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Naaa Crosse, just put some Amdro on that anthill.:laughing7: You have to watch those froggy legs, and buffalo loin. Man it don't get no better than this.:headbang: I think I'll try the elderberry, never had that before, fill'er to the rim. Any good story to enjoy spice it up?


8-) Oh, yeah coazon I wasn't bragging on my cooking, thought you were still at the wheel...
As you wish, slap them goodies on the grill, hickorywood fire is just right now...

But as far as a story, hmm here we are full to the rim and let's toast to a good year
of recovery for us, and all of our good trusted friends...

Fast healing for all who need it, stronger families & faith than ever,
and safety in advance for all our peoples...
To success (klink-klink-klink-klink-klink-klink-klink-klink)... Sip, ahh...

A story hmm kinda' drawing a blank right now, let me see...
A little more yes gracias, pretty good homemade uh...

Nice sunset, reminds me of the other day earlier in the thread,
I was talking about owls, and how they say that different bird's visiting,
can mean different things of some very serious significance...

Like my Cherokee Indian friend says he was taught a crow's appearance means
someone's gonna' visit, or maybe go away, but I had a different experience
the same night, right about the time I wrote the owl stories...

Well, I didn't say anything, but that night after reminiscing the owl
experiences, I was hearing sounds I thought were familiar, but was busy,
and forgot about it 'till next day, then again kept hearing soft familiar sounds
like coming down my old rock chimney that's not been used for many years now...

Hey, I thought as I walked out of the front door, and just as I stepped
off the porch, there flew a nice pair of Doves...

Wow! I thought, from what I understand, hope that means peace is here calling to us...

That's the first time I ever had Doves cooing down the chimney to me,
and now periodically on the electric line, and they seem to be hanging around,
not a real big deal, though could be possibly a really good sign?... Everyone, Cheers! :angel7::angel7:

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Thanks Guerita, for cleaning up the mess, glad to see you feeling better, and thanks for the Texas brew. What a night, the shell got scraped clean, then after too much of Truckinbutch's special, Don Jose put it on his head like a helmet.:laughing7:

Your story sounds like others which claim that some gem, or object is cursed, and most who come in contact with the gem, or object die more sooner than later. So yes, I do believe that bad spirits can be connected to an object. Glad they decided to remove it in time.

Crosse, why did you let the chicken get away? ???

I do day dream of that box, maybe I was the first to see it after just enough erosion made the corner visible? I had no problem wading into the very shallow pool, but as I said, I have never seen my wife so scared. She was begging me not to do it, and I did not want to frighten her even more.

Dillo, the other other white meat. Nobody goes around licking someone else's fingers because they are eating pork.:laughing9:


Back on treasures like gemstones or whatever, with some real problems for the holder(s) of the goodie(s)...

I honestly don't know much about this, though I know it is a very serious & real situation that's potentially dangerous...
I mentioned I do pray a lot, and often. Do I always know what's coming at me... 'Course not.
Yes I have had some serious accidents, escaped some worse, or death but I don't consider myself religious, just an humble man of faith with hopes, and would like to have an edge... Don't mean I will, but my way of trying...

Anyway one beautiful night about 33 yrs. ago in So. Cal. I was on a very nice cool evening sunset ride on my little honda 350 motorcycle, I had recently freshened it up, rebuilt motor in Vo-Tech, & had a Hooker header on, and it ran pretty good. I drove all the way down to Hwy. 71, a 4-way with flashing red for me...

No one was coming from any of four directions, and this was remote getting into the hills with no houses right there then. I sat there thinking momentarily to decide whether to go straight or turn right.

Though I don't recall hearing anything, I looked over my right shoulder back north where I'd just come from...

I really couldn't believe my eyes, there were 8 or so various full grown dogs, running wild at full speed toward me, a serious look on their faces, giving it all they had and closing in on maybe 30 yards... I couldn't believe what I was Seeing, and made sure of smooth clutch take off making a right turn toward Walter Mittys up on Holt Blvd. (where the rock band Van Halen had gotten started)...

