Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?


YES, I believe the "Dutchman's" Mine is in the Spirit Mtn Wilderness area. If you have a house in Mohave Valley, you can probably look across the Colorado River and see one of the Military Trails in the area. (There are several.) I am more than willing to answer any questions that you may have.
Regards, Not Peralta

Any one who has taken the time to come to a forum like this already knows the basic "facts" of the story of the "Lost Dutchman" mine and his directions to the mine. I believe that within many treasure stories there is actually ONE true story. The facts will lead you there.
FACT: A man named Jake , who they called "the Dutchman" was in Hardyville.
Cpt. William H Hardy says in his accounts about the era that he met a German named Jake, who was called "the Dutchman".
There is a local legond regarding a mine with a very rich gold bearing quartz vein in the Spirit Mtn wilderness. Hardy had a map to a such a mine and sent a company of men to search for it in the Spirit Mountains. The first major point on the map was a diamond shaped peak. His party crossed the Colorado River to the west and never returned and were presumed dead. Their intended direction was into the Spirit Mountains.
If you want to follow the directions given by the "Dutchman", I believe the best place to start is Grapevine Canyon.
Because I have certain information that has never been presented together about the German named Jake, who was called the "Dutchman", who was in the company of William H Hardy in Hardyville, and elsewhere: my question is: WHO exactly was the man "they" called Jacob Waltz, "the Dutchman" in the story of the "Lost Dutchman's" mine? No one ever saw him do any mining, let alone GO INTO the Superstition Mtns. He just showed up with some gold bearing quartz.
Again, my question is, if you research all the documents published over the years with Jacob waltzs name on them, why don't the signatures match starting from California to Arizona?
Just like the stone tablets, the "Dutchman" never actually mentions the Superstition Mtns---that just happens to be where the "legend" began. Not necessarily where the story starts.

No Marius:
The carving of the dagger merely represents one of the things which could be seen from a small knoll by the mapmaker.
It is a very narrow and steep ravine, by which a second level of a stepped mountainside can be reached.
I've been there, and it is impassible up the center, to both man and beast.
To the left or right the cliff can be scaled without ropes (I went up the right side), and is not very dangerous at all.

"Moneta -ae f. (1) [the mother of the Muses]. (2) [a surname of Jove]. (3) [the mint; money]."

There would be no need for arrastres in the immediate area to which the stone maps apply.
Only what would be necessary to re-locate a cache or number of caches (money or "mints").


Somehiker ,hello,the dagger tells you to search where theline

The dagger tells you to follow the tip of the dagger and arrow which takes you to look for the tunnel or shaft .the same dark circle shown on the heart stone.
Next you are off the peralta and looking at Latin hearts.they made coins in the area they are using smelters.
good luck

:BangHead:Where were there ever any smelters in the Sups???:BangHead:

Hello not peralta why do you put the dutchmans gold vein somewhere else?you readanother story and it has a rich vein of gold?there are real serious hunters in the sm I know yousaid you are not in the sm,I thought you were searching for the Pam.Don't get mad ,you might get in hot water.
Take careTom.

:BangHead:Where were there ever any smelters in the Sups???:BangHead:

You mean you didn't know ???
Seems like you sure missed a lot out there.
Or did you spend the whole 15 years hiding in that cave with the two mountain lions ?


I'm outside of the sm notperalta.youmust look back on the views of the folks your talking to.stay with peralta stones till you at least find location of atleast two or three main markings then keep your eyes open for other markings from other maps ,but its up to you.
good luckTom

one theres no proof anyone ever recovered any gold from the supes , another i dont beleive the person they call the dutchman ever recovered gold there either, if any one has recoved gold there show me the proof and dont ever threaten me again it's very childish and very unprofessional np

Where is this spirit mountain located.
I cant find it in google earth in az or the tonto national forest.


I have photos of the area that the curved line/arrow points to.
While I don't see or expect to find a smelter/kiln there, a cache of coins seems possible.
There certainly does appear to be some interesting features within the area which do not look to be natural.
While I can't really make it out in the photos, a large equilateral triangle is visible on G/E at one end of the depression.
The three small holes in the stone have always been a mystery, the answer to which should be there as well.
I'll be looking forward to my next visit.


