Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found
Parker T said....On my way out i found three saguaro that were topped and one that had a square notch cut into it facing the canyon i had just come out of. The cut is between 12 and 15 feet off the they were done some time ago, From what i understand the Mexicans would use the cactus in such a way to mark trails.
Yes and the Spanish too. that is where the Mexicans learned it from...they can live 125 years or more, a cut that high would have been done on horse back,for other mounted folks to see. The square means Cache, others will naysay you and show you picture of square bird holes, but the holes came first then the birds found a ready made home..
The way to tell if you cactus is real and not just mother nature or vandals, is look for banding around the or two or more bands cut around the circumference. Kenworthy and Hawkeye spells this out pretty good.
Anyway when you go back ,face the canyon and look for a rock, eye catcher type usually white in the desert may even be diamond shaped if your lucky, or triangle, it will be waaaay out there, follow all the large boulders or outcropping around it..look for the usual suspects, animal heads, people faces, compass headings two to three numbers, Bible Verses, Letter and numbers. Like Desert Moons says, check the skyline, look for anything out of place, hoyos, notches, straight lines right angles ect...
hoyos. holes that you can see the sky thru, photo these..they all are clues to confirm an Alpha Monument. That is where you start,
More when you get down that trail that far
"no room around the campfire for a quitters blanket"