I had never heard of wild dogs there just a few miles down south out of town...
I thought that's something you may see in a scary movie, but I still can't believe it
happened to me... 8-) :coffee2:

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k, need a shot of Kentucky tranquilizer in my coffee, head already hurts just thinking on how to explain in basic words my own distorted idea on duendes, spirits and Ghosties.

As is generally acknowledged we are composed of almost an infinite no of frequencies which is created through harmonice and subharmonics.from the original one. zero.

It is proposed that we are effectively a mobile energy transmitter and receiver for practical purposes. Likewise, It has been proposed that as such, we are constantly projecting and receiving modulating fields. that some, like sun spots, break free of our normal energy limit to go off into space where they continue indefinitely gradually growing weaker, but never die out.

So if this is somewhat correct then any unusual experience (?) will send out multiple waves of these energy bursts representing these anomalies / stimuli , which eventually curve back upon the originator via curved space. such as the center, inside of a sphere

If any receptive field / organism is in the path, all are, and the basic frequency is a harmonic of the receptor, it may ultimately be evolved as a physical sense as we do with all other senses or experiences.

In the human factor if we experience a strong stimuli we tend to project that data, which according to the energy theory never completely dies out and can be picked up by another person whom we tend to call clairvoyan, or a sensitive.

Ah shucks you know what I am attempting to say. gimme me my coffee .

Take it from there X heart. It exists and works, including the well ridiculed dowsing. I will explain why I know soon, if interested.

Don Jose de La Mancha ( who is now confused, tongue tied, and lost )

Hi Don Jose, Amigo :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:8-)
This is part of a complicated scientific theory that helps explain that we are spirits,
that do interact with other spirits? Yes, I need more coffee & a Bayer.
The spirit is willing, but the flesh sometimes needs time to adjust, or have a think break...
So adjusting, & going with the flow of what may happen quickly can be very important key?

Though I have not dowsed, I come from a family of dowsers, & have heard of some evidence
that it works, I think body magnetism is evident more so with some people?
Any one have any Stories? Are some people like metal or spirit magnets, or?...

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Dowsing? Yup, it works (for _me_ anyway)!
I have never tried dowsing for metals, but used to do for water when young.
Funny thing is, my mum could do it, I could do it - my dad and brother could not!
Go figger!

HA! It was called WATER WITCHING in MY younger days; found MANY h2o (water) lines, sources, pipes.... It has to do with being "tuned" in. Isn't there a "thread" on TN on drowsing...? Never been there, as I know it works, with experience.

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:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:8-) Thanks Loke & Rebel,
for commenting on dowsing so far & maybe Don Jose will find time for a visit,
and tell a story or two, since he brought it up on this thread first I believe...

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Btw - I could never find 'stagnant water' by dowsing - it _had_ to be running water. This opens up a completely different can of worms (and not the worms ya use for fishing!!)
Water runs, which amongst other things cause friction, causes a slight temp rise, again might interfer with magnetic fields etc etc etc
Again - obviously - you have to be 'attuned' to it (which my dad and brother obviously were not).
My wife always thought it was snake-oil until I held her hands while she held the y-shaped twig - then she experienced it as well! When I took my hands away - she could not do it.
Ahhh - there must be magic in the air - but at least she is now a believer!!

Oh and by-the-way - yes there is a dowsing forum here on tnet, and I must admit I do visit from time to time. However, their kind of dowsing is finding minerals from a map! (or a GE-cutout). Being somewhat scientific in leaning, I can somehow relate to finding water (*chuckles* quite apart from being able to do it myself). I believe I can even accept dowing with feet on the ground (ie walking with your metal rods over an area). However, I can find no earthly reason why dowsing a map in the comfort of your home could possibly work. I cannot say categorically that it doesn't - I just cannot think of any rational explanation why it should!

