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Crosse De Sign, ty.
The gunshots/explosions stopped yrs back. Once it did, I started turning inward.
Every night before I sleep, I recite my prayer. "L, bind away any and all demons, powers, and principalities, from my clay house, my material home, and my property. For these are the places I want to KNOW G dwells". It was one night many yrs ago, just as I got to the "my clay house" part, is when I heard the voice(s). It told me in my left ear, "I'm right here".

I cried out the only name I know under the sun. Just as soon as I did, WHHHOOOOMMMMMPPPPPPFFFF!
There was what I call, a giant vacuum cleaner at my bedroom door and it just sucked whatever that was, right outta my room!
This is why I say, when something like this happens, it'll make you rethink everything you thought you ever knew!
Here's where it kinda get weirder, though.

About 4 yrs after this incident, I'm reading testimonials in Resistance Is Fertile dot com from Roswell NM. This girl is talking about an alien being(s) that is in her room. So she invokes his name, and the SAME THING HAPPENNED TO HER. She said something like a giant vacuum sucked her alien outta the room for her. That was kind of like a confirmation for me. At least I wasn't the only one this has happened to.

I'll stand strong and ty for the concerns. It was one thing, when I accepted mans baptism in G's temple.
It was a total other thing, when G chose to baptize me, in my own temple.
But that's another story, for another time. :laughing7:

Not having read all the pages here yet, did ya'll get Marcs ouiji board story in there?
It's still floating around out there........

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Crosse De Sign, ty.
The gunshots/explosions stopped yrs back. Once it did, I started turning inward.
Every night before I sleep, I recite my prayer. "L, bind away any and all demons, powers, and principalities, from my clay house, my material home, and my property. For these are the places I want to KNOW G dwells". It was one night many yrs ago, just as I got to the "my clay house" part, is when I heard the voice(s). It told me in my left ear, "I'm right here".

I cried out the only name I know under the sun. Just as soon as I did, WHHHOOOOMMMMMPPPPPPFFFF!
There was what I call, a giant vacuum cleaner at my bedroom door and it just sucked whatever that was, right outta my room!
This is why I say, when something like this happens, it'll make you rethink everything you thought you ever knew!
Here's where it kinda get weirder, though.

About 4 yrs after this incident, I'm reading testimonials in Resistance Is Fertile dot com from Roswell NM. This girl is talking about an alien being(s) that is in her room. So she invokes his name, and the SAME THING HAPPENNED TO HER. She said something like a giant vacuum sucked her alien outta the room for her. That was kind of like a confirmation for me. At least I wasn't the only one this has happened to.

I'll stand strong and ty for the concerns. It was one thing, when I accepted mans baptism in G's temple.
It was a total other thing, when G chose to baptize me, in my own temple.
But that's another story, for another time. :laughing7:

Not having read all the pages here yet, did ya'll get Marcs ouiji board story in there?
It's still floating around out there........

Those ouiji boards are no joke

Marc's story on Ouija Board experience is on Psychic/Medium/Paranormal sub-forum on TN Every Thing Else Forum; so is mine. HH!

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Hi pat-tekker-cat :cat:, I appreciate your input sharing such personal experiences, Thanks,
I really appreciate your indications of faith.
I like your reference to your clay temple, and the "Baptism" experience in your own temple,
sounds interesting. I know everyone's experiences are different and beliefs vary, but what really
works spiritually, is very good to share, and may be a great help to another, we never know?
If we all only knew just how the spiritual laws work, would we possbly find more treasures?

I want to always remember that the Lord's peculiar TREASURE is his people that love him...
I'm glad for his TREASURES that aren't afraid to express this, and in this, are many Treasure Clues.
He can affect the oppositions? We can bind and loose. This is very good to know?

Surely we can help each other learn and understand, and possibly find good
Treasure, even His TREASURES, which appear to be most important to Him,
no matter what some spirits like to say... :cross:

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Yes I am convinced. In the case of the Tayopa from the start i am convinced that an unseen power has chosen me to uncover it.

Those that know me, the Indians, say that I am a reincarnet Jesuit Oro will love that !

