Basic signs and symbols you have found

Old Dog said:
I would still follow this one out.
You can never be sure that the second picture isn't a ploy to keep others off the trail.
Like breaking the head off a turtle.
That's exactly what I told Patrick about the 1993 ALT thread that deals with what he thinks is his area. I would have done the same thing as the 'Too Late' engraver. There's no way I would ever knowingly make something easy for someone else.

Did you read that thread? The author negates the validity of large caches in other states. He contends that the documentation, found with the $300,000 loot, states that the other caches to be found elsewhere are in the very low thousands. This, after HIS cache was SOOOOO large. Talk about trying to discourage hunters. My theory is that the backhoe-digger-guy found nada, nill, zip, nothing. Even though I think he interpreted most of the info the correct. He may have forgotten a CRITICAL calculation. Only Patrick will be able to prove that on the future.

20 years from now no one will ever find where I stood unless I left I calling card in a language the reader can understand.

desertmoons said:
Hey okey..that is one fancy 7 there..not a plain one..but embellished. Seem to recall something about that in a book..perhaps KW.... ??? I think he said that kind of 7 is not a camp ground 7 but rather a 7 that refers to metals of interest!

That little embellishment on top of the seven (according to Kenworthy),
gives a trail off of the main trail that leads to a camping site.
Yup Larry, it's Spanish.

The mark is called a pull mark, it gives extra meaning to the seven.

Rarely does the Number 7 for gold, or the number 5 for silver, indicate a specific metal.

okey dokey said:
Found this seven this weekend. It is on a horizontal ledge of the bolder. Must be ancient for them to put this much time into making it.
okey dokey
Yep.......classic sign. It's wonderful to 'official' signs!

Blind.In.Texas said:
20 years from now no one will ever find where I stood unless I left I calling card in a language the reader can understand.

It might have to be Chinese.

:icon_thumright: I want to thank everone for being willing to share their knowledge on this web-site! I found it last fall and until then I had no idea there were so many people finding similar S/S in so many different locations. I have only posted a few times before deciding to go back and read the many threads that seemed to apply to the searches/trails I've been down. (30+ years...sometimes crazy? with the old clouds in the least now I know I have good company!) I will try and post a few photos from different sites I have viewed.

To OD for creating this thread and the others that have contributed to it,

I found this site after finding my old MD in the basement and wanting to show my now 6 yo son all about it. After lurking around for a couple days I found this thread and I just have to say, Thank all of you for a wonderful read and the wealth of knowledge you have shared. This has been nothing short of inspirational to never stop wondering and adventuring! I have never been one to follow our "accepted history" as it is and allways try to keep an open mind ( and eye ) to the worl around me.

Thank you again, and safe travels to all. I look forward to learning much more from those that are as generous as you all have proven to be!

rsgt513 said:
To OD for creating this thread and the others that have contributed to it,

I found this site after finding my old MD in the basement and wanting to show my now 6 yo son all about it. After lurking around for a couple days I found this thread and I just have to say, Thank all of you for a wonderful read and the wealth of knowledge you have shared. This has been nothing short of inspirational to never stop wondering and adventuring! I have never been one to follow our "accepted history" as it is and allways try to keep an open mind ( and eye ) to the worl around me.

Thank you again, and safe travels to all. I look forward to learning much more from those that are as generous as you all have proven to be!
Welcome to TNET. Another addict logs in ;)

Welcome Doug,
Hope to see more of you,

Plenty of room for new blood and new thinking.
Look forward to your thoughts.

Welcome Doug! Very glad to have you and your son here! This has been an inspirational classroom to many and always good to have others join in!

Welcome to all the new folks . Pull your hat down tight and set your spurs in the cinch ..... It's gonna be a wild ride !
Especial thanks to my mentor ,Thom , and all the other friends I have made here that have helped me along my path .
A caution :
Ask all the questions you wish . Give up minimal information/identifiable pictures here . Unfriendly
lurkers abound on a public forum .

