up surprisingly,
quickly casting a shadow on you, in a treacherous area.

Maybe to spook you into falling. Others showing up, till there
were eight, that seems very conspicuous to me too, sorta' like
maybe they had seen that work before. I too, have had
buzzards circle me on a hill that I climbed up before...

Thanks Again for sharing your experience, very interesting... :cross:

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Twas in the late 50's when I first arrived at Chinapas, after 3 days on the trail afoot. Chinapas had been a mining town in the 1800's. It had a large population then but the revolution and other factor's closed it's mining down. The primary mine was the Palmarejo, it's major stock holder was an English woman, who refused to part wiith her late husbands stock "in memory of his dream" she claimed.The result was that it was dormant after the revolution' The people moved away.

When I arrived everything was reverting to nature. Since I was rained in, to relieve the boredom, I sent hours at the old mill site office in Zapote, going over the old papers, which were scattered everywhere, since ir had been abandoned effectively I found it interesting on their problems in ordering a narrow gauge RR to transport the ore from The palmarejo mine to the mill, how all of the ore cars were listed as being filled, however at the mill, they unloaded only one - hanky panky

Eventually I became fast friends with Guillero Shultz and one day he said "lets go look for the Gold bars that were stolen" "yep " I promptly replied, "how many?" he said " a whole load of them" "Tel me more" I answered. Well as you know all mill permits require a certain percentage of it's capacity to be for other miners, so one day the mill was doing a run on the xxxxx Mine gold ore., which was very rich" It so happened that it fell on a holiday, so all of the mill men that could be spared, and their families, were In Chinapas, 2 miles away, having fun while a skeleton crew maintained the mill, and naturally the full crew at the actual processing site".

"Suddenly, just as They finished, 4 men, two gringos and two mexicans, appeared, and claiming resistance, proceeded to kill everyone. "

"when the towns people, and the workers, heard the shots, they ran back to the mill. They found the bandits gone and every one killed."

"They saw where several heavily loaded mules had gone north and followed them They came to the RR watering tower where they discovered that the bandits had realized that they could not escape, and decided to hide the bars. In their hurry they found that the end of one was accidentally partially exposed where upon the posse scattered looking for the other bars, none were found, and in the confusion the bandits were allowed to get away."

I agreed to return with a metal detector, and quickly returned to Chinapaa. We proceeded ro go toe the watering tower on our mules, then spent 1/2 a ay covering 100 meters around te tower with only a few RR track spikes to show so we returned to Chinapas empty handed. I suggested to Shultz that perhaps some of the posse members has found them but decided not to mention it to the others

Later we found that the bandits went north to xxxxxx add there parted company, The two Americans returned to the states, of the two Mexicans, one was killed in a saloon fight,the other ended up in a jail where he was also killed.

Soo there matter was settled - or was it?,

Senor Jose, have you considered returning with a MD to search a bigger area?

Sounds like the bad guys were smart and understood human nature…….distract the posse since they would seek gold over banditos……

Buzzards y Pistolas

Thanks for the warm welcome :cross: De Sign...

Yes, that whole experience was surreal. Life changing even. Looking back, I could consider myself lucky, in that I encounter no snakes (can't say the same for last weekend in the Angeles forest, when I came within two feet of a my first rattler; he warned me with a great hiss and shake), triggered no traps (not sure there were any, but the whole place seemed it could have been one), and didn't pass out from heat/dehydration (I threw up when I got back down. Headed straight for the Colorado river, took a dip that had never felt so refreshing.)
Never owned a gun, but I'm starting to feel the need for one on these ventures of mine. Lots of critters out there, but I'd prefer to stay on friendly terms with them! Birds are smart though, wouldn't doubt if they knew how to kill a man. Definitely won't go back there on my own; would like to find someone with a great deal more knowledge about what might be to the shapes and shadows that you see, I don't know, but doesn't mean they are not there. There is/was undoubtedly a presence there, and many markings of proof. Some Indian, for sure, many others, not so much.
I did take another picture where it got scrambled. Not much to see, but I'll post it if you like. Also, I too have story involving road hypnosis and a savior. Many solo trips from SoCal to Colorado. I'll post that as well if interested. Thanks for the :coffee2::thumbsup:


Glad for you to join us, and Welcome anytime to the fire and coffee.
I was reading back over your posts, and remembered my manners.
We pride ourselves in good hospitality...

It really sounds like those vultures were thinking that either you
or your father would make a good meal. Pretty wild, if there
was no other reason for them to be there.

Reminds me of a story Don Jose told of one that tried a few
times sort of swooping down and brushing him to try to
spook him into falling down a cliff in a supposed haunted
place that had a history of people falling to their death,
I believe, and he shot the hungry evil bird, with his

Hmmm, that would have to be a very good shot, I suppose.
Still, the similarity of the story, a buzzard showing up surprisingly,
quickly casting a shadow on you, in a treacherous area.

Maybe to spook you into falling. Others showing up, till there
were eight, that seems very conspicuous to me too, sorta' like
maybe they had seen that work before. I too, have had
buzzards circle me on a hill that I climbed up before...

Thanks Again for sharing your experience, very interesting... :cross:

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