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I have previously mentioned the Jones Raid during the Civil War . The ironic part of it was that they stole over a thousand cattle and over 1,500 horses on their sweep through ..................... From Confederate sympathizers . The Northern leaning folks hid their stock or drove them beyond the scope of the raid . The other folks didn't think their brothers would steal from them .......... WRONG!

My Greatgrandma showed me where she and the other women had lead their best horse into the kitchen and hid him in a secret room behind the kitchen fire place while the men were driving the rest of the stock into the next county west beyond the scope of the raiders .

I'm ramblin , I guess . Comes from samplin my own product alone cause none of you came to the fire tonight . What I was goin to tell was about a trail through a beech forest goin over to the raider's main path . Beautiful stately trees several hundred years old . Nice quiet path that I used often goin over to join the raiders . Except for one place that always had a chill to it and even buggered my pony .

That feller was my buddy . He'd jump a 5 strand bobwire fence with me on his back if I put my coat over the top wire so he could see where it was and walk through fire if I asked him to . Except for that little bit of path . We always has a disagreement when it came to crossing that spot . And I was always uneasy and chilled at that spot whether I was on foot or on the pony .

Asked my Grampa about that place and he told me that when he was a youngster that some mean folks , and he named them , had murdered and robbed a pack peddler at that spot . They was never taken up to the Law over that so I guess that the peddler's spirit is still hanging around seeking justice . :dontknow:

Howdy Truckinbutch,

I didn't want to talk with my mouth full, and risk dropping some of those savory morrell's.:icon_thumright: What do you think of this Dillo? Will it pair up with your smooth spirits if we make it in the half shell? Those mesquite embers look just about ready.

Your story reminded me of what my wife experienced once, she did not feel any temperature change, just fear on the spot. It happened after one of my accidents. I was already walking after a broken femer, and shattered ankles, with pain of course, but without crutches.

We went to enjoy the clear waters of the Texas hill country west of Uvalde. I found a road by the side of the Nueces river, and took it until we got to an area with too much loose river rock. I didn't want to get stuck out there so we parked and went to explore the river.

After wading upstream, I got left behind quite a ways, and got to a small chalk bluff that my wife had seen already. It had a big pocket close to the bottom with bones where some animal had a meal, and further upstream there was a pocket, or small oval cave about four feet wide by two feet very close to the top maybe as high as a telephone pole.

Inside of that pocket I could make out the corner of a wood box. Since the gas wells that I looked after were close to an old abandoned air base with a firing range for the airplanes, I figured it was an ammo box. These wood ammo boxes were everywhere just west of Eagle Pass. I even have a few that I brought to the ranch. I figured someone was playing a joke, and stuck one of these in that pocket. It wasn't until years later that I saw the same wood boxes in a western movie. They were loading a train with a gold shipment.:BangHead:

When my wife got back, I showed her the corner of the box with the binoculars, and told her I wanted to go back a ways to where I could get on top of the "river bank", to check it out from above. The pocket had a small hole on top, and I figured I could get it out through there. I started walking back into a shallow pool with the binoculars to get a better view of the box when my wife sensed something. I have never seen her so scared as she was then. She begged me not to go in the water. That pool was only about eight feet across, and maybe eight inches deep (you could see the bottom very clearly). I was laughing at her, but she was dead serious, and begged me not step into that pool, and asked for us to leave, which we did.

We went back about twelve years later, no more road, the place got fenced up. We walked by the opposite bank, and waded on some places, until we got to the area. My wife still scared. It looked a little different after all those years. The big pocket on the bottom is even bigger, and the one that had the box, has collapsed. You can make out the dip of collapsed rock that filled the pocket.

I do wonder if someone else got the box before the top of the pocket collapsed? The place is maybe a half mile from a stage crossing, so it may have been full of money. Maybe someone got killed where that small pool was, quien sabe? :dontknow: What I do know, is that I'm not taking my wife there anymore.:laughing7:


AF & 33 huh? lol Pretty easy to figure that out. I would shy away unless you have verbal permission to be there. They will not take that very kindly if you do find some THINGS of interest!

Shhhhh, quiet, did you all hear that? (looking behind) Sounded like someone jumping (to conclusions):laughing7:

Come on closer to the fire jarhead, coffee? :coffee2: You must have some good stories to share with us, I worked for Cat in your neck of the woods, East Peoria Plant.


I think it's time for early morning coffee de Oro, Texas Style. Since the logs have now turned to mere embers, I will clean up the camp and get it ready for tonight. While I do, I wonder if anyone has a story of a spirit (or whatever you choose to call it) actually 'attaching' themselves to a treasure or object. The reason is, a very close family friend has been an antique dealer/appraiser for decades. He and his wife had a shop and acquired a one-of-a-kind chest/box that was absolutely stunning. It was obviously old, hand made, and full of carved swirls and ancient layers of peeled, almost bare, paint. They took it from the shop and had to bring it home. They were immediately attached to it. The problem was, after they brought it home (placed it nicely at the foot of the bed) he began to get sick. Never once thinking about 'that object', but for days just became violently ill. More days had passed, his wife looked at the chest and had a funny feeling (one she, later, admitted she had in the beginning). Before they were going to treat him as a patient in the hospital, she removed the chest and took it away. Interestingly, he became better quickly. Almost overnight. The reason I brought this up, is that I had a similar experience with an object I acquired in another country. I obviously no longer have it. So, tell, me. Do you think it is possible for bad (or good) spirits to attach themselves to objects, or is it just a mere coincidence??? Hmmmm... Camp is now clean and ready for more fun and unusual stories.

