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LOL! Will look for Vanilla Beans tomorrow, then! No wonder I like Vanilla Ice Cream! And that FRENCH Vanilla Ice Cream... OUI!


Yes Opium is the name of a perfume. It has a rather strong fragrance, one that is usually known by ladies when another lady is using it. It is a perfume that lingers so that may well be the reason for Don Jose smelling the lingering fragrance. It is his own wife Tiger who has passed by minutes beforehand. Tiger must have a strong personality Jose, it's a perfume for the ladies who have strong personalities. Well that's just my opinion of course. Fraid its not subtle enough for me.??? Not quite sure where that puts me now, certainly not on an ethereal visit to you I'm afraid.

Hi Unicorn, Thanks for the info... Sounds pretty strong, never missed it...

Relevant, sorry to hear about your missing wildlife & yards endangerment, that would be nerve racking to me.
Really strange sounding beast...

Hi Mastiff4me, hope you're feeling better every day, and the Docs & Nurses are kind,
lots of cards and balloons, and happy visitors when you may...

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Hi Y'all, Amigos: Fresh Hot Coffee?
... 8-) So I went back over to see Uncle, and he told me how to get to the right creek,
and we went over the story and details again...

The directions he gave me were closer to Great Uncle's where I had spent the night,
and sometime later I made the trip back, and right when I drove back to the place,
I recognized it pulling up.

Then there were the many stories of big cat attacks, all of those
wild tales of men being attacked by huge aggressive Panthers, or Cougars,
hiding under peoples porch, crying like a baby or a woman, then killing the man
when he came out to check on it...

He threw a few big hand size rocks, and whatever it was stopped following him...

Just didn't know where Grandpa had stepped off of the road that night,
it was real dark, and only one lantern with a quick walk down the road and
then we left...

They had known a lot of changes even in their times,
and had many experiences for their concerns, in those now olden days... :cross:

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:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: Hi Y'all, Amigos: Fresh Hot Coffee? ... 8-) So I went back over to see Uncle, and he told me how to get to the right creek, and we went over the story and details again... The directions he gave me were closer to Great Uncle's where I had spent the night, and sometime later I made the trip back, and right when I drove back to the place, I recognized it pulling up. It had been over 22 yrs. or so, since that one time I had been there. I walked around detecting, and found that there had been a lot of trash dumped in the area, apparently for some several years, and I kept looking... I carefully thought of the details that had been passed on to me... Then there were the many stories of big cat attacks, all of those wild tales of men being attacked by huge aggressive Panthers, or Cougars, hiding under peoples porch, crying like a baby or a woman, then killing the man when he came out to check on it... Then there was the story of something following Grandpa, as he walked home alone one evening from a long day of lumber work... It was late and getting pretty dim, as he walked the old country mountain road toward his home and family... Something was stalking him and would stop walking if he stopped, then start walking when he did. Several times this happened, with the animal hiding behind trees and bushes just far enough away in that low light, to not be seen... He threw a few big hand size rocks, and whatever it was stopped following him... I looked around quite a lot, but the brushy wooded knolls above the creek banks gave up nothing but bugs, who defied the Deep Woods I had sprayed on waist high... Just didn't know where Grandpa had stepped off of the road that night, it was real dark, and only one lantern with a quick walk down the road and then left... That trip was followed by a couple others, still with no results. Oh well, guess it was a good story I was told... The old story about an Indian woman, that went riding on her horse to the creek fishing one day... There were gold coins spilling out of an old strongbox, rotten and broken, washed out by high water, sticking out of the eroded creek bank... So she gathered them up in her riding skirt, seven times, and carried them up the bank about a hundred yards from the creek, dropping them in a hog wallow and covering the wallow with branches she gathered up... She supposedly told Grandpa to go get that money, that he would never want for money again. But that one time I went, was supposedly the only time he went to check on it... The Indian woman said to him that her husband would kill her, if he knew she had anything to do with anything like that... This was because her old man was the US government Indian Agent of his tribe and nation, and prided himself in his honesty and integrity. They had plenty of good reasons to keep such things safely quiet... The folks had always believed the Indian friend had never told anyone else what she had found, and concealed those many years before the white folks bought up much of the land around that part of the country... Those were some of the last of the old days, about a century after some of those noble people were ordered to move from their ancestral homes, to the new reservation lands, or nations... They had known a lot of changes, & had their concerns in those now olden days...
. Wow, Crosse and Mi Maties. Good reading! And, thank you for the good, happy wishes. So much! I am doing well, I am happy to report. Those sweet angels are looking after each one of us. Never forget that! Here's a big mesquite log for the fire! Keep it up!!! :)

Glad to hear that you are making progress . You just brought up an important point of campfire etiquitte that hasn't been mentioned before . Each guest at is invited to share a fire should bring wood to the fire as a gesture of good faith .