From the very start with Yeager's bell 'Gudalupe de Tayopa' on. I knew tht Tayopa was not a fiction but real. Whenever I became stuck with nowhere to turn an additional clue would be presented and I could go on for a bit, even money when it ran out, would be provided, but only enough to cover the problem, never an excess - reminds me of the individual Jesuit vow of poverty ????.

In essence I believe that I was only a tool. Yes, you can say that I believe in them,

a report on recovery Jodie'

Don Jose de La Mancha

Yes I am convinced. In the case of the Tayopa from the start i am convinced that an unseen power has chosen me to uncover it.

Those that know me, the Indians, say that I am a reincarnet Jesuit Oro will love that !

From the very start with Yeager's bell 'Gudalupe de Tayopa' on. I knew tht Tayopa was not a fiction but real. Whenever I became stuck with nowhere to turn an additional clue would be presented and I could go on for a bit, even money when it ran out, would be provided, but only enough to cover the problem, never an excess - reminds me of the individual Jesuit vow of poverty ????.

In essence I believe that I was only a tool. Yes, you can say that I believe in them,

a report on recovery Jodie'

Don Jose de La Mancha

Hi Don Jose, Amigo:
Glad to hear from you, very interesting you know these things...
It is an awesome thing, to be chosen for yes? Awesome and uncommon
to men in general? I really like it when people (not often enough sometimes)
talk like this...

Yes an excellent recovery report on Jodie would be very cool, as she has such a
good kind heart, and I know everyone has hoped and prayed for the very best for
her complete speedy and miraculous healing.

Hope you are enjoying the fresh coffee and ripe flavorful tomatoes...
Let us know if you need more cooking or firewood...

Best Regards Always, Your Friend Crosse ~ :cross:

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...So I thought about King David, and his son King Solomon, the last king
of the undivided original kingdom of Israel. All 13 tribes, because Joseph
got a double portion in his 2 sons, Ephraim and Manasseh...
These are undoubtedly my very Ancient Ancestors, at least a distant portion
of the Holy Royal bloodline, but no, I have never really ever gotten that
kind of priveledge or a silver spoon...

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Hi pat-tekker-cat,
Thank you kindly, for your positive response. It occurred to me that
you don't spell out God:
Just wondering, any particular reason for that? Can you write Jesus,
or say his name without being bothered about it?
Just thinking, this may potentially be a great help to you or others,
in dealing with spirits as you have mentioned.
It is very good that you told them to be quiet, and they stopped talking,
can you elaborate on that? Any info is welcome and helpful, as I am very
much interested in whatever you can say about this... Best Regards ~ Thanks :cross:
Hey Cross De Sign,
no worries on the God, Jesus, Yeshua thing. I got no problem writing them, saying them, etc...., I was under the impression, tnet still didn't allow religion speak, and had seen where some threads get closed by it. I didn't know to what degree "God talk" is allowed. So, I was trying to make my points, to those who will "get the drift", without risking a thread closure.

Edgar Cayce was correct, in that the origins of evil were around, way before the foundations of the earth was laid.
A study of Pistis Sophia will reveal this.
Speaking of Solomon, he too had the power to bind and loose. But always remember, even he fell to what all considered, a raving lunatic.

On being able to "make" them be quiet", I think it's more of, how you have your antennae tuned or turned on. Yes, they seek, and when they find a vibrational frequency they can align with, it can cause for crossing dimensions. This is where I take pause to wonder the power of the mind (perhaps within the holographic universes). I can not be so vain, to think man could be the only created creature within the ALL. So for now, I have to just accept/wonder/ponder as to the awesome power of thought/consciousness, that I (we) don't know, what I (we) don't know.
That, that you fear the most, rushes after you (gotta control those thoughts).

For the time being, I'll offer these words, as they may or may not, strike a resonance with someone.
The book of life (or at least one of them) is bound, in the same transparent heavenly gold, that is said to pave the streets of heaven. (it's not very thick either, and the writing is not English)
I think of Nicodemus and what he was told. "Oh you think to inquire of heavenly things, when you do not even understand earthly things".
He, who lives close to nature, lives close to God.
The Comforter will bring back to remembrance, all things......

If you have an inquiry, please don't hesitate to ask. Pm me if needed, as I may not always trip back over a thread and could miss a request.
Peace all.

