Is metal detecting still fun?

If anyone here detects with the fuel of finding something of value.
Then fuel will be on empty soon... and it will run out.
You could go years without finding anything of significant value.
And when i say "significant value" i mean something that equals a value to your time money and efforts to finding said item(s).
Some... will never recoup those things in the entire life of their detecting.
Just how the crow flies.
Location location location.
IF your not in a good one... AND IF your not in this for the love of it... then you will be more frustrated than not.
Face it.... the places we all detect grow smaller... more hunted... and increasingly off limits even in the good locations.
Thinking outside the box seems to net the best results in this now competitive hobby / craft.... which is what i call it.... a craft.... for me its not a hobby.
You guys worrying about the bums... Go where the bums aren't... you will dig less trash anyway.
When your relaxed things can happen.
When you are frustrated... nothing good seems follow that.

Go with the intention of digging nothing good... keeping expectations to a minimum.
Leave smiling no matter...
You at least did it... you gave a try... which is satisfying in itself.
Savor this.
Savor the feeling that you left the place in better shape than before you got there.
Awesome response brother. There is a lot to be said for just being alone with God and nature, and getting some great exercise, and that rare treasure will come every now and then.
Always nice to find something like a class ring, and get it back to the rightful owner.
I've always been a loner, so I can go out by myself, and really get some thinking done.

God bless all, and thank you all for being great friends, regardless if it is only online.

Some if not most may call me wierd for the following... but hey what else is new....

I look at each time i have ever detected as an experience...
As a bonding with that spot.
I get to know that spot.. forever embedded and filed away in my mind.
I learn that spots history or just its story as it reveals its contents...
Each spot has a story... even if it was a simple boring one... even when nothing is there that story is also told and learned.
I like to read the stories each and every spot is telling... even if it is minor or futile.
Had i not detected it...
I would not know anything... HEH !

Some if not most may call me wierd for the following... but hey what else is new....

I look at each time i have ever detected as an experience...
As a bonding with that spot.
I get to know that spot.. forever embedded and filed away in my mind.
I learn that spots history or just its story as it reveals its contents...
Each spot has a story... even if it was a simple boring one... even when nothing is there that story is also told and learned.
I like to read the stories each and every spot is telling... even if it is minor or futile.
Had i not detected it...
I would not know anything... HEH !
Exactly right.

Best thing any of us could do, take a pause, and make a plan on watching the BBC series, "The Detectorist". The BEST Metal Detecting film/movie/video or whatever I have ever watched about Metal Detecting, and the people who have loved it for years. 'bout sums it all up. Just saying...

Best thing any of us could do, take a pause, and make a plan on watching the BBC series, "The Detectorist". The BEST Metal Detecting film/movie/video or whatever I have ever watched about Metal Detecting, and the people who have loved it for years. 'bout sums it all up. Just saying...
Lol, I have watched it over and over. Awesome show, and i love the characters.

First of all, I don't have an "attitude". So keep your bully comments to yourself. In my previous post I said twice I wasn't bragging. So you missed that part. You make an assumption that I criticized their detector--which I would never do. And, Brian, I never asked for and don't need your "suggestions".

There have been other disrespectful comments made and I will ignore them, report them, or add them to the blocked list as needed.

I think some of the replies we're seeing is the reason we are losing a lot of members. Be disrespectful to other people and they probably won't come back.
Yeah, this is kind of the response I expected. I'm not getting pulled into a debate with you, OP. And I'm not going to defend or apologize for my comments.
I'm just going to wish you good luck with your detecting, and I hope you find the "fun" again in this hobby.
- Brian
Best thing any of us could do, take a pause, and make a plan on watching the BBC series, "The Detectorist". The BEST Metal Detecting film/movie/video or whatever I have ever watched about Metal Detecting, and the people who have loved it for years. 'bout sums it all up. Just saying...
Totally agree, love the series!
Lol, I have watched it over and over. Awesome show, and i love the characters.
Had not thought of re-watching the series, but that's a great idea!
- Brian

Yeah, this is kind of the response I expected. I'm not getting pulled into a debate with you, OP. And I'm not going to defend or apologize for my comments.
I'm just going to wish you good luck with your detecting, and I hope you find the "fun" again in this hobby.
- Brian

Totally agree, love the series!

Had not thought of re-watching the series, but that's a great idea!
- Brian
I'm in a battle with stage 4 cancer in my liver and colon, I don't think there is anything I haven't watched since March 14th lol.
They really had a great thing going, I wish they would film more. And the actors are believable.
Ill get out again but have a lot of work ahead to make it happen.

I'm in a battle with stage 4 cancer in my liver and colon, I don't think there is anything I haven't watched since March 14th lol.
They really had a great thing going, I wish they would film more. And the actors are believable.
Ill get out again but have a lot of work ahead to make it happen.
Hope ya get better soon.

Some if not most may call me wierd for the following... but hey what else is new....