There is no question that demons can and do attatch to objects and locations….
The demonic is very real and sadly today, not many are aware of it…….

I think it's time for early morning coffee de Oro, Texas Style. Since the logs have now turned to mere embers, I will clean up the camp and get it ready for tonight. While I do, I wonder if anyone has a story of a spirit (or whatever you choose to call it) actually 'attaching' themselves to a treasure or object. The reason is, a very close family friend has been an antique dealer/appraiser for decades. He and his wife had a shop and acquired a one-of-a-kind chest/box that was absolutely stunning. It was obviously old, hand made, and full of carved swirls and ancient layers of peeled, almost bare, paint. They took it from the shop and had to bring it home. They were immediately attached to it. The problem was, after they brought it home (placed it nicely at the foot of the bed) he began to get sick. Never once thinking about 'that object', but for days just became violently ill. More days had passed, his wife looked at the chest and had a funny feeling (one she, later, admitted she had in the beginning). Before they were going to treat him as a patient in the hospital, she removed the chest and took it away. Interestingly, he became better quickly. Almost overnight. The reason I brought this up, is that I had a similar experience with an object I acquired in another country. I obviously no longer have it. So, tell, me. Do you think it is possible for bad (or good) spirits to attach themselves to objects, or is it just a mere coincidence??? Hmmmm... Camp is now clean and ready for more fun and unusual stories.

Howdy there Mastiff4me, happy to see you here today, where'd ya' get all that cleaning & decorating energy Wow!... This is like an interesting new different place.
You make the tastiest camp coffee, thanks, and the camp looks totally awesome,
& the best it has in a couple of weeks or so...
Have been hoping you would have time for a camp visit.

Very interesting stories, from y'all ~ truckinbutch, ~ coazon de oro, ~ Mastiff4me ~ releventchair ~ Tropical Tramp ~ ...
Thanks everyone for your input, and yes I do think spirits (Good or Bad) can attach
themselves to people and objects, maybe locations, though thankfully have never experienced
anything like temperature change or sudden violent illness.
I have heard of that one before, but am also learning from everyone...

Trapper girl, nice to have you back to compliment the scenery around here,
with the gang & camp fire, what would you like for dinner?
Just caught some fresh fish, and have some of about anything else...

Strange, hard to explain events, a mere coincidence?...
No, I don't think so, but WHY, is what I often ponder...

I think everyone has had good points, and have relayed very
beneficial stories in our quest for further understanding this phenomena...

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There is no question that demons can and do attatch to objects and locations….
The demonic is very real and sadly today, not many are aware of it…….

Howdy doc-d, 8-) Yes sadly agree totally, and so many don't care or want to know...
Being so completely saturated with only the Natural, possibly set up for tricks in the Supernatural?
I see it coming... The real potential now, more than I have noticed before.

It is a real treasure and benefit to know, I believe...

Thanks for your input...:icon_thumleft:

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Went to Manassas Battlefield one night years ago around the Henry House digging and heard like somebody chopping wood. Didn't make sense. Got a little spooked. Haven't been digging there since. Not worth the chance of getting arrested


Geez Compadre, lick your own fingers! :laughing7:

8-)Howdy coazon de oro, Another golden story: I bet you dreamed about that box...
Aw Shucks! Another potential found treasure lost...
What was up with that pool you mentioned in the river.
Think it was maybe gonna' swallow you if you stepped off into it... :laughing7: :blob1:...

Like Quicksand I have heard of in the Deep Fork, Canadian, Red & Arkansas Rivers, etc...
I like your Texas BBQ Special: Does that taste like pork, I heard it supposedly is in the same family?...

Good for you to have time to drop by the camp. Come back early tonite,
I think maybe Mastiff4me is picking something out, we'll get it dressed out,
seasoned & ready to go, along with lots of fresh garden goodies,
& truckinbutch's tasty special sautéed mushroom recipe,
silky smooth special aged reserve sampler, and some good
homemade wine 'ol Hank Jr. brought, LOL! ... :icon_thumleft:

So why did the chicken cross the country highway...
To show the 'ol Armadillo it can be done, right?... :tongue3::laughing7::hello:

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Thanks Guerita, for cleaning up the mess, glad to see you feeling better, and thanks for the Texas brew. What a night, the shell got scraped clean, then after too much of Truckinbutch's special, Don Jose put it on his head like a helmet.:laughing7:

Your story sounds like others which claim that some gem, or object is cursed, and most who come in contact with the gem, or object die more sooner than later. So yes, I do believe that bad spirits can be connected to an object. Glad they decided to remove it in time.

Crosse, why did you let the chicken get away? ???

