Basic signs and symbols you have found

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

I have heard allot of Talk about the " Horse Head ". Can anyone please tell me what is the significance of when you find a Horse head in the Field. What does it mean ?

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

C Trout said....
A hand drill? I think I have heard of this before. Is that where a guy holds the drill shaft and gives it a turn after another guy with a sledge gives it a wallop? So it goes: wallop - turn -wallop - turn etc right?

Pretty slow progress I would imagine..... another thought just struck me.... I would rather be the guy with the sledge than the guy with teh turn job... yikes! violent1

Yes CT and Thom you are correct, if one person held the drill and hit it with the sledge, it was called a Single Jack
If one man ( read brave) held the drill and another man hit it with the sledge it was called Double Jack.. while the
the old style drill only had ONE chisel bitted type had to turn it to get a bite on the next hit..the later drills
were called "star" drills as they included about 5 or six, chisel type points hence the name star..cause it kinda looked
like that...Of course this was done to drill back into the tunnel face, set the black power and later dynamite charges
and blow more of the rock wall and hopefully more of the vein material to the floor of the tunnel to 'muck' out into
ore carts.

In the world of Spanish/Jesuit Treasure Signs the Horse stands for the King of Spain..and is such a Death Sign..
not only as a boulder or water trap..but in general - as in that day, if anyone was found trespassing on the Kings
Mines or digging for his Cache, they would be hunted down, dispatched AND their family members would be dealt
with in the same it is a harsh sign! The old saying was.."Under the Pain of Spain"

"you can lead a horse to treasure, but you can't make him dig!"

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Greetings Fellow Argonauts
bob631 said...

and this monstrosity, I thought it was strange because it's triangular, has a hole through it, and has odd notches at the top.

Wow bob, talk about 'hidden in plain site' the look a the hoyo (hole) it is the perfect shot of the hoyo (centered) to show the dog.
I know it takes a second to focus your eyes.but he is there waiting for you to see him. Even his eye is correctly placed, by you
standing directly in front the the marker! Good shot and a bit of good luck! Hint the dog is looking to the left as you stand in front!

The dogs (yes there will be two) are the guardians of the cache. Usually one will be white..the other this case yours is white is in full look for or keep you eye open for the black dog (shadow) between these two.....'nuff said?

bob also said....

it seems that some signs are o.k. to talk about and others are taboo and appear to let the cuckoos escape from their clocks  Grin

Bob, I have no fear and as you  might have read and watched from a safe distance - I have  taken on all the cuckoos and one by one
the truth has won out! As far as I am concerned you can talk about anything..out of respect for OD, do it on one of my as
not to hijack this thread, as they have done that on every single thread i have started here and over at ALT.

I'm not too worried about divulging any "secret" information, I don't do well in clubs.......too many rules  Grin

I'm not worried about divulging any secret information,,hehe ::) that is what I do best..and have made a couple of cuckoo enemies and dozens of good friends!
ask any delicate questions on my post called "treasure/signs marks diagnosed here" Thanks.

"A turtle travels only when it sticks its neck out."- Korean saying

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Not a problem to talk about it here as long as it involves Spanish signs.


On this I agree, the dog (especially a Poodle) is the sign of a royal trail.

I have shown these to you Bob.

takes a while but you notice them more as you get used to the different possible ways they show up.
Keep looking and don't worry about hijacking the thread
If you are working with Spanish signs
It's all cool


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Thanks Thom

United we stand...

Regarding the are correct in that the poodle is the symbol of
the Royal Trail..but regular dogs, are used in pairs..usually one white
and one black..this while/black thing also goes thru to other signs as
well..Black/White dogs are telling you , you are close to the site..
they guard the cache spots. There is a Bible Verse that alludes to this
I will see if I can find it and post it later on.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

rangler said:
Thanks Thom

United we stand...

Regarding the are correct in that the poodle is the symbol of
the Royal Trail..but regular dogs, are used in pairs..usually one white
and one black..this while/black thing also goes thru to other signs as
well..Black/White dogs are telling you , you are close to the site..
they guard the cache spots. There is a Bible Verse that alludes to this
I will see if I can find it and post it later on.

True, as I can illustrate,
the Black dog says you are very close,

BUT...Close may be a mile away
and many signs to come so don't start counting the dollar signs yet. LOL
Still a lot of work to get to what is there to hit the jackpot.

We have put as many as 45 signs between the black dog and the death trap.


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Thanks for the answers on the Horse. Makes lots of Sense. One more Question. What about " Bears " I have read about people spotting bears in the Field. Can someone please tell me the Meaning of spotting a Bear in the Field. Like in a rock formation or Drawing or sun Sign .

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

The thing is Bob, those are the ugliest signs I've ever seen. Usually the ones I've seen are a bit more classically artistic, these look like Picasso's great great etc grandpa had an influence. regards to tiny little faces one may see here and there like on that crest. Currently I do not think about them much as that way leads to.....hmmmm...well just seeing way to many thing (puts the magnifying glass away!) I'm saving that sort of thing for advanced signs and markers.

Yes the hole makes an outline. Interesting the black and white aspect mentioned.

