Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

First of all Hardyville was a town built by William H Hardy before Prescott was established. Prescott came several months later. W H Hardy started a toll road to Prescott because he also had interest in shipping and merchantile there.
As far as your question regarding when the "Dutchman" started his mining claims, every "Dutch-hunter" should know this:
1863 The Gross Load with partners
1864 The Big Rebel Load with partners
1865 The General Grant with partners


William H Hardy, because he had the toll road and did business with all the minors in the area, started a petition to John N Goodwin, Governor. The petition requested protection for the minors and travelers of the toll road due to all the indian attacks. Jacob Waltz signed this petition. NP


Your stuff is old news to just about everyone. Interesting to see you bringing it up as if it's all a big revelation. The only thing that remains confusing is if we are talking about "minors" or miners.:dontknow:

Which petition are you referencing, the first or the second? Can Hardy's signature be found on either one?

You have left out the Dutchman's placer claim. Perhaps you can Google that.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

it is old news because it was put on this forum march 28,2013 so that makes my theory old news,but i suppose as smart as you are you already figuered that out. i guess you're so smart you never misspelled a word, MINOR/MINER OOPS big deal,
why don't you do your own research and stop bothering people that want to see something new
Nit pick bugs bunny i already said i wasn't expecting to convince everybody. if you don't like my theory why do you keep bothering to answer
why don't you put on your boots and come visit Spirit Mtn. you might actually find something you've never seen in the Supes

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it is old news because it was put on this forum march 28,2013 so that makes my theory old news,but i suppose as smart as you are you already figuered that out. i guess you're so smart you never misspelled a word, MINOR/MINER OOPS big deal,
why don't you do your own research and stop bothering people that want to see something new
Nit pick bugs bunny i already said i wasn't expecting to convince everybody. if you don't like my theory why do you keep bothering to answer
why don't you put on your boots and come visit Spirit Mtn. you might actually find something you've never seen in the Supes


It was fun for awhile, learning how little you really knew, but you have become too easy of a target. Thanks for all the answers to my questions.:dontknow:

Anyone who is interested in searching for lost mines and "All Types Of Treasure Hunting" should start out by learning the difference between a "minor" and miner.:laughing7:

Good luck on Spirit Mountain.

Joe Ribaudo


I have forgotten more about Arizona history than you will ever learn.

Nowhere in the letter written by Capt. Hardy, does he mention that "Dutch Jake" was a miner. The events that included the killing of "Dutch Jake" took place in Sept. of 1866. The man you believe was Jacob Waltz had no future mining or history in Arizona.

"im talking about all the papers the dutchman ever signed "ALL" the signatures are not the same and DO NOT MATCH, including the petition he signed for Hardy requesting government protection from the indians."

Which petition are you referring to?

Joe Ribaudo

Hello Joe,I would just let no go his own way .were all getting to know him.he doesn't know anything about the Pam.
Take care


No one doubt's your theory is yours alone.
It's your claim to exclusive knowledge, coupled with your attempt to use someone else's photo of an old building as proof of a non-existent "Mission" in the Sups that ruins your credibility as a researcher and T-Hunter.
You have shotgunned these sites with multiple copies of your claims, a common newbie tactic, and have already contradicted yourself on more than one occasion.
How can you expect to be taken seriously, when what you have given is weak at best , or common knowledge to seasoned researchers.

You wrote:

"As far as your question regarding when the "Dutchman" started his mining claims, every "Dutch-hunter" should know this:
1863 The Gross Load with partners
1864 The Big Rebel Load with partners
1865 The General Grant with partners


William H Hardy, because he had the toll road and did business with all the minors in the area, started a petition to John N Goodwin, Governor. The petition requested protection for the minors and travelers of the toll road due to all the indian attacks. Jacob Waltz signed this petition. NP "

Of course we do, but it's nothing new like you've promised.

Tom Kollenborn wrote about it in 1995:

Jacob Waltz arrived in California about 1850. His name appears on several California census records. He prospected and worked as a miner in the mother lode country of California for eleven years. It was on July 19, 1861, in the Los Angeles County Courthouse, Jacob Waltz became a naturalized citizen of the United States of America. Waltz worked as a miner on the San Gabriel for a man named Ruben Blakney. It was probably here he met Elisha M. Reavis, later to become the "Hermit of Superstition Mountain."