Hi pat-tekker-cat, :cat: awesome,
Nice words... Yes ahh The Book Of Life...
To go there...
Think that will be our best, true and lasting treasures...
It is a pleasure to think on such things, yes thanks...
Awesome writing and your kind words, peace to you all
Streets of translucent pure gold? I hope to see
it sometime, The New Jerusalem,
think the gemstones will also be so perfect...
Then the light, no candles ever needed?
We can hang out there for a millennium to start with,
plenty of rooms, courtyards and rolling hills at my place...
Let's all go ride the horses, and camp out a few years or so.

Think there will still be any treasure hunting,
Can we go around and dig up any of the old lost ones,
if they never did get found, even in this modern tech age... :coins::3barsgold::goldtrophy::gold-bracelet::dontknow::laughing7: :cross:

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Crosse De Sign, ty.
The gunshots/explosions stopped yrs back. Once it did, I started turning inward.
Every night before I sleep, I recite my prayer. "L, bind away any and all demons, powers, and principalities, from my clay house, my material home, and my property. For these are the places I want to KNOW G dwells". It was one night many yrs ago, just as I got to the "my clay house" part, is when I heard the voice(s). It told me in my left ear, "I'm right here".

I cried out the only name I know under the sun. Just as soon as I did, WHHHOOOOMMMMMPPPPPPFFFF!
There was what I call, a giant vacuum cleaner at my bedroom door and it just sucked whatever that was, right outta my room!
This is why I say, when something like this happens, it'll make you rethink everything you thought you ever knew!
Here's where it kinda get weirder, though.

About 4 yrs after this incident, I'm reading testimonials in Resistance Is Fertile dot com from Roswell NM. This girl is talking about an alien being(s) that is in her room. So she invokes his name, and the SAME THING HAPPENNED TO HER. She said something like a giant vacuum sucked her alien outta the room for her. That was kind of like a confirmation for me. At least I wasn't the only one this has happened to.

I'll stand strong and ty for the concerns. It was one thing, when I accepted mans baptism in G's temple.
It was a total other thing, when G chose to baptize me, in my own temple.
But that's another story, for another time. :laughing7:

Not having read all the pages here yet, did ya'll get Marcs ouiji board story in there?
It's still floating around out there........

I had a dream last night. Well towards the end I was following a voice it said I'm over here and I would say where? It would say over here ect ect. Then after that it said I'm right here. I felt a tap on my pinky 4 times then I woke up. I shot straight out of bed

Ah so Rebel ??

Don Jose de la Mancha

Ah! "I'm right here..." on the side of the bed, that his pinky was touched. Reminds me when after MY dad died in 2004, (my "pranking" (joker) uncle had died previously...) and I stayed over-night at the old home-place in the Shenandoah Valley. Uncle was dad's best buddy... always playing pranks on ppl... ANYWAY. Both of 'em being "dead", sleeping in ma & pa's old bed (wife was not with me), I heard dad & uncle laughing & yakking away. SOMEONE pulled on my big toe several times & I "sensed" uncle playing a "joke" on me... just rolled over & went to sleep. Later, I asked my cousins if their daddy (MY uncle) ever tugged on THEIR toes, when they were "little" (while sleeping). He DID! HA!

~Then I thought about the differences between David and Solomon,
how David was said to worship, write so many prophetic psalms,
fought in major battles and killed many enemies, took Jerusalem
(Jeebus) from the Jebusites, was at times hunted even by his family,
had so many wives and concubines, and even made some
really big mistakes, and he had the Ark Of The Covenent,
but he still didn't get to build The House Of The Lord, because
God told him he had "much blood on his hands", so he
donated alot of his wealth, and instructed Solomon extensively
before his death... Solomon however, ruled and lived in peace
much because of his father David's good deeds, awesome blessings,
accomplishments, and good relationship with his father in heaven...

I thought about the treasures that each of them had gotten,
and how they were acquired, and what they did with them,
and though Solomon was very wise, David seemed to have stayed
more in touch with "The Most High" and notably at the end of his life...

I pondered who had utilized the greater treasure resources,
David who worked hard in youth, fought hard to acquire wisdom and treasure,
or Solomon who inherited so much from his awesome father,
and was smart enough when the LORD asked him what he wanted,
he said "Wisdom" and therefore got it all, and was also able to go and get
treasures and precious goods from the far lands of the earth,
including "The Land Of Ophir" that apparently made
his kingdom the wealthiest in the world, in it's day...

