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Hi Treemaster, though I can't make out all that you circled,
there is some interesting things I can see in some of your pics...
I'll just go with Him as long as I can, as long as he let's me live,
and speak the most powerful names, I use Yeshua in the Hebrew,
also The ancient sacred name of The Great I Am, Yahovah...

If you have found something, I am happy for you. We all have our preferences,
and I respect other's beliefs. We know there are definitely different spirits at work,
for different reasons and purposes...

Viking treasures? Merlin? If only we really knew all secrets that time and spirits
have disguised and hidden...

Once you let the Genie out of the bottle, you can't put him back... And so it is with spirits... :skullflag:

I wanted the genie to be free but for some reason it has been very challenging every since for me.

MAP Dowsing really isn't that hard; start with BIG "general" map, going to smaller maps of "areas of interest" (DETAILS). HOW...? PENDULUM, Swinging in a "clock-wise" direction to "POINT of Interest"; Pendulum with "pointer-piece" or pieces of GOLD, SILVER, etc on string, taking a DEEP breath, then exhaling it (sending "spiritual" power or EMPOWERING the Pendulum/string/"pointer", enabling it to "point"; point out detailed location. THEN, the "on-the-ground" LEG WORK begins... If area is PUBLIC area; PROBABLY no TH'ing nor MD'ing. If PRIVATE area... get land-owner's permission (MAY be "armed & dangerous"). Be aware of ALL Country/Fed/State/County Laws related to your "adventure"... HH!

Rebel-KGC Ha! I'm honestly very reserved about this technique, and that's all except I agree much with coazon de oro's position here. It seems a lot like guessing.
I'd have to see it proof positive beyond a shadow of a doubt, even with trying to keep an open mind,
naturally this is another one that I'd have to experience personally, and that more than once...

Europe ran a similar bike but smaller head. A 250. They did not have as many hills I suppose being the reason.
Yes,stories of fun times. I needed a part to stop an oil leak where potmetal was cracked, think it was behind the clutch. A gorilla of a guy where I was working had built a Harley up from an engine he acquired from a farmer who had used it to pump water. The place my co worker was living at came with a Honda 350 in the garage his buddies would shoot with b.b. guns. "Come git chur part" he says. So to the big city and found his place with the Honda sitting upside down in his driveway. Took about an half hour and lots of tear down to pull what I needed. Not sure why it seemed to bother him with the usual dislike of riceburners but he must have seen more value in it when it was a bit of dis assembly than originally thought, and he seemed to brighten when it was finally done when asking,"how much you give me?" I opened my wallet to expose three dollars. Brightness dimmed and he said "alright".

We all would have loved to ride a Harley or Indian first off, but as you said
for some of us, we had to work to take and get fixed up what we did gettin' mobile,
as we found a match of our money and available machine...

A friend that got me started working on cars, let me ride his clean '69 Triumph 650 Bonneville Chopper to class 1 day & tune it a bit. That was pretty sweet, I thought back then...

I think of cruising with my cousin in a nice '55 Chevy Sedan hearing Peter Cetera with Chicago singing "Fun Days" and can manage a good smile 8-)...

Rebel-KGC Ha! I'm honestly very reserved about this technique, and that's all except I agree much with coazon de oro's position here. It seems a lot like guessing.
I'd have to see it proof positive beyond a shadow of a doubt, even with trying to keep an open mind,
naturally this is another one that I'd have to experience personally, and that more than once...

OK, do it, then. HH!

Once you let the Genie out of the bottle, you can't put him back... And so it is with spirits... :skullflag:
Hi Hot zone;
With all respect, I don't scare that easy, but know spirits can be scary though they
can possibly be silenced or stopped.

Yes some are harder to deal with than others, depending on what one does...

Who is stronger, the Genie?

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I wanted the genie to be free but for some reason it has been very challenging every since for me.

8-) I don't really want the Genie to be free at all, even if it makes Big promises,
but that is a bit hilarious...

Hope you can get him or her reeled back in :tongue3::laughing7::laughing9:... LOL!

Yeah the Genie was put back in by my father And a being with skeleton head claiming to be GOD.