Waltz departed California in 1863, with the Peeples-Weaver Party or a similar group of prospectors headed for the Bradshaw Mountains of Arizona Territory. Waltz was one of the earliest pioneer prospectors in the Bradshaw Mountain area. Waltz's name appears on the Gross Claim which was filed in Prescott, Arizona Territory on September 21, 1863. His name also appears on a special territorial census taken in 1864. On this census Waltz is listed as a miner, 54 years of age, and a native of Germany. Waltz's name also appeared on a petition to territorial governor John N. Goodwin soliciting a militia to control the predatory raids of hostile Indians in the Bradshaw Mountains. Jacob Waltz's name also appeared on the Big Rebel and the General Grant claims in the Bradshaw Mountains. Waltz was very active in the Bradshaw Mountain area between 1863-67."

Apache Junction Public Library - Archeological Society


to cactusjumper talk about someone being an easy target ,maybe this time at your rendezvous,you can all get to gether and figure out where bob wards cabin was located. since he was the original member of the supes mnt men,and if all you use this site for is to play games. why dont you try treasure hunt ,its like donald trump would say ,your fired, lots of people on this see you for what you really are,some one that has no dreams or hope .this will be my last conversation with you ,im not here for games or to keep some one like you amused ,np

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As far as the crack in the heart stone goes: I was told that the tablets were taken to Bob Ward's house, since he was the closest. The guy that found them wanted to clean them up. One of the children fooling with the heart stone dropped it. It was glued back together after it was cleaned. That's the story that I got from Bob Ward, personally. Bear in mind that while Bob did have his faults, he was a personal friend of mine, as well as Bambi. I'm somewhat glad that Bambi doesn't remember those times. Bob's is the only "Dutchman" and stone tablet book I keep in the house. NP

Hello not peralta ,the crack on the stone doesn't matter.the stones are acurate and will guide you to treasure that's all that matters.
Take Care

talk about someone being an easy target ,maybe this time at your rendezvous,you can all get to gether and figure out where bob wards cabin was located. since he was the original member of the supes mnt men,and if all you use this site for is to play games. why dont you try treasure hunt ,its like donald trump would say ,your fired, lots of people on this see you for what you really are,some one that has no dreams or hope .this will be my last conversation with you ,im not here for games or to keep some one like you amused ,np

Sorry if our questions disappoint you NP, but it's a tough crowd you're up against.

somehiker thats all common knowledge ,but the next time you ever see tom. ask him if he really beleives the whole story ,and im going to tell you that when you have all of waltzs documents. it doesnt take a rocket scientist to see that the signatures do not match and dont pick and choose,look at all the documents i have wasted years of my life in the supes and seen to many old freinds pass, i no longer have any interest in that area and dont want any ,after so many years of nothing ever being found ,people have to look else were, its to their best interest. mine any way ,my theory is my theory ,i wish you the best np

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peralta your right it doesnt matter, but what does matter is if your in the right area,good hunting np

peralta your right it doesnt matter, but what does matter is if your in the right area,good hunting np

Hello not peralta ,your right,and I checked each of my sites by hiking to them and making sure they were not tampered with.I have many that are near the dirt trails and ill be able to watch my partners back is bad now and I'm lucky I did all my searches before my operations.
I'm sure you are knowledgeable in treasurehunting but take a deep breath and enjoy some discussions on the network ,don't argue have fun.
Take Care

peralta i waited for five years to put my theory on line,iwas warned several years ago by people in the know,that there were several people that have an agenda of their own, i noticed how eager they tried with me, i knew before i posted who these people are that are pushing their own thing , they are mostly mining for information,if you notice i did not give much ,i dont think they would know what to do with it any way, i .tried being very nice. but they still dont like it ,the nicer you are the wost they get ,none of that bothers me,i dont think some of them could go to first water trail head and follow the trail and come out at peralta trail head,ha ha good luck on your adventure if you have any thing to talk about or just want to say hi ,just leave message,np


"Waltz departed California in 1863, with the Peeples-Weaver Party or a similar group of prospectors headed for the Bradshaw Mountains of Arizona Territory."

I believe Tom put that "similar group" notation in there because he saw no documentation that Waltz was part of the Peeples-Weaver party. Wonder who the source was for that claim.:dontknow: Unfortunately there is quite a bit of made-up documentation surrounding the LDM. In the overall picture of history, it probably is no more than a minor footnote. Kind of like claiming you were a soldier in Vietnam, when you were never even in the service. Hardly a blip on the radar screen to most people.

Trust but verify.:icon_thumleft:


On another subject, Tom told me about the Bob Ward gatherings. Everyone had to have a personal invite from Ward and each person had to carry a firearm. It was mostly an excuse to get drunk and act foolish. Believe there may have been a shooting incident or two. Our Rendezvous' of today have a lot of women and children attending. That's especially true of Saturday nights.

