The debate was that I feel that the codes were falsified and that there are other parts of the Puzzle missing that are needed to complete them.

The Heart was a hand drawn version of a map I found, with the rest of the stone maps, that had a corresponding city on it that references Moneta, VA

Except these were found 300 miles away from Santa Fe in the area of gold mines I also located. in AZ

The members...or the professionals and literary experts here, have been debating the facts using unsubstantiated claims of partial solves,

and when i questioned them about the FULL SOLVE.....including the dead 30 bodies, and the mines, with maps,

Everyone turned their heads and spat out whatever excuses they could find.

The same argument as before, except this one is losing its value daily.

Best to just call your publishers now guys.....

I am taking offers daily

Seems interesting! I'll have to do some quick internet studying just to even get an Idea of what your talking about. I know nothing! I was just joking around with you guys. I do like puzzles and Cryptograms. Sounds like something that would be fun to try to research.

Seems interesting! I'll have to do some quick internet studying just to even get an Idea of what your talking about. I know nothing! I was just joking around with you guys. I do like puzzles and Cryptograms. Sounds like something that would be fun to try to research.

If you get lost feel free to PM me and I can update you......

Nobody has the info I do and they are lost chasing ghosts in the story from 1820 when the title clearly says 1885.

These guys are somewhat uncompelled to see the solve due to personal involvement and sales. A heated debate to use as a reference later I am try to vet other solves from the forum......

Great to see new interests though. !

Here again you continue to try to deflect the contrary facts being laid out before you. Clearly there is no threat in my statement, only the advise that you consult an attorney on the issue of the applied use of the word "authentic" and the actual liability placed upon the author for his use of the word in the presented context. This way you will then understand what is being, and has been, explained to you so that you won't assume your assumption to be accurate when it is not. That basket full of eggs only needs to contain two apples. And that's a fact. :thumbsup: Please, check me out on that.

In the meantime, still waiting on that directly implicating material.

I owe you NOTHING.......LOL...

Choreograph that on your dancefloor

Back to the Cipher #3 AGAIN

Here again you continue to try to deflect the contrary facts being laid out before you. Clearly there is no threat in my statement, only the advise that you consult an attorney on the issue of the applied use of the word "authentic" and the actual liability placed upon the author for his use of the word in the presented context. This way you will then understand what is being, and has been, explained to you so that you won't assume your assumption to be accurate when it is not. That basket full of eggs only needs to contain two apples. And that's a fact. :thumbsup: Please, check me out on that.

In the meantime, still waiting on that directly implicating material.

Objection Your Honor.

and the actual liability placed upon the author for his use of the word in the presented context

Take your own advice

And Back to Cipher #3 AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN

Objection Your Honor.

Take your own advice

And Back to Cipher #3 AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN

Strange, but somehow I figured you weren't interested in discovering the facts. :laughing7:
"And Back to Cipher #3 AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN", you said a mouthful there! :laughing7: Have at it! :thumbsup:


View attachment 1193154

From the Bottom Of My Heart ECS.....

the word M O N E T A...........

not MONEDA.....

see the difference in the spelling? Of course not.....

Glad the professional is attempting to assert the actual facts in the case....I almost felt like an amateur for a second

Where's the mine then ECS??? Dont know that either?......hmmmmmmmmmmmm the 30 men..........?

NOPE scientifically impossible the 30 men found in the Superstitions were actually the same 30 men from the same timeperiod...
I referenced the word MONETA, in your rush to judgment to belittle my opinion, Eldo, you must have misread my post, or failed to pursue the link I provided.
Your constant sound and fury of the mine and 30 dead men found in the Superstitions really signifies nothing without documentation which you, Eldo, have never provided beyond your SIMPSON PAPERS.
You have claimed Reavis was Beale, Jacob Waltz was James Beverly Ward in your unbridled attempt to ride this dead horse theory home. You have connected Peralta Stone maps to Bedford, Virginia and Bedford, Nova Scotia.
As with others before you, you have taken events, people, and locations that are outside of the 1885 Beale Papers, forcing them in to support your pet theory.
Your time would be better spent finding and providing actual evidence that proves your speculative claims, instead of posting smug harangues addressed to TN members on this topic.

I referenced the word MONETA, in your rush to judgment to belittle my opinion, Eldo, you must have misread my post, or failed to pursue the link I provided.
Your constant sound and fury of the mine and 30 dead men found in the Superstitions really signifies nothing without documentation which you, Eldo, have never provided beyond your SIMPSON PAPERS.
You have claimed Reavis was Beale, Jacob Waltz was James Beverly Ward in your unbridled attempt to ride this dead horse theory home. You have connected Peralta Stone maps to Bedford, Virginia and Bedford, Nova Scotia.
As with others before you, you have taken events, people, and locations that are outside of the 1885 Beale Papers, forcing them in to support your pet theory.
Your time would be better spent finding and providing actual evidence that proves your speculative claims, instead of posting smug harangues addressed to TN members on this topic.

