Basic signs and symbols you have found

The two turtle heads that I have found that was small enough to carry to the site from a different location that only had one eye they were 1 inch X 1 inch one went the correct direction straight out from the eye and one went just the reverse a horizontally hole 3 inch X 3 inch that was found had deer tracks in the bottom and the reverse was the proper direction, (coming from a safe area)


Just can't get it off my mind. When you go out you might get the bearing of that squarish flat rock, and how it lines up with the "mouth' on the right hand "turtle" on top.

I'm thinking might be astronomy related. It would be interesting to see where the sun rises...does it come up behind this formation?

If it is at around 109 longitude.. that might be likely.


EE Thr! I just saw your post where you asked if I was lacking in manners,, yeah I have manners, thing is I don't always write down ahead of time what I am going to write. And sometimes while I am posting and I have to go back and look up something, I screw up and lose my post. And I just recently realized that scrolling down on the post page, you can see the most recent posts on that post. But I apologize for not giving you credit for the green circle! td :hello:

tesoro dog---

I figured it was something like that, but when two different people did it, I thought maybe it was my breath or something, ya know? :laughing7:

I just got so curious that I had to ask!

Thanks for the reply.


P.S. Sometimes when I need to refer to a previous post that is too far up the page to be listed in the section just below the post entry box, I just open the same page in a new tab, and click back and forth. It helps a lot! 8) I hate losing a post before it's posted, too. It's the pits. c u L8r.

you said...It probably won't last too long but I'll start the new page.
Just because I can. Doesn't happen too often!

Post 2,200!!
some of us thought this thread would die a sorry slow death early on.
It is a fun one though and continues to be a great source of interest.
I'm glad it's still going.

New page starts are one of the rare benefits of posting!
This thread is a testament to you Thom, like Dusty said, your honesty, your gentlemanly ways of relating to people, to your immense knowledge of the subject has sustained you and this thread...
I am amazed by the number of views as well! close now to 88,000 views!!
half of which are as I read and reread your posts for the data they contain,
I am your biggest fan! without your presence, I would not be here
new friends are silver , the old ones are gold...
pa turtle.JPG


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here is your pic, the most subtle of signs that I would have certainaly would have missed had it not be for the drill hole, then you notice the three step 'altar' which brings more confirmation then that fresh break that makes a dogs head looking slightly down so that his ear is pointing, and by the shadows it is pointing North! which again is confirmation.

Now even more subtle is the shadow owl head that and of course that tiny black shadow of a bird looking to the right. Now the only thing needed is the Distance which brings us to the drill hole. In addition to pointing a drill hole can mean distance.
avatar_15077 rockin bones.gif
Question how deep is the drill hole and what is the circumference?
This is a good monument, in the Omega style albeit the most subtle
I have seen, ever!
If you want you can try to back track to the Alpha where you might find more data to help you.
hope this helps
avatar_15077 rockin bones.gif


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Casca you had said...
I fear I am missing more signs.

Dont worry Casca, your camera is catching them all...just like your photo above,
you just need to recognize the signs as you find them, until then - I and old dog and will be glad to keep you on the right track.


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desertmoons, shortstack, old dog, just wanted to thank you all for your comments on our pictures. You've given us a lot to chew on. We'll be working that site for a good while with all your suggestions. Thanks. :notworthy:


thanks for the confirmation...
your heart is actually the Jesuit 'V' which has made its appearance on this site and others..
in my experience the V is a confirmation mark and it can be a take a long shot pic with the V in the foreground, and follow the V legs to see what you can see....
your doing well...
heart V marked rangler.webp
ps if nothing 'jumps out' try the reverse azimuths

I believe you need to be using this spot to determine a location.
yes Casca, in other examples I have found, the V pointed to a white dog and a face that was carved to resemble the Pope with his Miter hat and all..

Now look close as the V will be pointing to an exact spots
that contain the data to move on..these you will need to take close ups if you can...
in the world of treasure hunting you are moving at blazing speed!

preview-50-3340-280 rotating xray skull.webp

The drill hole in the first picture in post 2213 is also a directional one.
Note the notch on one side.... it points in the direction of travel.
The depth of the drill hole multiplied by the width may give distance in Spanish feet.

Very nice Thom,
just the right data at the right time

This is all very interesting, but I think I must be missing something.

The left side of the "V" appears to be a dried reed and it's shadow. Inside the "V" there is some dirt and pebbles.

What did I miss on this one?


That's all very good, Casca.

But my point was that the left side of the "V" appears to me to be a reed and it's shadow. To be more specific, "how is a dried reed a part of a rock carving?"

That's why I thought I might have been missing something there in that picture.


I believe EE is asking "what forms the left arm of that "V"? Certainly that stick does not, so what carved "thing" on the rock DOES?"
Been wondering THAT myself.


So, if I understand what you are saying now correctly, the "V" marked in the picture, doesn't exist in the picture.

That explains it.

Very strange, though.

Just curious why it's posted on a public forum, then marked with a "V" as though it is something which can be seen, and nothing was mentioned originally that pertained to something which was hidden from view.



You took my question entirely the wrong way. Calm down. 8)

In the photo which appeared twice, just recently, one was unmarked, and the other was marked with a big, black, "V." To me, the left part of the "V" looked like it was not part of the rock, but rather just a dried reed, laying on top of the rock. That light can be seen passing under it, between the "reed" and the reed's own shadow, confirms to me that it, in fact, is just a reed or stick. OK so far?

All I was asking about was: Am I seeing correctly? Or are reeds and sticks now considered to be part of rock carvings? (The last is a joke---I'm just kidding; I know they are not. Just a little humor.)

Other than that, I didn't want to know anything more. I don't need to know where it's pointing, or what the rest of your site looks like, or anything at all. It's none of my business, and therefore I'm not really much interested.

I am interested in all the stuff that people are able to post on here, without giving away any valuable location information (I would prefer not to know that, because I don't need to have it in my mind, rattling around, when I'm not going to do anything with it, ya know?).

As for your test of my experience in treasure hunting, I have, for all practical purposes, none. I've never claimed to have, and I don't think I have ever given the impression that I do have. I have, however done a little studying, here and there.

I'm actually more interested in the electronics involved. But that's all I want to say about that at this point in time.

Does this give you a little better picture of why I asked the question that I did?

c u L8r,



And thank you.

For the song and dance routine about the reed, but I'll stick to the TV for that kind of entertainment, from now on.


Casca said:
... I am excited about this and really do wish to know more about pyramids in signs. Not so sure the Spanish used them at all. ...

You like pyramids, eh? Below is one. It's a map based on gps coordinates with the A, B, C, D and E nodes representing three very compelling sets of petroglyphs (all different from each other in style and execution), one large man made manufactured landmark and one iconic natural landmark revered for centuries in the American Southwest. You don't need a vivid imagination to recognize any of these.


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