Basic signs and symbols you have found

Senior Pala,
Just some comments that might help...
This is not a mine, it is a cave, natural most likely, mine ceilings are solid rock with a quartz vien or two, that they were following. Also as posted by Tesero Dog the aritcle about the tunnel with the gold stashed in the back, well that tunnel was 'filled' meaning it took a lot of work to get the goods. Your cave is not backfilled. so really the whole thing is about the pheasant, if it is a horse, then it means the Kings goods are about.

So then thats brings us to the possible signs, whats his name EE thr said [correctly]that this rock was not the type to carve signs on, correct. However the dangers of pareidolia is apparent, looking at your mark up , I see what you are calling an eagle, however it is a different sort of bird. You had no way to know this, most likely, and you simply followed the lines you saw etched in the rock. That is why I know it is a real sign. It is namely a Ringneck Pheasant, originally for China by the way. I have my own Pheasant Sign on my last Monument, where posted from the field. The irony of this sign is that this bird is a native of China. The Jesuits whos brothers rotated in and out of China, as a matter of course, knew this bird, but the fact this bird was not in America when this sign was made! The Jesuits had no idea that hundreds of years later, American sportsman's would import this bird who - took to America like its natural home. One of the reasons that the Jesuits would use this Bird as a treasure sign is that the attribute of animals are the secret to the Code. They knew that the Pheasant is a 'short flighted' bird, that is they flush straight up to height about 20' then the lock their wings and make these long slow flights using lift, as gravity takes hold, ending in a long slow drop over a 100 yards or so..the pheasant means the omega is close.

So your excellent tracking the lines revealed the pheasant. This takes it out of the hands of pareidolia!
Very cool,

rangler & tesoro dog---

rangler said:
So then thats brings us to the possible signs, whats his name [ fill in blank ] said that this rock was not the type to carve signs on, correct.

tesoro dog said:
Plus I think I see many numbers inside the green circle marked up by?????

I'm the one who put the green circle up, and I'm the one who said that soft surfaces were not likely to hold "permanent signs."

Are you having a problem with my handle? Or are you lacking in manners to the extent that you can't scroll up a little and get an actual name to refer to?



Not shown in picture, I can see where dirt has fallen off opposite wall. Where the wall is exposed, it is wearing fast. Where the S/S are is a little more protected. I know my dirt is suspect when it comes to holding S/S. I`m still hoping I got something here. I just had a thought... in the late 60`s early 70` I saw initials carved out on adobe walls from the cavalry soldiers, in Fort Davis TX. I would guess they`r still there, now with some protection. I know what you saying though.. Thanks

rangler, I`m glad your here, I feel good to hear from you amigo.
rangler, this next picture reminds me of a picture you looked at for a guy (BROKEMAN)from the Philipines. I could not find it. It was a three rocks shapes, of foot, triange holes on rock, and a hoof. The holes on that rock match the hole up above my bird, on a different scale.. I call it my freddie Kruger face.
The hole to the right looks like fish, dove tail, keyhole? These holes on wall have worn off. That face of a man, looks like the one on the Shroud of Turin. Thanks.


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That is a scary looking careful! :help:

Just wanted to lighten up the shadow a little bit.

Copy of 3. Three holes=triangle.webp

Gracis Amigo,
if you have a foot or boot, they both mean to travel on just a bit for the next sign, or they are a pointer pointing to the next sign,. AND if you have the face of Christ , then you are near the burial spot of the Omega, if you have one pic that incorporates these elements then you have the Omega monument.Look for half buried rocks near this monument....
photo what you see...
I am here if you need further help
good luck and Gods Speed to you
via con dios,

EE thr
Are you having a problem with my handle? Or are you lacking in manners to the extent that you can't scroll up a little and get an actual name to refer to?

not at all Sir, I was late for work and knew I could correct it later, my apologies, next time I will make sure I have enough time to make a post correctly and completely! lol. Your insight shows you know a lot about the nature of the signs, and I appreciate that very much, look forward to futher observations by you.
I would like to know your name so I can refer to you properly...
flashing colors skull.gif

tabdog said:

In the US, the most common use of this shape is a survey point.


that quartered circle has several meanings when used by the Spanish.
The most common is "4".

rangler said:
I was late for work and knew I could correct it later


Didn't mean to sound grouchy or anything, but when it happened twice in the same thread, I just got to wondering, you know? I couldn't remember saying anything nasty to either of you guys, or anything like that.

So, I figured, "When in doubt, ask."

Don, "EE"


Thom, rangler, The ONE that does not post here any more,

You guys have been my teachers.... my triangle of knowledge. What I see was greatly influenced by you. I know that I am seeing more then is necessary. I don`t mind if you correct me, or hit me with the biggest feather you can find.

