Blower (Mailbox) Construction for Our New Boat

Hey Robert...

Congratulations on your boat and your dreams!!! Keep your family members close... like your 7 year old shadow... and your understanding wife. Keep them with you and on your side. I know how important that is because when I want to take off to go "bottle hunting" with my dive buddies, my wife knows that I am underwater looking... searching for and finding bottles... doing what I love and not in some bar drinking and flirting with someone else... "Trust" my friend is the name of the game. ;)

I have a few extra items that I can ship down your way... extra life jackets, anchor rope, flare kits, first aid kits... stuff that you need to have for the Coast Guard inspections. If you need any of those things and you want to save a little money... PM me and let me know. That way, I won't feel bad asking you if I can come aboard and join you for a few days here and there... ::)

Good luck to you... she looks great. You guys have put a lot of hard work, love and care into that boat. wishing you well,


Wayne, I think I can speak for the whole group and say, "Yes!" :) How generous of you. I have PM'd you an address to send it to. Our hobby can sometimes attract greed and a hoarding mentality. Your willingness to give is refreshing. Tnet is such a wonderful place to network with like-minded guys and gals. You are welcome to join us anytime!


the tank i have on my truck can suck out 120 gallons of oil at a resturant in less then 2 minutes.theres 8 resturants that i collect from less then 2 blocks from where i live.the centrifudge i have here can process 60 gallons an hour.all automatic.i dont need to babysit the process,if i make a bigger centrifudge i can process 300 gallons an hour.

my fuel tank on my boat is 600 buy diesel at $3.00 a gallon would be $1800.both my engines burn 2 gallons an hour at 10 the way i see it,i spend less time working to pay for fuel and spend more time out on my boat looking for and finding treasure.
Why don't you go into business selling your refined biodiesel.
Can you provide more info on your process and what the cost was to get your equipment in order. There are plenty of places I can get all the bio material I can handle.
I just might do this as a side line.
Just thinking out loud.
Peg Leg

peg leg,

when you go into the fuel biz here or anywhere in the usa,you get people involed from the gov like the epa,dep an so you get taxed for it as well.i would like to keep it low key for my personal use im sure insurance companies wont like the idea of running a unaproved alt fuel in my truck and boat.then you have liability problems if i were to sell it an someones car or boat catches fire or blows up due to them being stoopid.anything can happen.SVO an biodiesel is actually safer then any other fuel out rather not get involved with selling it.then the price goes up,right now the oil is free,id like to keep it that way.the gov sells biodiesel for as much as reg diesel goes for.they arent making it from used oil so thats why its costing them.this way im recycleing it an putting it to good use an doing my part to save the environment as little as it may the used oil is alot better for my engines,less wear an tear.all the new diesel thats now made doesnt have the sulphor content so now you have to add oil to your fuel so you dont damage your many people know about this an wha it does to your engine is not known,im sure most car an truck diesel owners dont even know about in time thier engines wont last as long.lets just keep it simple and free.

You are correct-this is something I NEVER THOUGHT OF.
WAL-MART sells their Veggie Oil after they do some kind of processing but the McDonalds in the same location does not (strange don't you think).

Its soy beans.

Well we already started to work on the first blower and Steve got allot done in the fiberglass work...
more tomorrow.....


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GREAT! You guys are kicking a$$!


mcdonalds has a wvo company that comes to thier location,plugs into inlets an outlets on the side of the building,suck out old oil an pumps in new.i dont know what walmart does with thier oil,never asked,i like to stick to the mom an pop small resturants for my oil,less red tape.


sat morning me an frank are headed to my boat in sebastian,i may stop by your boat on the way down to make sure you guys arent slacking off.i see gdaddyflex has jumped ship(haha)did you guys raise the ceiling for him?.we will be in sebastian for several lots of work to do on my boat plus the marina an have to pay a visit to the deep venture.gonna need alot of help getting it off the island right around july.i wont be near a computer while down you guys can call my cell.stop on by,dont worry you wont have to do any work.


