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yer sneaky, will get beck on the book. Now drink your coffee. ORO changed socks today - Sunday ya know.

Jose de la Mancha

Cautious Indian side (sneaky?):laughing9:, like incarnate Medicine Man softly yet
openly asks secret questions, whisking smoke (ceremonial campfire) with feathers...
Watching intently the blue violet sky and clouds, still listening ever so closely to the
many mysterious sounds, while reaching into strong medicine goodies leather pouch
for paint cup rock...

There be many things known he don't know, but likes to hear of the experiences
people want to express, he thinks, carefully smearing the blood red paint lines
crosse both cheeks...

Do not all the good speaking spirits answer with the pure sound of whispering wind,
he recalls, then quietly reaching out to readjust his sight for the one long shot... :cross:

PS: Might keep Oro's old socks. Seems like with secret map symbols embroidered?
Good luck in all your doing, and thanks fer the coffee :coffee:...:laughing1:

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When digging for arrowheads in the early eighties, I would open a beer and pour some into the hole before digging, asking the Great spirit to help me find arrowheads... I was very lucky and never failed to find one... A few weeks later after telling another why I was so lucky, I saw other diggers I had not yet met, pouring beer into their hole... True Story!:occasion14:

"Only a tool" for what purposes?
Good morning, everybody! Ready for a fabulous day. I am making coffee. Hmmm... Now which of these socks should I use? Striped or lacy ones? Ha.

Good morning, everybody! Ready for a fabulous day. I am making coffee. Hmmm... Now which of these socks should I use? Striped or lacy ones? Ha.
Lacy gets my vote!

Good morning, everybody! Ready for a fabulous day. I am making coffee. Hmmm... Now which of these socks should I use? Striped or lacy ones? Ha.

Howdy Trappergirl,
Very Good to see your post, yes I reckon the lacy will be good,
WoW that's strong, perfect! Thank You Kindly...
Hope your days are indeed fabulous, that your Spirits soar
high like Eagles...
You all have a great summer too... :cross:

Yesterday my daughter told us there was a dove's nest in the 80' pine tree
right in front of the house, that apparently she had observed them going into.
A dense area of a thick curved branch shaped like a bow. Twisted down from the
extreme pressure of the accumulated weight during a couple of bad ice storms that
had broken several other branches, disfiguring the overall shape of the once perfectly sprawling essential shade tree in the N/W corner, that gives the highly desired evening
shade, in the heat of the southern summer. There have been blue jays and other
birds nest in this tree, but these doves are a first. Reminds me of the large well fed
doves and quail in my Mothers back yard in Apple Valley, where I stepped
out to greet a sidewinder one summer day, it was fast...

I knew they were still here, because I saw them walking in the side yard,
looking for snacks. I went out and looked with her, and spotted one of the
large parent doves, watching from a perch high up on top of the old TV antenna
that remains mounted on a 70' pole next to the house...

There used to be red tail hawks around a lot, but haven't seen them much
since the faster sleeker falcons moved in to compete about 15 yrs. ago.

It's good to see the doves feel safe about being here. I had stopped target
shooting here years ago, and rarely ever even shoot my shotgun anymore.
I heard the local wild turkey's tom sounding off intermittently out back,
late one night last winter. My dogs were passive for awhile, but then when they
noticeably sounded like they had moved closer maybe to feed in the back clearing,
then one dog barked in their direction, and the leader had them move away,
his timed vibes directing them farther down the creek, fading into the crisp night air...

Does anyone else have any experiences, or think that certain birds have any special,
significant, or spiritual kind of meaning when they appear?... :cross:

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HMMMMM LACY socks - ORO - HMMMM. Oh well one must adapt to the peculiarities of sheep lovers.