King Solomon also wrote some of the most philosophical and deeply
spiritual passages of his understanding, pertaining to his personal experiences.
Some of his writings being romantic, offering summaries in his conclusion of wisdom...

But Solomon's heart was said to have been turned away from The LORD,
The God of his Fathers, by his wives from other lands, who had other gods (Other Spirits)...

So was David really the one that was the wisest, and best realized
the true treasure, though he maybe had less gold, silver, gemstones,
or Solomon, who had a lot already done for him when he started to reign?

He really had it all as far as worldly goods, and then in retrospect,
wisely saw things more in the way of vanities... What happened?
He did get to build the temple where and how he was instructed,
on The Temple Mount, in Jerusalem...

Maybe he did indeed lose a lot of major treasures, even before his death,
and the division of his father's kingdom into the 10 northern tribes called Israel,
and Judah and Benjamin, the 2 tribes of Judea.

It really stands to reason that they must have lost a lot of money,
in all aspects of their mining ventures, before they were even spoiled,
and taken into captivity, but who knows what they did accumulate,
or where... :3barsgold: :coins: :goldtrophy: :treasurechest: :cross:

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At my old house when I was a kid around the age of 12. I remember walking in the kitchen. Well my parents were still up it was around one I was getting a glass of water. I didn't bother turning the light on in the kitchen because the light from the living room illuminated it enough to walk to the sink. Also my eyes were adjusted to the dark so no big deal right?

So I walk into the kitchen at the door way I see a light green faint ball of light. I'm thinking ohh its just a reflection from some glass item in the living room. It was by the coffee pot which was in front of the door way on the other side of the room. Sink on right by it. I'm walking I get closer it sort of floats around the pot. I'm still tired thinking its a reflection. I reach above the pot for a cup in the cabinet it moves to the left of me over the sink. Now I'm thinking wtf is going on here. I start pouring up my cup with h2o. Then it starts moving to the left more and floating around doing circles going up down right left over the stove. It could not of been a reflection at the point it reached the stove due to it being on the wall the door way is on. I get done with pouring my glass and its still floating around just chillin in the kitchen. I go back to my room thinking wait I'm turning on the kitchen light. I return to the kitchen its still chillin I turn the light on. It disappears I turn it back off and its still not there.

It was quite I can't get to bed cause if I get tapped on the pinky unno. I'll go crazy lol. I know spirits are real hell I don't mind if I catch a glimpse of one. However don't touch me or invade dreams or posses me lol. If I recall the night my finger was touched by god knows what I was having quite the bad dream. Was it a spirit? Was it just waking me up because it could tell I was having a bad dream? Unno, all I know is sometimes my dreams are scary at times I'm not talking just scary. I'm talking about I wake up and wonder if that was a dream or if it was real. Sometimes they are so real they have very fine details of my house or where ever the dream is located.

Yes I am convinced. In the case of the Tayopa from the start i am convinced that an unseen power has chosen me to uncover it.

Those that know me, the Indians, say that I am a reincarnet Jesuit Oro will love that !

From the very start with Yeager's bell 'Gudalupe de Tayopa' on. I knew tht Tayopa was not a fiction but real. Whenever I became stuck with nowhere to turn an additional clue would be presented and I could go on for a bit, even money when it ran out, would be provided, but only enough to cover the problem, never an excess - reminds me of the individual Jesuit vow of poverty ????.

In essence I believe that I was only a tool. Yes, you can say that I believe in them,

a report on recovery Jodie'

Don Jose de La Mancha

"Only a tool" for what purposes?

"Only a tool" for what purposes?
reminds me of testing my mothers telepathic ability using playing cards: sorting ten thru ace and making a deck of 20 cards, mom began to try and guess both the card and suit as I looked at each card.... She guessed the first three cards for both suit and rank...when I shouted; "let's go to Vegas!" The remainder of the deck produced no correct guesses for rank or suit! She simply said I am not meant to profit by it! By average one should guess 5 for suit and 4 by rank... So her guesses were still within the range of probability, but I learned something and my treasure hunting seems to take a similar path... I make low value historical it is revealing a story of the past...

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