I appreciate your patience with my "P" (pendejadas/Nonsense). I feel good that you guys are Keeping an eye on me. Thanks.

The owl that I see is looking south.The bird is looking East. I have to go south eventually, but first I think I have to go East for more information.

These next pictures are East of hole. I know it does not pass the kick test(TRM), but all in all I think it goes with the rest of the stuff.

rangler, I have two half buried rocks that look made out of river rock. As you can see there are not many boulders to carve on. I`m thinking they had to use caliche and cement.


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Pala Y Pico said:
.... These next pictures are East of hole. I know it does not pass the kick test(TRM), but all in all I think it goes with the rest of the stuff.

rangler, I have two half buried rocks that look made out of river rock. As you can see there are not many boulders to carve on. I`m thinking they had to use caliche and cement.

It's a simple sedimentary conglomerate with cemented cobbles. The cave is likely some sort of sedimentary washout - hard to tell from the pictures. 'TRM' is probably the last guy who stumbled across the formations.

Springfield, when you right you right.

Senior Pala,
I would start the the beginning, again. Plot your cave on a top map, either on paper or an interactive topo map on line. then look for the rock the pheasant is telling you to find, probably a rabbit. Try the xxx degree compass heading first. Walk slowing checking out all rocks, shadows or signs, photo everything. What you are looking for is within a 100 yards or so of the cave. If you find nothing then it is nothing, just the slim chance that a random set of lines made the shape of a bird. Or the goods were recovered and the rabbit destroyed or turned over or..ect
I will pm you this heading.

Thanks Springfield and rangler,

I had to look up sedimentary conglomerate, and it does look like it.

According to it takes a strong water current to carry larger particles for this to happen. There is no water running here. But I`m no expert after a few minutes of reading. And you gave me your valued opinion. Thanks again.

I will post the rest of the photos that show rocks South of opening.

The formation reminds me of a turtle coming out of the ground. The right flipper has indentation on top end, that to me looks similar to keyhole shape as on wall above Pheasant.

I know I`m seeing more then I should. With what I learn from you, I intent to resist the "P".


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Signs that were left in the conglomerates are at best very hard to find. They will be very distinct, and well defined.
Often even walked past as they are given to being camouflaged because they are so well hidden.
Go slow when looking and they will start to pop out.

Thanks Thom, :coffee2:

I thought those two half buried conglomorates, where two corners of a possible triangle, with one corner missing.

There is a possible owl I circled, looking at turtle.
The turtle looks like the ground around it was disturbed. I see a possible triangle with the turtle inside. I went back and modified the two conglamorates. The one on left has a possible # "3". The one to the right or North has a Shadow "N"

I know the Stone letters do not pass the kick test, But if one find this letters and they were real. What is the possible interpretation. I know my mind is finding what it want to find.

I `m just not sure how much more I want to expose myself to my "P"(pendejadas/nonsense).



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Very iffy but perhaps these are some signs. The 2 on the right seem especially different from surrounding matrix. They seem to have soem very straight lines and in the upper one perhaps a triangle or pointer.

Have you checked the ground for any regular smaller rocks that might be a help?

9. Closer view of formation.MK.webp
Also the one leg on the M or the TRM seems longer.

On the second one that dark square rock seems rather out of place.
Copy of 10. Looking north at other formation.MK.webp

I am suspicious of that cave.

First off it is not hidden. Perhaps recovered, perhaps a lure.

If a lure, then perhaps use the conglomerates to measure out some other possibilities.

Again look around for some nondescript solid ground rocks. Though perhaps they would be covered in dirt through the centuries.
Consider the TRM may be more modern but still of value.

Here are some ground rocks found around something sort of similar to your lay out.

Senior Pala,
I appreciate your enthusiasm and I know you are having fun.
the codemakers are not going to leave signs on these type of rocks. Like
OD said - the signs will be distinct. They will be hidden but the sign will be unmistakable-
for the most part. Don't get caught up in cloud reading- as it leads you away from the real signs and their meaning. Consider going to the Supers during Spring Break. Not alone, and if you go keep your wits about you and your eyes open.Take plenty of water and wear a hat, as my buddy Mike says...
keep up your search and the learning of the signs.Remember the Kings Code is strict, no --deleted-- footing around. The signs must be correct and true. Only the approved signs were allowed.period. They could not use a Cobra, or a ship wreck or some other image,only the Iconic and Classic elements were aloud. It is a big waste of time to think and ponder that there must be some sign on this rock..if not spanish, the some other people., the want and need for there to be something more, some drama, some excitement,something to talk about. some discovery I can make. Truth is Treasure Signs are rare, trails signs more prolific, and graffiti everywhere, so easy to see graffiti in every nook and cranny in the universe! That is why they do it , its easy. They are living an 'ink blot' state of mind.