I look at each time i have ever detected as an experience...
As a bonding with that spot.
I get to know that spot.. forever embedded and filed away in my mind.
I learn that spots history or just its story as it reveals its contents...
Each spot has a story... even if it was a simple boring one... even when nothing is there that story is also told and learned.
I like to read the stories each and every spot is telling... even if it is minor or futile.
Had i not detected it...
I would not know anything... HEH !
I find that very inspiring. Great way to put things in perspective. Thank you👍

I hear this, I really, REALLY do. I'm lucky enough to have access to some pretty sweet spots to hunt in but it's not always easy, I have been chased out by cops once now, I'm really sick of modern coins, digging and searching are a lot of work, lotta work, it's tiresome excavating hole after hole out in the elements only to find weird disappointments. I was about ready to quit but instead I'm just taking a hiatus, it's tedious finding junk and crap, things I wished I'd never bothered digging. I've gotten picky about the where and what of it to improve (theoretically) the quality of finds but it's still a shot in the dark. It's a thrill and a letdown at the same time for sure. I continue to push for quality over quantity but some things are beyond my control

Referring to me as "Dude"(try to be more respectful of other posters).

I like the idea about putting your hand out to say stop. I carry the hammer around more often. It's more of a deterent than the digger.
Some of your other arguments I couldn't make sense of.

I did say in my original post, it was just a rant and wasn't expecting the vitriol and some of the long-winded replies. I actually thought I would get more relatability in replies. Some people said, "I can't relate".

In general, be respectful of others on the site. And maybe people will stick ar

I hear this, I really, REALLY do. I'm lucky enough to have access to some pretty sweet spots to hunt in but it's not always easy, I have been chased out by cops once now, I'm really sick of modern coins, digging and searching are a lot of work, lotta work, it's tiresome excavating hole after hole out in the elements only to find weird disappointments. I was about ready to quit but instead I'm just taking a hiatus, it's tedious finding junk and crap, things I wished I'd never bothered digging. I've gotten picky about the where and what of it to improve (theoretically) the quality of finds but it's still a shot in the dark. It's a thrill and a letdown at the same time for sure. I continue to push for quality over quantity but some things are beyond my control
Sometimes a little break helps. I've done it in the past and been away from detecting for a year or more at a time.
It can be discouraging at times depending on the weather (hot and humid but the ground is like concrete).
It is unfortunate that people think it is ok to throw so much garbage around but I see all kinds of stuff when detecting that really should have never been thrown down.
We have to be realistic with this though, and take into consideration the hunting is getting harder than it was say 20 years ago. A lot of nice places of the past are forever destroyed or out of reach today due to human development and "modernization".
We're losing a lot more than a metal detecting spot though.

Your opinion.
Yes, it is--arrived at and based upon your statements.

I don't see your point; the entire OP RANT is your opinion. :icon_scratch:

I still enjoy detecting. But there are hassles to it:

1. Worrying about trespassing and someone getting irate, calling the cops, or maybe even shooting at you
2. People staring at you like you're a martian.
3. The ubiquitous homeless ppl who seem to be wherever I want to detect!!--and the threat to safety that they impose.
4. Many days it seems like all I dig is copper pennies. They are everywhere!!
5. Hunting partners leave without an explanation.
6. All the good spots have been hunted out completely and finding a new spot is very challenging. Furthermore, to get to a good spot it seems one has to drive further and further out

I could probably go on. But we'll leave it at that. It's just a rant :coffee2:

7up2000, I read through the replies, no member was being disrespectful to you. You post a "rant" as you call it, not sure why you would be surprised to get replies about a "rant".

1. Don't trespass, ask permission, don't have to worry then.
2. Who cares if people stare, people stare at me when I detect, I couldn't care less.
3. Always have the means to defend yourself, a knife, hammer something. I personally am always armed with a firearm, even when I hunt in the water I have a firearm up high on my chest, under wetsuit or hunting vest. I am legal, and lcensed to carry concealed. I am armed 99.9% of the time, so detecting armed is normal for me.
4. Digging pennies is normal, I have large jar full of them, I have another huge jar full of clad coins, I have also dug thousands of pull tabs.
5. I have had multiple partners, many left and for different reasons, the ones hard to accept are the ones who left due to their death, those are the hardest.
6. I started detecting about 18 years go, they were saying then "all the good spots were clean out already", I don't believe that, just the easy targets are gone.

Let's please keep it cordial.....Thanks😁👍

7up2000, I read through the replies, no member was being disrespectful to you. You post a "rant" as you call it, not sure why you would be surprised to get replies about a "rant".

1. Don't trespass, ask permission, don't have to worry then.
2. Who cares if people stare, people stare at me when I detect, I couldn't care less.
3. Always have the means to defend yourself, a knife, hammer something. I personally am always armed with a firearm, even when I hunt in the water I have a firearm up high on my chest, under wetsuit or hunting vest. I am legal, and lcensed to carry concealed. I am armed 99.9% of the time, so detecting armed is normal for me.
4. Digging pennies is normal, I have large jar full of them, I have another huge jar full of clad coins, I have also dug thousands of pull tabs.
5. I have had multiple partners, many left and for different reasons, the ones hard to accept are the ones who left due to their death, those are the hardest.
6. I started detecting about 18 years go, they were saying then "all the good spots were clean out already", I don't believe that, just the easy targets are gone.

