Basic signs and symbols you have found


Maybe 3 or 4 different groups at different time periods felt a need to mark this precise spot with an owl? Some say that multiple owls = multiple caches...I can not prove or disprove that at this time.


End less possibilities.


I think the tail is pointing, perhaps giving the degree and distance...but shortly at the 4th possible owl? I have seen some cat like figures that seem to be watching a mouse hole.


Good topic. Making me go through my pics again and consider the distinguishing features of an owl. I consider these to be Spanish owls. The first red one at slightly wrong angle though.


This one more a trail marker than anything else is my speculation.

A little closer.. Up close you lose the big owl...but...


Isn't that a large dolmen in your first photo??

The first pic that could be a dolmen also looks like the rear of a turtle laying eggs.
okey dokey

Not sure about the eggs..but I do not think it is a dolmen. Possibly points out a horse/mule related trail for one.


  • IMG_4833owlhorsetrail.webp
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EE THr said:
Ss & od---

Are you guys talking about a dolman, a kind of jacket-cape?

Nope. Here's a good place to start studying about dolmen. Several have been found here in the U.S. as well as those other countries. Mr. Barry Fells' book has good info on the ones in America.
They've also been discussed on this forum on other threads.

In that copy of the photo just above, that sure is an interesting formation straight behind the "dolmen" and slightly above it. Those shapes HAVE to be manmade and not done by nature. Their shapes are nowhere near the same as those others in the area covered by the picture.


I am new at this, and this may be coming out of my pareidolia. So take it with a grain of salt.

I have at one of my sites an eagle looking left and horse looking right. That`s the only reason I think I can see it. It`s so subtle that it might not be there ar all. Or right in your face kind of a thing.

On the Dolman rock, I see a"7" next to a small heart. Two 4`s. And much more P. :laughing7:

What was the out come of this site?


  • IMG_4833owlhorsetrail[1].webp
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To me, the site looks like an ancient "story" landmark, which has been added to by Spanish, in the form of chiseled symbols.

Owl horse trail 1.webp


In the US, the most common use of this shape is a survey point.


Thanks gentlemen. That eagle/horse rock does look unusual shape and ..seen it somewhere before.

There is a lot of ancient around too which is just as good to me.

As to the figures on the dolmen..i can almost see the 7 with perhaps a dot....the others would need a closer pic. To me on the dolmen I see a mule or two. Keeping it simple..I might speculate take the flat trail to the left below the cliff to the campground that has water.., but it will be pretty rocky and the mules will balk.

It is a John site.

Thanks again.

Thanks tabdog. I've noticed a few "spanish" symbols were extensively used as survey pts throughout the centuries. Crosses (ones that are buried in a pile of rocks too) and others things. Good of you to mention it! Welcome.

On behalf of Old Dog, Welcome to Tnet and the sub forum called,'basic signs you have found'
you had said..".In the US, the most common use of this shape is a survey point."

just to be clear, "I would add.."IN modern times"
as I have a half a dozen different sites in the US where the Spanish used this as a
Treasure Sign way before the survey types copied these nice graphics!
Thanks for the input


  • skull with moving come  here finger.gif
    skull with moving come here finger.gif
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DM! I only see a couple of Dogs,, the one on the left, has his ears down and the other on the right,, has his ears standing up (Be Alert Here/Listen up/target sensed) ? Plus I think I see many numbers inside the green circle marked up by????? Luck Lady td


  • IMG_4833owlhorsetrailDOGSEARS.webp
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I see a possible eagle under your red owl.
Also between eagle/horse rock, Is see an owl.

My avatar has the same three symbol combination, I think.
I will post my (avatar)picture in the future, so I can get input from you THunters.

If we ignore extra stuff and keep it simple. Owl in between eagle and horse, looks towards the goods. Direction confirmed by eagle. The eagle is looking left to next sign you must find before you proceed to where owl is looking.

Please feel free to correct me or confirm. I am still on my quest and need learning. Thanks



  • IMG_4835redowl[1].webp
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Sorry, furgot! Is that a Hand with a finger pointing down? There to the right of the dog with it's ears up! td

if your eagle is real then he will be telling you to go South...for the next sign.
the owl is saying ask the eagle for the basic direction of the cache.
normally this would be an omega monument that hold this type of information...
but I don't see enough confirmation marks for an omega-right at the moment-but I
will check it some more. So be cautious.
The learning curve can be steep if you're looking at graffiti..
hope this helps

P1 'A wise man will hear and increase in learning,
And a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel'[/size]

here is the data gleaned from your pic, congratulations it is a real Monument - more than likely an Omega, because it is rather small...if not then it is showing the way to the Omega.
Owl horse trail 1marked rangler.webp

Sorry but the Eagle and the Horse were of the 'P' variety, however the rest of the signs are that you see the difference you will not make this mistake again.
1.this appears to be a rabbit with ears up design. In this case the ears dont seem to be pointing.
2.Bird, this bird is pointing to the Left
3.I see what you called a Heart with the 7
4.This is a Cube.
5.Check this out carefully might be a hoyo under there.
This monument is of the very late period of the Colonial Period in New Spain by the Spanish/Jesuits as shown by the super subtle appearance of this monument!
6. Owl, you came close to marking the owl only missed him by a foot or so...must have been your intuition lol
7.The 7 'placed' rocks [natural items in unnatural places. the number 7 confirms it.
So while you have no Hoyo or ground hoyo in the case of an Omega the other 7 classic signs confirm you have your "Omega"
hope this helps

P8 "Does not wisdom call out? Does not understanding raise its voice?"
[attach = 2]


  • avatar_15077 rockin bones.gif
    avatar_15077 rockin bones.gif
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"Professor", that photo is not pala's; it's MOONS. Still not reading the posts, I see.

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