If that is what you want then you have a few ready made friends here. If your looking to be a true tracker and sign reader. Then stick with the Classic Spanish Treasure Signs.
and be not swayed by the siren song of the cloud readers.
hope this helps

avatar_2236knights templar on horse back moving.gif

The Cave is not covered ,But very hard to find. You could walk within 50 FT. and miss it because it is on flat ground. You would be looking right over the top of it.
There is another cave within 100 yds that has a big rusty chain holding a boulder from rolling and closing closing the entrance. The cave with the rusty chain is what I thought I had found. When I showed photos to my friend that originally found the cave, He said my photos were a different cave. My friend did not know of this caves existence. And then my friend proceeded to tell me that he knows someone else that told him about anothe cave in the same area. That third cave has steps going down, made out of cemented river rock. No, that guy didn`t go down steps. He dropped his hat and did not retrieve it beacause he could see and hear the rattlers.
Those two conglomerates by the cave, look very suspicious, an that red square rock on side of bear conglomorate does look like it was put there.

The conglomore to the left has shape , but I`m not sure what animal shape.
The right conglomorate started out looking like bear, maybe an elephant, and now since rangler, my mind is trying make it into a rabbit. :dontknow:
I don`t believe anything is there through entrance of cave. A lure probably yes, but only my opinion. I think the cave is sealed off some where down there (guessing).
I`m guessing because of cold air coming from top of hill vents, that cave goes South.

This might not turn into anything, but this hobby is so much fun.

rangler, I appreciate you saying it the way it is. I have a brother that says things in a similar manner... some times not immediately appreciated, but ultimately respected for it. Gracias.

you stated...rangler, I appreciate you saying it the way it is. I have a brother that says things in a similar manner... some times not immediately appreciated, but ultimately respected for it. Gracias.

Thanks for the kind words. I am trying to help the novice TH'r not to fall into the quicksand that is pareidolia. Just as I help you stay clear of the pitfalls, I am here to
help you get and stay on track with true signs.

Your groups of conglomerate, may have some meanings, for instance, do they line up on a Cardinal Point? Are they arranged from small to large. Check for shadow signs on rock that cannot be chiseled correctly to make sunsigns. Most of the Spanish stuff is aligned to North, Alphas are always North of the Omegas[usually] What about the distance between them..any similarity?
I see what you saw on the Sea Turtle with its flipper crawling, it does look like it was man made but you have to have a confirmation sign to bring it out of cloud reading dept...I think out side the pheasant mark it is one area to be investigated more thoroughly. Does the Turtles head point to a Cardinal Point? or anything significant in the surroundings? Remember the time frame for shadows..11-1pm
The large boulder with the chain, do you think it was covering the cave? has it been rolled over? This may have been a monument, and marks and shadows on the boulder may have been present when it was in the correct position. Many ignorant people think that the goods are buried under the monument stones.
The other possibility is that the goods are gone, the puzzle was solved and what you have left is a crime scene of sorts.Do what you can to either confirm it as a real site, or dismiss it and move on.
hope this helps


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How exciting and this hobby is fun isn't it?

If the goods are recovered it is still something I think most anyone would be very thankful and excited to find. You can back engineer, lay out lines looks at signs and see what led to the holes. What a great learning experience and how often I yearned to find empty holes for that reason when i was starting out. (just show me am example i said..from that i can learn.)

Also, the inspiring article that Tesoro posted would make me think, even if recovered, did they get it all?? lol It will take a while to get your eye trained to distinguish natural from marks..that is part of the path you are traveling.

The three holes in the hole (triangle) are classic Spanish work to me, as well as a few other things. I will email you on that.

For this I would advise pick up Kenworthy Signs and Symbols book and study it. There is an important note in there about eagles too by the way.

At a surveyors store you can pick up a Surveyors tape of 100 feet for 12-18 dollars that might come in handy. Mapping it out I think would be quite worthwhile though it can be tedious.

Review Old Dogs post as he was misquoted later on.

Measure from as near of center of each rock as you can. Easier said than done I know.

My gut feel is it was recovered. However who knows if they got all the spots. The R in TRM could have several meanings if it is code. One of them is in the book I mentioned. It could be just initials though.

You could look at the conglomerates a lot of ways and spend a lot of time. But after checking for signs,.if it were me I would just measure as I mentioned. This looks more and more a quite traditional type of site. And it was death trapped as far as i can make out from the pics provided.

Also, in case you get discombobulated, just look the way something is looking is a good way to start. That brown rock and surrounding matrix are worth a closer look, as far as i can make out from the picture.

This is all speculation of course. I am always learning.

Glad you are having fun!
Also of course Ris could be correct too. I'm just working from the pics you provided.

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