Oh and by-the-way - yes there is a dowsing forum here on tnet, and I must admit I do visit from time to time. However, their kind of dowsing is finding minerals from a map! (or a GE-cutout). Being somewhat scientific in leaning, I can somehow relate to finding water (*chuckles* quite apart from being able to do it myself). I believe I can even accept dowing with feet on the ground (ie walking with your metal rods over an area). However, I can find no earthly reason why dowsing a map in the comfort of your home could possibly work. I cannot say categorically that it doesn't - I just cannot think of any rational explanation why it should!

I have never tried to dowse for water, but I have used rods to dowse for natural gas pipelines. I also felt it was more reliable than trying to locate the pipeline with electronic detectors. I found that any metal would work. I have used bronze, copper, and barbed wire rods to find gas lines, water lines of any material, with or without water. I have even noticed that if you try to locate a line in the ground, and happen to have a power line above, the rods will cross under the power line.

I too have my doubts about dowsing a map. I would have to see at least three different people dowse the same map in a blind test. If they point to the same spot, or spots I would be sold.


Oh and by-the-way - yes there is a dowsing forum here on tnet, and I must admit I do visit from time to time. However, their kind of dowsing is finding minerals from a map! (or a GE-cutout). Being somewhat scientific in leaning, I can somehow relate to finding water (*chuckles* quite apart from being able to do it myself). I believe I can even accept dowing with feet on the ground (ie walking with your metal rods over an area). However, I can find no earthly reason why dowsing a map in the comfort of your home could possibly work. I cannot say categorically that it doesn't - I just cannot think of any rational explanation why it should!

YES, "focus" is on minerals, treasures, etc. I will share how I did "Water-Witching" locating h2o; drink LOTS of WATER! Law of Attraction! SO! Put a mineral, piece of REAL Gold in yer pocket; THEN, Relax/Focus... "SEE"! Treasure... do you have a piece of "rock carving", tree bark or SOMETHING...? HH! Good Luck!

Btw - I could never find 'stagnant water' by dowsing - it _had_ to be running water. This opens up a completely different can of worms (and not the worms ya use for fishing!!)
Water runs, which amongst other things cause friction, causes a slight temp rise, again might interfer with magnetic fields etc etc etc
Again - obviously - you have to be 'attuned' to it (which my dad and brother obviously were not).
My wife always thought it was snake-oil until I held her hands while she held the y-shaped twig - then she experienced it as well! When I took my hands away - she could not do it.
Ahhh - there must be magic in the air - but at least she is now a believer!!


I now use TWO clothes hanger wires, in an "L" shape"; short end is 3'', and long end is 7" or so. When wires "cross"... THERE ya go! HH!


8-)Hi y'all thanks, I am really enjoying your interesting stories and info you're sharing,
and I'm sure other folks are too...

Yeah, Grandpa said he had different metals, a little gold, silver, nickel,
and whatever else wrapped to a neat point, kinda like an old soldering iron
at the end of his special forked (willow?) stick wrapped in a little piece of a
sheet of copper, and tied with copper wire...

I just really wish I would have tried it while he was here now,
and wonder who got that family treasure, LOL!

But dowsing a map? Even from satellite?
That would really be magic, wouldn't it?
Find oil, make millions, beat the seismograph process.

Or like picking out a place in South America, deep in the jungle,
where there are no hills or mountains anymore, supposedly
untouched, there should be a lot of gold there.
You still have to sluice or pan sample to find if there is any...

Don Jose, here's to your left eye healing quickly...:icon_thumleft::icon_thumright:

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8-)Hi y'all thanks, I am really enjoying your interesting stories and info you're sharing,
and I'm sure other folks are too...

Yeah, Grandpa said he had different metals, a little gold, silver, nickel,
and whatever else wrapped to a neat point, kinda like an old soldering iron
at the end of his special forked (willow?) stick wrapped in a little piece of a
sheet of copper, and tied with copper wire...

I just really wish I would have tried it while he was here now,
and wonder who got that family treasure, LOL!

But dowsing a map? Even from satellite?
That would really be magic, wouldn't it?
Find oil, make millions, beat the seismograph process.

