Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found
Greetings Fellow Argonauts
bob631 said...
and this monstrosity, I thought it was strange because it's triangular, has a hole through it, and has odd notches at the top.
Wow bob, talk about 'hidden in plain site' the look a the hoyo (hole) it is the perfect shot of the hoyo (centered) to show the dog.
I know it takes a second to focus your eyes.but he is there waiting for you to see him. Even his eye is correctly placed, by you
standing directly in front the the marker! Good shot and a bit of good luck! Hint the dog is looking to the left as you stand in front!
The dogs (yes there will be two) are the guardians of the cache. Usually one will be white..the other this case yours is white is in full look for or keep you eye open for the black dog (shadow) between these two.....'nuff said?
bob also said....
it seems that some signs are o.k. to talk about and others are taboo and appear to let the cuckoos escape from their clocks Grin
Bob, I have no fear and as you might have read and watched from a safe distance - I have taken on all the cuckoos and one by one
the truth has won out! As far as I am concerned you can talk about anything..out of respect for OD, do it on one of my as
not to hijack this thread, as they have done that on every single thread i have started here and over at ALT.
I'm not too worried about divulging any "secret" information, I don't do well in clubs.......too many rules Grin
I'm not worried about divulging any secret information,,hehe

that is what I do best..and have made a couple of cuckoo enemies and dozens of good friends!
ask any delicate questions on my post called "treasure/signs marks diagnosed here" Thanks.
"A turtle travels only when it sticks its neck out."- Korean saying