Don Jose de la Mancha

Good mornin' Don Jose, How are ye Amigo:
Reckon maybe those were her own lacy socks?
Strong rich coffee, got any honey or Irish creme? :cross:

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Yesterday my daughter told us there was a dove's nest in the 80' pine tree
right in front of the house, that apparently she had observed them going into.
A dense area of a thick curved branch shaped like a bow. Twisted down from the
extreme pressure of the accumulated weight during a couple of bad ice storms that
had broken several other branches, disfiguring the overall shape of the once perfectly sprawling essential shade tree in the N/W corner, that gives the highly desired evening
shade, in the heat of the southern summer. There have been blue jays and other
birds nest in this tree, but these doves are a first. Reminds me of the large well fed
doves and quail in my Mothers back yard in Apple Valley, where I stepped
out to greet a sidewinder one summer day, it was fast...

I knew they were still here, because I saw them walking in the side yard,
looking for snacks. I went out and looked with her, and spotted one of the
large parent doves, watching from a perch high up on top of the old TV antenna
that remains mounted on a 70' pole next to the house...

There used to be red tail hawks around a lot, but haven't seen them much
since the faster sleeker falcons moved in to compete about 15 yrs. ago.

It's good to see the doves feel safe about being here. I had stopped target
shooting here years ago, and rarely ever even shoot my shotgun anymore.
I heard the local wild turkey's tom sounding off intermittently out back,
late one night last winter. My dogs were passive for awhile, but then when they
noticeably sounded like they had moved closer maybe to feed in the back clearing,
then one dog barked in their direction, and the leader had them move away,
his timed vibes directing them farther down the creek, fading into the crisp night air...

Does anyone else have any experiences, or think that certain birds have any special,
significant, or spiritual kind of meaning when they appear?... :cross:
I found broken robin egg shell in the garden 40 feet from the nearest tree... Is there a hatchling in the nearby tree, or possibly the owl we have been hearing lately had a meal... Neither of which have a spiritual meaning for me! However, my cousin that died used to raise doves... When I see doves in the woods, I believe he is with me, and reflect on our youthful camping and hiking trips....on the day he died I wrote a very caring note that I was to learn brought his mother great comfort! As I read the card after completing it and the tears filled my eyes, a picture frame fell from the wall to the floor with A loud bang... The doves are a memory of a better time!

I found broken robin egg shell in the garden 40 feet from the nearest tree... Is there a hatchling in the nearby tree, or possibly the owl we have been hearing lately had a meal... Neither of which have a spiritual meaning for me! However, my cousin that died used to raise doves... When I see doves in the woods, I believe he is with me, and reflect on our youthful camping and hiking trips....on the day he died I wrote a very caring note that I was to learn brought his mother great comfort! As I read the card after completing it and the tears filled my eyes, a picture frame fell from the wall to the floor with A loud bang... The doves are a memory of a better time!

Hi Hot zone;
Good story, sorry for your loss. Sounds like a fun favorite cousin,
irreplaceable, I know. Doves are thought to represent Peace, I think.
I wish you Peace. Good Luck, and may your finds be even more awesome... :cross:

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I slid the shop door open one day recently, to see a pair of wrens who flew into the rafters, worriedly flying here and there making quite a fuss, the back walk through door left open with plywood half way up, blocking animals getting in, a fan hanging from a nail in top of the frame, if needed this time of year.

I discovered the reason for their concern, nested in a small box sitting on a covered
350 Chevy block, on a motor stand. There were the 4 little spotted eggs, maybe a little longer than a dime...

I showed them to my daughter, and we were careful not to touch the nest, or even breath on it.
I figured we would watch them hatch out, and eventually fly away, being careful not to upset the parents by not looking too often...

A few days later, when I expected to possibly see the hatchlings, they were gone,
the eggs had just vanished! They couldn't have hatched, and grown up and flown away that fast.
The nest looked the same and had not been disturbed at all, not a trace, just gone...

