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You guys are funny, kinda krazy, or maybe daring, I guess that's part of what it takes...

I'm not skeered either, look who's ridin' shotgun, 7 happy Angels + Friends

:laughing9: :angel9::angel11::angel5::angel8::angel4::angel7::coffee: :angel5: :icon_sunny: :happy3: :tongue3:

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Hmm I wouldn't mind a ghost but a poltruguist (spell check?) Or a demon and I'm out lol

GOOD way to get rid of "BAD" Spirit is Native American Way... Ritual of SMUDGING; WARNING: It smells like POT! LOL! I used ROYAL SAGE (Herb) in a Oyster Shell, or you get a Smudging Stick from your local POW-WOW... "google" Smudging Rituals.

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Would the Highway Patrolman understand if he stopped you, say for speeding,
and smelled this smudge wreaking on you, on your way back home from using it?

He may tell you to stand over in the ditch and watch him tear your vehicle apart...

Could lose a lot of time before he decided nothing wrong, ticket and let you go.

There weren't the illegal herb laws, back when the Indians used it.
Gotta' be another way... :cross:

:laughing7: HA! Try using SMUDGING RITUAL in a MAX Security Prison in Virginia; TRUE story... I was Treatment Programs Supervisor & Top Administer On Duty (Acting Warden per assigned schedule); the FEDS in @ 1990 stated ALL Inmates were to be given SPECIAL DIETS & RELIGIOUS Programing (ie, MORE than just CHRISTIANS.) We had World Community of Islam, Nation of Islam, Native Americans DRUM, Jewish sects (Black or White, etc.). We had KOSHER Diets, Veggie Diets, etc. It was MY job to create space for various Faiths, beyond Christians... they had their own Sponsor. With my University MINOR in Religion, and being Inter-Faith, I became Inter-Faith Special Religion Programing Sponsor & worked with other staff on Special Diets for "qualified" inmates. The TRUE story on SMUDGING: I have Powhatan blood & and am 1/4 Monacan Nation... so, DRUM ask me to join them... I did. They wanted a Sweat Lodge... I said NO. We met outside on "the Yard" in a circle... NO Drums. We also met inside, in the Visiting Room; outside Visitor provided a Smudging Stick; Smudged "The Circle", with a Security Guard at the door. Security Guard told Watch Commander, "Lt.; Mr. T is smoking POT with the Indians!" LOL!
I out-ranked Lt. as TOD (Captain), and he asked me about it. I laughed and explained what SMUDGING was about, and NO, we were NOT smoking POT! We BOTH laughed & I told him to "pass the info" along to the guards; we did, during FORMATION, the NEXT day... all 3 shifts got the info. LOL! "POT-smoking Indians" with Acting Warden joining in... ROFL. :coffee2: 8-)

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Interesting story Rebel,

Good to hear about your Ancestry and interesting work history too... :cross:

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Rebel, your remark on prisons struck a memory chord. I remember working at San Quintin, max security, that we had an hour for music practice.

All went well except for one colored gentleman who loved to play hs bongo drums, he managed to drown out the others

Numerous request to not play them so energetically failed to quiet him down, until one day somebody commented on his ancestry and yelled out "Let the poor S.O.B. alone he is just cumunicatng with his dead mother.

Complete silence for a brief moment, then the hell exploded with laughter and crude rremarks - == strangely enough he never played them again.

So much with communicating wirh past spirits.
Don Jose de La Mancha

Hi again. Every end of Oct I hava to go with my Yaqui friends to have dinneer with our departed ones at the grave yard..

We lay out a blanket then load it with a feast and invte them to eat first.

after suitable period we ask them if they have had enough, then we pitch in.

I don't ever recall hearing their answer, but someone must :laughing7:

I found the same custom in old China, I was invited to dinner with the departed. They were more elaborate than with the Yaqui.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Rebel, your remark on prisons struck a memory chord. I remember working at San Quintin, max security, that we had an hour for music practice.

All went well except for one colored gentleman who loved to play hs bongo drums, he managed to drown out the others

Numerous request to not play them so energetically failed to quiet him down, until one day somebody commented on his ancestry and yelled out "Let the poor S.O.B. alone he is just cumunicatng with his dead mother.

Complete silence for a brief moment, then the hell exploded with laughter and crude rremarks - == strangely enough he never played them again.

So much with communicating wirh past spirits.
Don Jose de La Mancha

HA! THAT is why I DID NOT allow Drums "magic" for DRUM (Dedicated Red-Men ["Indians"] United Movement); a "Branch" of AIM (American Indian Movement) with some of the SD "Indians" at MY Max Prison in Virginia; didn't need a bunch of Indian Ghosties running AMUCK! Whenever I joined FORMATION at the beginning of my TOD shift, for the "changing of the Security Guards", and there was a FULL MOON, I would tell the "Troops"... "FULL MOON out there tonight, be CAREFUL, be VERY careful!" I was TOD, 3-11 p.m.; ALWAYS got NERVOUS laughter/giggling. We had Female Officers, too.

