Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?


Take a look at the mountain in the background....see anything familiar ?
Considering how we all get together out there every year, someone should recognize that skyline/background.
A building that size would of had a pretty big foundation. Hard to miss.
Maybe Rick has a few pics he can share, since his group has done some work out there at the Burns Ranch.
I'd give him a holler, but I'll be out on the rock pile all day.
Kinda doubt that Tom would want to get involved in this "Mission Impossible"
Even if you could get a hold of him "at the museum".:laughing7:


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I'm not contradicting myself. Both statements stand. I figured out my thoery before I had my stroke, like I said I've been hunting HERE for over 15 years.
If it wasn't for my previous knowlegde about the "Dutchman" and the stone tablets, I wouldn't have found the things I did. Mentally, I'm still sharp.
I just can't hike long distances like I used to. If you have nothing better to do than nit-pick my theory, maybe you need to spend more time in the mountains.
I figured out my theory before I had my stroke, I just wasn't ready to put it out for everyone to see. As I said earlier, I'm new to the computer,
NOT new to treasure hunting and finding. I may not always express myself perfectly, but my theory still fits for me. If you you don't agree, that's fine.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I guess in Apache Junction, instead of discussing things in the local coffee shop, they just do it on the computer now.
Regards, NP

Nit picking is one aspect of the "research,research,research" that we all spend so much time doing.
It's one of the ways we determine the "location,location,location" which best fits a particular scenario.
Whether across the table at the coffee shop or by way of the keyboard, it really makes no difference.
And most of us who HAVE spent many years out there, especially the old-timers, know when someone hasn't.
But you should recognize this. So don't be offended by the tough questions and dissenting opinions.


somehiker im not offended by your questions im only trying to help the best i can .i understand fully that you need to weed people out . i do the same thing .years ago i had the mission picture enlarged.i went through my pictures tonight and foud the original which is smaller and shows more detail both of the mission and the mnts in the background .im sending you acopy of the original right now on fb. if this doesnt help ill get together with you and show you exactly were its at npps let me know right away if this helps

somehiker something else i thought of to help you find the mission when you travel up peralta road about half way before you get to peralta trail head bobs cabin was on the right hand side .his cabin was on a cattle lease and there was a blm fence that ran from the trail head to the hyway the fence was about ahalf mile off perata road on the right the gate may still be there if not you should still be able to see the road that went to the cabin if you find either the gate or were it used to be just walk backwards up a little hill about a hundred feet and you will see were people had been digging and part of the foundation i hope this helps the last time i was there was in 1990 hope this helps even more np

I have the picture and the negative which were given to me by someone else a long time ago. You people in Apache Junction need to find an old-timer who can show you where Bob Ward's cabin was. Why not ask Tom Kollenborn at the museum? NP

When did they put Tom in the museum? He wasn't there the last time I toured it...?... Last time I saw Tom he was near the windmill leading a SARS team into the hills, while I was on my way out....


Someday they will.
But they're gonna have to catch him and stuff him first......SH.

somehiker something else i thought of to help you find the mission when you travel up peralta road about half way before you get to peralta trail head bobs cabin was on the right hand side .his cabin was on a cattle lease and there was a blm fence that ran from the trail head to the hyway the fence was about ahalf mile off perata road on the right the gate may still be there if not you should still be able to see the road that went to the cabin if you find either the gate or were it used to be just walk backwards up a little hill about a hundred feet and you will see were people had been digging and part of the foundation i hope this helps the last time i was there was in 1990 hope this helps even more np


I've been looking at some photos of the Burns Ranch and reviewing the history of old man Burns and his mining claims.
There is mention of the ruins of an old building nearby as well as a profusion of pottery shards, and Burns claimed that the Apache used the place for many years as a campsite. But the mountain seems further distant and at the wrong angle in these photos. So it looks like your photo could have been taken somewhere closer to the Bark/QCU Ranch. Might be the stone house mentioned in the Two Soldiers article by Tom K.

Tom Kollenborn Chronicles: Two Soldiers' Lost Mine

"Another story that associates itself with the Two Lost Soldier’s mine occurred just east of the old Bark Ranch (Quarter Circle U Ranch) in Pinal County. Matt Caveness built the old stone house (barn) at the Bark Ranch in 1877. The old stone house had rifle ports because Apaches still raided in those days. Caveness sold the ranch to a man name Marlowe in 1878 or 1879. Marlowe tried to make a living raising a few dairy cows and hauling the milk to the Silver King mine to sell it."


Assume that the point of the dagger is Parker Pass and start from there. You should be able to match, on a topo, the canyons and trails that are shown on the trail maps.

Note: If you end up at a "Jack in the Box", time to find another hobby.:laughing7:

Joe Ribaudo

I went looking for the dagger out there, and found not just a dagger, but the tip (point) was a priest as well.

What do you think about the choice for a new Pope ?
Kinda interesting....a real first.
Did you know that one of the places he worked as a teacher was in Santa Fe, Argentina, on the Rio Salado ?


somehiker glad this heps in your research .there is more things and markers to be found in the same area.last time i was in the area i was with some one else i really didnt trust so i did not say anything about what i was finding or seeing plus i had limited amount of time .im sure you under stand these situations np

I went looking for the dagger out there, and found not just a dagger, but the tip (point) was a priest as well.