Here's what I think is a woofer, but very likely it is a trail marker rather than cache indicator given location. Does this look like a dog or something else.

Victorio don't know anything about bears. Seen frogs, turtles, hawks, eagles, just maybe an owl, snakes, ape,maybe oxen, dog, pig but no bears!


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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

bob631 said:
desertmoons said:
The thing is Bob, those are the ugliest signs I've ever seen. Usually the ones I've seen are a bit more classically artistic, these look like Picasso's great great etc grandpa had an influence.

Well you see the thing is moons I never said they were signs at all, really the only reason I have even posted pictures is I kept getting emails from Thom telling me not to post pictures unless he "O.k.'d" ::) them, which actually ticked me off. You guys can have your fun I'll see you around. ;D

Thom...don't bother calling me anymore.

The signs are on the colorado/ utah border just follow the glade park road, past the store until you are past the picture ranch. There is an area called the sand flats just go across the creek and start looking they're all over......good luck.
Aww,DARN IT ! Bob ! Please think about this a bit.Thom is a fine person,as are you.He only asked you to stop giving so much detailed information because it could cause a run of novices destroying what others have spent years following.He has no agenda to dictate how you live your life or conduct your business.He only wished to protect you from possible mistakes.
Don't ask him how he knows..........

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Bob, sorry there is this disharmony. I don't presume to know the whole story and do not wish to know. But have enjoyed your pics and humour about it all. Fascinating things you find and best of luck to you. Hope you will reconsider some time soon as you will be missed.

I know recently I can not find a little marker that i could find before. Makes me wonder but it could be i just lost it.

Thom has shared a lot of info on this thread that is helpful to me and I appreciate that greatly.

After a lot of internet research I've gotten inklings of how bad it can be when locations get out in general. Thats a caution to all. As to anything else..well...thats between you two.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Sometimes it just doesn't pay to try to help at all.

If anyone wants to post anything at all regarding signs of Spanish origin feel free.
I'll not interfere again.

don't wear your feelers out there on your sleeve where signs are concerned.
to some they aren't signs,
and to some they are only a means of entertainment.
once posted they are subject to world wide scrutiny.
If you are afraid of what someone will say
Don't post.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Old Dog said:
don't wear your feelers out there on your sleeve where signs are concerned.
to some they aren't signs,
and to some they are only a means of entertainment.
once posted they are subject to world wide scrutiny.
If you are afraid of what someone will say
Don't post.


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

I cant find my camera cord to plug my phone or camera up, but if anyone has a cell phone that receives pics,and wouldnt mind receiveing a pic from me and maybe post it up, that ""KNOWS"" about these signs, pm me.I was at a (real)Spanish Fort, and found the most interesting rock I have ever seen(after reading through here) A HEART rock.!

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

djui5 said:
Old Dog said:
don't wear your feelers out there on your sleeve where signs are concerned.
to some they aren't signs,
and to some they are only a means of entertainment.
once posted they are subject to world wide scrutiny.
If you are afraid of what someone will say
Don't post.

And raise one.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Hey all,

To the beginning trail chaser most of the signs you see will be simple.
They won't be the spectacular monuments that seem to get posted here so often.
most will be a single rock shoved in a crack, or a pointed stone on the ground,
or a pile of stones creating a hole (hoyo) to look through.
99% of the trail markers you find will be not only ugly ... they will be BUTT ugly.

Here are some examples...


  • Headstone marker A.webp
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  • Headstone marker B.webp
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  • Axe Notched Stump.webp
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  • Pointer.webp
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  • Wedged marker.webp
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  • Square marker.webp
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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

WOW.... Where ever you guys live, even if there isnt some trail mark, That is some nice looking stuff :o :o

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

First thing to do is pull up your pictures
go to this particular file,
right click on this picture and click edit.

at the top of the edit page is a tool bar ...
click on imagescroll down to invert colors click again
(x) outclick yes to save changes
you will end up with a negative image.

in the negative image the natural cracks that have been worked show up fast
as well as the added workings that will make the sign.

The weathered things that just don't show to the eye on site or in the actual picture you took,
will show up at least enough to see the signs that are there.
Your ID on the diamond is good, look for indicators that tell in which direction to travel.
the league is the distance ... 2.2 to 2.5 miles.



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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Not a problem ,
Repetition is the finest type of compliment.

Before you finish thought I would throw this last shape into your mix.
it is easier to see if you make a negative.


  • trail-sign.webp
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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Err Bob,
I'm sure your original hole in the rock rock has a very nice personality and that is true beauty.

Truly though no offense meant ..I could have chosen better words. What I meant was in my limited experience, they generally have somehow a more pleasing or familiar shape to the eye or resemble something, that is all. That rock seems less classically artistic in shape yet seems to me to be man made. Thats all I meant. To me any possible marker is a lovely thing!

My sincere apologies.

And here is my ugly possible marker and/or symbol. Don't know if it is the fickle finger of fate, or an Indian or a guy with a Spanish helmet. There might be a triangle on the left rock. Any ideas appreciated.

Best Regards


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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

don't see them as ugly,

Try to see them as signs only
most are not signs but are carved by nature and in that sense they are as sculpted as Michael Angelo's David.


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