Full Moon, Yeaahhh... Turn It Up! LOL :thumbsup: :hello:

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Crosse de Sign - that looks like a really cool spot amigo, and those carvings are especially interesting! Not the modern initials type, but that "eye" symbol looks like something very ancient, the "eye of Baal" and often a part of a Tanit symbol. May I ask where that spot is? (In a general way, no specifics)

Crosse de Sign - that looks like a really cool spot amigo, and those carvings are especially interesting! Not the modern initials type, but that "eye" symbol looks like something very ancient, the "eye of Baal" and often a part of a Tanit symbol. May I ask where that spot is? (In a general way, no specifics)

Oro, interesting comment about the eye, can you fill me in a little more?
Who would have used it, if that's what it is?
It's located north of Mexico, south of the Dakotas, somewhere around the middle.
OK, a good clue the ARKANSAS River runs :laughing7:
Thanks for your interest and comment... :cross:

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Oro, interesting comment about the eye, can you fill me in a little more?
Who would have used it, if that's what it is?
It's north of Mexico, south of the Dakotas... :laughing7:
Thanks for your interest and comment. :cross:

OK so the location is NOT on the far side of ye olde big pond (Atlantic) where such a symbol would not be out of place.

The eye of Baal would be Phoenician, representing the seeing eye of the great god Baal (Hammon) and often portrayed as topping the image of the goddess Tanit (Punic mainly rather than strictly Phoenician) aka "Tanit pene Baal" or Tanit the face of Baal. Like this one:
<borrowed from>

As you can see the "eye" part makes the top of the symbol, and could be used alone.

As a symbol it also carries meanings, one of which is simply that "god" is watching you there. Not the god of Christianity/Judaism or Islam, but the ancient Baal of Phoenician and Celtic religious beliefs. At such a spot, finding a symbol like that could indicate the site is a holy site for sacrifice, and as you know their religion included human sacrifice. This could result in a very haunted spot, if one believes in such things that is.

Are there any other odd carvings around that spot, which do not look like modern "Janie loves Bobby" stuff? Thank you in advance,

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

PS - by any chance, is there an old swamp or bog near by? Or a former swamp, one that dried up? Just curious, but these were considered "magical" places by Phoenicians and Celts as you probably know; human sacrificial victims could be thrown into bogs or swamps as a part of the ritual, the victims often being killed after memorizing a special message for the 'gods'. I realize that our historians do not allow that any Phoenicians came to America but I am convinced they, or to be specific, Carthaginians did, and left their calling cards in various places much as the Norse did in northern areas.

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PPS forgot to ask one more question, is there a good sized river or stream near by as well? Thank you in advance. :coffee2:

OK so the location is NOT on the far side of ye olde big pond (Atlantic) where such a symbol would not be out of place.

The eye of Baal would be Phoenician, representing the seeing eye of the great god Baal (Hammon) and often portrayed as topping the image of the goddess Tanit (Punic mainly rather than strictly Phoenician) aka "Tanit pene Baal" or Tanit the face of Baal. Like this one:
View attachment 1010208
<borrowed from>

As you can see the "eye" part makes the top of the symbol, and could be used alone.

As a symbol it also carries meanings, one of which is simply that "god" is watching you there. Not the god of Christianity/Judaism or Islam, but the ancient Baal of Phoenician and Celtic religious beliefs. At such a spot, finding a symbol like that could indicate the site is a holy site for sacrifice, and as you know their religion included human sacrifice. This could result in a very haunted spot, if one believes in such things that is.

Are there any other odd carvings around that spot, which do not look like modern "Janie loves Bobby" stuff? Thank you in advance,

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

PS - by any chance, is there an old swamp or bog near by? Or a former swamp, one that dried up? Just curious, but these were considered "magical" places by Phoenicians and Celts as you probably know; human sacrificial victims could be thrown into bogs or swamps as a part of the ritual, the victims often being killed after memorizing a special message for the 'gods'. I realize that our historians do not allow that any Phoenicians came to America but I am convinced they, or to be specific, Carthaginians did, and left their calling cards in various places much as the Norse did in northern areas.

Oro, Thanks Much for the info, interesting. Creek (close), and river (miles) yes, maybe an old bog in bottom, could've been. Will look closer for that symbol,
is possibly similar. Cave opening somewhat n/e, have not checked degrees...

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Is THAT a "Hooked-X"...? Hmmmm... The ORIGINAL Knights Templar were indicated to have been in Texas; KT Sword was found there... COULD have been a "Trade Object", tho. KT got CELTIC "influence" from travels in Ireland, on to America, "google" Knights Templar Tower, USA. HH!

Is THAT a "Hooked-X"...? Hmmmm... The ORIGINAL Knights Templar were indicated to have been in Texas; KT Sword was found there... COULD have been a "Trade Object", tho. KT got CELTIC "influence" from travels in Ireland, on to America, "google" Knights Templar Tower, USA. HH!

Not sure anything like Kensington Rune Stone, or any other rune, etc.
... :cross:

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