You took my question entirely the wrong way. Calm down. 8)
In the photo which appeared twice, just recently, one was unmarked, and the other was marked with a big, black, "V." To me, the left part of the "V" looked like it was not part of the rock, but rather just a dried reed, laying on top of the rock. That light can be seen passing under it, between the "reed" and the reed's own shadow, confirms to me that it, in fact, is just a reed or stick. OK so far?
All I was asking about was: Am I seeing correctly? Or are reeds and sticks now considered to be part of rock carvings? (The last is a joke---I'm just kidding; I know they are not. Just a little humor.)
Other than that, I didn't want to know
anything more. I don't need to know where it's pointing, or what the rest of your site looks like, or anything at all. It's none of my business, and therefore I'm not really much interested.
I am interested in all the stuff that people
are able to post on here, without giving away any valuable location information (I would prefer
not to know that, because I don't need to have it in my mind, rattling around, when I'm not going to do anything with it, ya know?).
As for your test of my experience in treasure hunting, I have, for all practical purposes,
none. I've never claimed to have, and I don't think I have ever given the impression that I do have. I have, however done a little studying, here and there.
I'm actually more interested in the electronics involved. But that's all I want to say about that at this point in time.
Does this give you a little better picture of why I asked the question that I did?
c u L8r,