So smug, Oh So smug....

#1 I dont owe you anything, but have offered to discuss this all, yet get insulted by, well, subordinates of another agenda altogether (which I have still not figured out yet).

....please, do carry on your rant against a sane explanation of two events happening in two parts of the country, that 'have nothing to do with each other', but just happened to have the exact same locations mapped together, and the same amount of men, in both cases dead and missing, and the same amount of time spent there, and the same locations of mines, and so forth.

So get real.

Why is this map carved in Bedford, VA along with the symbol itself taken from Bedford Basin, NS then?

Beale Omega Map.webpChamplainMapCrop.webp

BealeOmega andfixe pointed x.webpBedfordBasinCarving.webp

Because the stones tell you to 'Look for the Map', and to 'Look for the Heart'.

Grow a pair of legs already and step outside your denial box you are sitting inside of.

ECS this is directed at you....because you cannot refute the whole of what I have found, BigSoup, that goes for you too and that is final I am afraid.

What I found is so much of a coordinated effort, you seem to think that they were operating all by themselves and if I wasn't able to crack the codes that I was a liar.

There is so much gathered info it is going to be hard for you to understand I know, but I will take baby steps

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Ok, So I just did a real quick search to find out what the beale codes were....Way too cool! I can't believe I've never seen any of that before. I can see how it's a story that can go in bunch of different directions to try to find information. Too many questions,people involved,time past...... Even if it is a hoax, I would imagine the codes still decipher into something. Why create a hoax with no way to solve. That wouldn't be much fun! I still know very little, but at least I have a little understanding and the thread makes more sense. :laughing7:

Ok, So I just did a real quick search to find out what the beale codes were....Way too cool! I can't believe I've never seen any of that before. I can see how it's a story that can go in bunch of different directions to try to find information. Too many questions,people involved,time past...... Even if it is a hoax, I would imagine the codes still decipher into something. Why create a hoax with no way to solve. That wouldn't be much fun! I still know very little, but at least I have a little understanding and the thread makes more sense. :laughing7:


The debate was that I feel that the codes were falsified and that there are other parts of the Puzzle missing that are needed to complete them.

The Heart was a hand drawn version of a map I found, with the rest of the stone maps, that had a corresponding city on it that references Moneta, VA

Except these were found 300 miles away from Santa Fe in the area of gold mines I also located. in AZ

The members...or the professionals and literary experts here, have been debating the facts using unsubstantiated claims of partial solves,

and when i questioned them about the FULL SOLVE.....including the dead 30 bodies, and the mines, with maps,

Everyone turned their heads and spat out whatever excuses they could find.

The same argument as before, except this one is losing its value daily.

Best to just call your publishers now guys.....

I am taking offers daily

Moneta, VA... AGAIN! HA!

Eldo, as with most speculatory theories regarding the Beale Papers, your summation creates the proverbial double edged sword in that it substantiates the Beale Papers to have been a misleading description of events past. This in essence is suggesting that the author of the Beale Papers knew a great deal more about what he was speaking and that his story intentionally mislead the general public. In the Beale Pamphlet the author makes crystal clear his details and the details of party's adventure and discovery, you on the other hand have determined the author to be a liar in claiming that his story was not accurate and that the parties were actually participants in much grander plan. So basically you are determining that the story itself was not true as presented and that the author lied about the adventure and the parties involved. This, in essence, makes a great deal of the Beale story complete fiction, and in YOUR own representation of that text. So you see, your own theory also serves to discredit the information contained in the very source that you claim to be a true narrative of a fabulous conspiracy and treasure. What you are suggesting is simply this;

"The story is true! But only the portions I say are true and those being only relevant to those events and parties I say they were." Do you see the obvious problem here in your summation? In one breath you support the story as being true, yet by your own summation you also indirectly implicate the author and his details to be misleading, untruthful, and inaccurate. :laughing7:

So very clearly, you have only selected from the story those details you desire to be true and then you have arranged your details in such a way that accommodates your personal desires. If your story was based on any directly implicating facts then none of your theory could even exist. The party's discovery is said to be an act of happenstance, to believe any different is to claim that the author was, well, a liar. And if he were a liar, as your summation makes him out to be, then why believe anything in the tale, especially since none of it can be supported by any directly connecting facts?

So in creating a theory you also have to accept everything else that you've created right along with it. And in your case you have clearly created an author who was a liar, or at the very least you have created an author who published a story containing lies. :laughing7:

The irony in all of this is that by assuming the use of the word "authentic" to mean that all of the statements in the Beale Papers are true then you likewise accept that your own theory, then, cannot possibly be true. :thumbsup:

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Grow a pair of legs already and step outside your denial box you are sitting inside of.