Well hey Truckin. Hope the Mrs. is getting back up to fighting weight and able to enjoy the spring weather, after of course taking up a chair and whip for your weekly sock changing.:laughing7: Miss your perspective. Whats that favorite quote of yours I like?
"I may not be able to stop you from grabbing ahold of me but I can teach you not to like it."


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Glad to hear that you are making progress . You just brought up an important point of campfire etiquitte that hasn't been mentioned before . Each guest at is invited to share a fire should bring wood to the fire as a gesture of good faith .

We have green and seasoned white oak, blackjack and hickory,
(edit): and a little Pecan and Pear too, take yer pick.
Would you like to use the mesquite, or hickory for smoking the fish and meat?...

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I have Tiki Lights... we could build a camp fire on the beach in the Outer Banks, NC. MAYBE attract some PIRATE "ghosties" to GIVE IT UP! Over 600 ship-wrecks on the Outer Banks... "pick & choose"!

Can Supposed Treasure Spirits Affect You?...

I believe that there are spirits associated with buried or hidden treasures. They may feel that because they could not have the treasure they don't want you to have it. My belief is that they can mess with your mind and your electronics. I have seen too many things happen. It convinced me. You have to try to get them on your side.
Rebel - KGC, that sounds like a real interesting project, that is a lot of shipwrecks...
Reckon the spirits had something to do with all those mishaps?

Or, was it all because of the weather? Can spirits influence have an affect on
peoples to make risky judgments that lead to accidents and failure?

Can supposed treasure spirits affect you, in your thinking, or maybe your mood?...

I mean can unseen forces make you feel maybe leery or nervous when you are working
on a possible treasure, even when you are not at the location?

Also, can anything physically affect you when you are at a location
that you are investigating, say an unexplained accident?

...there seems to be unseen things that can
have a substantial affect in these situations...

I have heard of people intentionally not talking openly too much
about their plans ahead of the fact, and suspect there is something to this...

If there is, how does one recognize this, and how do you try to get these
sort of spirits on your side, say to allow potential recovery, rather than some spirits
possibly trying to hinder?...

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. Wow, Crosse and Mi Maties. Good reading! And, thank you for the good, happy wishes. So much! I am doing well, I am happy to report. Those sweet angels are looking after each one of us. Never forget that! Here's a big mesquite log for the fire! Keep it up!!! :)

Angels... Thanks for that.

Thank you kindly for the mesquite, we have to import that, but have lots
of hickory and oak.
Super glad to hear you're doin' good. Can't wait for more of your good wildlife pics...

From all the gang, thinking & plotting?, maybe occasionally,
telling a good one:laughing7:

around the fire when we can get time to...
:angel3: :happy3: :occasion17: :wav:

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Ice Tea but water is also nice that's not the point though. Where shall I start? Well one time I was out back digging and I looked over because I heard something in the leaves. I look at the spot and it looks like something is moving through them but there was nothing there. I just kept looking at the spot, got up and walked away. It has not happened again.

I will choose the hickory! Much better plan, glad to be back at the fire. :) what are we cooking tonight?

looks at the door for the gor sign LOL

I will choose the hickory! Much better plan, glad to be back at the fire. :) what are we cooking tonight?
My son-in-law and grandson fell into morrell mushroom heaven while turkey hunting last Saturday . Harvested 9 pounds in an hour and a half . Largest was 9 inches long . Sauteed mushroom /onion omlettes with a touch of mild sauce being served now . Come on over .
After dinner will be blackberry , black cherry , caramel apple , or down and dirty aged home made bourbon or sock coffee . Name your poison .

I have previously mentioned the Jones Raid during the Civil War . The ironic part of it was that they stole over a thousand cattle and over 1,500 horses on their sweep through ..................... From Confederate sympathizers . The Northern leaning folks hid their stock or drove them beyond the scope of the raid . The other folks didn't think their brothers would steal from them .......... WRONG!

My Greatgrandma showed me where she and the other women had lead their best horse into the kitchen and hid him in a secret room behind the kitchen fire place while the men were driving the rest of the stock into the next county west beyond the scope of the raiders .

I'm ramblin , I guess . Comes from samplin my own product alone cause none of you came to the fire tonight . What I was goin to tell was about a trail through a beech forest goin over to the raider's main path . Beautiful stately trees several hundred years old . Nice quiet path that I used often goin over to join the raiders . Except for one place that always had a chill to it and even buggered my pony .

That feller was my buddy . He'd jump a 5 strand bobwire fence with me on his back if I put my coat over the top wire so he could see where it was and walk through fire if I asked him to . Except for that little bit of path . We always has a disagreement when it came to crossing that spot . And I was always uneasy and chilled at that spot whether I was on foot or on the pony .

Asked my Grampa about that place and he told me that when he was a youngster that some mean folks , and he named them , had murdered and robbed a pack peddler at that spot . They was never taken up to the Law over that so I guess that the peddler's spirit is still hanging around seeking justice . :dontknow:

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