I do day dream of that box, maybe I was the first to see it after just enough erosion made the corner visible? I had no problem wading into the very shallow pool, but as I said, I have never seen my wife so scared. She was begging me not to do it, and I did not want to frighten her even more.

Dillo, the other other white meat. Nobody goes around licking someone else's fingers because they are eating pork.:laughing9:


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Crosse, I'll tell you another possible lost treasure story for a little more "vino". Ah gracias, I just heard this one for the first time, and fits in perfect here.

After all these years, my wife just told me about it, and her Dad is no longer here to ask him where this happened. He and three other vaqueros went to work some cattle, and had to cross a "falsete", or gate gap. It is a gate made with fence wire, and mesquite, or cedar poles. In the middle of this falsete, was a large ant hill of red ants, so they took care opening, and closing it as they went through.

After they were done they returned the same way this time there was no sign of ants, or ant hill? All four had seen it clearly. To me it can only mean buried treasure in the middle of that falsete. Had I heard of this story when he was still alive, I would of asked him in what ranch this happened. He worked worked cattle in so many large ranches, and in different counties that it is impossible check them all out.:BangHead:

In brush country, or any other type of county, the middle of a fence gate is the perfect place for a bandit, or traveler, to bury their money.


Crosse, I'll tell you another possible lost treasure story for a little more "vino". Ah gracias, I just heard this one for the first time, and fits in perfect here. After all these years, my wife just told me about it, and her Dad is no longer here to ask him where this happened. He and three other vaqueros went to work some cattle, and had to cross a "falsete", or gate gap. It is a gate made with fence wire, and mesquite, or cedar poles. In the middle of this falsete, was a large ant hill of red ants, so they took care opening, and closing it as they went through. After they were done they returned the same way this time there was no sign of ants, or ant hill? All four had seen it clearly. To me it can only mean buried treasure in the middle of that falsete. Had I heard of this story when he was still alive, I would of asked him in what ranch this happened. He worked worked cattle in so many large ranches, and in different counties that it is impossible check them all out.:BangHead: In brush country, or any other type of county, the middle of a fence gate is the perfect place for a bandit, or traveler, to bury their money. Homar
Que perfecto! What a perfect place.

m4m - glad to see you back, hon.
With the exception (of course) of DJ's ElTigre - not many of the 'other' gender that enlighten us with their picture ...
Glad to see you are improving and (hopefully) no lasting ill effects!

m4m - glad to see you back, hon. With the exception (of course) of DJ's ElTigre - not many of the 'other' gender that enlighten us with their picture ... Glad to see you are improving and (hopefully) no lasting ill effects!
Thank you, Loke. Glad to be here! Now, let's get this campfire started!

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day! :occasion16::angel10::icon_flower::love9::angel4::angel5::angel8::angel5::love4::toothy4::love5::love1::wave::happy3::toothy4:
Hope all mothers especially, & everyone has a very happy day!

Crosse, I'll tell you another possible lost treasure story for a little more "vino". Ah gracias, I just heard this one for the first time, and fits in perfect here.

After all these years, my wife just told me about it, and her Dad is no longer here to ask him where this happened. He and three other vaqueros went to work some cattle, and had to cross a "falsete", or gate gap. It is a gate made with fence wire, and mesquite, or cedar poles. In the middle of this falsete, was a large ant hill of red ants, so they took care opening, and closing it as they went through.

After they were done they returned the same way this time there was no sign of ants, or ant hill? All four had seen it clearly. To me it can only mean buried treasure in the middle of that falsete. Had I heard of this story when he was still alive, I would of asked him in what ranch this happened. He worked worked cattle in so many large ranches, and in different counties that it is impossible check them all out.:BangHead:

In brush country, or any other type of county, the middle of a fence gate is the perfect place for a bandit, or traveler, to bury their money.


Howdy coazon de oro, Yes that's a good story too, never thought about ants appearing/disappearing before, interesting... There's an ant hill in the middle
of my drive, & it's been there as long as I've lived here, over 20 yrs.,
they strangely disappear at certain times too,
think I should dig it?

I did hear you the first time about the pool in the river,
and was just funnin' bout' it gettin' ya,
and can totally understand about your wife being scared,
sensing something.

I only lost hold of the chicken because this huge Texas Dillo was
chasing it, & one hand I had hold of the the wine to pour for you,
but it later came back across the highway, because it was used to
coming runnin' to the dinner bell, He He, He :laughing7:...

Here's plenty more elderberry, blackberry, peach or pear wine your choice,
hollar when you're ready, Amigos...

I guess one reason I was funnin' about the pool in the river,
is because it's amazing how things can hide under the fine gravel & sand,
and also because I really almost drowned once years ago when I was young,
not in a river though, but that time was real close...

I'd like to see some of what you all do that see so many
interesting things...:laughing7: :hello:

Y'all come back if you want, for chicken and fried giant frog legs!
Or whatever you have a taste for LOL!... :blob1: :tongue1:

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8-) Bring your turkey fries, season as desired, and we'll cook 'em up as you like...

Also having buffalo tender loin steaks, baked taters, salad, anyone hungry yet?...

Award winning camp cook at work...:laughing7::hello::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

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