Were they able to move their eggs somewhere else? I wish I could have seen what
they did, now it will always be a mystery to me, like so many different treasure tales,
they just seem to have gotten up and flown away... :laughing7: :cross:

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When digging for arrowheads in the early eighties, I would open a beer and pour some into the hole before digging, asking the Great spirit to help me find arrowheads... I was very lucky and never failed to find one... A few weeks later after telling another why I was so lucky, I saw other diggers I had not yet met, pouring beer into their hole... True Story!:occasion14:

Hot zone, I never thought of that, sounds kinda' like a drink offering, hmmm...
Any particular kind you noticed, and for what type of points?
Might try that, and see if it works for me...
Maybe the watchers of other bigger hidden things,
would like something stronger to relax, like good whiskey.
Then on second thought, what if it affected them like the fire water
did some American Indians that weren't used to it, had way too much,
and got plum wild and crazy, hmmm...
Maybe they'll settle for some good distilled spring water...:laughing7:

Soo X de Heart yer a cottin pickin, bog trotting OIRISHER, HMm mine came from Derry county (Londonerry). So we are kissing cous' or mortal enemies. heheheh. Prefer the cous' sans the smooching.

Don't get me started on the Aztecs migration and bring one of the lost tribes.and Azatlan.


Hi Don Jose, How are ye today cous' ? I was thinkin' 'bout some of
yer thoughts ye had touched on, and hope to hear a wee bit more of it
(no not kissin' cousn's or mortal enemies, how beit cous' treasure hunters),
perhaps in thy treasure book there will be a chapter going further into yer
theories an' studies in this area, would like to know more 'bout these peoples too,
like all indigenous Americans...

Oh, by the way I'm dying to see the Masterworks, an' read yer extravagant southwestern
adventure an copper/miner romance novel tales (other than the rich mule blanket sagas),
sincerely, favourit cousn' Crosse :cross:

PS: Have a good day, an' hope yer seein' gooder, enjoyin' the Irish coffee an typin', I mean all
the best Oirish luck :coins: with yer dictatorship an ye can maybe get 'er dunn, Tropical cous' :laughing7:
All best wishes from me an' 49 other non grumpy young men... :laughing9:

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Hot zone, I never thought of that, sounds kinda' like a drink offering, hmmm...
Any particular kind you noticed, and for what type of points?
Might try that, and see if it works for me...
Maybe the watchers of other bigger hidden things,
would like something stronger to relax, like good whiskey.
Then on second thought, what if it affected them like the fire water
did some American Indians that weren't used to it, had way too much,
and got plum wild and crazy, hmmm...
Maybe they'll settle for some good distilled spring water...:laughing7:
actually, when I later quit drinking and substituted a nonalcoholic beverage, I still found arrowheads... Apparently , the great spirit didn't object or was none the wiser!

actually, when I later quit drinking and substituted a nonalcoholic beverage, I still found arrowheads... Apparently , the great spirit didn't object or was none the wiser!

LOL! ACTUALLY, the spirits of ancestors DO NOT drink nor eat... KEY is, YOUR willingness to SACRIFICE a bit of this or that; ie... SHARE what ya got.

My Uncle told me two interesting stories from his childhood,
when he had lived with his family in a little country house,
at a place way out in the country, more than 10 miles away
from the nearest small town on the ancient Old Shawnee Trail.

There up off of the deep rutted rocky dirt E/W road following along
the clear winding deep Chickasaw Creek, that had been part of the old late
1800's stage route, where the Butterfield Overland Express had once
traveled through the wild Indian Territory, between Ft. Smith Ark.,
and Fort Worth TX.

Where a trail led north, to that country home place, on what was
called Luck Hill. He and his younger brother were walking down
the hill to go to school one morning, when all of a sudden out of
nowhere, a strange creature he described as a white or light colored
Bigfoot appeared, that he said was moving faster than them, and
just walked by and cut in between him and his astonished brother.
He said it never looked at them, like they weren't even there,
then disappeared off of the trail, and down into the woods.

Maybe he thought it was thinking about going to school with
them, but changed it's mind.:laughing7: They never mentioned it to
the other kids, or the teacher at school...

Then, another school morning, they were walking along and saw a large
galvanized wash tub, laying next to the trail. There under a large oak
tree was a fresh dug hole, the size of the tub and about 3 feet deep.
He said they quickly ran back up to the house, and got their father, excitedly
yelling daddy, daddy, come and look at what we found! Grandpa rushed out
of the house and hurriedly followed them down the trail to look at their new
discovery. They all just stood there, and stared at the inside of the washtub,
where there were imprints of coins the size of silver dollars, about half the
way up, that were apparently left by the dirt that had fallen in between the coins...