Hard to imagine anyone would still be interested in where Bob's cabin was. Guess it's pretty important to NP.:dontknow:

Hope all is well with you and the family,


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your tag team buddy is right, we did have some crazy times back in the day. the place will never be the same because that was the last of the wild west. i didn't leave anything behind and there's nothing there to find. the only reason you couldn't find where the mission was is because there's no one left there who knows where bob's cabin was. good thing cactusjumper responded to you cuz there's no one home here for him. enjoy your saturday night family outings, doesn't sound like treasure hunting to me. Sure we always carried guns---for two legged snakes. i guess bob wasn't too important since he had a documentary made about him. and over the years many news reporters came to see him at his cabin where they used to sign his old car, including movie stars. fun times NP


Doing good,thanks for asking.
That's one of the problems with home made documentation and service records alike. Maybe even birth certificates :dontknow:
Same kinds of flaws.
I've never talked to the individual you are referring to, but I've had him pointed out to me a couple of times.
I remember the ring. Bunch of us had a close look with my loupe, while it was still thought to be Dutchman Ore.
I can only imagine how the owner felt, when honest researchers discovered the truth.
So I gather all that means you'll not be reminiscing about army life with him anytime soon ?
Never mentioned it at the time, when we were talking about crystal gold I had googled cg and found many photos of same,Gold formed as Natural Crystals, Gold nuggets and gold quartz specimens
and a story about a discovery of cg in Ca. Ironstone's Crown Jewel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The story mentioned how most of the smaller pieces were sold at a gem show in Tucson in 1992-3 and the photos and time frame seemed a possible link IMO. Did notice who jumped into the conversation though, as soon as I mentioned cg.

Have to agree with you about Bob's cabin and the Burns Ranch .I've got a copy of Ward's book that Frank loaned me. I've been through it and don't really see much in there to get excited about.Doesn't say anything about Nye's Knob, which I do have some interest in. I doubt that NP knows Ward's connection to that place, or even where it is. Expect that next time I pass the ranch the speedo will be reading about the same as usual.


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Your efforts to aggravate have been about as effective as your attempt to put the LDM and Not Peralta Tablets up north.
I enjoy what I do out there in the Sups, and I haven't seen anything from you that would make me change where I hike.
It's obvious that we are unlikely to ever meet up in my own area of interest...or yours.
So I will leave it at that.
Good Luck:SH.


Doing good,thanks for asking.
That's one of the problems with home made documentation and service records alike. Maybe even birth certificates :dontknow:
Same kinds of flaws.
I've never talked to the individual you are referring to, but I've had him pointed out to me a couple of times.
I remember the ring. Bunch of us had a close look with my loupe, while it was still thought to be Dutchman Ore.
I can only imagine how the owner felt, when honest researchers discovered the truth.
So I gather all that means you'll not be reminiscing about army life with him anytime soon ?
Never mentioned it at the time, when we were talking about crystal gold I had googled cg and found many photos of same,Gold formed as Natural Crystals, Gold nuggets and gold quartz specimens
and a story about a discovery of cg in Ca. Ironstone's Crown Jewel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The story mentioned how most of the smaller pieces were sold at a gem show in Tucson in 1992-3 and the photos and time frame seemed a possible link IMO. Did notice who jumped into the conversation though, as soon as I mentioned cg.

Have to agree with you about Bob's cabin and the Burns Ranch .I've got a copy of Ward's book that Frank loaned me. I've been through it and don't really see much in there to get excited about.Doesn't say anything about Nye's Knob, which I do have some interest in. I doubt that NP knows Ward's connection to that place, or even where it is. Expect that next time I pass the ranch the speedo will be reading about the same as usual.



To be honest, I felt that my "friend" and I had connected on another level, with our shared interest in Apache history. He seemed to be far ahead of me with the spiritual aspect of their old ways. I have little doubt now, that he was laughing behind my back. Many, like me, who trusted him, were saddened to see the man behind the curtain.

Is there anyone who really cares where Bob Ward's cabin was?:dontknow: On the other hand, I do know where all of Bob's claims were.......and, of course, Bambi's Roost.

Take care,


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cactusjumper, who really cares ? i would not even comment on this, but since you put it on my site. im going to ,to talk about a person who is no longer here and able to defend himself ,and had more time in the supes than all of you put together, and was the last of some of the knowledgeable mountain men. you are a disgrace ,to what ever it is your supposed to be representing ,any one with any integrity should never listen to anything you have to say aboout the supes or any one involved with them .np ps. dont bother writing me back, from now on theres no one home for you here,

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