:coffee2:8-) I'll Share Another Event That Happened, At The Jesse James Cave...

It Was Getting A Little Dusky When We Turned West To Hike Out, And I Noticed Almost Straight Overhead, A Little Bit South And West, The Moon Caught My Eye... About A Quarter Crescent, Fairly Close And Bright, Laying Down On It's Back With A Bright Star Inside Of It... Don't Remember Ever Seeing It Look Quite Like That Before, Especially With The Star Inside, And I Took It As A Good Sign... ~: CDS :~
I'll say, a sign that there was a star between the moon and Earth or you were looking right through the darkened portion of the moon... Either way a rare phenomena indeed!:laughing7:

<img src=""/> ...Hope everyone has safe, fun & happy memorial days 8-)
. Good Evening, Crosse. Happy Memorial Day (tomorrow). I hope you're doing great!

I'll say, a sign that there was a star between the moon and Earth or you were looking right through the darkened portion of the moon... Either way a rare phenomena indeed!:laughing7:

8-) Hi Hot zone, I appreciate your comment and humor,
and seem to have noticed that the crescent moon with a star has some
possible important significance to various entities. I suppose it could have
just been a coincidence that I observed that alignment at that time...
Thanks for your interpretation of my heavenly vision :icon_thumleft:

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. Good Evening, Crosse. Happy Memorial Day (tomorrow). I hope you're doing great!

Howdy to you too Mastiff4me, good to see your post and been hoping you are doing good also.
We had a good day yesterday, and hope you did too. May you be happy and enjoy the summer.
Sincerely wishing you all the best... 8-) ~: Crosse :~

I copied over my last reply in the thread "ever have an entity invade your proximity" There's an additional posting at the end, that is not on the other thread.

Thank you all for your replies.
Oroblanco, I will hafta take some time to get through the 30 something pages on the other thread and thank you for directing us there. Also say "hello" to the Mrs, I think the world of her and you.

I, at times, have had to question my sanity and/or power of the mind, when audible things come in to my proximity.
I'm kinda sure the explosions and gunshot blasts, that at times, go off right next to my head or within a few feet of me are just latent symptoms of PTDS/PTSD (however they arrange them letters). Those seem to happen at times of great stress and/or anxiety.

As too, the few times I have heard audible voices, directly speaking to me, (through my mind?, in real life/time?). On those occasions, if anyone had of been with me, I would have turned and asked them, "did you just hear what I heard"?
I even inquired of one of the voices once, "AM I CRAZY, or did I just hear what I thought I heard"? and the voice REPEATS back to me, what it originally told me. Like I said, it leaves one(me) questioning their(my) sanity.

I finally just asked the ALL, please don't talk to me no more! LOL! So for now...... no more.
I quit inquiring and seeking, cause, well, it's just a little too weird.

I know there are others/things/entities out there. Or, is it really just from within our own minds?
I tend to think not, in that, they are different, I can't exactly pinpoint how, I just know they are.
SEE! Doesn't that sound like a crazy person? Dang brain antennae! LOL!
Trust me, ignorance is bliss!

When you have heard the voice(s), of what I can only describe as "legion", yeah, you don't want to hear no more.

I copied over my last reply in the thread "ever have an entity invade your proximity" There's an additional posting at the end, that is not on the other thread.

Thank you all for your replies.
Oroblanco, I will hafta take some time to get through the 30 something pages on the other thread and thank you for directing us there. Also say "hello" to the Mrs, I think the world of her and you.

I, at times, have had to question my sanity and/or power of the mind, when audible things come in to my proximity.
I'm kinda sure the explosions and gunshot blasts, that at times, go off right next to my head or within a few feet of me are just latent symptoms of PTDS/PTSD (however they arrange them letters). Those seem to happen at times of great stress and/or anxiety.

As too, the few times I have heard audible voices, directly speaking to me, (through my mind?, in real life/time?). On those occasions, if anyone had of been with me, I would have turned and asked them, "did you just hear what I heard"?
I even inquired of one of the voices once, "AM I CRAZY, or did I just hear what I thought I heard"? and the voice REPEATS back to me, what it originally told me. Like I said, it leaves one(me) questioning their(my) sanity.