What do you think about the choice for a new Pope ?
Kinda interesting....a real first.
Did you know that one of the places he worked as a teacher was in Santa Fe, Argentina, on the Rio Salado ?



I didn't determine the point of the dagger by finding a physical artifact. It is confirmed by the trails and canyons that flow from the point of the blade. You can take a topo, and a copy of the Stone Maps and trace it for yourself. Start at Parker Pass and start tracing the Stone Maps by going East on your topo. For some of the trails you need to be familiar with the actual terrain. For instance, when you go over Bull Pass and get to the North end of Black Top Mesa you will see where the trail forks around the two small hills on your map. Most folks have no idea that the trail that forks to the Southeast is there. It used to keep going down into Needle Canyon. Not much of a trail really, but it's there.

I think the choice of the Pope was long overdue. I don't put any meaning into the fact that he's a Jesuit. On the other hand, I could get some better insight into the choice by asking Father O'Malley. Don't see any reason to ask, but will if you like.

Take care,


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The dagger has the base in Palomino Mountain , go NE and the top of the blade stops 0,5 mile before the Military Trail .



The dagger has the base in Palomino Mountain , go NE and the top of the blade stops 0,5 mile before the Military Trail .



Actually the hilt of the dagger is on the west side of Tim's Saddle. The arrow goes through the saddle and down into West Boulder. I can't really be convinced of anything else on the Stone Map trail, because it all fits together in the proper position. Too much matches to be a coincidence.:dontknow:

Joe Ribaudo


Take a look at the mountain in the background....see anything familiar ?
Considering how we all get together out there every year, someone should recognize that skyline/background.
A building that size would of had a pretty big foundation. Hard to miss.
Maybe Rick has a few pics he can share, since his group has done some work out there at the Burns Ranch.
I'd give him a holler, but I'll be out on the rock pile all day.
Kinda doubt that Tom would want to get involved in this "Mission Impossible"
Even if you could get a hold of him "at the museum".:laughing7:



I did notice the background, but since I don't believe there was ever a mission there to begin with, I didn't waste any time mulling it over. I don't believe there was ever a building like that on the Burns Ranch. Tom Kollenborn would be the one to give a positive answer on the question.

Tom has not had any connection, as far as I know, with the museum for a number of years. We have talked about that a number of times. I doubt he will ever go back.......officially.

Take care,


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"There is mention of the ruins of an old building nearby as well as a profusion of pottery shards, and Burns claimed that the Apache used the place for many years as a campsite."

It seems unlikely that the Apache used the site for a "campsite". Scott Wood should be able to shed some light on that.

Take care,



Many lines , junctions and other marks of the " Trail " stone maps , match in many places . If you have locate the dagger , you must have locate and the heart . Look if the heart has the clues of the latin heart . If has . is the "original " heart . If hasn't , see to my choise .


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Many lines , junctions and other marks of the " Trail " stone maps , match in many places . If you have locate the dagger , you must have locate and the heart . Look if the heart has the clues of the latin heart . If has . is the "original " heart . If hasn't , see to my choise .



Yes, many of the marks and symbols can be found all over the Superstitions, as well as any other mountain range, but if you find them in the proper sequence and spatial relation, you are on the right track. The Stone Trail Maps are just that.........a map.

IMHO, the Latin Heart is a modern-day hoax. I have that on good authority. If you believe in it, by all means pursue the answer.......assuming there is one.:dontknow:

This is the trail that ends at the heart:


This is the heart:


I placed both of these things on a topographic map around 40-years ago.......before ever seeing the trail or the heart. They are exactly where I placed them on that map. No doubt you have something just as good.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

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somehiker glad this heps in your research .there is more things and markers to be found in the same area.last time i was in the area i was with some one else i really didnt trust so i did not say anything about what i was finding or seeing plus i had limited amount of time .im sure you under stand these situations np


I've never been to the Burns Ranch. Been out the Peralta Road a few times, but never really had any interest in the place.
Some folks you probably know have been spending a lot of time out there these last few years, and posting lots about it.
But you can read all that here.....
I've been pretty busy with my own Stone Maps work these last few years, so it doesn't leave me much time for diversions, other than the one or two days each trip that I set aside to explore new areas which I already have on my list of things associated with other history.



IMO , the area of the heart in your picture is about a quarter of the area of the heart in the stone maps . Without the latin heart , nobody never will find the mine .
Are many hearts in the Superstition , and in the most cases can seen full size . The stone heart can seen only from space . I gave in the past , in my posts , many clues to where is , and I am sure how you have read it . You can to compounds the puzzle and to find the location .



IMO , the area of the heart in your picture is about a quarter of the area of the heart in the stone maps . Without the latin heart , nobody never will find the mine .
Are many hearts in the Superstition , and in the most cases can seen full size . The stone heart can seen only from space . I gave in the past , in my posts , many clues to where is , and I am sure how you have read it . You can to compounds the puzzle and to find the location .



I see! Would that make you a Space Cadet?:dontknow: That would explain why much of what you post can't be understood by folks with their feet on the ground.

Joe Ribaudo

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