Let's please keep it cordial.....Thanks😁👍
Man if I worried about someone staring at me every time I went out to detect I would never go out and detect at all.

To the Op, I was pretty much at the point I was ready to quit detecting all together a few months ago, it was just no longer fun for me, I got to where I felt I had to make a good find every single time I went out instead of just taking detecting for what it is supposed to be (Just a Dang fun Hobby).
the detectors I was using also made detecting no longer fun for me also, I ended up switching to detectors that most would consider outdated and obsolete, I switched over to using the Old Beep and Digs not worrying about whether I had them set up for the Ground I detect (Yes you still have to set them up for the Ground you are Detectin) but I would not consider just having to ground balance much of a setup LOL, once I did that the fun started coming back for me, now I have fun each and every time I go out and detect again, I do not worry about what I am not finding or anything I just go out with the thoughts of having a good time and relaxing

my main detection is for Gold Nuggets in Arizona and in fact I live near Tucson, and yes there are Nuggets to be found out where you live or not to far out of Tucson so you may want to change up what you detect for, maybe give nugget detecting a try, (but beware it is probably the toughest kind of metal detecting you will ever attempt to do) and you will dig several thousand lead shot from shotgun rounds and many other undesirable targets before you actually find your first gold nugget, but it is all fun because you never know what you are digging until you actually dig the target out of the ground LOL

6. I started detecting about 18 years go, they were saying then "all the good spots were clean out already", I don't believe that, just the easy targets are gone.
If that were the case, then having only recently taken up this pursuit, I should be in for a world of disappointment 😞, as should the multitudes who've bought detectors during the ensuing 18 years. But I'm not. And from the action/traffic on this site, I'd speculate that "they" may have been trying to discourage the competition(?) :dontknow: (I heard the same stuff.)

My first permission is an 1850 farmhouse that's never been detected before now. I'm not finding anything "valuable" (most valuable item so far is probably worth $2.50-$3.00) but I am finding interesting... stuff.

I've built a list of 100+ similar properties/sites. If only 1% grant me permission, I should be good for another season of fresh air, sunshine, good conversation (with owners, passersby, here, etc.) and discoveries.

Man if I worried about someone staring at me every time I went out to detect I would never go out and detect at all.
I was at first; not so much anymore. (pepperj 😁)
I don't recall any actual staring, but people are naturally curious. We exchange glances, smile, wave, maybe mumble a platitude...

Sometimes it may be a good thing to be seen. One lady stopped her car in the street and called to me, "Are you alright? Do you need an ambulance?" She said she saw me (another old coot) on the ground and was concerned. We had a short chat, and I thanked her for her concern. If something had happened 🤞🏼, she may have saved my life.


There is.

YouTube "forces" content providers to do a lot of that sensationalizing; you can find just as many vids complaining about all the hoops they have to jump through to get clicks--to get paid. 🤮

Do you mean getting permissions isn't the most fun part of metal detecting 😲😁

Me too.

The biggest problem with youtube is most of the people just want to make a buck and do not care about telling the truth. If they are sponsored by someone, they are more concerned about getting paid rather than selling a good product.

An example for me is I have been retired from auto collision for some time now, my brain is fuzzy. My Ford motor home quit blowing out the dash, one fool wanted you to remove the fender and drill holes in your door post and run a new vacuum line. another wanted you to run the line through a grommet bypassing the factory setup.After thing about it, I simply pulled the plug out of the factory hole and pushed a new line, 30 seconds, instead of hours.

Silver coins are nice, I have found out over the past 50 years or so they are becoming harder and harder to find, out here when I do find one they are deteriorated to scrap value. So for me I prefer parks, where I can find jewelry, or prospecting where I find nuggets. If I add up the scrap value of silver coins found over the past 10 years, I might get $50, but the scrap value of jewelry might be $5k, (I'm off but just a ratio)

The biggest problem with youtube is most of the people just want to make a buck and do not care about telling the truth. If they are sponsored by someone, they are more concerned about getting paid rather than selling a good product.

An example for me is I have been retired from auto collision for some time now, my brain is fuzzy. My Ford motor home quit blowing out the dash, one fool wanted you to remove the fender and drill holes in your door post and run a new vacuum line. another wanted you to run the line through a grommet bypassing the factory setup.After thing about it, I simply pulled the plug out of the factory hole and pushed a new line, 30 seconds, instead of hours.
Restoration work around Eastern Ontario is as rare as hen's teeth it seems.

Insurance Companies pay the bills. In/out quick jobs.

I hear you on the YT videos.
Fast forwarding is a great feature.

Though I have used YT in the fix/repairs.

Some are good, and some should be just outed for their crap.

Goes for the detecting videos.
Fast forward, see results, wrap up.

The term "Showboats" is useful for many.

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