They used to give permits out for a fee of course. I don't know why they stopped.
Let's see, Baltimore City. City Property. To many shootings or muggings? Might have banned detecting in order to save detectorist. Baltimore, New York City, Detroit, Chicago, out here Portland, Seattle San Francisco etc. etc. etc, just saying...It's still fun. Not necessarily safe anymore. Baltimore City just banned all detecting on city property.
I get asked if I had seen this metal detecting show or that one?To each his own I guess. I love those click baiting videos. the older you get the more you will come to rely on those youtube detecting videos. A lot of times I do usually due to health reasons, I will log onto youtube and search for those metal detecting videos and watch all those guys and gals swinging their machines, running across a target then kneel or drop to all fours and start digging. Then after digging a good sized hole, pop back up off the ground with all the youth and vigor that comes with a younger age.
Then I drift off in my memories of days gone by when dreaming of those times when I could hunt for hours, through brush up to knees, up and down hills digging all those iffy targets in hopes of hitting it big or at least finding something other than trash. But now a days, when I do go out, I'm carrying a 4ft shovel so I don't have to bend down or get down on the ground in hopes of being able to get back up again.
Amen.Life can flip really fast, enjoy the time we have digging.
Which is great when you are physically able, but when those times are past, but you still have that itch or yearn of what used to be and the only way to scratch that itch living vicariously through someone else then you may become more appreciative of those detecting shows or youtube videos. To me, it's nothing more than watching those documentaries of state parks, which I love to do because I know that odds of me visiting all of the state parks in the country are slim to none. But watching the videos is like being there without leaving the comfort of the recliner. Covid kind of changed the way I look at life now a days. I had planned this grand and probably my last grand metal detecting hunt and was leaving Florida to head out west to detect the deserts of Arizona. Then Covid hit3 months before we were to leave on this grand trip. I ended up losing about $5000.00 from plane tickets, equipment, caught covid, a relative passed away from it. So I got in the habit of watching guys detecting in Arizona on youtube during the lock down and never looked back.I get asked if I had seen this metal detecting show or that one?
Nope-The only reality I dig is my own.
Never watched a complete detecting show even.
Videos now there's the good, bad, and the ugly.
Skip all introductory BS.
Skip through looking at high lights, go to end to watch wrap up.
I don't like the drama queens.
Don't care who they are, in viewership/subscribers.
Click bait-will never waste my time.
Why watch BS?
When there's a real world out there that has real dirt.
Educational ones are good, if they know what they're doing.
Some are just throwing crap out there to see if it sticks.
When the content provider produces crap it really sucks.
Folks waste countless hours of time. Miss potential keepers because of some crap produced.
Time tested and true method is just plain enjoying the time spent digging.
(Written from laying flat in a hospital bed)
Life can flip really fast, enjoy the time we have digging.
Not me! Even with knee pads, I have to plop myTo each his own I guess. I love those click baiting videos. the older you get the more you will come to rely on those youtube detecting videos. A lot of times I do usually due to health reasons, I will log onto youtube and search for those metal detecting videos and watch all those guys and gals swinging their machines, running across a target then kneel or drop to all fours and start digging. Then after digging a good sized hole, ....
Sorry for your loss.Which is great when you are physically able, but when those times are past, but you still have that itch or yearn of what used to be and the only way to scratch that itch living vicariously through someone else then you may become more appreciative of those detecting shows or youtube videos. To me, it's nothing more than watching those documentaries of state parks, which I love to do because I know that odds of me visiting all of the state parks in the country are slim to none. But watching the videos is like being there without leaving the comfort of the recliner. Covid kind of changed the way I look at life now a days. I had planned this grand and probably my last grand metal detecting hunt and was leaving Florida to head out west to detect the deserts of Arizona. Then Covid hit3 months before we were to leave on this grand trip. I ended up losing about $5000.00 from plane tickets, equipment, caught covid, a relative passed away from it. So I got in the habit of watching guys detecting in Arizona on youtube during the lock down and never looked back.
