I think the choice of the Pope was long overdue. I don't put any meaning into the fact that he's a Jesuit. On the other hand, I could get some better insight into the choice by asking Father O'Malley. Don't see any reason to ask, but will if you like.
Take care,
Hi Joe:
I gave Father O'Malley a call this morning.
Here is a transcript of our conversation.
Phone ringing....sounds like the Bells of St. Mary's
Female voice answers..."Hello, thank you for calling the Archdiocese of Boston.To whom may I direct your call ?"
Me...."I'd like to speak with Father O'Malley".
Female voice..."Do you mean Cardinal O'Malley,sir?"
Me...."I thought his first name was Sean ?"
Female voice..."Yes it is, but he's a Cardinal"
Me....(thinking fast)...."You've got a cute voice, are you single?"
Cute female voice..."I'm a Sister, sir!"
Me.... "Father O'Malley's sister?"
Curt Female voice..."A NUN.....sir!!"
Me..."OK then,can I speak with Father O'Malley?"
Female voice..."Yes you may, but remember his title is Cardinal O'Malley, and you should address him as "your eminence!"
Me..."Okee Dokee, I'll do that"
Female voice..."Please hold while I connect you to the Office of the Cardinal"
Canned announcements of upcoming Easter Services...change comes slowly to the Catholic Church.
Another cute female voice..."Cardinal O Malley's Office,-----speaking.How may I help you?"
Me...."Are you a Nun?"
Cute female voice..."Yes I am sir. Is there something I can do for you?"
Me...."Uhh,I guess so. Can I speak with Cardinal O'Malley?"
Female voice...."What would you like to speak with his Eminence about, sir?"
Me...."I have a couple of questions regarding the selection of Pope Bergoglio"
Female voice..."Thank you. Please hold while I put you through."
Call system music....theme from "the Exorcist"
Male voice answers...."O'Mally here. Happy Wednesday!"
Me...."Hey dude, how's it going ? I don't want to take up a lotta your time, but I was wondering what you thought about the new Pope?"
Cardinal O'Malley...."Well, I'm not really at liberty to discuss the selection process, but I was in the Conclave and I think we did a good job.Anything else ?
Me...."Pope Bergoglio is the first Jesuit to be chosen. Does that mean the Jesuits are out of the doghouse?
Cardinal O'Malley..."That's a question better asked of someone in the pews."
Me...."I tried that.He said he would ask you if I wanted him to."
Cardinal O'Malley..."Do I know the gentleman? What is his name?
Me...."Joe Ribaudo, from Arizona."
Cardinal O'Malley..."Portly fellow with a bad attitude?"
Me...."Ya, that's him."
Cardinal O'Malley..."How's he doing? Last time I talked to him, it was about a deceased donkey."
Cardinal O'Malley..."Yes,really.I was visiting a parish in Arizona and one morning I looked out of the dormatory window and saw a dead donkey lying in the yard.Thought I'd give Joe a call, since he knows a lot about burros.
Me...."Yes, I agree with that."
Cardinal O'Malley..."Well, our friend Joe answers the phone and I describe the situation.I say Joe, you know all about burros,what should I do?"
Me...."What did he say?"
Cardinal O'Malley..."That I should give the jackass the last rites."
Me...."So,what did you say?"
Cardinal O'Malley..."I Said that I intended to. But that it was my duty to call the donkey's nearest relative first."
Cardinal O'Malley..."Bless you and thanks for calling.Bye for now"
Me...."Same to you your Eminence.So long."