Hola amigo and my apologies for heading off into the weeds this time but to try to answer your request, I ask your indulgence.
You already saw the Tanit symbol, which is Carthaginian absolutely; it was used by other peoples within their sphere of influence but is linked to Carthage as their patron goddess of the city.
A palm tree is also the symbol of 'home' for all Phoenicians, and a palm tree with horse head is Carthage's trade symbol. They also used just a horse head, besides the palm alone, a play on their origin legend (the founding queen Dido/Elyssayat supposedly saw in a dream that they would found a city at a spot where a horse head would be found, and on top of the hill that dominated the city, her men found a horse skull).
A swan is the symbol of Tyre, as you know the city state of king Hiram, friend of kings David and Solomon;
A strange dwarf with feather headdress is the symbol of Ebusus, a Phoenician colony in the Balaeric islands;
A fish is the symbol of Sidon, which name (in Phoenician) means "fish"; Sidon was another powerful and rich city state of Phoenicia:
The Caduceus, a sign usually associated with medicine and doctors today, originates in Carthage and was another symbol frequently seen on their monuments; the meaning is not 100% clear but may be linked to their god of healing, Eshmun
The long cross, usually tilted to one side, is associated with Tyre (usually) and linked to the goddess Astarte; some have theorized that this cross really means the cross-staff, a tool used by ancient mariners to find their latitude when navigating.
Each letter of the Phoenician alphabet is also a word, so that "g" or "gimel" also means "camel"; "b" or "beth" means "house"etc. A simple message could be composed of just single letters.
There are many more symbols and numbers involved, too much to list in a single post, but just something to consider; the Phoenicians were very much prospectors and miners, and like the Spanish later, amassed great treasures. When their homelands were conquered, many of those treasures were never found.
View attachment 1011130
<Treasure of Carambolo>
Treasure of El Carambolo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Phoenician alphabet
Phoenician Alphabet Origin
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<Punic alphabet is slightly different but very similar, and all of these are written right to left not left to right>
Good luck and good hunting amigos I hope I have not bored you with this, not sure how to tie in to the topic.