He said his father got angry and took a chopping axe to the tub that had secretly
held the buried treasure, right next to the path they had traveled every day for years.

In his rage, grandpa chopped and cut the tub into pieces.
I guess maybe it made him feel better,
to take his frustration out on it. :angry4: :angry5::cussing:

They never knew who had gotten the coin treasure,
or heard any story related to it, that someone quietly dug
up while they unknowingly slept, a short distance away... :cross:

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Many times we have been on a possible treasure site and had our electronics malfunction. A battery that should have been fully charged is now dead. A metal detector making a bunch of crazy sounds that it had never made before. We were just on a site and my detector has a graph and it just started bouncing which it had never done before. I have a site where I think some treasure is buried in a railroad trestle tunnel. I always pictured it buried at a certain spot. I took a picture one time and there is a glowing orb right above the water in the exact spot.

I really do think there are spirits looking out for the treasures. What I have started doing is just basically asking them to help me or allow me to dig up what is there. I have promised them that I would share anything found with as many people as possible. I am hoping my personal spirits will help me win them over. I actually have now started putting my hands together when I lay down to go to sleep and asking for help and guidance on this. I would call this praying.

It is possible that the spirits are not just protecting the treasure from you but may be also protecting you from the treasure and related evil spirits. I do believe that there are both good and bad spirits. Sort of like angels so to speak. The main power that they have is to influence what you think. Usually the closer you get to a treasure the more they may try to convince you to quit. You have just got to believe and keep trying. I am working on it even as I type this. Sometimes putting thoughts into written words can have an effect on what you are trying to accomplish.

Though I have never found any buried treasure, I do believe:
That not only must one persevere, to keep researching, working
and trying, to believe it's possible, and of course, that there
has to be a treasure where you are looking, to find one...

I also agree that it is possible that some people could be
as some suggest, predestined to acquire awesome treasures,
or some other source of great wealth.

Also, that there are Real Spirits, Good and Bad, many people do believe.
It really seems that some people don't know or believe, however,
that there are many LIEING SPIRITS, that try to, and can and do
deceive people, whether they are looking for treasure, or maybe
for other reasons that may not even be immediately visible
in the short, or maybe even long term events...

Apparently, these spirits are most often unseen, like in another dimension,
that have access to the dimension in which we mortals eat, sleep, breathe,
sense, and live in, and that is generally known as REALITY to us...

That good and bad spirits have open access, and perhaps can
easily come and go in or out of our known dimension, or reality.

There is good reason, based on many documented experiences,
to believe that different spirits can be invited, or chased off,
encouraged or discouraged, believed or not believed,
empowered or cast off, loosed or bound, etc.

Spirits can and do influence people, in good or bad ways.
There are people that do things perceived by some as evil,
that seem to be good to them, or other people, and the opposite...

If having treasure, or, a great or small amount of wealth,
doesn't necessarily make people good or bad, then maybe what
they do or don't do with it, is what is truly important.

So, maybe there is a lot of truth to the idea, that one can line
their thoughts and motives up with spirits, good or bad, that can
and do help people acquire wealth and resources, for whatever

If I do ever find anything of value, I sincerely hope to have good
spirits, powers and motives, behind my thoughts and actions, and
also, that the material gain would not change me, to allow myself
to ever stop caring for my fellow man, to help others to help
themselves, and them someone else, etc. :cross:

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Most people who fall into great wealth are changed by it! What little wealth I have today came from hard work! If the great wealth was to come too easily, it would not have the same value! My meager finds metal detecting come as hard as the lawn mowing money of my youth... And my little box of treasures after my passing would probably go unnoticed at an estate sale... But would I like to find real treasure? You bet yah... I would take my chances with spirits and deal with the greed and yes I would be changed! Bring it on! :treasurechest:

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