CSS is Awesome ?
But the OP is nowhere to be found in the debate here.

Maybe CSS is the NSA.......right?
Nothing like NORAD to blow "Project J" wide open huh?
Am I wrong......... ? Central Security Service is what it says to me?
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View attachment 1196016
Jade Helm was it? The letter J.....so many possibiities to think about.
Do the members here know the NSA calls their mainframe cpu SIGNIT Program the "Treasure Map" ?
Does TreasureNet.com know..........yes they do. Good thing I told them ALL.
Where are you Crypto?? Got some questions to ask.
Are you calculating the names in the Beale yet??
We are all waiting to see the jarbled messages produced from the 'TerraFlopping system of the century' and to find out more about the sciences used by the "Best Codebreakers in the World"
or did the Confederates know how to defeat that type of science as well?
What take does the NSA/CSS have on the members here? "Keeping an eye on a few people here"
Are you impressed yet that we found the evidence from the clues you left for us to discover, that we were being watched?
We never expected that a single member of your organization would come onboard here, to actually defend the statements made by your Office of Strategic Disinformation.
It's solved CSS, your whole operation, your every activity watched by so many countries, your every action broken down to the origins of your SIGNIT OPS, and illegal profiling agendas.
..you should just get in line already and ask for a new "Project" to work on. You should see the list of charges pending against the NSA already in Class Action and direct Lawsuits against the invasive policies of "Spying on American Citizens"
Won't be hard to crack that wide open.
What happens when the rest of the world finds out you are looking for Gold and Silver Stashes? The actual task at hand of informing the masses moves to the next level then.
They soon discover that the US Gold Reserves are being replenished somehow, from somewhere, and wonder "Where did the original Gold go off to?"