Full Member
Awesome response brother. There is a lot to be said for just being alone with God and nature, and getting some great exercise, and that rare treasure will come every now and then.If anyone here detects with the fuel of finding something of value.
Then fuel will be on empty soon... and it will run out.
You could go years without finding anything of significant value.
And when i say "significant value" i mean something that equals a value to your time money and efforts to finding said item(s).
Some... will never recoup those things in the entire life of their detecting.
Just how the crow flies.
Location location location.
IF your not in a good one... AND IF your not in this for the love of it... then you will be more frustrated than not.
Face it.... the places we all detect grow smaller... more hunted... and increasingly off limits even in the good locations.
Thinking outside the box seems to net the best results in this now competitive hobby / craft.... which is what i call it.... a craft.... for me its not a hobby.
You guys worrying about the bums... Go where the bums aren't... you will dig less trash anyway.
When your relaxed things can happen.
When you are frustrated... nothing good seems follow that.
Go with the intention of digging nothing good... keeping expectations to a minimum.
Leave smiling no matter...
You at least did it... you gave a try... which is satisfying in itself.
Savor this.
Savor the feeling that you left the place in better shape than before you got there.
Always nice to find something like a class ring, and get it back to the rightful owner.
I've always been a loner, so I can go out by myself, and really get some thinking done.
God bless all, and thank you all for being great friends, regardless if it is only online.