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This all falls back onto how we each interpret the Stones. I don't post much here as I use the signs on the stones elsewhere. If I had to follow just one of you into the supers, and was expected to have a conversation with you, it would be somehiker. I have learned much from a lot of you. I don't mean to take anything away from anyone else. Not Peralta's idea the mine is not in the Supers has been one of my guesses all along. But I can not help but believe there is gold in the supers after all the beautiful pics I see posted here, and the wealth of knowledge you all share. I think you all are right in some way, but some are much farther along than others for sure. I am not allowed to hunt the Supers per order of my wife. But if it is meant to be for me to be in the supers, I will be there. I don't buy that mine is in Death Valley NP.

to start with you have to have something to smelt and you people are going to tell me that people were also minting coins in the supes ,please show me a picture of a smelter in the supes and the location with identifiable land marks,yes i did have fun with the cats but i told you before i may be new to the computer but im old to the supes the only person i ever knew that had a smelter in the supes was crazy jake and you see were he ended up or you may be to new to the supes to know what im talking about np

Where is this spirit mountain located.
I cant find it in google earth in az or the tonto national forest.

Spirit Mountain is in the southeast tip of Nevada just west of the colorado river. Use Laughlin NV for your starting point on Google Earth, to NW and start looking for markers for Grapevine Canyon as you zoom in. It's right across the Colorado River from Arizona.
PS: to CASCA this is NOT Death Valley! Death Valley is much farther west and is in California.

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Not suggesting that anyone made coins, or even gold/silver bullion in the mountains.Just that caches of these may be what the maps lead to. Others have though, and have spent a great deal of time out there, in some cases far more than either you or myself.
Some excellent photos have been posted by these folks in the past, of arrastres, smelters and even gold ore, all from the Sups and surrounding area.
They can be found by going back through the thousands of posts made to this site as well as the other two which reference the Stone Map/LDM Legends.
It takes research, where you seem to be way out front in talk, but way behind in walk...
Don't expect the others to do it for you.


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some of my research i don't have to do because I lived it and walked it and have first-hand knowledge of it. I have also spent hours researching on the computer and don't expect any one to do it FOR me. I'm just relaying some of the FACTS that I have learned. Just because you don't agree doesn't mean I'm sloppy, lazy or wrong. I'm just saying that I don't believe that gold has been found IN the supes hense the Dutchman didn't get his from there. I can place the "Dutchman" here, along with the stone tablets and in the past we've had some of the largest gold mines in the area. Ever heard of Katherine's Mine or El Dorado canyon or the Oatman mine? Some are re-opening now. Plus lots of silver mines. I'm a treasure hunter (ALSO A FINDER).

some of my research i don't have to do because I lived it and walked it and have first-hand knowledge of it. I have also spent hours researching on the computer and don't expect any one to do it FOR me. I'm just relaying some of the FACTS that I have learned. Just because you don't agree doesn't mean I'm sloppy, lazy or wrong. I'm just saying that I don't believe that gold has been found IN the supes hense the Dutchman didn't get his from there. I can place the "Dutchman" here, along with the stone tablets and in the past we've had some of the largest gold mines in the area. Ever heard of Katherine's Mine or El Dorado canyon or the Oatman mine? Some are re-opening now. Plus lots of silver mines. I'm a treasure hunter (ALSO A FINDER).


Blindbowman used to use "FACT" on a regular basis here. Just because he claimed something to be fact did not make it so. He has quit making those "factual" claims since he showed up at the Rendezvous and came up empty handed. You have not even reached that level of "fact" yet. Claiming you are "ALSO A FINDER" of treasure will not convince many of the people here that it is so.:BangHead:

Exactly how can you place Jacob Waltz or the stone tablets in the Spirit Mountain area?:dontknow:

Joe Ribaudo

How do you think Jabob Waltz got to AZ from CA? He rode across the Colorado River on W H Hardy's ferry.
How can you place the man they called "the Dutchman" or the stone tablets in the Superstitions when there's no proof of either being there? At least I can show people many of the images from the stone tablets in one area. You can't do that in the Superstitions. How long will people keep looking in the same old place and finding nothing? for over a hundred years people have been looking in the supes for the dutchman ,what have they found ? and since the stone tablets were dicovered what has been found ? my theory is no secret, people can come to this area and judge for them selves what matches. if you don't like my theory, that's fine. But maybe some other people would like to see for them selves.
I'm not trying to convince everybody, I'm just putting out a new theory to open minded people. 8-)

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We shoulda known we was wrong all these years.
We been looking for the Dutchman's LOST MINE.
When instead we shoulda been looking for the LOST Dutchman's Mine....:tongue3:

And we been tryin to read them STONE MAPS.
But NP's been lookin at somethin called the NOT PERALTA TABLETS...:icon_scratch:

No wonder we can't figger out what he's trying to prove....:BangHead:


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