Well the second blower got in yesterday...we still have allot to do but its starting to look nice....


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We hooked up our rig with a new CD AM FM marine radio, plasma TV, and Sround is Jason hooking up the radio......And The Chagyman working while RGecy was in vacation ;D


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Looking good! I left some of my tools and the little Ice Cube cooler over there. The tools were in a white bag I think Mal-Wart or something. It had a couple metal cutting and thin kerf plywood circular saw blades, some sanding discs, my blue handled rigging crimpers and other misc stuff. Some stuff that I know when I left yesterday-to do, was a few wires under the flybridge helm need butt-connected, the 2 rectangular SS 1" x 1/2" plates above the stereo hold the shift cables on flybridge-look at the throttle cables to see how they fit. Also we need to leave in a screw on each corner of the flybridge coaming and dip all screws in 5200 and make sure there is a SS finish washer on each, then pull the 4 corners screws and dip them, also do that with all flybridge railing screws. The generator needs the switch put on, also it has no muffler, just straight out the rear-might be a lot better with an airlift muffler-looked to be about 1 1/2" in and out. Cant think of anything else. Maybe I can get back over soon, but have some projects here. See Ya, Steve. Oh, leave my stuff on the boat and I will get them next time I am over.


Thanks for your help! This is definitely a team effort!

Well I am done with my vacation! I think most of the gang has taken a break for several days to do Father's Day, etc! I will be heading back down on Tuesday to finish up the blowers and glass in the transom. Definitely a couple more days of work!

Way to go guys! We should have her ready after this wind dies down next week!


My wife and I where driving around at the port and saw the boat, it,s really comming along. That is alot of boat for $6,000 dollars.

sandman67 said:
My wife and I where driving around at the port and saw the boat, it,s really comming along. That is alot of boat for $6,000 dollars.

We got a sweet deal..but we were on the look for over six month....(the one who seeks shall find)
I wanrt to thank all the guys for their hard work...Tom, Steve, Brad, Pete, Jason and who else was there? Ohhh!!!! yes I remember now!!!! the guy in vacation, Rob ;D :D :D :D
I know it was lots of fun and that we had a great time while at it but its still hard work under the sun...and yes for some reason the Coronas do taste better ;D :D :D :D

Looks great.

But it brings a question. Are there any plans for hooking the two
mailboxes together to help eliminate them from rocking back and forth
when sea conditions get alittle rough? From the views in the photos it
appears that the only thing holding the deflectors in place (when down)
are the bolts going through the transom. When they swing side to side
this will put alot of strain on the transom bolts as the aluminum channel
is just so wide. I know that you guys are not finished but I think it deserves
some consideration. Just a thought

Nice job


I just made a deal with a metal recycler to pay him for anything he buys as scrap.
I was talking with an employee of a Metal Scrap yard when he told me that last week his boss bought a BLOWER tube for $0.70 a pound.
I asked him if they ever had any brass marine items qand he said all the time. I told him that I will buy anthing he had but only at the price he would sell as scrap. He then told me that he had a few Brass Portholes with the glass not broken. Next week I will take a look.
Shame I did not get a chance to purchase the Aluminum blower tube.
Maybe next time.
He also said that they get in Brass/Bronze props all the time. The sizes vary from very small to very large.
Will check their condition next week.
Peg Leg

Looking at the setup, it looks just like SEAHUNTER's blower setup. He never had any problems with lateral stability. We can just try it out and see what happens. The only thing SEAHUNTER had to do was replace the bolt bearings the following year.

Actually our framing tubes are 1" bigger than Scott's I think, and we have a few less horsepower. We have talked about joining the mailboxes with a swim platform across the top, still looking for just the right thing. I'm stopping by a used boat parts store in Ft. Lauderdale on my way back to the Cape tuesday morning. I'm in Miami for the weekend, but will head back soon.


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