That's advice that it would be wise to heed, lurker's will take over your site and there's nothing you can do about it, they do it thru money and leases. Thanks

Mi Amigo Old Dog, Have been away for a while. I have had to go back and read allot to catch up. have missed allot and have lots of questions. I see allot of the bickering/ naysayers are gone and now allot of positive feed back. really nice to have that. Haven't been in the field for a while. Excellent ....... Love Treasurenet !!!!! Best wishes to all!!!!!

Dear Old Dog,

I humbly ask you opinion on this.. a series of small drill holes (between 1/4 and 3/8 inch) that are lined up vertically on a protected rock surface. They are spaced close together and range from 13 to 20 some odd in number. Only a couple of variations thru the whole panel...a Y shape and one precise wavey line that is also vertical. The closest thing I have seen in print is "many buffaloes etc." (but represented as horizontal) I am at this time unable to locate the photos I took about 20 years ago but will post if I can find. My gut feeling is some kind of tally/record. It is at a rock cliff area that may be a "buffalo jump" spot....a few clovis type points but with what I believe to be evidence of the ancients nearby? I have not seen any counting system that would fit...but then I do not agree with history as presented.

Mi Amigo Old Dog, Have been away for a while. I have had to go back and read allot to catch up. have missed allot and have lots of questions. I see allot of the bickering/ naysayers are gone and now allot of positive feed back. really nice to have that. Haven't been in the field for a while. Excellent ....... Love Treasurenet !!!!! Best wishes to all!!!!!

Welcome back my friend,
Hope the family problems have resolved in a good way for you. Your Dad and family are always in prayers.

Ask away, I'll try.

oddrock said:
Dear Old Dog,

I humbly ask you opinion on this.. a series of small drill holes (between 1/4 and 3/8 inch) that are lined up vertically on a protected rock surface. They are spaced close together and range from 13 to 20 some odd in number. Only a couple of variations thru the whole panel...a Y shape and one precise wavey line that is also vertical. The closest thing I have seen in print is "many buffaloes etc." (but represented as horizontal) I am at this time unable to locate the photos I took about 20 years ago but will post if I can find. My gut feeling is some kind of tally/record. It is at a rock cliff area that may be a "buffalo jump" spot....a few clovis type points but with what I believe to be evidence of the ancients nearby? I have not seen any counting system that would fit...but then I do not agree with history as presented.

You may have exacly what you think you have found.
I do look forward to pictures though. sometimes a picture will change my mind in a hurry.

Well..getting back to
that mystery rock. One part still reminds me of a whale's baleen

This vaguely reminds me of it though.....
The origin of this hieroglyph is uncertain but the meaning is definitely "protection". Often the sa sign was used in conjunction with other hieroglyphs such as the ankh and neb (basket) to form the expression "all life and protection". The power to ward off evil meant that the sign was used on coffins, either alone or with the djed or tiet signs.


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Here is a turtle with his neck out and a bulging eye setting on a slab. What I want to show is the rectangular rock wedged between the slab it is on and the bluff that I am standing on. I'm not sure what that is about.
I hate chiggers.
okey dokey


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truckinbutch said:
Welcome to all the new folks . Pull your hat down tight and set your spurs in the cinch ..... It's gonna be a wild ride !
Especial thanks to my mentor ,Thom , and all the other friends I have made here that have helped me along my path .
A caution :
Ask all the questions you wish . Give up minimal information/identifiable pictures here . Unfriendly
lurkers abound on a public forum .
That makes me wonder if some of my other pals have gotten cold feet. Paranoia.......we should all be be just a bit paranoid. It can help keep us from making stupid mistakes. Then again, if you trust no one, you may run into a corner that can only be escaped by trusting someone else. Catch 22.

Good bit of advice you gave, though.

Okey Dokey:
If that is a turtle, it has no legs so does that mean that "something" is hidden in the immediate area? That jammed in rock is a pointer. It makes you get down and look under the overhanging lip of the turtle figure so you can see the symbols carved there. I've circled them. And there is a smooth, semicircular area just to the left of the symbols and pointer rock. I've circled it, too. I don't know what that boot heel shaped depression is on TOP of the turtle nor the arrowhead depression just above the boot heel.


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