Or like picking out a place in South America, deep in the jungle,
where there are no hills or mountains anymore, supposedly
untouched, there should be a lot of gold there.
You still have to sluice or pan sample to find if there is any...

Don Jose, here's to your left eye healing quickly...:icon_thumleft::icon_thumright:

MAP Dowsing really isn't that hard; start with BIG "general" map, going to smaller maps of "areas of interest" (DETAILS). HOW...? PENDULUM, Swinging in a "clock-wise" direction to "POINT of Interest"; Pendulum with "pointer-piece" or pieces of GOLD, SILVER, etc on string, taking a DEEP breath, then exhaling it (sending "spiritual" power or EMPOWERING the Pendulum/string/"pointer", enabling it to "point"; point out detailed location. THEN, the "on-the-ground" LEG WORK begins... If area is PUBLIC area; PROBABLY no TH'ing nor MD'ing. If PRIVATE area... get land-owner's permission (MAY be "armed & dangerous"). Be aware of ALL Country/Fed/State/County Laws related to your "adventure"... HH!

Hoooooondaaaaaaaa! Ran a well used 68 CL350 for my first bike. Replaced the torn carb diaphragms,added a sissy bar and some other parts off a parts bike,replaced the points wires with a piece of thermostat wire and road it in the rain and fog and a couple times too many to work in the snow. One day running on reserve,(after all it cost nearly a dollar to fill and there was no dollar, or even less) it conked out. Peering in the tank revealed there was a little gas yet. Rocked it side to side a couple times and it ran again. At home I dumped the tank and found a dime sized piece of brown paper or gasket material that somehow had drifted over the fuel petcock outlet despite dip tube for standard run position, just perfect enough to starve it.Where it came from or how long that little gremlin was in there was a mystery. Once out of range of the cities all bikes going the other way would give other bikes the high sign.Been awhile. Esprit de corp, not unlike some treasure hunters.8-)

Naturally I like your story, I lost a valve (broke) driving it opened up North on I-5,
past Escondido, just So. coming into Fallbrook, and coasted down the long steep
hill into the valley.

There I saw that my brother I'd been trying to catch was pulled over by local police,
who cited him for passing without proper clearance ($15 fine)...

We were coming back up from Coronado Island where he was stationed USN,
& had rode the bike for the week. He couldn't start it, even after him & his buddy
went & got a new battery.

I figured it might be those colder plugs I installed for the 2 hr. or so hwy.
road trip with low gears, & grabbed the regular hotter ones.
Didn't think about the cool ocean air there.

He wasn't happy when he saw me change them & fire it up.
We switched off coming back, & I thought the fairly long & curved
island bridge over the ocean was cool...

There in Fallbrook, pulling over with only one cylinder hitting,
I gently & quickly persuaded the officer I was just checking on my brother,
& when he was done we loaded the bike in the back of my friends slick old
Plymouth I'd borrowed to go down there...

I rode that one a few years, besides totally off frame rebuilding it at the
Vo-Tech repair class, then afterwards kept it running with a few hand tools
& a manual, yes it's been awhile, & those were the days...

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Europe ran a similar bike but smaller head. A 250. They did not have as many hills I suppose being the reason.
Yes,stories of fun times. I needed a part to stop an oil leak where potmetal was cracked, think it was behind the clutch. A gorilla of a guy where I was working had built a Harley up from an engine he acquired from a farmer who had used it to pump water. The place my co worker was living at came with a Honda 350 in the garage his buddies would shoot with b.b. guns. "Come git chur part" he says. So to the big city and found his place with the Honda sitting upside down in his driveway. Took about an half hour and lots of tear down to pull what I needed. Not sure why it seemed to bother him with the usual dislike of riceburners but he must have seen more value in it when it was a bit of dis assembly than originally thought, and he seemed to brighten when it was finally done when asking,"how much you give me?" I opened my wallet to expose three dollars. Brightness dimmed and he said "alright".

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ok thanks

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