ECS this is directed at you....because you cannot refute the whole of what I have found, BigSoup, that goes for you too and that is final I am afraid...
Like Reavis, all your claims are anchored to highly suspect and questionable provenance, and that is all you have produced, speculative claims to support your theory.
The photos you post are NOT hard evidence that prove the claimed connection of the Lost Dutchman legend to the Beale treasure.
There are many holes in your presentation of "facts", and your ship of deduction needs to be dry docked before it sinks beneath your feet.

The thread seems to have a topic of names on C3. So far we have Franklins, thanks Franklin! Do we have more?

This is a challenge to all the people that think they have decoded The Beale Papers.
Name one of the first five names on the cipher #3 that you have decoded.

Lets see if someone thinks they have what it takes to be King of the Beale Papers.

King shows location's and reveals what exists there with provenance of legitimacy by qualified historians.
Following confirmation of a Beale association the king can then reveal how conclusion was arrived at.
Even if it was by successful fishing expeditions. (Very unlikely by the way.)
Any other claim of royalty is just that. A claim.
No reason to fish others alleged solves till it's done and over unless you have no clue, and certainly no reason to advertise claims if Beale code actually solved.
Which it is not till proven.

I would. I will even give you the cyphers 31-W 11-A 106-L 81-T 191-E 224-R 328-O 18-T 75-E 52-Y

I went to Beford with a list of a dozen names I had decyphered from C-3 I was going to search for them at the Bedford City Museum but they did not open until 10 AM the library opened at 9 AM so I went there first. I ask the librarian for a book on old families of Bedford County. She handed me a book called, "Leftwich Turner Families in Virginia." I took those twelve names and started looking in the index. The very first name I found was "Walter Otey" Just about scared the hell out of me. I was able to find a total of 10 of the 12 names so I know for a fact my decypherment of C-3 is correct as I do know that my decypherment of C-1 is correct. I have all three of the Beale Codes completely broken on my CD book, "The Lost Diary of Thomas J. Beall" Yes his last name is spelled with two letter"L's" instead of an "E" on the end. He was from Bealestown, PA His brother Zephaniah's wife was from just SE of Buford's Tavern. So they had connections to the Buford's Area.

By the way TJB's oldest brother Resin was a General in the Indian Wars and saved our country from an attack from Ft. Detroit. He was later a Congressman of Ohio at the same time of the Battle of New Orleans.

The name immediately in front of Walter Otey was Joseph Miller and he was the first man that crossed the Great Divide. He lived on top of Porter's Mountain behind Buford's Tavern.

Well done, franklin; he has ONE name, let's see what he DOES with it...

King shows location's and reveals what exists there with provenance of legitimacy by qualified historians.
Following confirmation of a Beale association the king can then reveal how conclusion was arrived at.
Even if it was by successful fishing expeditions. (Very unlikely by the way.)
Any other claim of royalty is just that. A claim.
No reason to fish others alleged solves till it's done and over unless you have no clue, and certainly no reason to advertise claims if Beale code actually solved.
Which it is not till proven.

(Chanting)... D & R! D & R! D & R!

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I would. I will even give you the cyphers 31-W 11-A 106-L 81-T 191-E 224-R 328-O 18-T 75-E 52-Y

I went to Beford with a list of a dozen names I had decyphered from C-3 I was going to search for them at the Bedford City Museum but they did not open until 10 AM the library opened at 9 AM so I went there first. I ask the librarian for a book on old families of Bedford County. She handed me a book called, "Leftwich Turner Families in Virginia." I took those twelve names and started looking in the index. The very first name I found was "Walter Otey" Just about scared the hell out of me. I was able to find a total of 10 of the 12 names so I know for a fact my decypherment of C-3 is correct as I do know that my decypherment of C-1 is correct. I have all three of the Beale Codes completely broken on my CD book, "The Lost Diary of Thomas J. Beall" Yes his last name is spelled with two letter"L's" instead of an "E" on the end. He was from Bealestown, PA His brother Zephaniah's wife was from just SE of Buford's Tavern. So they had connections to the Buford's Area.

By the way TJB's oldest brother Resin was a General in the Indian Wars and saved our country from an attack from Ft. Detroit. He was later a Congressman of Ohio at the same time of the Battle of New Orleans.

The name immediately in front of Walter Otey was Joseph Miller and he was the first man that crossed the Great Divide. He lived on top of Porter's Mountain behind Buford's Tavern.

:icon_thumleft: List of names...? Need more info on those families...? Bedford Genealogy Fair, Sept. 12, 2015... or 1(540)466-4247.

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:icon_thumleft: List of names...? Need more info on those families...? Bedford Genealogy Fair, Sept. 12, 2015... or 1(540)466-4247.

MAY go to do R & I on family; Dundee/Bedford County (northeast of SML), to Lynchburg... up to Albemarle County; over the Swift Run Gap into Shenandoah Valley (father's side). In Albemarle County & north, "active" CSA/KGC "legends" indicated... "I wanna believe" sezs Fox Mulder.

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