Having felt one or two of these myself I'm going to answer them by each question. (Please be aware these are my personal thoughts on these issues.)I still enjoy detecting. But there are hassles to it:
1. Worrying about trespassing and someone getting irate, calling the cops, or maybe even shooting at you
2. People staring at you like you're a martian.
3. The ubiquitous homeless ppl who seem to be wherever I want to detect!!--and the threat to safety that they impose.
4. Many days it seems like all I dig is copper pennies. They are everywhere!!
5. Hunting partners leave without an explanation.
6. All the good spots have been hunted out completely and finding a new spot is very challenging. Furthermore, to get to a good spot it seems one has to drive further and further out
I could probably go on. But we'll leave it at that. It's just a rant![]()
There might be some truth to this. I've been detecting a total of 10 years. It took me 4 months to find my first silver coin, but then I went on an amazing hot streak where I averaged a silver coin or more every month for about 2 years. Then I had a 6 year period where I found very few silver coins(I think the longest I went without finding one is 1-1/2 years). Then about 1-1/2 years ago I went on another incredible hot streak where I found 2 in one day, 3 in one day, 2 in one day--and singles on several other days. I was also coming up with silver rings and bracelets. As a matter of fact I just found another Mercury on Sunday:Maybe OP has just had it too good for too long...![]()
ExactlyIm not faced with any of the problems you've listed , I have fun and enjoy relic hunting deep in the woods . uncovering history one beep at a time. leave the crowds and hit the woods.
I think with a metric of success being how many silver coins you find, you're going to be increasingly frustrated. 🤔There might be some truth to this. I've been detecting a total of 10 years. It took me 4 months to find my first silver coin, but then I went on an amazing hot streak where I averaged a silver coin or more every month for about 2 years. Then I had a 6 year period where I found very few silver coins(I think the longest I went without finding one is 1-1/2 years). Then about 1-1/2 years ago I went on another incredible hot streak where I found 2 in one day, 3 in one day, 2 in one day--and singles on several other days. I was also coming up with silver rings and bracelets. As a matter of fact I just found another Mercury on Sunday:
school find -- 1916s Merc
1 hour 20 minute hunt at a school. Figured it to be built maybe 1960s. I wasn't finding too many coins: 1 quarter, 1 dime, and 4 pennies. Then over at the rock garden got a faint, clear signal at about 2.5". Surprised to see the Merc come out: 1916s. I'll clean her up and sell it on
I do have days where it seems I find every single copper penny dropped in the last 20 years and the hobby gets frustrating. And yes, I find my share of bottle caps, pull tabs, washers, nuts, can slaw, rusted metal, and deep large metal objects masquerading as a shallow coin-sized target.
Amen (in the secular sense, and before I sawTime tested and true method is just plain enjoying the time spent digging.
Even if you weren’t shoving your finds in your partners’ faces or directly criticizing their choice of detector, do you think maybe some of this attitude might have been conveyed to them through your tone or indirectly through your words?I think every hunting partner I've had left because I would find 10 silver coins and they would find 0--even though they'd spent $2500 for their machine and I was using a $750 machine. …
First of all, I don't have an "attitude". So keep your bully comments to yourself. In my previous post I said twice I wasn't bragging. So you missed that part. You make an assumption that I criticized their detector--which I would never do. And, Brian, I never asked for and don't need your "suggestions".Even if you weren’t shoving your finds in your partners’ faces or directly criticizing their choice of detector, do you think maybe some of this attitude might have been conveyed to them through your tone or indirectly through your words?
I don’t know you so forgive me for commenting, but reading your two recent posts made me feel
like you were bragging. A lot.
I’m glad you acknowledged that you could have “toned it down”. Run with that - that’s my suggestion.
- Brian.
Your opinion.I think with a metric of success being how many silver coins you find, you're going to be increasingly frustrated. 🤔
Melting down copper pennies is actually a Federal offense.4. Complaining about copper pennies?I thought you wanted to find things? Accumulate them, melt them down, sell em, coinstar em. Yeah it's a penny but it is a copper one, and they stopped making those back in early 80's. Yep, bring em on.
Referring to me as "Dude"(try to be more respectful of other posters).When you see them coming throw you hand out like a stop sign and make it very clear "BACK OFF". If that fails, make sure your hand is on that digger.
Sound advise.If anyone here detects with the fuel of finding something of value.
Then fuel will be on empty soon... and it will run out.
You could go years without finding anything of significant value.
And when i say "significant value" i mean something that equals a value to your time money and efforts to finding said item(s).
Some... will never recoup those things in the entire life of their detecting.
Just how the crow flies.
Location location location.
IF your not in a good one... AND IF your not in this for the love of it... then you will be more frustrated than not.
Face it.... the places we all detect grow smaller... more hunted... and increasingly off limits even in the good locations.
Thinking outside the box seems to net the best results in this now competitive hobby / craft.... which is what i call it.... a craft.... for me its not a hobby.
You guys worrying about the bums... Go where the bums aren't... you will dig less trash anyway.
When your relaxed things can happen.
When you are frustrated... nothing good seems follow that.
Go with the intention of digging nothing good... keeping expectations to a minimum.
Leave smiling no matter...
You at least did it... you gave a try... which is satisfying in itself.
Savor this.
Savor the feeling that you left the place in better shape than before you got there.