I finally just asked the ALL, please don't talk to me no more! LOL! So for now...... no more.
I quit inquiring and seeking, cause, well, it's just a little too weird.

I know there are others/things/entities out there. Or, is it really just from within our own minds?
I tend to think not, in that, they are different, I can't exactly pinpoint how, I just know they are.
SEE! Doesn't that sound like a crazy person? Dang brain antennae! LOL!
Trust me, ignorance is bliss!

When you have heard the voice(s), of what I can only describe as "legion", yeah, you don't want to hear no more.

8-)This is not an easy one to post, but due to the nature of what you're saying, here goes.
Since I don't know what you've been through, this is blind but still always true... I know quite well how spirits can really mess with ones thoughts.

Your situation sounds a bit complicated, not impossible though, lucifer hates for me to try to help anyone, tries to mess with me, but cannot prevent the power of the spoken word. As long as I live he knows I will always try, so does The LORD GOD, who is stronger.

Legion was what the group of many demons called themselves when Jesus asked, casting them out of the man they were tormenting. Remember satan that old devil is a liar! If you are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, then you're likely weakened, you will need good help if you know someone strong in faith before you address them. For whatever caused the PTSD, have you had counseling or therapy?

I don't fear any of them because if they could, they would already have gotten rid of me. I know this and so do they. So speak the name Jesus, Yeshua is powerful in the ancient Hebrew, if you believe, tell them to get behind you in his name. They hate his name. But Jesus is more powerful. Get someone strong to help you in faith if you need help. Evil spirits are very real but mostly hide in another dimension, but GOD has power over that dimension too. Get anything out of your house if there's anything that they may have claim to.

Take and seperate a little amount olive oil and pray to the LORD Yahovah to bless it for anointing in Jesus name, and smear it all over your house door frames, tops and sides, window frames if you like, command any evil spirits to leave and not come back. Then study all that Jesus said and memorize what you can, think about that all the time, that's how you keep them from coming back to continue harassing you. If they leave and come back they can bring more and be worse.

Listen to Christian radio, if you like, the written and spoken word, hearing and singing the scriptures works, and helps give one peace... Like a two edged sword, even sharper, God's word is extremely powerful on your behalf, and you simply have to learn how to use it, speak it, believe it, it works. Be very careful if driving, don't allow yourself to be distracted at all, smear a little oil on yourself and or your car if you want, can't hurt, and speak faith in his name.

Let no one tell you otherwise, if you can say Jesus' name, you can be free, believe it, HE IS stronger, but for a legion it WILL be a battle. Take care... It is my true and sincere hope that this will help someone to learn to be free in their life and mind, and to find the treasures they seek, maybe also even help others, and if possible to accomplish their potential preordained destinies, and I say this humbly, and as a known victor.

I have experienced a lot of loss and tragedy in my life. I also have all hope and faith in him. Yes there are absolutely good and bad spirits, so seek after the LORD while he may be found, he's no respecter of persons, but will always confirm his own perfect word, so use it in faith and win.

I have never suggested or advocated that anyone should ever use divination, or ANYONE, or seek spirits of the dead or living at all, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING other than the Holy Spirit of The Most High God Yahovah, in Jesus name, mixed with the pure faith like as a child. Because He Dearly Loves All Of HIS Chidren...

But pertaining to toying or getting involved with any unknown or familiar spirits, GOD warns about the dangers, and says that it displeases Him very much, that the person would be pierced through with many sorrows... He said he would add NO sorrow to it, however, when you learn to and do it his way...

He's the only one Spirit I hope you would ever want to ask help you, to safely find treasure, before, during, after, and in Yeshua's blessed name, IMHO, period.
Always, In Faith... :cross:

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yes its true i have photo`s and evidence and the key is to please them in the proper way ,,remember this,,they are powerful,,very? get the key right and they will unlock it for you,, get it wrong and they not give,,really i have tested this ?,,100% and if you not believe in them dont bother digging coz you wont get ??

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