Basic signs and symbols you have found

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

looks like a heart to me, can't make out the other symbols inside,
New member, I thind this is the best thread in this area. Man have my eyes opened up!!!! I'm seeing things is pictures
that are not even mentioned. I live in the four courners area and have always seen or noticed these markers but not
like now. Holy Smokes.
I've got monuments located close to the house and I will post pictures as soon as the snow melts and it is safe.
Thanks for alll the knowlegde and help. I will be asking alot of questions if that is Ok. I have been a lurker for a long time.
but this thread sure made me become a member. thanks Everyone who contributed.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

oops looks like a heart in the circle with some other symbols inside of it.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Hi Thom and ThomasP.

There is another elephant that looks very interesting at this site. There are a very few similar markers at each, but this site has a lot of different things too. I'm glad to know others think it looks like a elephant too!

Probably the same artist or at least similar meanings.

ThomasP, welcome to Tnet! Take your camera and take some pics. For me at first it was "is that rock shaped like something? Could it be a marker?" and now I've progressed too.."is that carving or wearing away of the patina a symbol?" Or is it imagination.. It never ends but is a lot of fun. This elephant could have a lot of meanings. The stuff on the side..well...there is a lot there and thank you for your comments. I need to study the pic awhile to see the heart! So many times other folks see things that i miss.
Hope you enjoy it all as i have.


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found


Welcome to T-Net,
Honored to see your first posts here.
We are looking forward to your input.


Remember, Many times the (so called) monument may be a naturally shaped rock that has been modified in some way.
I am not surprised there may be another elephant.
Quite often the sign maker will pick a theme and stay with it.
This separates his signs from others in the same area.
So don't be surprised if you find signs that run congruent to the ones you are following,
These signs will be something to follow up on later if you are of a mind to.

You may also find that both sign makers left only the one set as a trail guide and only changed when the trails branched.


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Forgot to say that many times when a sign is carved it breaks the continuity of the rocks surface.
this causes the rock to erode faster than normal.
that is a big reason to record these signs before they are gone all together.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Thanks for the welcome.
I have a monument close to my house that has always confused me I know it is of spanish times or berfore.
I am not going to take pictures because it is on private land, and I do not know what the ramifications could be.
But I will share what I can see.
1. A very large bird head pointing west. looks like an eagle. the size of a bus.
2. Has three large car size boulders on the northeast corner.
These are all rock and are obvious. the next couple or are not.
The first is a omega sing the best way to describe is it was formed out of vegetaion or the lack of, I hope this makes sense. It is to the
right and forward of the right eye.
The second is a for better wodrs a X formed out of vegetaion it is shape like a telescopic sigth without the circle around it. and it is
least 20 feet long, the horizontal and vertical. It is on the south side and to the rear.

Please delete if in anyway this could bring harm or foul play to anyone.
Thanks ThomasP

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

It looks natural.
But I would have to see it to be sure.
It could have been enhanced.

When they are as small as that you could be right on top of the goal.
These small ones are usually in the fill dirt that is dug up.

something to consider.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

you are correct about the small rocks,
when they dig these spots up
they looked for those as signs they
are at the correct spot.
but they just left them lay
kinda a sign that this spot has been dug.

As far as the elephants go, I have seen most
of the African animals at different sites
Remember attributions of the critter and for the
elephant to me it means size of the stash.

Back in the day - no one in North America would
recognize an elephant and the sign stayed hidden
in plain site!


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

There are cases where the sign will actually point to treasure as it sits.

In an area where water is rare,
a turtle may point right to an actual year round source.
even in drought years this water hole is full and shaded, just below the turtle.
there is a very large pool in the crevice that has year round water.
it has a bedrock base and cannot drain off or soak into the soil.

an excellent stop for a thirsty horse, or mule train.


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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

WolleY ,

Welcome to T-Net !
Have been working on this area for some time now and if by a stones throw you mean a few yards,
the treasure is a sheltered water hole that has never in my recollection gone dry.
There are however many mule trails and other trails in the area surrounding,
these occupy a great amount of time and may give up something some day.

Good hunting,

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

That's got water in it. nice place to refresh your animals. Also looks like a good place
to run a few pans of material, You never know how much placer could be in all those
pockets. plus you got water.
What about that squared piece of rock? that for sure looks manmade. Where the walking
stick is to the right about 2 to 2.5 lenghts of that walking stick. Beautiful Country thanks for

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

ThomasP said:
That's got water in it. nice place to refresh your animals. Also looks like a good place
to run a few pans of material, You never know how much placer could be in all those
pockets. plus you got water.
What about that squared piece of rock? that for sure looks manmade. Where the walking
stick is to the right about 2 to 2.5 lenghts of that walking stick. Beautiful Country thanks for

I agree it is beautiful country.
But if you look close at the walking stick... you will see it leaning against a MD.
there is no metal other than .22 shells in the holes.
I have picked cracks and panned loose sand until I couldn't hardly straighten back up. LOL
Nothing here except a great water hole.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

I bet there is alot of wild animal tracks around also. I was wondering if that square lookiing thing about 10 to 15 feet to the right of your
metal detector is man made. what kind of sign or carving is this? It is behing that dolphin looking head. Thanks

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

The ridge just above the head is a natural one,
But where the head is it creates a shell.

I may be wrong...
but the more I look at it the more I see a turtle.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Nice water hole. Looks like a big old turtle to me too.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found


I gave many pics posted here in this thread that all relate to this site.
All in all the site is half a mile long and pinpointing the locations of the monuments and trails,
the map resembles half of a wagon wheel all pivoting from a central focus or hub.

this big turtle seems to be near the outside rim. and if one follows the direction he is looking the water hole is the only interest.
Otherwise you are led off site and out of the picture.
Note, one of the death traps I posted is on this site as well.

so yes we have followed it through.
Just haven't posted all the pictures.


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

went out this weekend and found this at one of me spots have no idea what it is. This view from the back looks like a beetle butt. from the
front it looks kind of like a frog. who knows but it is very interesting. any comments. ThomasP If the pic doesn't post I will try again. Hope
some one can help me post the pic.


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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

It looks like the pic came through just fine. Do you have any pics from the front?

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Cynangyl said:
It looks like the pic came through just fine. Do you have any pics from the front?

(What she said) as well as a picture from each of the sides.
They would help a lot.


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

No I could not get a shot from the front due to the sun being on the horizon. but since I got beetle butt to come through here are a couple
of other pics that were also taken the same day and time. one is a dog head/baboon and the other is of a lizard head. check these ones out.
I will try to get back out sometime soon as snow is falling, the dirt roads here will be a mess.


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