Naaa Crosse, just put some Amdro on that anthill.

You have to watch those froggy legs, and buffalo loin. Man it don't get no better than this.

I think I'll try the elderberry, never had that before, fill'er to the rim. Any good story to enjoy spice it up?

Oh, yeah coazon I wasn't bragging on my cooking, thought you were still at the wheel...
As you wish, slap them goodies on the grill, hickorywood fire is just right now...
But as far as a story, hmm here we are full to the rim and let's toast to a good year
of recovery for us, and all of our good trusted friends...
Fast healing for all who need it, stronger families & faith than ever,
and safety in advance for all our peoples...
To success (klink-klink-klink-klink-klink-klink-klink-klink)... Sip, ahh...
A story hmm kinda' drawing a blank right now, let me see...
A little more yes gracias, pretty good homemade uh...
Nice sunset, reminds me of the other day earlier in the thread,
I was talking about owls, and how they say that different bird's visiting,
can mean different things of some very serious significance...
Like my Cherokee Indian friend says he was taught a crow's appearance means
someone's gonna' visit, or maybe go away, but I had a different experience
the same night, right about the time I wrote the owl stories...
Well, I didn't say anything, but that night after reminiscing the owl
experiences, I was hearing sounds I thought were familiar, but was busy,
and forgot about it 'till next day, then again kept hearing soft familiar sounds
like coming down my old rock chimney that's not been used for many years now...
Hey, I thought as I walked out of the front door, and just as I stepped
off the porch, there flew a nice pair of Doves...
Wow! I thought, from what I understand, hope that means peace is here calling to us...
That's the first time I ever had Doves cooing down the chimney to me,
and now periodically on the electric line, and they seem to be hanging around,
not a real big deal, though could be possibly a really good sign?... Everyone, Cheers!